Invasion of the Panty Snatchers

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Re: Invasion of the Panty Snatchers

#76 Post by themocaw »

DaFool wrote:LOL
I forgot to mention... themocaw >> please do join as a writer when we're up and running.
Awww, you like me, you really like me ;_; I'm honored and flattered :)

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Re: Invasion of the Panty Snatchers

#77 Post by Jake »

DaFool wrote:I ended up debating to myself whether $2000 is justifiable difference for dual airbags and ABS (versus none)
I couldn't comment on the airbags, since I've never used mine, but I can quite definitely say that I'd not want another car without ABS. My first didn't; I've never crashed either of them, but the newer one with ABS feels a lot safer when I have had occasion to use it.
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Re: Invasion of the Panty Snatchers

#78 Post by DaFool »


This version of Jenny just turned 18 years old. The reasons are simple:

* I hit the minimum age limit I can achieve with this character design style. To achieve a lower age, I would have to switch to "moe".
* I reserve the right to make an H-game with this character in the future.

Additional premise as follows:

The doorbell rings. You open the door, and Jenny dashes in carrying a huge box.
You ask what is in the box, Jenny responds it is a box of panties.

You open the box, Jenny trips and falls inside, panties strewn everywhere and on top of her head. (*cough* hilarity ensues *cough*)

Jenny then proceeds to clean your place. You say that you don't really need it cleaned, but Jenny insists anyway and charges you $40 an hour since she belongs to a workers' union. You insist that you can only pay her $10 an hour but she refuses, you fight over the vaccuum cleaner, Jenny trips over the sofa, and you get a fullscreen view of her rear end. (cough* hilarity ensues *cough*)

...okay, enough of that shit. I don't intend to do actual writing -- I just want the scenario to be substantial. That was just an example.


I plan to do a third revision in the moe style, so we should get a highschooler (The 16-year-old as planned) who looks like a middle-schooler. Aw, man, perhaps Jake or Yummz should have taken the job.

Need helpful suggestions... I aimed to capture the essence of the game in the character design and I don't think I hit it yet. But on the other hand, should this look like the panty games already available in Japan?

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Re: Invasion of the Panty Snatchers

#79 Post by monele »

Is it me or is there less boobage? ô_o... But OH GOD... maid... <3

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Re: Invasion of the Panty Snatchers

#80 Post by DaFool »

Less boobage because she's thinner.

And to the person who requested short flat-chested (well, for another game), I am always thinking of accomplishing it.

I finally figured it out. Certain character designs represent certain genres. That's why you can tell immediately what is a kiddie anime and even tell it apart from otaku anime. That is the reason why lordcloudx's loli designs fit so well with a story like Time's Tear. That is also a reason why my current realistic-proportioned adult design is easily portable to hentai applications.

I'm still grappling with this genre and trying to get rid of the jailbait connotations out of my head, yet still need to come up with young stylistic designs.

I haven't given up yet... and as long as I don't end up with a generic circa 1997-ish spiky anime style that doesn't age well, I should be able to think of something.

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Re: Invasion of the Panty Snatchers

#81 Post by themocaw »

Hmmmm. . . perhaps something like. . .


*Ring Ring*

Now who could that be?

*Open Door*

Jenny "Ohayo!"

Player "Ummmm. . . Columbus?"

J "What?"

P "Are we playing the states and capitals game? Columbus is the capital of Ohio, right?"

J "No, silly, ohayo, as in Japanese for 'good morning!'"

P "Oh. Is this one of those anime things?"

J "Yup!"

P "Oh. . . I never understand what you see in that stuff, it's all just big eyes and bouncing boobs."

J "Don't be mean, ___-kun."

P "Anyway, what are you doing here at six in the morning?"

J "Well, I just wanted to thank you for helping me with the aliens last night. . ."

P "It was nothing. Don't mention it."

J "It wasn't nothing!! You saved my precious collection! You're a panty hero! The titan of thongs! The bravo of bikinis! The crusader of crotchless. . ."

P "I get it, I get it! (don't yell things like that out loud where the neighbors can hear. . .)"

J "I just can't let a debt like that go unpaid! And so, I've decided. . ."

(Event Pic of Jenny whipping off her dress to reveal her maid outfit on underneath)

J ". . . I, Jenny, shall now clean your house for you in my best moe moe meido-tan manner!"

(Return to scene-and-character view of Jenny in her maid outfit)

P ". . ."

P "What the hell are you wearing?"

J "You like it? It's the costume I used for last year's Anime Ball. . . and LOOK!"

(Jenny flips up her skirt)

J "TADAAAH!!!!! Genuine lace garters, with matching panties! Handmade french lace, nothing but the finest chinese silks, made by the blind monks of the Ecchi DuPansu monestary in rural France! The very same kind that Marie Antoinette wore on her way to the guillotine! Each is hand-crafted to the finest specifications, and personally signed by the abbot of the monestary himself!"

P ". . ."

J "I went on a three month journey in France just to find the monestary! I had to fight the wombat warlords of Lourdes to get there! I had to pass the three trials of the seven-eyed yak herder of Normandie to earn enough mandrake roots to pay for them, but it was worth it! The silk is so smooth it feels like butter. . . go on, touch it!"

P "Excuse me!?"

J "Touch it! It's really soft!"

"Yeah! Touch it!"


A chill runs up my spine.

(Event Pic: the entire neighborhood is staring at Jenny and the Player. The neighbors include:

1. A pair of drunken frat boys cheering the Player on.
2. An old man in his bathrobe getting his newspaper. His pipe is falling out of his mouth and he is O.O.
3. A little boy pointing and laughing while his mommy tries to cover his eyes.)

"Wooohooo!!! You go, dude!"

"Mommy, look, you can see her undies!"

"Don't look at them, honey, don't make eye contact, just walk away slowly. . ."


I grab Jenny by the wrist and drag her inside.


After that, we could have the conversation about union wages and such. . . hmmm. Maybe I'm painting with too broad strokes here.

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Re: Invasion of the Panty Snatchers

#82 Post by monele »

** Imagination overflowing error **
XD... But I'm pretty sure it was le Monastère du Lac Hulotte :p
(Lac Hulotte > la culotte = the panties)

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Re: Invasion of the Panty Snatchers

#83 Post by themocaw »

monele wrote:** Imagination overflowing error **
XD... But I'm pretty sure it was le Monastère du Lac Hulotte :p
(Lac Hulotte > la culotte = the panties)
Your panty fu is strong. XD

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Re: Invasion of the Panty Snatchers

#84 Post by YuMMz »

DaFool wrote:Revision
I plan to do a third revision in the moe style, so we should get a highschooler (The 16-year-old as planned) who looks like a middle-schooler. Aw, man, perhaps Jake or Yummz should have taken the job.
The community should probably be happy you took the job though, as I would have kept everything to a minimum. With you at the head, this seems to be turning into a much cooler project. Oh and I definitely like the maid outfit!

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Re: Invasion of the Panty Snatchers

#85 Post by musical74 »


I realize we are focusing on the artwork (esp when it's so well done!) but please remember everyone.....the writing is important too. If a game or demo has GREAT graphics...and that's it....while you are going to get those that buy/play it because of the eye candy graphics...if that's ALL there is, people forget about the game very very very quickly. Example of this: Rascal for the PS1. Graphics? wonderful. Everything else? LOUSY

That said, think I'll admire the maid some more......
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Re: Invasion of the Panty Snatchers

#86 Post by Alessio »

Phew, composing for Theremin is quite a challenge. Took a while to get usable melodies out of it that didn't sound like a broken old transistor radio. Plus it sounds off pitch even when it's dead-on. Anyway, here's the main loop - let me know if we need more (or less) of this. :)
1-minute loop (ogg, 128 kbps). Rename .txt to .ogg.
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Re: Invasion of the Panty Snatchers

#87 Post by PyTom »

That loop is great... this is pretty certainly the battle music right there.
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Re: Invasion of the Panty Snatchers

#88 Post by Alessio »

Thanks! What else will we need? A generic all-purpose background loop, or several different ones? Still using the Theremin?

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Re: Invasion of the Panty Snatchers

#89 Post by PyTom »

I'm thinking we'll need a loop for the story part. I think the theremin should be reserved for the snatchers, so I wouldn't use it for the story part.
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Re: Invasion of the Panty Snatchers

#90 Post by themocaw »

Quick note: depending on how you want the battle paced (fast or slow) it might do with a little more driving percussion and maybe a nice bass line. This brings to me the image of sneaking about the eerily darkened room hunting down hiding aliens and pounding them with tennis balls than doing a run-and-gun, dodging zap-rays and shooting back. If that's what you were going for, then I guess we're good. :)

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