Visual Novel Survey~!

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Re: Visual Novel Survey~!

#16 Post by flowerthief »

This could be an interesting survey if the results were compiled, and especially if we could see the gender breakdown.
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Re: Visual Novel Survey~!

#17 Post by mysterialize »

Favorite thing about Visual Novels?
The opportunity for complex storytelling with visual aspects and the chance to change the course of the story. They're extremely engaging when done right, and have a lot of potential for unique storytelling devices.

LEAST favorite thing?
The fact that people often limit themselves to making simplistic dating sims. It's not that I have anything against them existing, but it often seems like it's gotten to the point that people just kind of assume that's what the medium is for.

How do you feel about Kinetic Novels?
I'm fine with them. I would be lying if I said I didn't prefer choices, but if you have a story idea that you think would work well in the format, but doesn't have any need for choices, then why not? There's some really good KNs out there.

What about stat-raisers?
Eh, if that's all the game is about, I find it boring. If I ever find myself pressing buttons over and over just to watch some numbers go up, then it's completely lost me.

RPG Elements?
I love RPGs, and I love Visual Novels. I feel like they at least have potential to work together, though only if neither side simplifies itself because the other is there. RPG elements should still be unique and strategic, and visual novel elements should still be well written and complex.

Do you prefer playing as a Male or a Female?
No preference. People are people. Gender never struck me as all that important.

Do you like mini-games?
I often feel like they're just excuses to toss some pretty gameplay and features in without actually adding anything to the game. I'll only like them if they're particularly fun, and are directly linked to the story.

How do you feel about a VN without any minigames?
Not liking VNs without minigames makes about as much sense as not liking a book because it doesn't have any buttons on it.

In order for a Visual novel to be a VISUAL Novel, there has to be visuals. How important is art to you?
Pretty important. The visuals should at least be able to set a good mood and express scenes/expressions well. I don't feel like the art needs to be incredibly clean and professional, but it should have a lot of effort and thought put into it.

Favorite art style?
Anything unique that fits the VNs mood well.

If I were to choose a least favorite, it would have to be moe. Actually, anything with notably big eyes creeps me out a little.

What do you think about using 3D art in a game?
It could work, but you'd have to put a lot of effort into making it not look stiff and emotionless. It would take a lot of effort to pull off right, and it does seem kind of unnecessary.

Ah! The sound of music~ How important is music to you?
Extremely. Again, mood is extremely important, and nothing sets a mood better than music.

Voice Acting? Sound Effects?
Voice acting is nice if it's professional, but in any other case I much, much prefer there not to be any. Bad or even mediocre voice acting can kill a game for me. Sound effects, on the other hand, are pretty much vital and extremely underestimated in importance.

How do you feel about Commercial games?
Yeah, sure. If the game's good enough, why not?

What your spending limit on commercial games?
Anything above free. I have no money at all. XD

How do you feel about pirates?

I dunno, I understand that they're a problem, but at the same time, I feel like most of the people who pirate are the sorts of people who wouldn't be buying the games, anyways. That isn't to say that profits aren't lost through them, but I don't think it's something that should have a huge deal made out of it. It's going to happen no matter what.

Favorite Genre?
Psychological Thriller/Horror, Modern Fantasy, Cyberpunk, and really anything with a dark tone to it. I like a lot of sci-fi, fantasy, and horror, but those are my favorite sorts. Mixes are also wonderful.

Why do you like it so much?
I dunno. I never really thought about it that much.

What is your LEAST favorite genre?
Romance, and Slice of Life. The often come off as cheesy, fluffy, and a bit boring.

What plots do you think are over used?
School life dramas, fantasy stories involving prophecies, chosen ones, and wars, Sci-fi stories about shooting aliens in space, and anything with black and white morality. I really can't stand black and white morality. Angst and drama for the sole sake of angst and drama is irritating, too.

Needs more love?
Cyberpunk. <3 Also, anything with a psychological tinge. There's little I love more than a good mind screw.

Tropes that you are sick and tire of!
I could go on for ages.

What about the ones you like?
I already said this, but MIIIIIIND SCREEEEEEEW

How do you feel about cliches?
On one hand, I want to say that they can be okay if handled skillfully and with a sense of humor, but at the same time, I feel like that's said so often that people take it the wrong way and assume that, as long as they're confident enough, they can get away with cliches. At this point, I feel more tempted to discourage them completely if you can at all avoid it. One or two is fine, but don't keep hand waving all occurrences of them just because you're feeling uncreative at the time.

How do you feel about parodies?
Love them.

What kind of point of view interests you?
I'm really interested in the idea of some sort of really alien point of view. Someone who doesn't think like we do. Madness is fun, too, if it's handled well.

Many visual novels feature teenagers and young adults as protagonists. How do you feel about playing as a small child? Middle age? Elderly?
Sounds awesome. I'm all for it.

Speaking of, Aren't most protagonists human/human-like? What about non-human? What kind of creature would be interesting to play as?
Any, really, as long as they don't just act like a human that just so happens to, say, like sucking blood or something. They need to act different if you're going to call them inhuman.

You are the chosen one! How would you like to be a hero?
Hm. I dunno, can I switch sides?

Heroes are overrated! How about we take a walk into the dark side~?
Much better. My dark armies and I approve of this new development.

How do you feel about True Endings?
If you're going to have a sequel, then yes, they make sense. Otherwise, I feel like they kind of invalidate any other endings the game might have.

How would you feel about Epilogues/Where-are-they-now scenes at the end of a story?
Sure. Sounds good to me.

What a downer! How do you feel about BAD endings?
I actually really like them, as long as they make sense in the plot.

Do you like Romance games?
Not really, if that's all the game is about.

What about games with romantice side plots?
I like that, though. Romance can benefit a story, and can be nice to read as long as it's not completely taking over the plot. People fall in love. It's a part of life. It's just not all life is about.

What are your favorite types of love interests?
*Rants about achetypes and how they suck*
But I kind of have a soft spot for snarky types.

What about your least favorite?
*Rants about archetypes some more*

How many is too many?
Probably more than five. Again, I don't like romance being the core of the story, though.

How do you feel about age difference?
At under 18 three years is about the limit before it gets a little creepy. Once both sides involved pass 18, I feel like age differences are a lot looser. I won't care if a 21 year old dates a 29 year old much, for example.

How do you feel about playing a Romance game that allows a Gay Option?
If the protagonist is clearly bi, and the option isn't just put there for the sake of having a gay option, then sure. Otherwise, it just feels tacked on and shallow. If a character is clearly stated as being straight, and isn't just in the closet, then why would he suddenly be interested in men?

A CHALLENGER APPEARS! How do you feel about RIVALS?
Uh... sure? lolromance games.

Bow Chicka Bow wow~ How willing are you to play a Hentai VN?
I don't mind sex scenes and such if they, here goes redundancy, make sense in context. I just find them a little goofy if the scenes are oversexualized and stuck in there just for the porn, though.

I'm alright with games that flat out state they're porn, and go over the top, though. I won't really play them, but hey, porn happens. People like it.

How much naughty stuff is too much?
It depends on the sort of game it is. If it's about the plot, then anything that doesn't directly tie into the storyline or the relationship is just unnecessary. If it's about the sex, then, uh... I dunno. I don't really play/watch pure hentai, but I guess pedophilia and rape are really the only lines I feel shouldn't really be crossed.

A lot of romance games stop after you get the girl/guy, Would you like to play through the married or family life?
That could be kind of fun.

Say you had the option of having an affair or cheating on your spouse/partner...?
Also interesting, in a kind of cruel way. I don't approve of doing that in person, but in a story it seems like an interesting twist.

With another married/taken person? *SCANDELOUS!*
Pretty much the same as above.

Should there be a penalty if by chance you DO decide to cheat? What do you think it should be xD?
Probably. That could be part of the fun, I guess. Have your husband/wife find you, and drama ensue. If you really want to be an asshole, though, there could be a way to keep it quiet if you're sly enough. XD

Terrible people are fun in games, I won't lie.

How would you feel about playing matchmaker?
Sure, I guess. I'm not hugely interested, but it could work.

Favorite type of character?
hey i bet you didnt know that i like complex unique characters yet

Unique, interesting people with secrets, twists, and possibly questionable intentions without being blatantly good or evil.

Least favorite?
Anyone that falls into a non-snarky, shallow archetype.

Your ideal Hero?
None. Surprise me.

Ideal Antagonist/villain character/whatever?
Again, surprise me. Just as long as the antagonist isn't blatantly evil and has an interesting motivation and personality.

How important is family to you in a VN?
You should probably at least mention them. Killing them off is also extremely overdone.

Do you think the family should be more involved in the heroes shinanigans?
Sometimes. It depends on the shenanigans. Other times they would probably get in the way.

What about friends?
Well, yes.

How many characters is TOO many characters in your opinion?
It depends on the length and complexity of the game. I really don't think I can say.

what kinds of character backstories irritate you?
Everyone died, I was a poor, tortured child, and no one can understand my paaaaaiiiiiiiiin.

Characters can often do well with backstory trauma, but there's much better ways to handle it. Also, I can't stand it when a character is put in a situation where they can't take any blame for anything that's happened. Victims are boring.

The kinds you like?
Pretty much anything else, especially if the character did something legitimately wrong, or at least notable in the past, and is actually the one responsible.

Overused character types?
I could go on for ages.

How do you feel about non-human characters?
Sure, as long as there's more to their inhumanity than looking different.

Many people often hang out with people in their own age group, How about people who are much older/younger?
Sounds good to me.

What kinds of cultures/races/ethnicities/whatever would be interesting to see?
Pretty much anything. Though I can't help but notice that people tend to ignore the middle east/south america/any of the non-English island nations a lot. I'd like to see those played with a little.

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Re: Visual Novel Survey~!

#18 Post by Agent Zero »

Favorite thing about Visual Novels? The story
LEAST favorite thing? Annoying sound or minigames that i can't pass...
How do you feel about Kinetic Novels? It'ok
What about stat-raisers? ( The current relasionship status ? ) I like those
RPG Elements? If I wanted an RPG game i would have played it. But to be honest i don't mind.
Do you prefer playing as a Male or a Female? I like to have the choise ( Lets say 2 sides of a same story or even a completely different game )
Do you like mini-games? Depends on the type usually yes
How do you feel about a VN without any minigames? I love stories.
In order for a Visual novel to be a VISUAL Novel, there has to be visuals. How important is art to you? If the story is really good then art can be below average.
Favorite art style? ( There is a style ? ) eeeeeeeeeeeeh...
What do you think about using 3D art in a game? No 3D no game.
Ah! The sound of music~ How important is music to you? Depends. If it's good ( like 85 % of them ) then yes it's a must. very important as long as it's not some annoying type.
Voice Acting? Sound Effects? Not necessary .
How do you feel about Commercial games? Arrrg me matey !!!
What your spending limit on commercial games? Up to 10$ per month ( and lowering :( )
How do you feel about pirates? I feel bad about indie games ( some VN and others ) so after I play about a week or so I delete them and keep the link for myself.

Favorite Genre? Fantasy/Romance
Why do you like it so much? Fantasy because it is and Romance because it makes a damn good story.
What is your LEAST favorite genre? ... Action ?
What plots do you think are over used? The chosen one.
Needs more love? ( Define what needs more love <.< ) Umm in games ? Sure why not.
Tropes that you are sick and tire of! Douchebags...
What about the ones you like? ( I like them because of my own criteria ) ... The story has to be a killer unfortunately lately only eroge games have good story and I skip the adult scenes ( Not entertaining ).
How do you feel about cliches? Meh. Tolerable
How do you feel about parodies? ME GUSTA
What kind of point of view interests you? ( 1st person ? ) The protagonist point of view.
Many visual novels feature teenagers and young adults as protagonists. How do you feel about playing as a small child? Middle age? Elderly? Child ( Plenty of mini games ) , Middle age ( It has to be at least horror or psychological or SciFi . ) Elderly ( Unless it's a bad ass gradma .. Just kidding.. Hmmm didn't really think about it )...
Speaking of, Aren't most protagonists human/human-like? What about non-human? What kind of creature would be interesting to play as? Eeeeerrr. Elf ? Vampire ?
You are the chosen one! How would you like to be a hero? Oh for the love of ... Fine but the plot better be good <.<
Heroes are overrated! How about we take a walk into the dark side~? Sure :twisted:
How do you feel about True Endings? I like that type of VN the best. You get the what would happen if it happened and the actual story. But true ending beeter beet the others or else !
How would you feel about Epilogues/Where-are-they-now scenes at the end of a story? Must have.
What a downer! How do you feel about BAD endings? Re play for better ending.

Do you like Romance games? Yes
What about games with romantics side plots? Umm. Sure why not.
What are your favorite types of love interests? eeeerr True love ?
What about your least favorite?
How many is too many? Up 10 different characters ( that protagonist can chose from ; at least that is how much i can pay attention ) .
How do you feel about age difference? Maximum difference can be up to 10 years above that is a generation gap.
How do you feel about playing a Romance game that allows a Gay Option? *rants about gay population* No.
A CHALLENGER APPEARS! How do you feel about RIVALS? Ahh A worthy opponent. ME gusta
Bow Chicka Bow wow~ How willing are you to play a Hentai VN? I just read the text because if i wanted porn i would google some.
How much naughty stuff is too much? breast visible ? That is smut and Hentai
A lot of romance games stop after you get the girl/guy, Would you like to play through the married or family life? 50/50 some should stay at the end ( either for possible sequal or just ... ) others on the other hand should have the after story.
Say you had the option of having an affair or cheating on your spouse/partner...? Not cool man.
With another married/taken person? *SCANDELOUS!* Even less cool.
Should their be a penalty if by chance you DO decide to cheat? What do you think it should be xD? Bad ending end of Novel :P
How would you feel about playing matchmaker? To let the player decide how other characters should bond... Interesting thought ...

Favorite type of character?
Least favorite?
Your ideal Hero?

Ideal Antagonist/villain character/whatever? Answer to the last 4 is classified.
How important is family to you in a VN? 75/25 in favor of family.
Do you think the family should be more involved in the heroes shinanigans? Depends but sure...
What about friends? Must have unless character is emo or something...
How many characters is TOO many characters in your opinion? Up to 25 is tolerable ( as long as names can be remmembered . )
what kinds of character backstories irritate you? Irrelevant to the main story. I mean *rants about a guy who was stabbed when he was a kid but the development of the character had no influence on behavior or the main plot * and that really is annoying...
The kinds you like? ... The involved ones ?
Overused character types? Absolute mediocre.
How do you feel about non-human characters? ME GUSTA
Many people often hang out with people in their own age group, How about people who are much older/younger?NO problem there...
What kinds of cultures/races/ethnicities/whatever would be interesting to see? I don't really care about " cultures/races/ethnicities/whatever "...

Currently in school. By June 22th a site a blog and a game should be up and running.

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Wow, these posts are so long! XD

#19 Post by Elenakiara »

Favorite thing about Visual Novels?
I love good sprites and when the backgrounds are nice. xD Otherwise, I'd read a book for a good story without visuals. :P
LEAST favorite thing?
Too many characters and I can't remember who's who. xD
How do you feel about Kinetic Novels?
I like them, but I'm quite picky. I feel like interaction helps me make the character act more naturally like I would. Otherwise, for a good story, I wouldn't mind as much. :)
What about stat-raisers?
They're good if they're with the main plot and not simply -all- that we have to do in the game.
RPG Elements?
RPG elements are fun, but aren't as important. Once again, it depends on what kind of theme the game has.
Do you prefer playing as a Male or a Female?
Female, because I understand them more obviously. Also, I don't like having to look at a harem of girls through the whole game. xD
Do you like mini-games?
Sometimes, but I want the option of skipping them without getting a bad ending. xD
How do you feel about a VN without any minigames?
I don't mind at all! :)
In order for a Visual novel to be a VISUAL Novel, there has to be visuals. How important is art to you?
Very important! :) Otherwise, like I said earlier, I'd just read a book.
Favorite art style?
Any that looks good, but I'm just used to associating VNs with an anime style now. xD
What do you think about using 3D art in a game?
It's okay, but some are really creepy. XD
Ah! The sound of music~ How important is music to you?
It needs to be good, because I may want to replay the game just to hear it again. ;) It must really fit the right ambiance.
Voice Acting? Sound Effects?
Voice acting isn't really important for me, as I sometimes don't even like the voices. XD Sound effects are good though, because they can really make the game seem more real.
How do you feel about Commercial games?
They're cool, but I don't have much money to put towards them at the moment. xD I'm saving up for my own game for now. >.<

Favorite Genre?
Mystery... <3 And Otome all the way. XD
Why do you like it so much?
I like trying to figure something out. My curiosity gets the better of me sometimes!
What is your LEAST favorite genre?
Um... Comedy, but only when I can't understand the jokes or parodies. xD
What plots do you think are over used?
Being a new girl in school and everyone suddenly liking you. xD Kind of mary-sue-ism.
How do you feel about cliches?
Some are overdone, but I still love reading them! xD They didn't turn into cliches for nothing!
How do you feel about parodies?
Good if I know what they're parody-ing. XD
What kind of point of view interests you?
Main character's my favorite one. :3
Many visual novels feature teenagers and young adults as protagonists. How do you feel about playing as a small child? Middle age? Elderly?
Thanks to Rugrats, I'd like to see more stories from a baby's point of vue. xD They have so much imagination! For the other two ages, I guess if the subject would be interesting, I'd read it.
Speaking of, Aren't most protagonists human/human-like? What about non-human? What kind of creature would be interesting to play as?
Um, I think a mystical creature like a dragon? (I'm still waiting for that one to be finished and released! XD)
You are the chosen one! How would you like to be a hero?
Read my story! ;) I'm trying to make the hero seem realistic and cool at the same time. xD
Heroes are overrated! How about we take a walk into the dark side~?
Awesome! ;) I love the options to choose your sides!!!
How do you feel about True Endings?
They're alright, but only if you want to continue the story. I feel sad though if I had an ending that I liked, but that it isn't continued in the second part... I wouldn't be able to read it without thinking 'but that ending would have been better!'.
How would you feel about Epilogues/Where-are-they-now scenes at the end of a story?
I love them! :3
What a downer! How do you feel about BAD endings?
Some bad endings just -had- to happen, so I guess they have to be there... But they make me sad nonetheless. D: I like trying to prevent myself from getting them. xD

Do you like Romance games?
Yup! :3 Otomes are the best!
What about games with romantice side plots?
They're good too! I don't like only concentrating on 'wooing' a character. xD I'd rather have something to do too.
What are your favorite types of love interests?
The sweet ones, the mature ones and the evil ones. xD In the reverse order of appreciation though.
What about your least favorite?
The player who, even after liking you, continues to be a player with every girl that he comes into contact with. XD
Like Aurelius from Frozen Essence. ''>_>
How many is too many?
When I don't know who's who. So, maybe 7? xD
How do you feel about playing a Romance game that allows a Gay Option?
I don't know, since I don't think I'd go with it. xD I don't mind it simply being an option. xD
A CHALLENGER APPEARS! How do you feel about RIVALS?
ARGGG!! XD I hate them, but they help make it a challenge and less boring. xD
Bow Chicka Bow wow~ How willing are you to play a Hentai VN?
Nope, nope. xD NOO!
How much naughty stuff is too much?
If I feel uncomfortable and like an eavesdropper. xD
A lot of romance games stop after you get the girl/guy, Would you like to play through the married or family life?
That would be really cool. xD
Say you had the option of having an affair or cheating on your spouse/partner...?
Even though I'm super against it, I'd still look at how it is. XD I like dramas...
With another married/taken person? *SCANDELOUS!*
Ishh... D: Though I'd still like to see what happens! XD
Should their be a penalty if by chance you DO decide to cheat? What do you think it should be xD?
There should be a penalty, like having the cheated person catching the cheater and torture them or something. xD Or say something like: "Ah, well I was cheating on you for 10 years with your sibling anyway.". Mwahahaha!
How would you feel about playing matchmaker?
Why not! xD It would be fun if we can match two people who really end up hating each other. XD

Favorite type of character?
Dark and mysterious. XD
Least favorite?
Unchangeable pervs. xD
Your ideal Hero?
Someone awesome, but have some flaws. They can try to hide them first though. :3
Ideal Antagonist/villain character/whatever?
They should be evil, but have a good reason to be evil! >=D
How important is family to you in a VN?
They should be there more in some stories! xD
Do you think the family should be more involved in the heroes shinanigans?
Involved...? Nah. xD They can show support, but trying to get into my story, nah! xD
What about friends?
Friends can be good additions in my opinion.
How many characters is TOO many characters in your opinion?
Already answered! @.@
what kinds of character backstories irritate you?
The usual ones where they're sad for such a cliche reason.
How do you feel about non-human characters?
Already answered! xD
Many people often hang out with people in their own age group, How about people who are much older/younger?
That can be a possibility as long as it doesn't seem creepy. xD
What kinds of cultures/races/ethnicities/whatever would be interesting to see?
Any kinds! xD
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Re: Visual Novel Survey~!

#20 Post by EzzyAlpha »

Favorite thing about Visual Novels?
The combination of music, image and user directed story :)
LEAST favorite thing?
Err,I dunno really. Perhaps overly difficult games. Oh, and games without a skip button.
How do you feel about Kinetic Novels?
I don't like them. I feel like it kinda defeats the point of doing a visual novel.
What about stat-raisers?
As long as it's done right.
RPG Elements?
Do you prefer playing as a Male or a Female?
Do you like mini-games?
Depends. If they're hard and mandatory it can get frustrating.
How do you feel about a VN without any minigames?
Isn't that the norm?
In order for a Visual novel to be a VISUAL Novel, there has to be visuals. How important is art to you?
Hm, a lot. Mostly because it's the only way to express emotion and a sort of feeling. Comics have paneling, movies and animation have shooting techniques and such. Visual Novels don't have that sort of complement so the art becomes more important.
Favorite art style?
Shonen, though it is very rare to find in VNs.
What do you think about using 3D art in a game?
Only if it's for backgrounds.
Ah! The sound of music~ How important is music to you?
Hm, somewhat important. Without music a VN seems imcomplete.
Voice Acting? Sound Effects?
Voice acting annoys me most of the time. Sound effects are necessary.
How do you feel about Commercial games?
Well, people have to eat.
What your spending limit on commercial games?
Zero. I'm broke most of the time.
How do you feel about pirates?

Favorite Genre?
Adventure and such.
Why do you like it so much?
What is your LEAST favorite genre?
Hm, I don't really have a least favorite.
What plots do you think are over used?
A lot of them...But they can still be done right.
Needs more love?
I can't think of anything.
Tropes that you are sick and tire of!
What about the ones you like?
Too many.
How do you feel about cliches?
Can be done right.
How do you feel about parodies?
Depends. It can be funny but sometimes it just seems insulting...
What kind of point of view interests you?
I...Don't know?
Many visual novels feature teenagers and young adults as protagonists. How do you feel about playing as a small child? Middle age? Elderly?
Wouldn't mind.
Speaking of, Aren't most protagonists human/human-like? What about non-human? What kind of creature would be interesting to play as?
You are the chosen one! How would you like to be a hero?
YES!! But only if I can be a chaotic hero!
Heroes are overrated! How about we take a walk into the dark side~?
How do you feel about True Endings?
How would you feel about Epilogues/Where-are-they-now scenes at the end of a story?
What a downer! How do you feel about BAD endings?
All necessary.

Do you like Romance games?
What about games with romantice side plots?
Even better.
What are your favorite types of love interests?
Pervy guys with a sweet side and chirpy girls.
What about your least favorite?
Tsundere and cold and calm characters.
How many is too many?
There is never too many.
How do you feel about age difference?
Me likey <3. Even in real life I've always dated older people.
How do you feel about playing a Romance game that allows a Gay Option?
A CHALLENGER APPEARS! How do you feel about RIVALS?
It's interesting.
Bow Chicka Bow wow~ How willing are you to play a Hentai VN?
Very willing ;)
How much naughty stuff is too much?
There can never be too much naughty stuff.
A lot of romance games stop after you get the girl/guy, Would you like to play through the married or family life?
That could be interesting.
Say you had the option of having an affair or cheating on your spouse/partner...?
With another married/taken person? *SCANDELOUS!*
It depends on the circumstances.
Should their be a penalty if by chance you DO decide to cheat? What do you think it should be xD?
I don't know.
How would you feel about playing matchmaker?
Could be interesting.

Favorite type of character?
Eheh, chirpy girls with an evil side who are actually nice deep inside.
Least favorite?
Your ideal Hero?
Someone who isn't a total hero. And characters who fight for their friends and for their dreams.
Ideal Antagonist/villain character/whatever?
Someone who isn't a total villain. And can be comic relief too.
How important is family to you in a VN?
Most of the times family isn't needed.
Do you think the family should be more involved in the heroes shinanigans?
What about friends?
Friends are always necessary.
How many characters is TOO many characters in your opinion?
When I start to confuse them with each other.
what kinds of character backstories irritate you?
None really. I'm more interested in how the character acts.
The kinds you like?
Sad ones, especially if the character pulls through and doesn't mope.
Overused character types?
TSUNDERE. And mopey characters.
How do you feel about non-human characters?
It's fine, especially if it's a fantasy world.
Many people often hang out with people in their own age group, How about people who are much older/younger?
It's good.
What kinds of cultures/races/ethnicities/whatever would be interesting to see?
Everything *_*

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Joined: Fri Mar 04, 2011 3:44 am
Projects: The Chronicle: Elements of Time, Talents, Learning to Love (artist)
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Re: Visual Novel Survey~!

#21 Post by SmileyFace »

flowerthief wrote:This could be an interesting survey if the results were compiled, and especially if we could see the gender breakdown.
I second that, but it would be quite a tedious task.

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