(P)lanets - the life of normalcy has ended!

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Re: (P)lanets!

#136 Post by Celianna »

Armyfyr wrote:
"If I ever see you alone with another guy again, I'd probably kill him"
is not what I'd consider romantic - perhaps I'd categorize it as possessive and creepy, but not cute or sweet. I'd believe that to be romanticizing abuse. Using uncountably many (sexist, as mentioned before) tropes is one thing, but I found their relationship bizarre and unhealthy, even if he's a
~poor little boy~ that cannot control his psych.
While I agree with the stuff you've said, the part where
Kaius admits he'd kill the guy if he saw Marin with someone else, was interpreted by me that Kaius would be very hurt, lonely and extremely jealous - in a way that would set off his psych into overdrive and kill said person.
That's what I got out of it at least.

@teacup: you should really learn how to take negative comments a bit better. All I see if you apologizing for someone not liking it, when you could be explaining why characters do certain things.
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Re: (P)lanets!

#137 Post by teacup »

Hmm you're right, I probably could've had more scenes where psychic powers were featured more, but I wanted it to be an equal balance of psychic-ness and regular school life.
Also, I tried to subtly hint that Lucan was brainwashing people by having Marin constantly question why he was so popular (if I remember right she asked herself a couple of times how a shy, inexperienced person could have so many girls all over him) and I also made sure Marin mentioned how Ruiko was slightly 'off'. It might have been too subtle, though.
About Ryuu being 'friendly' to Kaius, Ryuu's methods of riling Kaius up are by being nice to him (that is, until he's actually pissed off). Calling him Kai, trying to engage him in normal conversation even though he's well aware that Kaius hates him, is just another way of pushing his buttons. Kind of like when someone who KNOWS you hate them is persistently trying to talk to you, even when you're clearly annoyed by their presence.

Anyway, thanks for playing!

I don't think it's really your place to say that, considering I'm thankful for everyone who plays whether they like it or not. They're entitled to their opinion and I personally feel giving a reason for everything they don't like is a way of trying to get them to change their mind. That's my belief, so if someone didn't like it, I'll thank them for trying it and move on. If there's something they don't understand then sure, I'll explain it, as I've done many times in this thread. But i didn't see anything in his/her post that needed an explanation that I haven't explained already. Please don't tell me I need to accept negative comments better when I haven't yelled at anyone/gone off on a tangent/told someone they're wrong for their opinion. If you want an explanation for something that I haven't explained yet, just ask.

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Re: (P)lanets! ~ Ehehe <3

#138 Post by hyeonie »

teacup wrote:
hyeonie wrote:
teacup wrote:@Celestie

Ehh, seems like making an FD would be a bit hard XD; and you're right, I'm pretty sick of working on this game at the moment lol.


Hmm, did you get an error report? Also, can you be a bit more specific on exactly where it crashes?

Yes it was an error report and I can't really tell you where it crashes because it just randomly crashes--like, there is no certain time or place it crashes. But I think my bigger concern is the fact that I can't save..
for example, I save my process and quit. Then I open the game up again to load my saved game but it's not there. All the saved files are gone. >_<
Please post your error report so I can see what the problem is!
Have fun! :)
I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.

Finding font: ('DejaVuSans.ttf', 14, False, False, False)
File "game/script.rpy", line 5604, in script
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'sysfont'
do you want the full traceback of it? I didn't put it on because it was pretty long.

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Re: (P)lanets!

#139 Post by Poketto Kunoichi »

Oh Marvin the Martian, I loved this game.

I've only read Kaius's path so far, since I'm playing Ryuu's with a friend. I'm planning to read Lucan's path tomorrow or so, and if I have time (AP classes, ugh), I'll go ahead and play Haruhi's as well. :) For my review, I'll just go ahead and spoiler the whole thing.
You made me grin and laugh (like Haruhi hiding in the suitcase, Kaius thinking he was gonna get it on x3), say 'awww' in real life (if you intended a scene to be fluffy, chances are, you succeeded in evoking a verbal reaction from me). I actually cared for the characters; they reminded me of some of my friends actually. The cast is very colorful, and although I haven't played much otome games, I thought they were pretty unique and most of all, fun to read! Being able to name the kitten was a nice touch to the game. :3

And, I knew it! I knew he was feeding something cute behind the bushes, and that he hurt someone in his past! I wasn't expecting he accidentally attacked Ryuu though. It seemed to be Ryuu was just abrasive and rude in general, but that definitely cleared some things up. He's not as friendly as I thought he was, I guess. D: But, that doesn't matter. Giving people flaws just makes them more realistic, so I'm glad you weren't afraid to add that seriously off-putting trait.

In short, I loved this game. It's fun to read and I lost track of time playing. I've been stalking the thread for a while now, and I only wish it was longer! xD Good thing, of course. I hope to play more games from you in the future!

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Re: (P)lanets!

#140 Post by Veniae »



This is one of the games I was looking forward to and I'm really, really happy it's finally out! And wow, it seems to be long O.O 95k+ is impressive.

Will give feedback as soon as I've played through~

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Re: (P)lanets!

#141 Post by Kyminara »

I really wanted to like this game. The story premise of high school for psychics seems fun and interesting. The character sprites are cute and for a one-person production there is a lot of nice CGs. (Yeah the styles clashed occasionally, but nothing seemed grossly out of place.) The story flowed at a good pace with a nice balance of fun scenes and dramatic scenes, and the dialog had some very cute moments. Also, for a game of this length, there are very few noticeable typos/grammar mistakes.
However, I just couldn't get attached to any of these characters. Starting from the prologue, you have a main character that is at the same time sarcastic and submissive, smart and clueless, and diligent and lazy. Her parents are unbelievably callous and two-faced (and by "unbelievably" I mean they fail to serve their purpose as an awkward plot device). I almost stopped playing before the first encounter with Kaius and Ryuu, and only later realized that the whole introduction was just trying to establish beyond a shadow of doubt why this girl would abandon her normal life so quickly. Maybe you were over-compensating here just a little bit.
The boys she's pursuing go beyond just following tropes. They berate the reader with their stereotypes at every possible moment to the point of unpleasantness. You might as well add "..because I'm angsty and mysterious!" to the end of every other line Kaius says. It would probably look about the same. The same goes for Ryuu and "..because I'm energetic and flirty!" The only guy whose dialog seemed almost normal was Lucan, but then his sprite is blushing more often than not.
I was also pretty disappointed by how the main character's telepathy power was pushed aside once she got to the school.
It made no sense for her to be surprised by anything the boys were doing (other than Kaius) because, for example, her telepathic powers would have Ryuu screaming "I like you." so often that there could be no doubt later in the story. It could also have been used to add a lot more foreshadowing by having her notice, for example, that Ryuu purposely stops himself from thinking certain things. The same goes for Lucan where every scene he's chased by girls, there should be a tinge of guilt in his thoughts. The potential of a telepathic main character was very much wasted in this story.
I'm sorry if I sound overly negative with this, because I do think it's wonderful how much you accomplished with this game. I look forward to seeing what other interesting games you make in the future.

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Re: (P)lanets!

#142 Post by risingdreams »

Played Kaius, Lucan and Haruhi's routes. Haruhi was the one I liked the most, for whatever reason. Sure, it wasn't realistic but... Neither is a girl becoming a telepath after a concussion.

I really liked the game. It's not perfect, but I sure had fun. After Haruhi, the character I liked most so far was Kaius.

And I don't want to be annoying or anything but the OP asked for critique back when this was a work in progress and most of us (us, because I didn't do it either) didn't give her any. We could have played the demo, pointed out any possible mistakes and the OP would probably have tried to fix it or justify it. But now the game is done. So if I had hated game or something, I would just stop playing, move on and save the critique for the next work in progress.
Last edited by risingdreams on Mon Sep 12, 2011 3:38 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: (P)lanets!

#143 Post by EriksBlue »

looks amazing

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Re: (P)lanets!

#144 Post by NekoNiss »

Do you think you could give the link to the mirror downloads? the medaifire one won't work for me and i wanna play this reaaaalllly bad >.<

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Re: (P)lanets!

#145 Post by Blue Lemma »

teacup wrote:XD; I promise you the position of their hands wasn't intentional. I may be perverted but you're the only one who thought that, so I think you're the naughty one here, Blue Lemma.
0: )

I still say it's a subconscious thing!
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Re: (P)lanets!

#146 Post by Taleweaver »

Blue Lemma wrote:
teacup wrote:XD; I promise you the position of their hands wasn't intentional. I may be perverted but you're the only one who thought that, so I think you're the naughty one here, Blue Lemma.
0: )

I still say it's a subconscious thing!
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Re: (P)lanets!

#147 Post by Veniae »

So hi there! I played through the game and pursued Kaius. All in all, I found his route amusing and well done. Some parts made me laugh out loud and I actually felt bad for him at some points.

However, as the others stated, there are some plot inconsistencies, but even though they bugged me a bit, they didn't ruin the game for me. Right now, I can only think of Marin saying she's not thinking bad things in the beginning of the game, and later on saying she's "pessimistic and sarcastic" or something along these lines. Plus, she didn't strike me as particularly sarcastic.

Also, I think the script should have been proofread more carefully, cuz there were some typos and grammar mistakes here and there.

As for the art, although there were some anatomical errors, it looks nice and pretty and matches the mood of the game.

Right now, I can't think of anything else that should be pointed out. Once again, congrats for releasing a game! I really enjoyed playing it. Also, take the critiques with a grain of salt. We here don't wanna bring you down, these things are like... pointers to keep in mind for your next projects?

Oh, and you should be proud of yourself now. <3

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Re: (P)lanets!

#148 Post by Shioriemei »

Ok so i think i am like halfway through kaius's path O.O so~~
I named the cat nyan cat LOOOL and it wuz so funny when kaius's dad get there.
and marin's excuse was hilarious!!! when she said she wanna look at his thing i was like o_o *headdesk* MARIN WTF ARE U SAYING XDDDD still need to finish other paths XD

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Re: (P)lanets!

#149 Post by Veniae »

Shioriemei wrote:
and marin's excuse was hilarious!!! when she said she wanna look at his thing i was like o_o *headdesk* MARIN WTF ARE U SAYING XDDDD
That. Made me laugh so hard. I think it was one of the most hilarious moments.

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Re: (P)lanets!

#150 Post by ReeikaMichaelis »

Awesome! :D

It's been a while since I download and played a game like this... And I love it!
Good work! Keep doing~ 83 :o
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