Greatings, requesting artest for anime costom charctars

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Greatings, requesting artest for anime costom charctars

#1 Post by zephielblade »

Hello, my name is Zephiel, and i was wondering if any one wants to draw the chars for the visual noval im writing.
I started out writing a book, but i found i think i could express my thoughts and ideas
this visual noval medium.
Im decent at backgrounds, but terrible at drawing people. if any one can help me
email me at or reply here.
thank you.
Sencerly, Zephiel


Re: Greatings, requesting artest for anime costom charctars

#2 Post by zephy »

hmm, ideed, it seems my search is fruitless.... alas, there is no dreams ,
and aparently no artest....* crys *

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Re: Greatings, requesting artest for anime costom charctars

#3 Post by Cybeat »

Are you 2 the same people? You can always ask for request at deviant art. That's what I did. Don't ask the professionals, though. They're always going to reject.
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Re: Greatings, requesting artest for anime costom charctars

#4 Post by sake-bento »

You're much more likely to get responses if you have more details about your story. A basic summary (a few sentences should be fine), information about the target audience and the type of art you'd like (Bleach and Full Moon wo Sagashite are both anime, but the art styles are very different), and a basic idea of how much work is needed (Only one character? Five hundred characters?) would be very helpful.


Re: Greatings, requesting artest for anime costom charctars

#5 Post by zephy »

sorry, here there basics,

the visual noval im writeing is to be in nvl style.
story is about a rather depressed student name Hikaru,
who suddenly received a mysterious guitar,(which, unknown to him, was a powerful summoning weapon )

2 days later his soul reson of not comiting suicide , hes crush Nieki, suddenly disapers,
and to top it of, alien cristal like robots atack him,
another alian girl, with blue skin and magic powers, saves him, and it sorta goes on from there,
(im writing slopy at the moment caus eim in a hury),
any ways, its from the nararrators vew, (hikaru) and
my band is gona do the music, i just need pics od charicatars, perferably to tsukihime visual noval style

if som one can help ill give them details on the charictars


Re: Greatings, requesting artest for anime costom charctars

#6 Post by zephielblade »

oops, its to br a romance , but nothing like nude or any thing, aka, a non hentai noval, just to let you know


Re: Greatings, requesting artest for anime costom charctars

#7 Post by zephielblade »

gah, sory for triple posting, but thers about 20 main charicters and a few minor random peoples, but the res are monsters, ill make those

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Re: Greatings, requesting artest for anime costom charctars

#8 Post by Jake »

zephy wrote: (im writing slopy at the moment caus eim in a hury),
As it goes - it doesn't look like the kind of story which interests me, and I have enough work to keep me occupied right now, so I'm not in a position to volunteer to help out anyway.

But... even if I were, the standard of writing in your posts (the first one as well, not just these rushed ones) would make me wary of volunteering, since a VN naturally involves a lot of writing. It's a good idea, when you're asking for help with this kind of thing, to make sure that your posts have correct spelling and grammar as far as possible.

It's also a good idea - for much the same reason - to provide a sample of prose you've written, so interested persons can see what kind writer you are. I'd far rather draw for Edgar Allen Poe than Dickens, and they both had perfectly good spelling and grammar.
Server error: user 'Jake' not found


Re: Greatings, requesting artest for anime costom charctars

#9 Post by zephy »

hers the book i was origonaly writing on the same topic

/+= Suffocation Melody =+/
'Part One: Forgotten

Data access...

File " unnormality " opened...

;;;Name: Hikaru vReku ;;;
;;;Password: ...? ;;;

Hikaru paused, thinking.
Suddenly he remembered, typing the keys in carefully.
'First things first.' he thought, checking his email. 'Hmm, Nieki has not replied to my email yet. Odd, she's almost always online.'
He closed his email, got up, and went to his guitar, a jet black Gibson Explorer, with the words Rõx-dem'i etched. It was shaped like an X, and was cross-taped in glowing electric neo-green, a style that Hikaru was fond of.
He thumbed the strings randomly, as he did not know how to play yet. The sound the strings made left him feeling as if there was some hidden power
in it.
In truth he wasn't really sure why he had it in the first place. He never asked for it, the instrument had simply appeared in his room, next to the open window of his apartment, which happened to be on the 12th floor.
Hikaru looked at the clock was already 10:32, and there was school tomorrow.
He turned the light off. Suddenly there was a crackling sound, and a blinding green light flashed, illuminating the apartment.
Then, as fast as it had appeared, it was gone, leaving Hikaru bewildered. He could of sworn he had seen someone, for in the the midst of the flash, Hikaru had seen a girl...

Data access...

File " missing " opened...


Like any school, Greyweather High School was big, busy, and overall boring. Resting on the southern part of the city of Velnit, California, Hikaru's school was only a mile and a half from where he lived. Instead of catching the crowded and noisy bus, he usually just walked if it was a nice day. These walks gave Hikaru the peace and quiet to enjoy the little good in his pathetic world.
There was only one reason he even bothered with school, or even life for that matter.
Her name was Nieki.
She came from a welthy family, but hated being around them, resalting in her always being online. She was seventeen, and brilliant at mathematics and self-taught in in computer programing. Last summer Nieki and Hikaru would hangout all the time, and even whith school and extracuricular activitys, she would always be emailing Hikaru. Which was why Hikaru was worried about her. He felt as if though that, if he ever lost her, the world would fall to pieces.
By the time he got to school, First Bell was just ringing. Hikaru's first class was Calculus. His main reason to be in that class was not to learn calculus, but to simply share thoughts and ideas with someone who would listen. Nieki loved Hikaru's poetry. Nieki only wished she could write like Hikaru. She could solve any equation, but could not write poems.
Nieki, in return for writing help, taught Hikaru skills to pass calculus.
But for some reason Nieki, who never missed class, was not there today. Hikaru waited all period for her.
Hikaru called Nieki's cell after class. she didn't pickup. By the end of third period he text messaged Amy, Nieki's friend.

:: have u seen ::
:: Nieki? ::
:: ::
:: -Hikaru- ::

::I know, its odd, ::
::she never skips ::
::school! ::
:: -Amy- ::

As Hikaru read it he was suddenly really worried. Some thing bad could have happened. It came to him like a sixth-sense...

That night, he did not sleep. he sat at his computer, holding Rõx-dem'i and watching the screen, waiting for Nieki to reply...

File " OMG aliens " opened...


Hikaru looked at his clock. It was 3:56 am....
There was a faint light coming from the window.
Hikaru got up, still holding the guitar, and walked to the window. Suddenly the glass exploded into thousands of glowing flaming shards.
The light got brighter, and something hovered in the widow.
It looked like it was made of crystals, but shaped like a small dragon.
The thing jumped forward and and in a flash of light, sucked up the computer.
Hikaru, swung the Rõx-dem'i guitar at the center of the light bright. The creature roared, burst into black flames and was swallowed whole, leaving only red orb.
"Oh shit, my computer is gone.

File " ice maiden " opened...


Hikaru looked at Rõx-dem'i. The guitar stripes was glowing, and its frame was as solid as ever, amazing, considering that it smashed into a monster.

The glass had cooled off by this time, so Hikaru moved towards the window, griping Rõx-dem'i tightly by its neck, prepared for whatever was to come.

As he neared the opening, the lights went out. It was a deep darkness, and the only light came from the guitar's glowing neon green bands. A soft voice spoke admist the shadows.
"Who are you, that slays the light beast, and wields the E'irla's Rõx-dem'i?" said the female voice.
Sudenly the darkness revealed a blue skined woman, clad in a black mini jacket and a rather intresting pair of shorts, along with a studded belt. on her feet she wore black boots, which ziped up to the base of the knee.

Stuned that such a girl was here, it took him a second to register the question.
"Errr, im, uh, im Hikaru" he managed to reply.
She walked up to him, and looked him up and down.

"Not to bad.....your kinda cute" she paused to my startled reaction. "Hmm, i guess you have no clue who i am, do you?
Hikaru sighed, and shook his head.
"Not a clue, but you, and that thing that atacked me... What are you?"
"Oh? Aileri, and your my kinght." she said, giggling softly. "Heehee, wats whith the face? Im you master, and I say that your going to smile!"
Hikaru tryed his best to force a grin. Aileri sigh, "You realy are hopeless, it look s like ill have too teach you."
"Highly doubt you can teach how to smile to someone who is full of as much sorrow as me. Look, I dont want to be a part of your plans... I dont have the strength..." Hikaru said, walking twords the shaterd window... "To fight my enemys, nor the will to protect friends. Im not fit to help you."
"Oh" she said, "do you happen to know a girl named Nieki? Before she was captured, she sent a help signal. It mentioned you, Hikaru..."

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Re: Greatings, requesting artest for anime costom charctars

#10 Post by Hypertoast »

This looks very interesting. As much as I would like to help you illustrate this, I can't draw that many characters at a time (20's a bit too much). I hope you can find someone who can though, good luck with this.
I'm an artist who can only draw girls. Contact me if you are interested.

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Re: Greatings, requesting artest for anime costom charctars

#11 Post by zephiel »

acualy, i just need 7 chars now, as the rest ar simple...
but all is good in the end...i hope...
.................ZZZ zuu, zenthosa nara verr nehi zunu.

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