Amgine Park - finally released

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Amgine Park - finally released

#1 Post by rioka »

Hey everyone! I'd like to formally announce the release of my first ren'ai game: Amgine Park, available at Ren'

Technically, this project was slated to be made and released in a month's time for NaNoRenO testing purposes. Since I didn't meet the January deadline I set for myself, I've added in some extra things that I hope you guys will find worth the extra wait. :D

I'm also pleased to note that - as far as I'm aware - this is the first english bishounen game released. Which also means I was flying blind when I made this but oh well... ^_^

I would greatly appreciate it if you guys can inform me how long it takes you to finish Amgine Park. Unfortunately, I didn't put in a clock so you're going to have to estimate...

Anyways, enjoy! :D

EDIT: Czech-translated version here. Thanks to denzil and mikey.
Last edited by rioka on Tue Oct 10, 2006 8:18 am, edited 2 times in total.

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#2 Post by papillon »

First run through - 11 minutes, ending #4. Cool! :) I think I saw a "beat red" in there that should be "beet red" though, but I was reading quickly so I can't be sure. :)

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#3 Post by PyTom »

I played this in testing, and really liked it. I found it to be an enjoyable game with an interesting game mechanic. As a guy, I didn't know what it would be like to play a game from a female POV, but it wasn't much of an issue. It's interesting to see what the other half thinks.

Anyway, I've added Amgine Park to the list of Ren'Py games found on the Ren'Py website.

I'd like to congratulate eclipse on succesfully completing a game. I think this means we're going to have to rename the Secret Brotherhood of Ren'Ai Game Developers. :-)

4 games in 2 months. 2005 is turning into a good year for Ren'Ai.

Congratulations again, and take a well-deserved 26-hour break.

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#4 Post by papillon »

Well, it was fun to play, but romantically I don't feel like I got much sense of the guy, really. Until I've played again I won't really know if the choices I picked are things he liked or things he didn't like, but I don't feel like I know much about his personality. He just seemed like... a guy. :) Nice enough, but not very distinctive. This idea may change with more testing.

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#5 Post by Herumutsu »


If I am not mistaken, this was the first bishounen-game I have ever played - I had an enjoyable time. The process of adjusting to the female point of view was simpler than I expected - while I was unsure at first, it seems to have been a matter of less than a minute and I was able to flawlessly relate to said POV.

Didn't really pay attention to the time, seeing as I devoted all of my attention to the game, but judging from my computer-logs (date of executing amgine.exe, date of terminating amgine.exe) I'd estimate to have spent around 45 minutes with the game, figuring out 4 of the endings in the process, including ending 5.

As soon as I have some more unallocated offline-time to spend, which is hopefully still in February, I will go after the endings/other things I have missed.

Congratulations on the completion of this game!

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#6 Post by mikey »

Ah, too bad I have to work now, .... must... plaaaaay.... :cry:
Meanwhile congratulations!

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#7 Post by Blue Lemma »

Good game! :D I got ending 4, but I forgot to time it >_< Then again, I read faster than a lot of people when it comes to textboxes, so... After that I went for a bad ending and got ending 1.

Girls love angsty/tragic past guys, huh? ^_^ Admit it, you love to see us suffer! :lol:
And for the life of me, I will never understand what it is with girls and shrieking. But other than that, it wasn't too hard playing as a girl. I kept wondering what Gen looked like, though, because she must be pwetty~:wink: (oops, being a guy again)

One thing I especially liked was the background art. Good stuff!
One thing that stood out to me (in a not-so-good way) was one of the sentences near the beginning that used two unusual words. I don't remember what they were, but they leapt out at me like, uh, Rover :wink: Maybe Gen is just very literate.

I'm looking forward to seeing what you make in March!

(btw, can we get an easter egg hint? can we? can we? *makes puppy eyes*)

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#8 Post by mikey »

Ah, to hell with work! I dashed home and just had time to go through one path (sadly, I don't remember the number!) But it was the perfect ending - we were friends, nothing more. The first ending, first impression always lasts within one, and mine was I think even better than if we'd started dating.

It took me well over 20 minutes to play it - I thought it was going to be a short game, but it's really well up there with all the rest. It seemed to go on forever, in a good way. I will play through all the other endings ASAP, but I can write some comments nevertheless.

I was just going to say the same thing as papillon, the plot is centered on Gen and not on Brent - but that's exactly my kind of game! I like when the main character dwells in him(herself), so I really enjoyed all the thoughts, all the emotions, all the inner monologues.

I think many more people will also like the graphics - they were so greeen, I just love that color. Art, BGs, what can you say... I'll leave judging the graphics to others though, because
what I especially liked was the directing.

You managed to put in the small things that make a game really stand out, something that perhaps I had not a chance to do in Kaori and did not bother doing in Milk Swim, will not have time to do in Transfer Teacher and almost certainly will not do in GR, but what perhaps made River Trap special - it's all those small things like the dog licking, like people in the background moving, the dog running around, the gradual unvcovering of the statue, opening eyes, etc, etc... Add the coin collecting and the game simply is more than just a sum of its parts. It never gets boring to click, there are lots of choices and lots of different kinds of choices at that. The extra month you mentioned truly shows.

I played the game in the early morning and so far it has made me so cheerful (undoubtedly the green color has an effect on me), that it's really hard to criticise now. I'll try to think of something... later.

Once again, excellent game.

BTW, perhaps I liked the friends ending better because I want Gen to be single... *thinks of M3-like insanities* Nah, jj.

PyTom>> 26 hour break LOL :P :P

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#9 Post by Alazus »

Great game, it really felt like you were just a regular person, as opposed to the occasional feeling of being an omni-present being that is prevalent in some other games. It took me a bit more than 45 minutes to get all 5 endings (at least I hope there are only 5 endings, but with the quality of the writing and everything else I sort of hoped I missed some), and for some reason the endings I achieved first and last (3 and 4, respectively) just seemed much better to me, as they didn't imply a whole lot, and left a lot open to interpretation, which is always a good thing IMO.

I scarcely noticed not being a male character, as I care more about a good romance (hopeless romantic like pretty much every other guy on the board) than the genders of the characters. I also quite liked how Gen acted, and how she was constantly thinking and remembering things that had happened to her in the past. It made her seem much more like a real person than some of the other main characters in ren'ai games who don't do much introspection.

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#10 Post by rioka »

Wow, so much to reply to...

I'm glad to hear it wasn't much trouble to relate to Gen. A part of me was a bit nervous about that. Truthfully, there was a bit of girly things that were cut out in the process...

lol Gen is pretty for inquiring minds... I did a sketch of her and I originally had a description of her in the dialogue but that was one of the things that got cut out. She was also supposed to appear solo in the end but I decided against that as well.

You know, if I had known you guys would take a great liking to her, I would've made a bishoujo game instead... ;D

re papillion:
Your eyes weren't playing with you - it was "beat". =)
I've made corrections and anyone who's downloaded the game after 10:15ish PM EST yesterday should have the corrected version.

As for Brent and dialogue in general - it's subtle in most cases. He's not the type that has obvious emotional outbursts and when you first meet him, you find out that he's reserved (private is the word I used in the line). All I can say is to "read between the lines". ^_^
*****END SPOILER******

re PyTom:
Yay! I'm part of the group now. :does a little dance:
Why not rename it to "Secret Society of Ren'ai Game Developers"? =D

re Herumutsu:
Thanks! =D

re Blue Lemma:
Whaaaa? Why would I want to see you guys suffer? :innocent look:
lol As for girls and shrieking, it's like guys slapping each other on the butt when they're playing sports, imo. =)

Which words was it? Acumen and vestiges? Or faux and charade? As for the words, yes it implies that she's literate and also implies her age if you think about it... ;D

:looks at puppy eyes: Okay, okay, I'll give you some hints with the easter eggs! Three of them are visual. The third one is a bit harder to find unless you can guess why I put them there in the first place aside from the obvious... (okay, I'm saying enough on that score...) There's a fourth, in the dialogue, that's a heads up to a certain someone and something... ;)
Those are the official easter eggs, but there are some other things in plain sight that you can find if you look for them...
******END SPOILER********

I think you guys will like what's coming after March... Hee heee heee....

re mikey:
That was ending was #3 - Best Friends Forever.

You know, River Trap was what actually inspired me with the directing. =)
Hopefully, I don't have to outdo myself every single time now... Ah, expectations. What am I getting myself into? Oh well, onwards and upwards! ^_^

re Alazus:
Yes, there are 5 endings. No more unfortunately. There are some extra easter eggs and other "extra's" in there if you can find them... ;)

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#11 Post by Blue Lemma »

eclipse wrote:As for girls and shrieking, it's like guys slapping each other on the butt when they're playing sports, imo. =)
I KNEW there was a reason I'm not a good athlete :P Hmm, maybe if it was co-ed sports... :wink:

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#12 Post by mikey »

eclipse wrote:Hopefully, I don't have to outdo myself every single time now... Ah, expectations. What am I getting myself into? Oh well, onwards and upwards! ^_^
Exactly - that's why Kaori was so important to me. Though I do mean to surprise/surpass myself in one way or the other, one person can only do that much. It will be the more interesting to see how one can perform in NaNoRenO conditions... aaah, 1 hour 45 minutes for me...

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#13 Post by Taleweaver »

My first ending was ending 4... I think I'm quite the romantic type ^^ or I was just being lucky. Anyway, neat game, with the dog licking your face and all. Full of nice li'l things. A perfect afternoon in there, nothing more, yet also nothing less. Gotta love it!

By the way, now that you're done with your game... can I interest you in "Foxtaile"? Our lead artist seems to have got cold feet... ^_^
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#14 Post by rioka »

re Blue Lemma:
Co-ed sports? lol Then maybe you should've joined Varsity Football - my high school allowed females on the team and there were a couple in the roster... ;D
mikey wrote:It will be the more interesting to see how one can perform in NaNoRenO conditions... aaah, 1 hour 45 minutes for me...
You said it! ....5 hours and 21 misnutes for me....

re Taleweaver:

After my NaNoRenO project and the Fragile Hearts demo is released (I mean to finish it if I have to do the background CG myself! ...Which looks like I will... <.<'), and you still need someone, ask me again. :D

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#15 Post by Dre »

I got ending 3! Took me about an hour I think. Great artwork and I love the background art. How did you do it so well? Interesting story with some great effects. Gave me some ideas. 8)

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