Drag and Drop Child (how to set different images for hover, etc?)

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Drag and Drop Child (how to set different images for hover, etc?)

#1 Post by MoonByte »

I was following this tutorial on how to make a simple Drag and Drop. Which works.
He linked to the Documentation for it which explains a bunch of things real nicely as well.
But I am afraid, my non-programmer card is showing cause I have no clue how to change the image of my dragable based on it's state.
The wiki says this:
A Drag has one child. The child's state reflects the status of the drag and drop operation:
  • selected_hover - when it is being dragged.
  • selected_idle - when it can be dropped on.
  • hover - when the draggable will be dragged when the mouse is clicked.
  • idle - otherwise.
What I understand from that is that there's four default images I can set:
  • the object when it's untouched (idle)
  • the object when the mouse is hovering over it aka it shows it can be picked up (hover)
  • the object while actively being held (selected_hover)
  • the object when it is being held over a droppable (selected_idle)
All cool and nice, but the embarrassing part is that I have no idea how to simply define each of them and the Wiki's examples all don't use any of them.
Based on the video tutorial I have this code:

Code: Select all

            drag_name "shirt"
            child "Shirt.jpg"
            xpos 100
            ypos 100
            draggable True
            droppable False
            dragged drag_placed
            drag_raise True
I have now tried a variety of things, among them

Code: Select all

child auto "Shirt_%s.jpg"

Code: Select all

	hover "Shirt_hover.jpg"
	idle "Shirt_idle.jpg"
They all spit out errors for either indentation or "expected a keyword or end of line".
I used the search function on the Wiki for "child" which brought me to the ATL page which kept mentioning child, so I thought that maybe I can simply put

Code: Select all

image auto "Shirt_%s.jpg"
and call it a day, but it complains that it needs a statement.

Code: Select all

child auto "Shirt_%s.jpg"
straight up says it can't find image "Shirt_%s.jpg", clearly ignoring the 'auto' function.

Can anyone give me the short and easy on how to tell Renpy which image file to look at for what state?

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