[IndieGoGo LIVE] Nusantara:Bermuda Triangle [GxB]

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Completed: Nusantara: Legend of the Winged Ones
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UPDATE 18/9/2023!

#571 Post by SweetChiel »

​Hi, guys! What's up?
How did your week go? I feel fantastic because I finally got my delayed salaries! X'D
Thank goodness because I've been struggling with electric bills! It increased ever since I upgraded from a laptop to a PC Q_Q

I wasn't able to get much rest because I went back to work as soon as I got my salary, but all is well~
- Finished 6 pages of Bermuda's Artbook! ​The Backgrounds section is now closed and we're officially entering Chibis section now! -^.^)/
- Polished the Step by Step section, making sure the steps to be more clear & precise. Less wordy sentences.
Office work is doing well, but I wish there's more holiday >_<;

We're always busy & now, we're in a phase where we're editing/polishing things. I even had a debate about quality control lol.
But most importantly, I hope we can release a game without much problem or further delay... Q_Q

Welp, that's it for now and thank you for reading this update!
Let's continue to work hard together and be productive! >:D



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UPDATE 25/9/2023!

#572 Post by SweetChiel »

​Hi, guys! What's up?
How did your week go? Mine was busy, busy, busy x'D
Office work and Bermuda is going smooth, I'm glad that I'm being productive, but at the same time I wish I have more free time to sleep, read novel/webtoon, and play games 😂​ It's the classic so many things to do but so little time lol.

​- Finished 12 pages for Bermuda's Artbook! I'm currently working on the Chibi section~
- Polishing the pages as usual~

- Our proofreader KiiAnima is working hard, she's really busy with work but I think she's done with Script 7? I'll give you an update as soon as I get a reply from her >_<
Lastly, I must say it's really, really hot these days! Don't forget to drink more water and rest well QuQ
And as always, thank you for always sparing some time to read this update and supporting me.
I hope all of you are healthy and happy! Take care and see you again next week!




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UPDATE 2/10/2023!

#573 Post by SweetChiel »

Hi-ya, guys! What's up?
How did your week go? Me? I worked hard and played hard lol
I'm telling you, 24 hours a day is not enough x'D There are so many things I wanna do but so little time! Woe is me, I hardly have any time to read/play these days because I ended up sleeping a lot in the weekends lol.

- Finished 9 pages for Bermuda's Artbook! Chibi section is done and we're now entering the 'Creatures' section! It's going to be fun x'D
- Our proofreader, KiiAnima, have just finished Script 7 last night~

We're now at 193 pages! Finding the high quality chibi images took more time than I thought @@ I have a lot of files & I have to dig through them 😂

As always, thank you for sparing some time to read this update <3
It's not much, but I hope we can continue to be productive & work hard together! -^.^)/
Drink lots, eat your meals, and stay healthy everyone! If you have any questions, feel free to ask below!



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UPDATE 16/10/2023!

#574 Post by SweetChiel »

​Hi, guys! What's up?
How did your week go? It's still very hot over here. From what I hear, Jakarta even have some water shortage problem x_x they even cut off the supply for some time because the well & river is dry. I heard it's ok now, but we can really use some rain :'D

Work & Bermuda's progress is doing well though!
- Finished 9 pages for Bermuda's Artbook! I'm double checking on the items section now before we proceed to Bonus Illustrations.

Hmm... I wonder if I should include Icons in the items section? Maybe under a sub-title "ETC"?
Oh, I'll need to feature the past-life/fairy tale illustrations in the Bonus Illustration section, so yeah, icons should be in items sub-section xD

How about you? I hope work/school has been kind to you :'3
No matter how hard things are going, hang in there! Reward yourself afterwards with cold drinks/chocolate/games/or anything that can give you that small joy <3

With that said, cheers for another productive week! Let's continue to work hard together! \(^.^)/
Don't forget to drink lots and have plenty of rest!



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UPDATE 23/10/2023!

#575 Post by SweetChiel »

​Hi, guys! What's up?
How did your week go? Mine was hot and sweaty 😂​ like, honestly, where did the rain go?
My office is also working with rush hours these days because we're close to our project's deadline so you can imagine the heat lol

Nevertheless, Bermuda's Artbook is going great!
- Finished 7 Pages featuring Icons! ​Oh boy, there was a lot of icons and I tried my best to consolidate them--I also included a tiny bit of programming near the end, just in case some of you are interested in it >u<

It's been a while so here's a sneak peek for my lovely, patient readers~

​The total now comes to 224 pages! ​I should be finished with the Items now and I'm ready to start the 'Bonus Illustrations' section! It'll include the fairy tale illustrations so I there will be lots of pages here x'D

Meanwhile, my proofreader and I worked on a few kinks on script 7, she has just started on script 8 due to heavy workload on her office~

How about you guys?
Is it also very hot over there? Do you have any trouble/tired from school/work?
​I hope all of you are doing well, if not, hang in there! >_< I'm cheering for you! At least until you finish work/school so we can both lie down in our beds x'D
With that said, we've come to the end~
As always, thank you for reading this update and no matter where you are, please know that your support have become the reason someone starts every Monday with a smile ^///^
Drink lots, don't skip your meals, and I hope you're happy!


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UPDATE 30/10/2023!

#576 Post by SweetChiel »

​Hi, guys! What's up?
How did your week go? Me? Just the usual, still working hard in the office, trying to save enough for my retirement while also working on Bermuda at the same time--I hope I'm not slowly becoming a corporate slave, or am I already one? 🤣

​Life is tough but never lose your inner child, everyone!
Other than that, I wish I'll have some rain this week. No storm, just a nice drizzle or medium-sized rain. It only rained once last Tuesday and it's still very hot over here, seriously, like a sauna.

With that said, Bermuda's progress is as steady as ever!
- Finished 8 pages​​​ for the Bonus Illustration section! ​I had to rummage my old files for this 😂​​ I've included the minicomis, but I still have lots more to go. I think we can reach 30-ish pages or more just for this section, because there's a lot of fairy tale illustrations.

I also have some good news to share! Special shoutout to Lea <3
Thanks to her contribution, Bermuda's fund to release on Steam is officially secured! Of course, before that, I'll have to finish the Indiegogo's pledges first so stay tuned ;)

Welp, that's it for now. I hope all of you are well and happy no matter where you are!
Let's continue to work hard together and have another productive week >:)



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UPDATE 6/11/2023!

#577 Post by SweetChiel »

​Hi, guys! What's up?
I hope you had a productive week because I got my turbo machine turned on last week! X'D
- Finished 17 pages for Bermuda's Artbook! ​I changed the 'Items' section into 'Misc.' section. I forgot about the transitional images (Skies) and VFX/Visual Effects. It'll feel a bit odd if I put them in the 'Bonus Illustration' section so there you go! I think I covered all the VFXs, like the attack effects (both Ally and Enemy) and simple animations like Burning Fire or Raining.

I made sure to display them as tidy as I can :3 I think I did a pretty good job. Next up, the Fairy Tale illustrations! Yay!

Are you surprised? I got some burst of energy because it finally rained last week and my roof is doing fine! (This is such a big relief, I was afraid I'll get another leak or smth :'D) Thank you to everyone who sent me good wishes <3 I could really use the rain, it finally starts to feel colder now at night!

Welp, that's it for now!
As always, thank you for sparing some time to read this update *bows* ​I hope all of you had an awesome week and another one to come!
Let's continue to work hard together--oh but don't forget to also get plenty of rest~


​I forgot to say this last week, but HAPPY HALLOWEEN! I can't believe it escaped my mind x'D Maybe because my country doesn't celebrate it? It's quite unfortunate tho, I'd really love to see my neighbours decorating their houses & give out candies to kids all dressed up :'3

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UPDATE 13/11/2023!

#578 Post by SweetChiel »

Good evening, everyone!
How did your week go? Everything's ok?
The weather over here finally feels like rainy season now! It rains now and then, but most importantly, there's no big storms! My mother and I have been fretting over the roof because it has once caved in, but I think the new light steel beams are working well! Here's hoping we'll get through this year's rainy season without any misfortunes >_<;

And as usual, Bermuda's Artbook progress is doing great!
- Finished 16 pages! I've covered the introduction fairy tale illustrations, the history, & Kahlil's past-life story!
- Our proofreader is also working hard, Script 8 is now finished! Just two more script to go! \(>u<)/

How about you? I hope things are going well with work/school, if not, take a step back and breathe!
Sometimes, when I feel a little burned out, I'll stand up and grab a drink or just close my eyes for 5 minutes. It works wonders!
Also, the advantage of working from home is you can listen to your music playlist while working or even work while re-watching a movie at the side. Don't watch a new movie tho, because you might get distracted--pssst, don't tell the boss I tell you this x'D

What I mean is, don't forget to take a breather and recharge!
Last but not least, thank you as always for sparing some time to read this update :3
I hope all of you are well and stay awesome!



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UPDATE 20/11/2023!

#579 Post by SweetChiel »

​Hi, guys! What's up?
How did your week go? Hang in there! Christmas is just around the corner and personally, I can't wait to use my annual leave to enjoy a long vacation from 25th to 1st January next year! *happy dance*

In any case, Bermuda's Artbook is going steady as usual~
- Finished 20 pages for Bermuda's Artbook! ​I've covered Arya's & Guntur's past-life stories and now only the Epilogue illustrations are left before I can move forward with the Q&A sessions >:D

It's been a while so here's a little sneak peek/fun fact for you~

​I hope I can finish this baby before the end of the year, but head's up: my proofreader and I has been really busy with our dayjob lately >_<;
I'm also not sure about my fate after December because the new investor might give us a new project... or cut us off. It all depends on our current project's result, which I can't say until bug fix & release on Google Play (There are lots of bugs so maybe we'll release on mid December).
On a more positive note, if I lose my job, I'll have more time to focus on Bermuda 😂​ so don't worry about it! I'll keep making VNs for as long as I live! And I know you've been waiting. Please bear with us, just a bit more so we can give you our best result! *bows*​

​With that said, thanks for reading this update and I hope all of you are well & happy!
Drink lots, eat your meals, & rest plenty!


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UPDATE 27/11/2023!

#580 Post by SweetChiel »

​Good evening, guys! What's up?
How did your week go? I'm in a little tough situation here, I'm having my period, a headache came from nowhere, and for the cherry on top, I'm also having diarrhea :'D Maybe I ate something bad last week? I don't know but I'm definitely going to sleep early tonight! >_<

Fortunately, Bermuda's Artbook progress is doing well!
- Finished 11 pages! ​I've started working on the Q&A section, but I'm having a little trouble with the design so I need your help!

Currently, I'm going with this simple design with 2 questions per page max. I'm highlighting the names with different colors for easier reading & I'm planning to draw a small doodle for every page so it's feels like it's actually being written by someone x'D

What do you think? Is it a bit too empty/lackluster? If you have better ideas for the layout or how I should do the Q&A section, please comment below and let me know!

​With that said, thank you as always for being here for me! I hope all of you are well & happy -^.^-
Now please excuse me because I need to go to the bathroom again for the 100th time 😂
Drink lots, eat your meals, & don't forget to smile!



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UPDATE 4/12/2023!

#581 Post by SweetChiel »

​Hi, guys! What's up?
How did your week go? I got a little sick last week, but I'm a lot better now! I only have this persisting headache but nothing can't be solved with a good night's sleep ^.^)/ I'm sure it'll be gone soon.

Meanwhile, the rainy season is finally here! I'm so happy that it's not hot anymore & Christmas is just around the corner! Have you started on decorating your tree? My house is a bit too small to put up a tree so instead, I prepared early gifts! x'D (I'm definitely not looking for excuses to go on a shopping spree lol... ok maybe just a little >_<;)


​With that said, Bermuda's Artbook progress is doing well!
- Finished 9 Q&A pages! ​I've covered 20 questions, I can definitely do more but my headache is preventing me to sleep late. I'll get to work on it with full strength as soon as I'm healed! >:D

With that said, I hope all of you are having a blast preparing Christmas & shopping! It's important to reward yourself, but remember, a healthy dose. Don't overdose or your wallet will be screaming lol.
That's it for now and thank you for reading this update!
I'll see you again next week~



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UPDATE 18/12/2023!

#582 Post by SweetChiel »

​Hi, guys! What's up?
How did your week go? Christmas is almost here and I hope you're all healthy, not sick like me😂
The coughs and phlegm are very persistent, but my throat is no longer sore & there's no fever! The flu sometimes come and go like the wind but no headache so I'm pretty sure I'm on the road of healing!

Amidst the struggle of being sick, fortunately, Bermuda's Artbook progress is doing well~
- Finished 10 pages for the Q&A section! ​Another 20 questions are added, the total now is 60 with 40 more to go! Let's do this!
I hope I can finish the Artbook before my proofreader is done so I can focus on checking X'D KiiAnima has been busy these days so I told her to have plenty of rest in order to stay healthy in these trying times of flu & fever. I trust that she will do her job like she always do <3

On a happier note, I got permission to take a paid leave from 25th to 1st January! 4 days leave + the red dates, I'm so happy, this is like a long vacation for me Q///Q My office has also secured the funds for 2024's new project so my day job is safe and sound, the crisis is over!

With that said, let's prepare for a Merry Christmas! What's your plan? Whether you want to spend it alone or with loved ones, I hope we will all be happy & maybe spend some time to prepare/plan what you'll do for 2024? 😂

​That's it for now and as always, thank you for sparing some time to read this update!
I hope all of you are well and happy no matter who or where you are <3



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UPDATE 25/12/2023! Merry Christmas!

#583 Post by SweetChiel »

​Merry Christmas, everyone!
I hope this holiday will bring you warmth, smiles, and happiness all around your house and more to come next year! -^.^)/
Drink hot choco, cuddle with your blanket, or sit back and relax doing movie marathon--just do anything that makes you happy and prepare for new year <3

Bermuda's Artbook progress is doing well and I just got some word back from KiiAnima, our proofreader!
- Finished 9 pages for the Q&A section! ​Another 20 questions and we're done with the Artbook! Sadly, it'll have to wait until next year because I'm taking the week off to rest and to settle some family matter.
- KiiAnima said script 9 will be finished by the end of the year, and script 10 will be finished by the end of January, hopefully sooner! ​

And here's a little something from me this year:


It's not much, but if it makes you smile, it's a success for me x'D
Lastly, I like to be transparent, so if you want some kind of explanation about what family matter I'm trying to settle, here's the explanation--but you're free to skip this if you're not interested!

The Explanation starts here:
(regarding my ex-husband), it's a bit complicated because apparently, my mother haven't informed some of our relatives regarding my divorce due to being wary of gossips/badmouthing me. Divorce is very big thing in a Chinese family (And do you remember this? The thing is we're married according to the church, but we haven't went to the civil registry--because my ex-husband's sister was hogging the family register and always delay on returning it for us to use) so I'm not quite sure what to do about this ^^; Basically, I'm still single in the registry, but what about the church? There's no divorce with Catholic and no canceling when the deed is done so... yep, it's complicated. My mother and I are not sure what we can do about it x'D

​The explanation stops here.

​In any case, Merry Christmas once again and I hope we'll have a great New Year celebration!
Happy holiday and thank you for taking the time to read this update ^///^ I'll see you again next year!


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UPDATE 9/1/2023!

#584 Post by SweetChiel »

​Morning, guys! What's up?
First of all, I'm really sorry about this late update >_<;
I've been busy settling a new schedule from my dayjob's boss, got a dentist appointment, and then I went ahead and pulled a muscle right below my armpit 😂

The pain is really distracting me, the pulled muscle hurts whenever I breathe and lifted my arm. As for the deep hole in between of my back teeth; the doc told me I have to do 2-3 meetings because the bacteria has reached the nerves. The doc needs to gradually treat the hole; from outside damage to inside. She drilled & cleaned the outside yesterday and dang, it hurts like no one's business :')

Okay, I'll stop rambling and tell you Bermuda Artbook's progress x'D
- Finished 13 pages! I did my best and finished the last questions for the Q&A section! The total turned out to be 110 questions and all we have left now is closing words & we're finished! I'll send the Artbook next week at the latest via e-mail, I hope it can keep you busy while we're still doing proofreading--but only read if you don't mind getting spoiled or skip the CGs/BGs pages? >_<;

- Script 9 is halfway done! Unfortunately, KiiAnima met with some difficulties and she's unable to finish Script 9 by the end of the year. But let's keep cheering on her espcially with these busy days!

Here's one last sneak peek of the Artbook <3


The Artbook will be first distributed to the ones who pledged via Indiegogo, then, as my special thanks for supporting me, to my Patrons on Patreon who have accumulated $65. Of course, the Artbook will be on sale when the game is released, but it'll not be quite a while since I still need to check the proofreading :')

With that said, thank you as always for sparing some time to read this update!
I hope all of you are happy & healthy--unlike me who is now suffering from a toothache & have splendidly pulled a muscle x'D
See you again next week!


P.S. thank you for all of your concern regarding my family matters <3 fortunately, my relatives took it rather well and apparently, they already got hints of it because my ex-mother-in-law is spreading the word that I was ungrateful and ran away from home 😂 well, I'm just glad that I got a load off my chest, it's a relief that I don't have to hide it anymore.


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Location: Indonesia

UPDATE 16/1/2024!

#585 Post by SweetChiel »

Morning, guys! What's up?
How did your week go? The first month of the year has always been a busy one for me, especially when the office is starting a new project >_<

But the good news is I've sent the the Artbook pdf to those who've pledged via Indiegogo, Paypal, and patrons on Patreon who've accumulated a certain amount! (Some wants to buy the Artbook pledge via Patreon by slowly accumulating it so I allowed it) Please check your email, guys~ I'm trying out the Mail Merge feature via Google Sheets, I hope I did it right 😂

Do tell me if you didn't receive yours though or if you think the pdf quality is not good enough, I can send you the HQ .png pages!

Meanwhile, my proofreader, KiiAnima is still as busy as ever! I'm now asking her to send me the finished scripts so I can slowly work through the grammar quality check and apply it to the game.

Last but not least, I'd like to thank you again for your patience and support >///<
You guys are really awesome and I'm really lucky! Let's keep being productive together!



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