The story takes place in a fictional world of Demons and Angels. The two sides have been warring off and on for centuries. 50 years of uneasy peace has come to an abrupt halt after diplomatic talks end with an Act of War committed by the Angels.
You'll play as Alexandria, the daughter of the Demons' Head Elder. While she is struggling to find her path in life and fighting with her father seemingly every step of the way, she runs into Aiden on the battlefield, the son of the Duke of the Angels' most populous city. Remembering him from a brief meeting as a child, Alex feels a connection to him that she can't really explain. After Aiden is taken prisoner by the Demons, Alex makes a drastic decision to save Aiden from her father's torture. She strikes a deal that would make him her personal servant. Unsurprisingly, he does not take this well. As time passes, she'll encounter problems that will change her worldview and shape her destiny, all while growing closer to an enemy that she's supposed to despise.
Alex is immature and headstrong often diving headfirst into things based on emotions. She is compassionate at heart but that is undermined by her hatred for her enemies. She sees Angels as a source of Demons' suffering and up until she gets to know Aiden, she has no interest in peace. However, this does not stop Alex from taking an interest in Angel culture and in particular, their architecture. It's always been one of her dreams to visit an Angel city in person one day, and she aims to achieve that goal even if she has to help take that city by force.
While he is equally as stubborn as Alexandria, he also has the intelligence Angels are well known for. He will follow his code of honor and his morals sometimes to his own detriment. Originally a bit more open minded, his experience in war has jaded him against Demons. He is the son of a Duke but refuses to divulge any information on his family life or his home, meaning his past is shrouded in mystery.
Alexandria's father and Head Elder of the Demon council. Circumstances in the past have led him to be overprotective of his two daughters. He does everything he can to keep Alex off the battlefield without much success. His ultimate goal is to force the Angels into submission and acquire the resources that the Angels have been hoarding in order to take care of the Demon Population.
Alex's best friend since childhood and one of the few people to support her decision to become a soldier. His parents were one of the first casualties of the war, but Alex was quick to give him an invitation into her family. He's loyal to Alex to no end but can also be overprotective at times. Despite his past, he does not hate Angels as much as most of his fellow Demons, but he does not trust Aiden and makes no secret of it.
Alexandria's sister and friend. She is diplomatic, kind, and wise beyond her years. Demons have described her as the second coming of her mother. She has taken the role of diplomat once held by her mother and spends the majority of her time aiding the other Demon cities and gathering support for the war effort. She loves her sister, but deeply desires to have the warm, loving family she remembers from childhood. She sees her sister and father constantly at each other's throats, and it breaks her heart.
Title Screen
Writing/Coding: 60,000/~100,000 words
CGs: 7/20
Sprites: 10/13
Backgrounds: Around 15 to 20 planned depending on funding
Divide is a commercial project I've been working on for the past six months. Creating a visual novel was something I've been interested in for a long time and the project has grown to something much larger than I expected. It is a GxB otome game with one romance option. That does not mean you won't develop friendships with many of the characters and your decisions can deeply effect not only your own path but the paths of others.
A few general feedback questions:
-What do you think of the game having only one romance option? Is it a sticking point that a game have multiple romance options?
-What do you think of the concept? I know it's not the normal type of otome game.
-Do you think the characters are interesting? Do you want to learn more about them?
-Any other feedback is appreciated. At this point in the game, I don't plan on changing too much, but I will definitely take everyone's thoughts into consideration
Sprite Art, CGs, Writing, and Programming: Yoshibb
Backgrounds: Mandy Jacek (Portfolio)
GUI and Logo: KingV (Deviantart)