[CLOSED][Paid] Seeking writer for fantasy epic Visual Novel / RPG

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[CLOSED][Paid] Seeking writer for fantasy epic Visual Novel / RPG

#1 Post by SypherZent »

EtherRealm Games is seeking a new writer for fantasy epic Visual Novel / RPG. The prologue/demo for the story has already been written, so you will have to become acquainted with the existing characters, their psychological profiles, and the plot.

This story is part 1 of a trilogy of games and the game's design / outline is set in stone.
Your work would be writing the individual scenes in the game.

Due to the main story having full voice acting, there will be some constraints:
*Filler content is not allowed.
*The story's design must follow the Chekhov's Gun design philosophy (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chekhov's_gun).
*The story must be executed professionally, with clear, concise, thrilling, and plot-moving dialogue sequences.
*The usage of plot devices and storytelling techniques is a must.

Most of the writing will be in the format of:
Quest Acquisition Scene (16)
Quest Completion Scene (16)
Main Plot Scene (4)

There will also be some non-voiced side quests that do not have so many constraints.
It is estimated that the total length of the game will be in the range of 50k - 60k words.

To apply, please send email to dick.shane.e [at] gmail.com with the following information:

1) Your rates
2) 1-3 samples of your writing (extra consideration will be given to those who have used Chekhov's Gun design philosophy in the past and can demonstrate it)
3) A short description of your preferred storytelling techniques / plot devices, or the ones you know how to use best
4) Do you have any formal education in writing (e.g. Bachelor's Degree in Creative Writing)?
5) How long have you been writing?

Make the subject of the email "Re: EtherRealm Games Writer" or something similar.

Note that all applications will be considered carefully, regardless of educational background. We're simply using this information as a relative metric, but priority is given to those with the strongest samples and usage of formal storytelling techniques as can be found here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_n ... techniques

Finally, please note that if you DM me on these forums, your application may be missed.
It is recommended to contact the email address listed above.

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