1-3-5! ~A Latte Love~ [Comedy][Dating Sim]

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1-3-5! ~A Latte Love~ [Comedy][Dating Sim]

#1 Post by CALAMARI-POP »

Also known as ゲイ! ~Rent払わなきゃ~ because why not weeb it out

This is my first project, and I'd like to share my thoughts with it!
I've been working hard to try to flesh it out the best I can, and since I'm no programmer (or a very good one, anyway- I'm an artist) I'm trying my best to make it have a lot of detail in my descriptions ^^;

- x -


Protag is an assistant in coffee shop. They really just run errands and serve as a barista.
You can be male or female. Doesn’t matter. You live in an apartment. You need to work in that coffee shop to pay rent that you defaulted on last month.
In 31 days, your payment is due. Otherwise, you get evicted :(

Payment for rent due on 31st day: $1000
IF player does not have enough money by the 31st, they will be evicted.
Depending on the relationship the player has with other characters, there will be different endings based on if the player is evicted or not.

side note: This sim is really a giant inside joke between my friends, but I figured if I'm gonna make a game, I'm gonna make it great

- x -

Planned Mechanics

A run of the mill dating sim with several specific mechanics in place:

There is a day/night cycle. Every action the main character does takes time.
Work starts at 8 AM. Sleep must be at 12 AM unless you delay (and then you will be late for work by an hour for every hour after 12 AM).
If you go to work late, Steven will chastise you (slightly lowering relationship level) and deduct a dollar for every hour you were late.
There’s a calendar that works like an agenda. You might be able to pull it up and type in events in the future that you want to remember.
Measured in hours, not minutes.

Happiness/Fun(?): How entertained you are. Certain dialogue options will only be available with an adequate happiness level(?subject to change) You gain increased “flirting” when happier. Happiness is decreased by 10 after a night’s sleep.
Scale of 0-100

Charisma/Likability: Boost in flirting. Also discounts when shopping/eating in restaurant.
Scale of 0-100

Intelligence: Certain people will only speak to you if you have a high enough intelligence. You can also spot “hiding places,” discreet signs, and secret locations if your intelligence is at least 30.
Scale of 0-100

Energy: Cost to do something. Fully replenished after a night’s sleep.
Scale of 0-100

Love Meter to gauge the relationship, inventory, specific events etc. are also planned. Skills to help with certain relationships w/ characters/other buffs also planned.
Of course, all of this is subject to change.

- x -

sorry the images are huge im sorry (also im only showing their neutral expressions of the ones i've already drawn haha)
why does everyone have glasses? i dunno it might as well be called megane simulator

David: A waiter in a restaurant run by his father. Quite a stoic man, but he knows when to crack a joke and won't hesitate to serve you (a drink).
Hans: Semi-famous musician who plays trombone. While his outward disposition might seem frosty, he's actually quite welcoming. He won't hesitate to spend time practicing over spending time with you, though.
Steven: Your friend willing to take you under his wing in a time of need. He's your manager and boss at the cafe. He is mostly lax about your shifts (as long as you show up some time during the day) and won't hesitate to throw you some extra cash here and there if you're throwing your own weight. Real sweetheart and won't hesitate to flirt with you (in jest).
Karen: An airy, overemotional girl who likes to draw and sit outside in the park. She likes bad puns, but also tends to overreact to many situations. Some consider her to be a bit two-sided, but what side she shows you is up to your actions.
Emily: She likes to remain hidden in the forest, but if you can draw her out (or find her) she'll absolutely try to have a fun time with you. Really big on baking and cute things.
Frank: Insanely humble and trustworthy. He prefers to spend his time building robots and manages the college bookstore (obscene prices and all) for extra cash to fund parts for his robot.
and....many more people planned. I just haven't drawn them yet.

Oh yeah there's this guy.

Jaysun: He'll serve as a background character you click on repeatedly with no other dialogue other than "Stop." or "No." and eventually maybe weed leaves will start drifting down the screen like sakura petals except dank.
- x -

Right now, it's just me and a few IRL people who marginally assist me + one or two helpers I found.

Programmer: Seth (not even sure he can program it :( he said he might do it in his free time, so I'm learning Ren.py myself)
Artist: Me!
Logo Design: Clara Efferin
Script: Me...and some irl friends
Music: Royalty-free and perhaps ONE track from a friend

Overall the team looks kinda shambly but I'm working with the resources I have.
I look forward to sharing the development with you guys! : )

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Re: 1-3-5! ~A Latte Love~ [Comedy][Dating Sim]

#2 Post by Teasisters »

What do you need help with? / Who do you need in your team?

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