Leanan Sidhe Romance Story

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Leanan Sidhe Romance Story

#1 Post by demonicbagel »

Hello all. I've been toying around with a romantic story lately. It would be something of an Otome as the protagonist would be a Leanan Sidhe - an Irish Fairy that is often depicted as a beautiful woman who seeks out mortal men to gain their love and affection. In return for the talent and inspiration she brings, she ends up slowly sapping away at her lover's lifeforce until he dies much earlier than he should. Many leanan sidhe are depicted as malicious vampiric fairies while others - such as the one in the Ancient Magus' Bride anime - are more tragic in nature.

I want to take the latter depiction - the one of the tragic love - and give it a happy ending for once of sorts. Of course, I wouldn't make it obviously all flowers, sunshine, and rainbows, however, I think that it could be a lovely story.

I don't have much progress on the story as of yet as I've been struggling to feel motivated or inspired, but I do have a couple bits I think I might expand upon.

The protagonist herself is named Morna (if my research proves correct, that is an Irish name that more or less means "beloved" - quite fitting I think). She is not malicious nor is she really actively seeking love as the stories of leanan sidhe would tell, but she is definitely a hopeless romantic.

Morna "has long flowing hair reminiscent of the purest snow and eyes that glow like amethyst. Her fair skin is smooth and her voice could woo even an angel with her melodies." The above description can be attributed to one Arthur Beckham - an Englishman who was an aspiring writer and artist. T'was Arthur who found the mystical Morna in the midst of a wooded grove somewhere in Ireland during a trip to said land for the purpose of finding inspiration some time in the 1800s. It was chance - or perhaps fate - that gave way to Arthur as he stumbled across Morna as she sang and bathed in a quiet pond. Arthur could not help but sate his curiosity and his awe, and he hastily jotted down the above description as he looked upon her.

As the hypnotic tones of Morna's singing died down, Arthur could not help but applaud the beauty's majestic song which - of course - instantly alerted the leanan sidhe to his presence. Instead of anger and hostilities, however, Morna blushed and gently bowed towards Arthur before making herself more proper for company.

I could go on and on, but suffice it to say that it was Arthur who won Morna's heart nigh on two centuries ago, and it was Arthur who died through his love for her long before his time. Arthur would often talk about how much he wished to go to America to find what inspirations and opportunities might be found there, but he never got the chance. When Arthur died, Morna retreated within herself - cutting herself off from any contact with anyone for a long time. The guilt and despair she felt was overwhelming and she wished that her existence would disappear.

However, in a most enchanted dream, Morna was visited upon by Arthur once again, and her late lover shared in her despair. Not for himself, but rather for what Morna was doing to herself for his sake. He begged her to live a life full of happiness and majesty however she may find it. The snow-haired beauty did feel most at calm upon this calling of her beloved, and she decided she would fulfill his fondest wish and go to America and find a new beginning.

Now, Morna had hidden away from the world for decades - only deciding to set forth once more in modern times. T'is a most strange and fascinating place to the mystical leanan sidhe, and I imagine her journey would be full of curiosities, mishaps, and interesting encounters as she goes about trying to find some meaning and inspiration.

Ultimately, this is a romance as I said, so there will likely be a number of potential singles to be found throughout the story. I imagine I will end up going with four - two male and two female - all with their own stories, personalities, and dreams for Morna and those who follow her journey to meet and fall in love with (potentially). Due to the nature of leanan sidhe, I want to think of some way to make it so that her vampiric nature is less fatal or is altogether gone by the end of any of the routes - or at least most of them.

I imagine this will be a warming romantic comedy story, though the comedy will probably not be the focal point. I want it to feel natural, though I am as of yet uncertain of how to do this. I wasn't sure where else I could post an idea for a story that isn't currently being developed, so I put it here.
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Re: Leanan Sidhe Romance Story

#2 Post by fleet »

I am not a moderator here. Your post might be a better fit in the IDEAS section, but that's for a moderator to decide..

What you've written is interesting, and a good start. I hope you see your idea through to a finished project. :D
By the way, I made two versions of an adult visual novel about a Sidhe (one with an anime style female protagonist, and one using a more realistic appearing female protagonist). The plot of my story is not similar to your idea.
Some of my visual novels are at http://www.the-new-lagoon.com. They are NSFW
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Re: Leanan Sidhe Romance Story

#3 Post by demonicbagel »

I didn't post it in ideas cuz the rules in that section said it was for projects in progress only.
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Re: Leanan Sidhe Romance Story

#4 Post by Zelan »

This is a cool idea, and I would definitely be interested in playing something like this. (: Moving on after losing a partner is a somewhat common theme in realistic fiction, so a fantasy twist to this idea is pretty unique!

The question of what to do with Morna's curse is interesting - making the curse "less fatal" feels like a bit of a cop-out to me, and if I were writing it I might instead have the story end long before anyone dies. The interesting part could be in what they feel about knowing that she will sap their life force. Maybe one is happy and willing to be with Morna anyway, another is less happy but has accepted that they're already in love and nothing will change that, and maybe there's one that Morna just doesn't get around to telling? (which would be a more bittersweet ending compared to the others, but this could be interesting to explore).

This might be too much, or not the direction that you want to take the story, but maybe consider a love interest who is already diagnosed with a terminal condition? This would make for a really interesting plot and brings up the question of whether their illness or Morna's love will kill them first.

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