The Pirate's Treasure [G/BxB/G][Romance]

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The Pirate's Treasure [G/BxB/G][Romance]

#1 Post by LaziRice »

The Pirate's Treasure

About: Basically I am really interested in making a pirate game and a visual novel based on the sea. I hope to make the story so you can choose to be a boy or a girl and you can pursue both genders as either gender. For the plot I don't have much right now (which is why I am writing it down here) but I have a rough idea; (These are general plot points and I am literally writing as I am thinking so my grammar is not up to par)
  • You start off as a civilian and later join the pirate crew
  • There is the captain, Gunner, Cook, Navigator, and the Doctor. They are short on a shipwright, musician, and whatever else a pirate crew needs
  • More people will join the crew throughout the game if you make the right choices (these characters can be romanced)
  • Life on the seas is rough, there will be enemies (maybe character deaths?), natural disasters (maybe character deaths?), but there are treasures out there
  • On the seas there is a great power no human can ever measure, in exchange for a great sacrifice you could get this power. Someone on the crew has made an exchange with davy jones.
potential spoiler? Though it might not be?
I really like the idea of the protagonist actually like dying in a storm and as you are falling you hear davy jones in your head asking if you would like to live a second life. He could grant you a second life and also the ability to see into people's heart. The protagonist will either have amnesia (so we might not find out until later in the story) or will know from the beginning. The ability to see into people's hearts is pretty much useless at first but as you continue the story your character starts to see into the hearts of people (because the protagonist gains control of the power) and this allows you to connect to people (also see what they truly desire, their wishes, their affiliations, who holds a special place in their heart, etc.).
  • There is a great treasure that the captain wants and everyone else has their own goal to accomplish, but what is your goal?
  • Protagonist (Male/Female)--You make the name
  • Captain (Male)--no name yet
  • Gunner (Female)--no name yet
  • Cook (Male)--no name yet
  • Navigator (Female)--no name yet
  • Doctor (Male)--no name yet

Logo: I have an idea for a logo, two of them are from and one is something I created (it's actually number two). I'm not sure which I like more. When I decide which one to go with I am going to add color/more detail/touch ups but for now it will be in black and white.
  1. #1 Is a dafont..font
  • #2 Is the one I made in photoshop (sampling from the first font)
  • #3 Is a dafont..font

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Re: The Pirate's Treasure [G/BxB/G][Romance]

#2 Post by LaziRice »

  • 1. What do you think?
  • 2. Which logo do you like more?
  • 3. Throw some plot ideas out!
  • 4. Give me some names!

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Re: The Pirate's Treasure [G/BxB/G][Romance]

#3 Post by lilyrose »

I think the idea sounds great!! I really look forward to the time you make this an actual visual novel. I like the second logo better ^.^'
As for plot ideas? Well what if they treasure they're after is the epic treasure left by the father of all pirates or something like that and rigged with boobie traps! let's not forget all the other pirates after they legendary treasure! hmmm maybe you could get a few people to join you're crew from a diff pirate ship? and noooo I do not watch to much Goonies XD Names ummmm Drago Longshield, ummmm yea I got nothing well I hope this helped ^.^" Good Luck!!
~ You know I used to be able to leap tall buildings using a jetpack? Then I got shot in the leg with an arrow T.T ~

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Re: The Pirate's Treasure [G/BxB/G][Romance]

#4 Post by Mad Harlequin »

lilyrose wrote:As for plot ideas? Well what if they treasure they're after is the epic treasure left by the father of all pirates or something like that and rigged with boobie traps! let's not forget all the other pirates after they legendary treasure!
This has been done. It's called One Piece.

The idea in spoiler tags is nothing really new, but I can see it becoming interesting if executed properly. (What makes Davy Jones give this particular pirate a second chance when there are countless other dead sailors out there?)

I think it would be fun if the treasure were something unexpected---maybe it's not a pile of gold or some magical artifact. Maybe it's something valuable only to the captain, but he calls it valuable because he needs a crew, and money is a great motivator.
I'm an aspiring writer and voice talent with a passion for literature and an unhealthy attachment to video games. I am also a seasoned typo-sniper. Inquiries are encouraged. Friendly chats are welcome.
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Re: The Pirate's Treasure [G/BxB/G][Romance]

#5 Post by LaziRice »


I am planning on having some boobie traps and other pirates, defiantly trouble with towns and other ships. I haven't fleshed out a ton of ideas yet but I do know some for sure events. I just recently watched the goonies and that's why I wanted a pirate VN ^^. Thank you so much for the help!

@Mad Harlequin

I was thinking of Davy Jones giving these particular pirates a second chance because of their strong willingness to live/dream/complete a goal/revenge/etc. Something deep inside these people are calling out and the voice gets heard from Davy Jones. Depending on the voice Jones hears he offers different powers and different sacrifices. I really don't want to do a pile of gold as a treasure, but I was planning on doing something that everyone on the crew can enjoy. Everyone has a different dream, but maybe these dreams collide and that's why they are working together? If I continue with this idea the protagonist can understand their dreams and desires.

I really want you as the player to be able to see what the protagonist sees and depending on actions this can change the desires/wants of the crew. I don't know if you have ever played Pokemon Colosseum, but basically there are shadow pokemon that have their hearts closed and they give off a purple aura. So throughout the story you can measure your progress with the crew by seeing their aura/desire, the darker it is the more you are closer to getting a "bad" ending (you did something wrong or pissed someone off), and the lighter it is the closer you are to getting a "good" ending (you did something right or you made someone happy).

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Re: The Pirate's Treasure [G/BxB/G][Romance]

#6 Post by Mad Harlequin »

LaziRice wrote:I was thinking of Davy Jones giving these particular pirates a second chance because of their strong willingness to live/dream/complete a goal/revenge/etc. Something deep inside these people are calling out and the voice gets heard from Davy Jones. Depending on the voice Jones hears he offers different powers and different sacrifices.
This works, though I'd argue that most people (especially ones who are about to die!) are motivated to live/pursue a dream, etc. Perhaps you can circumvent this by only giving Davy Jones the ability to appear at a certain time and place under special circumstances---say, every thousand years in a certain spot at sea and under the light of the moon---and the crew of this particular pirate ship is fortunate enough to cross paths with him.
I really don't want to do a pile of gold as a treasure, but I was planning on doing something that everyone on the crew can enjoy. Everyone has a different dream, but maybe these dreams collide and that's why they are working together? If I continue with this idea the protagonist can understand their dreams and desires.
I think you could pull off something like that. For example:

Protagonist: ? (find a place to belong, maybe?)
Gunner: possess a great treasure
Cook: serve a meal to nobility
Navigator: locate a mysterious moving island
Doctor: find a cure for a deadly disease
Captain: find some way to provide for relatives who are not well off

It's really linear and way too convenient, so you don't want to use it, but here's an example of how the dreams could connect in a kind of story arc:

The ship reaches a town or something like that, and the gunner, who loves shiny things, runs off to steal something valuable from the town nobles. The whole crew gets thrown in prison except for the protagonist and the cook, who find a way to escape. Meanwhile, they overhear that the noble family's cook is planning to poison his employers. The protagonist and the cook fear that the rest of the crew will also receive poisoned food, but they're also moral enough to want to prevent the murder of the nobles. They find some culinary-themed way to stop the murderous cook, and in gratitude, the nobles release the rest of the crew. Cook's food is praised by the family. The gunner doesn't get to keep what she'd stolen, of course, but she's not greedy in the same way the would-be murderer is. She has fun stealing shiny things, but she'd never kill to do it, and she doesn't really mind returning them if she gets to look at them for a little while. (Terrible thief, I know.)

The sole child of the noble house asks the pirates if they're going to the legendary island that moves. He or she dreamed about it last night. Few people believe it exists, but the navigator is one of them, so she promises to bring back a souvenir.

The pirates set out for the moving island. After going around in circles and not making any progress, the navigator remembers the child's dream and uses the imagery in it as a guide. And believe it or not, they make it to the island!

On this island they have several adventures, and eventually they come across a plant that nobody's ever seen. (This becomes the doctor's cure.)

The doctor manages to mass-produce his cure. Then the pirates make a ton of money and are able to provide for the captain's relatives.
I really want you as the player to be able to see what the protagonist sees and depending on actions this can change the desires/wants of the crew. I don't know if you have ever played Pokemon Colosseum, but basically there are shadow pokemon that have their hearts closed and they give off a purple aura.
Yes, I understand what you're saying. I played a bit Pokemon Colosseum at a friend's house long, long ago . . .
I'm an aspiring writer and voice talent with a passion for literature and an unhealthy attachment to video games. I am also a seasoned typo-sniper. Inquiries are encouraged. Friendly chats are welcome.
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