(upd Jan 23, 2015) Caramel Mokaccino (Open-ish Dev)

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Re: Caramel Mokaccino - Open Dev Thread- Feedback requested!

#61 Post by Deji »

@Auro: Thanks! :D
*nods* I'm trying to do just that C:
Right now, while I want to draw for the story badly, I'm just having fun thinking what will happen to the characters tomorrow and that's my motivator... like waiting for the next episode of a series you like... It kind of works like that for me atm xD
Also, I know that if I start drawing, I'll stop writing and I'll shift all the focus I have now and shif it to "get things drawn" and "ghet things drawn so they match the script" and "Oh, god, I have to draw so much stuff! And there's even more stuff to write!" And that's not something I wnat right now xD
Also, it's a good break from drawing for others every day for work C:

@Samu: Well, I still have no art or music to try it, so I can only imagine those things while I check what I wrote on Ren'Py D: (I think I have a good imagination though). I run it with the script file open, so I can quickly fix my typos and my 'ugh, this sounds stupid/boring/long/pointless'.
I hope that, by the time I actually have some art and music, it'll be like you said C:

@Snowflower: Lol, thanks x3 I'm happy you like the art so far!
And I'm not that talented! Actually I think I'm way less talented and slower at improving than a ton of people I'm acquaintances with, not mentioning the people I admire "Orz.
And if you want to get better, just go draw instead of be posting stuff here! xD (see? don't follow my example!)

EDIT November 6th, 2011:
How come people keep reading this thread from time to time? xD; Every time i come to check on stuff, I see users looking at this, lol.

I don't want to bring this thread back to life just yet, so I'll just edit this last post in a very ninja way, to tell you that I'm trying to pick up this thing again and I just finished Day 5 (: Maybe I should get done until Day 7 and post a working Demo test thingie with sketch placeholder art or something?
I sent my writer friend my script and haven't heard back from her yet, so I'm all anxious thinking everything I wrote is crap and that my friend probably just doesn't want tell me how bad the whole things is xD;

Anyway~ I'll try to work on Day 6 now before falling asleep. I had so much fun putting menus and variations each day that now I'm having a bit of a hard time tracking everything down, haha xD; And it's just 5 days long! I don'0t want to think about how it will be when I'm on like... day 20 "Orz
I'm trying to keep a private wiki to track things in a better way, though. I hope that helps ^^;

I need to give Franco and Barbara more screen time starting from day 8. Hmm.
The game contains 2,661 screens of dialogue.
These screens contain a total of 20,046 words,
for an average of 7.5 words per screen.
The game contains 10 menus.
EDIT November 12th, 2011:
Another ninja update, in case you're keeping track xD;
Still not done with week #1, the weekend is proving to be awfully boring and it's blocking the hell out of me D:

My writer co-author loved what I sent her! I was so scared and paranoid ;_; I need to get rid of a couple of things and fix my awful typos, though ^^; But other than that, she says I'm doing quite well so far (:

Other than that, I've been toying with Ren'Py because I can, and it's been quite fun (: I've been learning styles, screen language and ATL :3 It reminds me of CSS and jquery x'D;

The 'cool' things I added to my little working demo are grayed-out previously picked choices on menus (because I wanted to give my co-author friend an easy way to find variations on the scenes), the date and time of day on the right corner of the screen, a little message on a frame that I made with a screen, that shows texts I pass it on the show screen statement (I feel so cool managing to do that xD; ) and that I'm hoping to use somewhere later during the game, and right now I'm toying with a screen that shows you your weekly schedule x3
Since I was planning to make you able to choose between two sets of days Penny can work on, the schedule should change depending on what you picked.
I also plan to add a Day Planner extra page of sorts that stores and shows to the dates you arrange with other characters, tests you have, study sessions, birthdays, etc, just because I think it's nice, haha xD;
And another extra page for character's info: contact, age, birthday and extra notes/info Penny may pick up during the game (:

A cool idea (probably not very original, though) occured to me the other day as a possible feature too: having a summarized version of scenes with Penny telling you what happened, for subsequent playthroughs instead of getting to play the whole scene for the second or nth time.
I mean, people skip previously seen scenes anyway after their first playthrough, looking for things that have changed, so why not implement that into the game as well?
I imagine that may involve quite some work, though, so I'll leave that alone for now ^^;

And that's pretty much it (:

No Lints this time, since I have barely touched the story >:

I'll officially update this thread once I complete Week #1 >_<!!!
Nov 13th

Here, have some rough bust shots (:
Nov 14th

I made a pseudo-dev blog so I stop ninja-updating here ^^;

Nov 18th

Psst! I'm almost done writing this thing (I'll defeat you, you boring day #7!!), and I'll very likely need a proofreader to help me get rid of the embarrassingly high amount of typos I keep finding every time I test-play this thing before I even dare to show it to anybody for feedback , not to mention other probable mistakes I've been doing due English not being my first language "Orz. Seriously, I'm very embarrassed >_<;;;
The script is about 20k-ish words.
So... if anybody happens to be interested, PM me? (:

Pretty much done writing, and I found a proofreader <3
Expect the test-build soon~ ^^

Proofreading finished! Thanks to the lovely Alphonse. <3
Now... I'm waiting for feedback (after the proofread, I know, I fail at this. "Orz) from the co-author and then I'll show it to a couple more people and THEN I'll release the build. So... it may take a couple of weeks more than I expected/wanted.
If you're waiting for this for any reason, please be patient and sorry for taking so long! >_<

Dec 19th:
The people I'm showing this to have been way too busy and haven't got back to me with C&C ._.
And during Jan/Feb/March I'll be so busy with work I don't think I'll have time for this at all; Actually, I think I won't have time for anything other than work and assignments and I'm not even sure I'll have enough time for all of that X___x sleeping is for the weak / personal time, what is that?.
So... yeah.
I've been a bit stuck writing week #2, so I haven't got very far with it. I have only sketched Penny's and Nico's sprite so far and I haven't touched anything else.
Hopefully, I'll be able to pick this up again in March next year =/
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Re: Caramel Mokaccino - Open Dev Thread- Feedback requested!

#62 Post by Deji »

NECRO posting! :D

You know what... here's the script I have so far.
Caramel Mokaccino_wip (2012build_oldscript).zip
(18.67 MiB) Downloaded 146 times

Code: Select all

The game contains 2,679 screens of dialogue.
These screens contain a total of 19,868 words,
for an average of 7.4 words per screen.
The game contains 9 menus.
Take a look a it, tell me what's bad, tell me what's awful... It'd be nice if you could also tell me what's good xD Tell me your theories, tell me everything xD;

All the feedback is more than appreciated, as usual (:

Feedback I... remember I have got so far (only 2-3 people have read it ^^; ):
  • - Characters are distinctive (:
    - Ian is interesting. (yay! :D)
    - Annie is too annoying with Ian (I think it's funny, but I can see the problem)
    - Nico is way too annoying with Penny (I should tone down his upset-ness at her)
    - There doesn't seem to be an overarching plot so far and it seems like nothing is really happening and it'd help to have smaller arcs. (I need to go through that).
So... yeah. Feedback is really appreciated (:
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Re: Caramel Mokaccino - Open Dev Thread- Feedback requested!

#63 Post by Auro-Cyanide »

Oh yay Deji! Your back! :D

I'll try to make time to have a look at the script. I'm really happy you are looking to work on this again~

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Re: Caramel Mokaccino - Open Dev Thread- Feedback requested!

#64 Post by LVUER »

Horray for the Return of the Deji. I will definitely take a look and post some c&c the moment I can (I'm in the middle of wedding reception right now).
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Re: Caramel Mokaccino - Open Dev Thread- Feedback requested!

#65 Post by Deji »

While I should be working on the script, I find it easier to work on Penny's sprite on myprocrastinationspare time instead. I've been toying with it on and off for a couple of days.
I'm missing most of her eye expressions and anywhere between 4 and 9 outfits xD; (I have fun doing them!)

I'm thinking adding a 4th hairdo, because I drew her like this once, but I may be overdoing it ^^;
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Re: (upd 7/8) Caramel Mokaccino - Open Dev Thread

#66 Post by Deji »

More sprite procrastiwork.

This time I sketched Nico.
I changed his school uniform because it was quite boring, visually >:
It's still not final, as I'm not very convinced with his hair & face >_o It's not quite Nico-ish yet!
For comparison, Nico through the years.
Number 8 was my last sprite attempt, from last year/beginning of this year.
God why does #1 even exist!! He looked like 10 x_x *cringes*
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Re: (upd 7/8) Caramel Mokaccino - Open Dev Thread

#67 Post by EroBotan »

I love all of them o.o

and I can't tell the difference beetween 2-9 ... >.< . I remember one episode of Lucky Star when Hiyori show some pics with different quality (according to her artist eyes) to Minami and Yutaka and they both can't tell the difference lol
Last edited by EroBotan on Wed Aug 08, 2012 6:42 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: (upd 7/8) Caramel Mokaccino - Open Dev Thread

#68 Post by Deji »

@EroBotan: Glad you like them <333

Hahaha, that happens xD;
The only ones I can stand myself are #4, #6, #7 & #9. Maybe #3 a bit... The rest... ugh! >_<
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Re: (upd 7/8) Caramel Mokaccino - Open Dev Thread

#69 Post by EroBotan »

Deji wrote:The rest... ugh! >_<
I bet that many people will disagree with that ^^;

oh, and I love Penny's 4th hairdo :D

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Re: (upd 7/8) Caramel Mokaccino - Open Dev Thread

#70 Post by Deji »

Just updating to say I got a very talented GUI designer and an awesome music composer abroad! :O (but not telling who they are yet, because I don't want to jinx it ^^; )
I'm so excited!! >w<

I'll try to get the characters done soon(...ish I still have a lot of work to do ): ) and put together a demo with images, so people won't be turned off by the long image-less demo I have up right now ^^;;;
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Re: (upd 7/8) Caramel Mokaccino - Open Dev Thread

#71 Post by Deji »

Sorry for the double post, but CM now has a logo by the super talented Nische, who was extremely kind to design one!! :D
I'm super happy, hehehe <3

I'm even more motivated now to straighten my messy daily schedule to find time to work on this!! >O
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Re: (upd 7/8) Caramel Mokaccino - Open Dev Thread

#72 Post by Rin »

Deji Deji~ : D! Welcome back with the project!!! I just got back with my own VN after, like, half of a year on hiatus, too so I may understand the excitement that you have : D Buuuut that's when your spirit is most likely always on the highest state and eager to work so you can pull a veeeery high-quality output, and I'm sure everyone will enjoy it ^w^

I'm so hungry when I saw your project *w* I have a sweettooth, can't really stay still when I saw something is sweet-related *A* and the Cafe shop name kinda reminds me of Caramel and Cappucino o-o A-anyway it's an awesome name, I wuv it : D

Sorry for the rambling D: Anyhow, I love all of your work so far :3 Sim/Slice-of-life games gets my great interest : D For Penny's look, I personally like the 1st and 2nd -especially the 2nd- hair the most, but maybe its just me : p The 4th one looks very cute, too~

Also, the logo looks soooo yummy : D I wish you the best luck Deji, your teammates too!

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Re: (upd 7/8) Caramel Mokaccino - Open Dev Thread

#73 Post by Nische »

The sprites are as gorgeous as ever. *A*
I can't wait to see them all done! xD

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Re: (upd 7/8) Caramel Mokaccino - Open Dev Thread

#74 Post by Deji »

Hey everybody! :)
Since I asked for writing mentoring/help, I received a few offers and I'm really *really* happy and motivated right now to write!
They've helped me see a lot of flaws in mew writing and I'm looking forward to fix things and improve (:

For the sake of sharing things with my new helpers/mentors, I made a private forum, but I also made a website and decide to fill it with some stuff. Hopefully, I'll keep adding more things in the near future ^^


Feel free to visit!

I'll update here again once I have some script progress to communicate :P
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Re: (upd 22/8) Caramel Mokaccino - Open Dev Thread

#75 Post by PrettySammy09 »


Hats off to you for trying something that's way out of your comfort zone. And good for you for taking feedback from people. :3 I'm sure if you're this dedicated it'll come out fantastic. :)

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