Baby Making Time [Puzzle/Dating][BxG][BxB][GxG]

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Re: Baby Making Time [Puzzle/Dating][BxG][BxB][GxG]

#46 Post by ipepeytsu10 »

sapiboonggames wrote:
ipepeytsu10 wrote:Hey hey! :D I love your game even though I haven't played it haha but I'm downloading now XD
BTW, I want to ask, RPG Maker what you use? Free or paid? Because i want to try making the RPG game but I'm confused what RPG Maker I use to make it :? Maybe you can recommend it :) Thank you for making this game free XD
It's RPG Maker VX Ace, the newest version of the maker.
Also, it's paid (none of the RPG Maker series have been free, lol :p )
Hahaha I know that :D there are free RPG Maker but its limit functions (said my friends). Okay, thanks for your info :)

note : sorry for my bad grammar :P

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Re: Baby Making Time [Puzzle/Dating][BxG][BxB][GxG]

#47 Post by sapiboonggames »

Thanks for the answers!

@fae_of_the_rose: Yup, that's what makes me reluctant to work on a commercial release for the game, since it's kinda niche :s Guess I'll concentrate on finishing my original plan first!
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Re: Baby Making Time [Puzzle/Dating][BxG][BxB][GxG]

#48 Post by Coren »

Finished the game! Will try again with different pairings. Pretty funny!

By the way, sapiboong, what script do you use to allow the cupid to pull people around? :)

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Re: Baby Making Time [Puzzle/Dating][BxG][BxB][GxG]

#49 Post by sapiboonggames »

Coren wrote:Finished the game! Will try again with different pairings. Pretty funny!

By the way, sapiboong, what script do you use to allow the cupid to pull people around? :)
It's evented :P
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Re: Baby Making Time [Puzzle/Dating][BxG][BxB][GxG]

#50 Post by shutupalice »

sapiboonggames wrote: 1. Do you prefer to have only 1 big stage for the game (like it is currently. A big town, with 10 people to be match-made), or multi-stage with smaller number of single people? (For example, only 2 guys and 2 girls, smaller town, maybe even in different time settings -> fantasy, urban, etcetra)
I think either could be interesting. I think different stages could be fun, though, especially if doing that made it easier to flesh out the different relationships a little more (since there would be fewer possibilities to have to write) but only if it was balanced to keep the GxG and BxB fun, too? If you have two men and two women, there are two possible combinations if you pair the characters up into opposite-sex couples, but only one possible combination if you pair the characters up into same-sex couples, and if any of the characters can't make a match with the other same-sex character, that means pretty much everyone needs to be heterosexually shipped. Having three of each would add more variety, or even having an unequal number of men and women on some levels might be fun?

Different settings could be good! Fantasy or sci-fi levels might even help with the same-sex couple baby issue.
sapiboonggames wrote:2. If this game is made longer, would you guys be willing to pay for it? (I have another game on-progress, that I "believe" will have more prospective customers, but it doesn't hurt to know if this game is good enough to be sold, since I think this is unique and I personally love the experience of making it.)
I would probably pay for it, if the relationships were fleshed out more, if you had it proofread, and if the thing I complained about earlier wasn't an issue anymore.

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Re: Baby Making Time [Puzzle/Dating][BxG][BxB][GxG]

#51 Post by Coren »

John x Max is my favourite ship, even though they start off with low points. They're hilarious.

Is it possible to pair John up with one of the characters that you can't access without getting rid of Santa first though? I was going to try John x Will or John x Beatrice but it doesn't seem possible.

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Re: Baby Making Time [Puzzle/Dating][BxG][BxB][GxG]

#52 Post by try10 »

I wonder when will the walkthrough be available? I'm having a hard time...

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Re: Baby Making Time [Puzzle/Dating][BxG][BxB][GxG]

#53 Post by LadyOfGatsby »

try10 wrote:I wonder when will the walkthrough be available? I'm having a hard time...
I'm patiently waiting too...

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Re: Baby Making Time [Puzzle/Dating][BxG][BxB][GxG]

#54 Post by redViXen »

I manage to solved all the puzzles! Yay!
Though, I had a hard time about that Present Puzzle but thanks to some people here, I manage to get it.

Here's The Walkthrough:

You need to solve all the puzzles first and by solving them, it would make your move a bit shorter.
Denture and Police Man - Since there's a car crash and it can't be solve unless the Police Man sort it out, he needs to go there but since a man, who lost his dentures doesn't want to move. It won't happen. Look for a man who will say that a dog took a denture and feed that dog with a food for it to release the denture. Once done, talk to the man who's looking for the denture. He will leave and then talk to the Police Man and he will go and sort the car crash problem.

Pervert and the Nurse - You need to sort the Denture man first for this to be solve. In the car crash site, there's a women watching it. The other one was the wife of the perverted doctor and needs to move once the Policeman sorted out the crash. Talk to the lady and she will disappear and so is her husband. The Nurse will then be released and will leave a cold medicine.

Sickly Old man - needs the cold medicine to move in the way.

The Hotel Intruders(LOL) - The Dog and the owner needs to move so you can make babies. By doing so, you have to find another food hidden somewhere. (You should have 3 food. 1 Hot Dog, 1 Sandwich and 1 Burger) Feed the Dog and the dog will suddenly disappear. Talk to the owner and he will find his dog.

Cat and Santa Puzzle - You need to give the cat some food to wake up. Santa hates the cat so he will move in the middle of the kids for it.

Santa and the Present - Santa needs to have a present, which you will get to the rejected nurse. John needed to get married for her to throw the present.

Clown, Chicken and the Concerned Citizen - The Clown will move once Santa gave the present to the kids and will take his rest. The Clown will then disappear once you talked to him after Santa disappeared. Talk to the chicken and it will move to where the Clown used to stand. Then the Concerned Citizen will disappear, once the chicken is safe by talking to him.

The Bodyguards will move once Beatrice gets married but you can go for a date without doing so.
Just to let you know that GxG and BxB won't give you any babies at all. (I thought one of them would magically be pregnant. LOL)

If you want to know the pairings, you can ask me. I manage to get every pairings.

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Re: Baby Making Time [Puzzle/Dating][BxG][BxB][GxG]

#55 Post by xxxSakura »

Omg, this was such an entertaining and fun game! My favourite convo was between John and Kiyoko - literally nothing was exchanged, they're too much alike! xD It was also hilarious looking at Sharon basically just drooling all over Douglas and Max, but my personal OTP = Clara and John though.

1. Do you prefer to have only 1 big stage for the game?
I personally prefer the many people in one town setting! I spent quite some time (and countless playthroughs) making all of them gather in the middle (save for Beatrice and Sharon who were locked to me at that point of time) and made them interact with one another. It was really funny :lol:

2. If this game is made longer, would you guys be willing to pay for it?
That depends on a few factors. Personally, if you can correct the grammar errors, flesh out the characters, give them all individual dialogues and personalise the whole game, I'd be willing to buy it. On the other hand, I don't buy any games online above the price of $15 - $20, so I think it'd also depend on how much you price it? (pricing vs value)

Also, not sure if this was a bug/overlooked thing/done on purpose, but Hannah (when unmarried) disappears right after Beatrice is married off! If this was done on purpose, I think it's annoyingly brilliant! xD

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Re: Baby Making Time [Puzzle/Dating][BxG][BxB][GxG]

#56 Post by SapphireDragon »

I've played this through a few times and I love it! xD It's cute, fun, and I'm curious about the different combinations that draw me to keep playing. <3

I think you could sell it if it was a bit longer! xD I like the idea of different stages! Then you could add different puzzles and have different groups of people and stuff. xD But I know some people would like to have a huge variety of people to choose from. I personally though would like the multi-stages. xD

Oh! And I think I found a glitch. ^^ I paired up Kiyoko and Douglas and even though Cupid said there were supposed to be 2 babies, no babies were added to my score. (I would have ended that game with 14 babies. xD But instead it said I had 12. Eh well. xD ) Don't know if it was a random thing on my end or not, but I thought I'd let you know. ^^

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Re: Baby Making Time [Puzzle/Dating][BxG][BxB][GxG]

#57 Post by iamwhatonearth »

I played it but I gave up before managing to make any babies.

The concept and art is good but the controls are hard to use and I couldn't find enough items to move people out of the way.

I dunno if I'd pay for a longer version since I already have so many games on my wishlist but I think if it is improved you probably can get people to buy it. c:

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Re: Baby Making Time [Puzzle/Dating][BxG][BxB][GxG]

#58 Post by Bronze-Haifisch »

Is so sad Beatrice and John can't end together... i really wanted to try that one... *sighs* but well, i need to move on...! ;'D

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Re: Baby Making Time [Puzzle/Dating][BxG][BxB][GxG]

#59 Post by mslilian »

Just finished the game! now this is what I call unique! A game where you can choose the pairings yourself. The only thing i didn't like was the generic conversations. But it can't be helped since a lot of time would need to be put in for seperate convos :mrgreen:

Great game!

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Re: Baby Making Time [Puzzle/Dating][BxG][BxB][GxG]

#60 Post by amVspR »

Is there anyone know how to pair up WILL x JOHN? :(

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