To Thaw a Frozen Heart [BxB] [Romance, Drama, Fantasy]

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Projects: To Thaw a Frozen Heart [On Going]

To Thaw a Frozen Heart [BxB] [Romance, Drama, Fantasy]

#1 Post by HarukoBev »

Hello Everyone!
My name is Beverly and I've been wandering through the forums since the beginning of January 2016 and I finally decided to make an account.
I have been thinking about creating my very first visual novel which is based on Hans Christian Anderson's The Snow Queen.
I am a big fan of fairy tale stories and my next VN might be based on a fairy tale story too xD
An evil witch has made a magic mirror that distorts the appearance of everything it reflects. It fails to reflect the good and beautiful aspects of people and things, while magnifying their bad and ugly aspects. The evil witch takes the mirror and his minions throughout the world, delighting in using it to distort everyone and everything; the mirror makes the loveliest landscapes look like "boiled spinach."
They try to carry the mirror into heaven with the idea of making fools of the angels and God, but the higher they lift it, the more the mirror shakes with their laughter, and it slips from their grasp and falls back to earth, shattering into billions of pieces, some no larger than a grain of sand.

These splinters are blown by the wind all over the Earth and got into people's hearts and eyes, freezing their hearts like blocks of ice and making their eyes like the troll-mirror itself, seeing only the bad and ugly in people and things. To cure this, many people went on a journey to search the Winter Prince to thaw their frozen heart. But nobody ever comes back alive.

On a pleasant summer day, splinters of the mirror get into Kai's heart and eyes while he and his brother Landis are looking at a picture book in their window-box garden. Kai's heart becomes cruel and heartless, and he no longer cares about Landis, since everything now appear bad and ugly to him. The only beautiful and perfect things to him now are the tiny snowflakes that he sees through a magnifying glass.

The following winter, Kai goes out on a journey to find the Winter Prince. Kai arrived at the Ice Castle and the Prince then reveals himself to Kai and kisses him twice: once to numb him from the cold, and a second time to make him forget about Landis and his family. Kai agreed to live with the King and be his man servant, not knowing that the third kiss would kill him.
Kai Reynard (Male)
Age : 17
Background : Kai was originally an orphan. He was sent to the orphanage when he was 7 months old and was adopted by the noble family at the age of 4. Kai never knew of his natural birth parents, and he was not interested to know who.
Personality : This warm hearted, shy and sensitive 17 years old boy loves to spend his time in the library, reading books about dragons, mermaids and lost kingdoms. Kai is a very imaginative person and loves adventures. But due to some reasons, he was not allowed to step outside the manor until he is 18 years old. But he managed to make a few playmates which is Charlotte, the farmer’s daughter and Charley, the gardener’s youngest son. Aside from reading books and playing with his playmates, Kai also loves to spend his time with his favorite brother, Landis.

The Winter Prince (Male)
Syres Torvill

Age : 29 years old
Background : Syres was once a prince of a small and poor kingdom called Penderlaith. The kingdom was so poor and the King had no other choice but to make an agreement with an evil sorceress named Milicent. Blinded by the luxury the sorceress offered, the King made a mistake by letting his own heir cursed with the power of Winter. Milicent then took Syres to her place, but Syres ran away and built his own castle at the distant North, where the winter is eternal.
Personality : Syres is a gentle, soft-spoken and loving person. He spent years of isolation in his cold and lonely ice castle. Sometimes, he would travel around in other lands by winter, because he didn’t want to bring a snow storm in the middle of summer. He finds mortals who interest him and he takes them back to his palace to entertain him and keep him company. Hunters, who glory in the challenge of the deep snows; princes, who set out on quests to the distant north; sorcerers and scholars, who marvel at the beauty and power of Winter. It never works out. Some try and escape, try to steal his magic or his treasures, and he casts them out into the snowy wastes of the far north. Few survive to reach human civilization again.

Landis Reynard (Male)
Age : 20 years old
Background : Landis is the oldest Count Reynard’s son and Kai’s favorite sibling. Was raised by an only father because his mother died when she gave birth to him, but due to his father doing most things for him, he became a tad bit lazy. He was affected by his father’s demeanor to help other people and always helps people in need.
Personality : Due to his father had given him a lot of responsibilities placed on him when he was very young, Landis is a disciplined, mature and sometimes impatient person. Landis mostly spent his free time outside, helping the villagers or playing with his brother along with his other playmates. All those years of growing up together with Kai, he secretly developed a crush on him. When Kai ran away from home, Landis was determined to find him, confess his feelings and bring him home.
Charlotte Swan (Female)
Age : 20 years old
Background : She was born in a lower class family and his father works as a farmer in the Reynard’s family manor. She often stumbled onto Kai when she was helping the maids to clean the library. Once, she tried to striked a conversation with him, but Kai was very shy back then. She didn’t gave up and kept on teasing and talking to him. Since then, she befriended Kai and introduced Charley to Kai. They became best friends ever since.
Personality : Bubbly. That could be one way to describe Charlotte. She can very happy and she is almost always wearing a smile on her face. She can be very curious and will stop at nothing until her curiosity is sated. She can have quite an attitude and will not hesitate to tell you what she thinks of someone. She can also be very sarcastic and cheeky. She tends annoy people with her cheerful attitude and blunt behavior but she is a really kind and easy-going person. Nothing seems to bother her but if it does she covers it will smiles. She is hyper on occasion and she can get jealous quite easily. She is also very intelligent. She has a big fear of heights and she is not very good at cooking, sewing, or painting things.

  • Three love interests, you may only choose one
  • 5-8 endings. 3 will be a sad ending while other will be a happy ending √
  • Changeable character name
  • What is your opinion on the plot? Do you have any suggestions to make it better?
  • Do you like the characters and how do you feel about them based on the little information you have?
  • Do you think I should've just make this game BxB or GxB? Or both?
  • Should I implement the changeable protagonist's name feature?
  • Should I include character death?
  • Writing : 67%
  • Character profiles : 25%
  • Art : 20%
  • GUIs : 10%
  • Programming : 14%
  • The plot was inspired from the original fairytale, but I will be adding more plot twists and maybe a few heartbreaking moments.
  • I'm going to make this as a BxB storyline after a few positive feedbacks on the comment thread and PM
  • English is not my first language, so please if you see a grammar error, inform me and I'll fix it ^^
  • Currently adding character flaws~
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Last edited by HarukoBev on Sun Jun 05, 2016 10:06 pm, edited 15 times in total.

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Re: To Thaw a Frozen Heart [BxB/GxB] [Romance, Drama, Fantas

#2 Post by fleet »

1. I like the story.
2. I like the characters.
3. I'm not fond of BxB. Having said that, I suggest that you make the story that YOU want to make.
4. Regarding the changeable protagonist name feature, I don't have an opinion on that.
5. Regarding character death, I don't have an opinion on that. Make the story that YOU want to make.

I noticed a few grammar errors in your post. I suggest you have someone proofread your writing before building the visual novel.
I hope you enjoy making your visual novel.
Some of my visual novels are at They are NSFW
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Re: To Thaw a Frozen Heart [BxB/GxB] [Romance, Drama, Fantas

#3 Post by viynyster »

Can I just say that I really love fairy tale stories esp. The snow Queen too?! I am really looking forward on playing the demo ^^
1. What is your opinion on the plot? Do you have any suggestions to make it better?
I think its good enough. But I have a few ideas in my head for the sad ending. Maybe you can make Landis to die while he tried to bring
Kai home? Or when Syres kissed Kai for the third time and he died? Lol why am I suddenly talking about death xD
2. Do you like the characters and how do you feel about them based on the little information you have?
THEY'RE PERFECT! I'm starting to ship all of them tbh. I cant wait to see the character sprites~
3. Do you think I should've just make this game BxB or GxB? Or both?
Maybe you can make both? Idk, I'm not a big fan of GxB but I feel like playing a GxB element in this game. (Hardcore fujoshi here! xD)
4. Should I implement the changeable protagonist's name feature?
Why would you change it, I like Kai a lot T^T But if others want this feature, you can make it, but you know you'll break my heart.. Lol
jk. But it would be nice if you let us play as Kai, not as ourselves :D
5. Should I include character death?
Oooohhh yassss xD I can help you on developing the plots if you want, because if I post my idea here then it would be a spoiler xD

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Re: To Thaw a Frozen Heart [BxB/GxB] [Romance, Drama, Fantas

#4 Post by MoonByte »

What is your opinion on the plot? Do you have any suggestions to make it better?
Well, I enjoyed "The Snow Queen" (plus, my own name is Kai, haha), so I don't see that as bad. But your plot is so far a lot like the original fairy tale, so I don't know what variations you're planning (since it's supposed to turn into something along the lines of an dating sim, I really wonder what's gonna happen halfway through). I can't say a lot about what you're planning, but the general idea of work with The Snow Queen gets a thumbs-up by me.
Do you like the characters and how do you feel about them based on the little information you have?
Kai will turn quite contradictive to his original personality once the splinters get him. Sounds interesting, it would depend on how you make that work though. be perfectly honest, he sounds too perfect. Nice, charming, muscled, nanana. Give him some twists, some issues. Don't make him a male Mary Sue that sets out to save his crush/brother on a white horse.
The Snow Prince sounds VERY interesting. Making him actually a friendly person that is probably depressed because of his curse and possibly doesn't even want to hurt the people that visit him is a nice twist on the originally cruel and cold Queen.
Do you think I should've just make this game BxB or GxB? Or both?
Depends. Do you enjoy both? Most people prefer one or the other, so asking people that will only result in them stating their preference. If you yourself enjoy both, then I am positive that you can WRITE both. If you enjoy BxB and just want to add GxB "because more people like that", then I am afraid that the GxB variation may turn out boring. Same of course, if it is the other way round.
If you don't feel for the characters and their relationships, then you run danger of making it dull.
Should I implement the changeable protagonist's name feature?
As in, I can decide that instead of "Kai" he will be called "Billy"?
I don't know. I usually always accept the name that the game gives me and otherwise type in whatever and run with it. Unless the game wants me to BE the character (which happens rarely in VNs), I am usually only semi-interested in changing names.
Should I include character death?
If it makes sense, why not?
Unless it's a useless or illogical death that you simply add to "create drama", I'd say go for it. The Snow Queen isn't a friendly tale, both siblings have multiple moments where they may have easily died. If you can think that further and make those moments feel tense and taking wrong turns results in death as punishment, then why not?

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Re: To Thaw a Frozen Heart [BxB/GxB] [Romance, Drama, Fantas

#5 Post by HarukoBev »

@fleet Thank you for being the first one to give a feed back! And yes I know there's a few grammar error in my post, English is not my first language and I'll have someone to proofread it later :)

@viynyster I'm glad that you liked the storyline so far! There's a lot more information will be added in the future (More characters to add, more plot twists, etc) And yes, I am a fujoshi myself but I just thought that maybe I should implement the GxB element for those who don't prefer a BxB storyline. I thought so too about the fourth question. But 'Kai's name is actually will be changed in the future. In other word, the name 'Kai' is just a placeholder. And thank you so much for helping me developing the plots! I will be sure to credit you and feature your project if this vn is released!

@MoonByte I already have plans about how the story is gonna be, and I'm not planning to make it similar to the original fairytale. I wanted to make it different and way more interesting than the original fairytale :D Thanks for pointing that out. Landis is well.. I'm planning to have him possesive of people, impatient, short-tempered and selfish when he tries to rescue Kai. becauseloveisblind I actually have a few flaws to add to the characters, but I guess I should post their positive traits first. Thanks for the honest feedback by the way!

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Re: To Thaw a Frozen Heart [BxB] [Romance, Drama, Fantasy]

#6 Post by audrenes »

1. What is your opinion on the plot? Do you have any suggestions to make it better?

It sounds like an interesting take on the original fairytale! There are some grammar errors, but I saw that English isn't your first language, so I completely understand.

2. Do you like the characters and how do you feel about them based on the little information you have?

The characters don't sound as fleshed out yet, but that's just because it's early in development right now. I gotta say though, it feels kinda weird to see Landis as Kai's love interest, even though they're not really related. Like unless it's established that they don't see each other as siblings, I personally wouldn't pursue Landis, but that's just me @___@

3. Should I implement the changeable protagonist's name feature?

Honestly, it's up to you. If you feel that by changing the protagonist's name, it won't change the feeling of the story, you should go for it. But you should do whatever feels right to you. (Sorry if this sounds unhelpful...)

4. Should I include character death?

Sure, with extreme caution, though! Recently, character death has been used to incite shock within the reader by authors so much that it's taken away character development that could've gone farther if the character(s) stayed alive. Basically, it's now seen as a huge cop out and a product of lazy writing. I guess if you build up the possibility of them dying, it'll be fine by slapping in some hints here and there so that when the moment comes, it won't just be a spur of the moment decision and it'll have a higher impact on the reader's feelings.

Anyway, good luck with this project!

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Re: To Thaw a Frozen Heart [BxB] [Romance, Drama, Fantasy]

#7 Post by HarukoBev »

@audrenes Thanks for the honest feedback and helpful advice about the character death! I'll take a note of it :)

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Re: To Thaw a Frozen Heart [BxB] [Romance, Drama, Fantasy]

#8 Post by HarukoBev »

Update 19/4 - Edited the character description and added a female character!

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