VN Composer/Producer looking for Work

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VN Composer/Producer looking for Work

#1 Post by Mondonater »

Hey guys, I'm a producer (in the sense of handling composition as well as mixing, mastering, normalizing, etc.) currently looking for work. I'm currently invested in my own general work at Alienworks, but I'd like to spread my wings some more into other VN projects as well, at least as far as music is concerned. I have no shortage of sound and instrument technology, and feel strongly confident in my abilities to create any desired sound or match any style, tone, or genre.

Some examples of my work: (Almost all of it is mine, each says who made it) (All mine, specifically non-OST stuff)

EDIT (10/11/15): I've decided to pursue music creation as my declared profession following my graduation in December. While this means I will have significantly more time to work on projects, it also means I will need to make a living wage. As such, I've had to raise my rates somewhat. However, instead of offering separate services/rates in Music, Sound, and other aspects of production, I've decided to lump all of them together under the music rate for general convenience.

I'm charging an initial rate of $50 per minute ($25 per 30 seconds, to be more specific) of original sound, designed fully to your specifications. Specifics can be worked out on a per-project basis, but that's the general baseline rate. A few things on that:

1.) That rate is for what I'm calling "original sound". Basically, I will not charge you any extra to extend an existing section, and I won't create "filler" sounds in an attempt to bloat the song length. A 1'30" tune doubled to make a 3'00" tune (at your request) won't cost you any more than the initial 1'30" of original composition.

2.) The $50 per minute rate gives you free license to do what you will with the compositions you commission, but I retain the rights. Essentially, you can use my commissioned music for anything you would like, but I would like to be credited somehow, and can still use the music for portfolios and other non-commercial, non-project personal uses. Additionally, if for whatever reason a third party wanted to buy the use of any commissioned music for use in their works, they would need to buy the license from me in addition to working out some manner of consent or agreement with you. If you would like to buy the rights in the more literal sense (You get complete exclusivity of the commissioned work, do not need to credit me if you so choose, and can sell the rights yourself if desired), then we can come to a reasonable agreement on a per-project budget basis.

3.) I ask for an initial requested length and half of the payment upon starting a commission. The other half is to be paid upon confirmation that the commission is satisfactorily completed. In the event that I am swamped with tracks and am afraid it will take a little time to get to a new one, I will defer the initial half to instead simply be full payment on completion. I will make as many touch-ups as needed in order to reach your level of satisfaction, but once you have confirmed and paid for a track in full, that track is considered a closed commission and cannot be re-worked at a later time in terms of composition. All mixing and mastering services I offer are a built-in part of the deal; I will make sure all of your other tracks and SFX are equalized and normalized as part of my services going with the rate.

4.) My rate includes all the steps I feel are necessary for a commercial soundtrack release. That means you get the full package of composition, mixing, mastering, and normalization to match with your other pre-existing tracks. Additionally, as a part of the package, I will make you some original SFX at your request. Those sound effects follow the same general principles as the music; you can use them for whatever you'd like for as long as you'd like, but I'd like to be credited in some way.

5.) My rates are flexible to match any project. If you are hesitant to hire me because of budget or contract concerns, or just have any questions in general, please just let me know and I'm sure we can work something out. You can contact me either through email at or on Skype (collin.babb).

Looking forward to working with you!
Collin Babb (Mondonater)

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