REC/REW [Mystery][Slice of life][Supernatural]

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REC/REW [Mystery][Slice of life][Supernatural]

#1 Post by JustAnotherNick »

Freedom is the right to choose what binds us

Latest version available for free here

A world without a sun
What went wrong? How could we ignore the signs Nature was giving us?

We cut down every tree. We drained every river. We squeezed every single drop of black blood out of the ground we once loved as our caring, nurturing mother. We gleefully killed each other, oblivious to the ever-rising death toll.

And then we paid a price. Doomed to live deep into that Earth we had mindlessly raped. We cursed the sky and hid ourselves inside our shelters, oblivious to our own sins.

I've never seen a real sunset, nor a real dawn. To me those words are just a convenient way to call my district's artificial lighting switching between daytime and nighttime modes.
I've never seen the blue of a real sky. I look up, and I'm greeted with the reassuringly anonymous industrial look of the concrete shielding.
My apple never grew on a tree. My meat was never part of a real living creature. Still, they look like real food. They smell like real food. They even taste like real food. They are not, but... Does it really matter?

What does real food tastes like, by the way?

Why that gloomy face? My life is just normal. Ordinary. A few friends at college, and my roleplaying group to hang out with. I'm starting to make plans for my future, and I'd love to be able to involve a certain someone into them.
Life is exactly as it should be.
... Still, no matter how hard I try to forget, her words still resonate in my mind. They often come at me in my dreams.

"Freedom is the right to choose what binds us."

... What did I choose?

Built right below the old city bearing the same name, Underground Milan is the last surviving settlement South of the 50th parallel here in Old Europe. 50 million people and the typical rigmarole of accidents, crimes and misery that such a tightly packed mass of people can generate. It's in this huge underground vault that you lead a rather ordinary existence, dividing your time between college, friends and the whatever else makes up the life of a single.
Such quiet and peaceful days are doomed to come to an end, as a bloody murder will spark a chain of events that will force you to question the very nature of the world you call "home".

She said, freedom is the right to choose what bind us.
Was it just a dream?
Did you choose your binds?

And, what would happen were you able break the chains you imposed on yourself?

REC/REW is a Visual Novel about the binds we choose in life, and how our choices ultimately affect both us and the way we see our world.
It is also a story about a family whose members have decided that nobody should ever be left behind, and that while fixing a thing always is the hardest way, it is also better than just finding a replacement.

Would you turn the entire world inside-out for the sake of your loved ones?

Meet the cast
About the project
This Visual Novel currently being developed by a one-man-army under an "umbrella project" that goes by the name, FALSE FLAG.
So far the project has led to the release of a first chapter offering:
  • around 45.000 words (roughly 3-5 hours game time)
  • 3 endings, two of which coming in two slightly different flavours each
  • a cast comprising 3 main female leads and a bunch of supporting characters
Due to the overall size of the project and the available workforce (consisting of me and nobody else) I'm currently unable to give a proper release schedule. Speaking in terms of "wishful thinking", a tentative release date for the second chapter could be, "late spring 2023". Mostly depending on what real life will throw at me.

A word of warning
This Visual Novel depict scenes that some people might find disturbing (a bit of blood and gorey details), and the language may lean towards the "mature" side at times.

My very own personal opinion is, much worse stuff can be easily seen by just turning the TV on and watching an ordinary newscast. However, I understand people may be more sensible than me and I believe it's my duty to inform you.
Last edited by JustAnotherNick on Sat Nov 26, 2022 4:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: REC/REW [Mystery][Slice of life][Supernatural]

#2 Post by JustAnotherNick »

Just a very quick update in preparation for the official release of REC/REW=M1 (aka "REC/REW, chapter 1" for those of you who are not sharing my odd interest for Milan's mass transit system...).
I've been proofreading the script again and again, performing some much required spell & grammar check and hunting for bugs, glitches and assorted oddities. I've been thoroughly checking that variables behave the way they should. While this does not guarante a 100% fail-safe result, I don't think I can't get any closer to perfection with my forces alone.

Present release date is November 25th and at the moment I see no reason why this schedule should not be met.

Chapter #1 will feature:
- some 40k words (roughly 3-5 hours worth of your time)
- 3 endings which in a rampage of creativity I dubbed as "good", "neutral" and "bad"; both "neutral" and "bad" endings are coming in two different flavors each (the end result however being the same, and that's why I'm sticking to my "3 endings" version)
- this first chapter will basically set the atmosphere for what's yet to come. It won't focus on a specific female character (next chapters will)
- the complete cast of my visual novel will make at least an appearance, including a third (and last) female character
- a silly walkthrough will be provided, mocking a subway map (play the game to understand why this actually makes sense!)

Long-term planning for chapter #2 are ongoing - the basic script has been already written and I'm currently expanding it as new ideas come while I run a first proof-reading. Present ETA is "spring, 2023" and I honestly feel it's too early to be more precise than that.

My next short-term goal will be giving my VN a better, more streamlined GUI. Present one felt like a good idea at first but the in-game result seems rather... subpar, to say the least. I don't think I'm going to address this matter before my scheduled release date - to me this feels like a "very important, not urgent" issue, thus requiring me to take all the time I might need to properly tackle it. Definitely not something I want to solve in a rush.

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Re: REC/REW [Mystery][Slice of life][Supernatural]

#3 Post by JustAnotherNick »

First chapter of my Visual Novel has been officially released!!
I edited the first post to better reflect project status, so if you want to know what's going on you just have to check the first message of this thread!

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Re: REC/REW [Mystery][Slice of life][Supernatural]

#4 Post by JustAnotherNick »

REC/REW will take part to the upcoming Constructive Criticism Jam.
Depending on the outcome of the jam my project will take the most appropriate direction. One of which migth simply be dropping it, in case the jam ultimately certifies I'm not good at telling stories. Being told so would be painful, of course, but even that will be better than the present situation where I'm unable to tell whether this project is actually worth the time I'm investing on it... or not.
Do not misinterpret me: I do love what I'm doing! The point is, what's the scope of making it public if I'm the only one who actually appreciates it? That's the question I need an answer to, right now. I've come to the decision that either I start looking for help and turn this project into something bigger and more articulated, or I'll "retire" and work on it at my own pace, free from self-imposed schedules.
Whatever the case, it's going to be a win-win situation :D

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Re: REC/REW [Mystery][Slice of life][Supernatural]

#5 Post by JustAnotherNick »

First thing first... I got some feedback. Way too scarce numbers to starting working on them, still the fact I've not been cursed already is encouraging!
I hope I'll get some more. Even critical takes to my game will be welcome (can't improve otherwise, right?).

That said: a new version of my Visual Novel has been released.
This time it's not about new content... so yeah, REC/REW​ is still a 3-5 hours endeavour if you care about reading every tiny little bit of my story. The good news is, it now has an interface worth being called that way. Much more "ordinary", still as I said in the silly video presenting the new GUI there's ought to be a reason why so many people use such "ordinary" layout.

And no, Bianca, it's not because people are lazy and don't care for gui.rpy...

Enough with the small talk. There's a lot of stuff to do! Apart for finalizing chapter 2 of my VN (which is going to require a lot of time and it'll likely consume a good third of my brain) I've got to:
  • optimize graphics for the web version (urgent)
  • add a few anecdotes to better flesh out characters. I'm even starting to think about further bending Koikatsu to the "all ages" use I'm currently making of it and make a few CGs. Might be fun, I'll give it a try, huh
  • proof reading, re-reading, grammar and spelling check. That's not going to end, you know?
  • lots of other neat little things I'm currently forgetting. They'll come back eventually. Likely a couple minutes after my next release (bloody typical, isn't it?)
Jokes aside... come on, let's roll up our sleeves and get back to... bed.

Today's trouble is enough for today. I'll leave it that for tomorrow =P!

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Re: REC/REW [Mystery][Slice of life][Supernatural]

#6 Post by JustAnotherNick »

Been experimenting a bit. I might be barely unable to hold a pencil in my hands, however there's plenty of tools that can help me overcome such limitation. Today's release includes my "feasibility study" as an appetizer of what's coming next.


Just for the records, this is what I'm up to:
Being reasonably happy with the result, I've decided these holydays will be dedicated to find other scenes and dialogues worth such upgrade.

It's very likely that by then proper optimization of the web version of the game will be required.
Then I will put the project back on its original track, and reprise my work on the second chapter.

Btw the updated release also include a minor content add-on. I really enjoyed writing those lines and putting them in good working conditions. They made me remember the old times where I role-played with my friends.
I should never have hung up my dice... *sigh*...

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Re: REC/REW [Mystery][Slice of life][Supernatural]

#7 Post by JustAnotherNick »

Had a rather satisfactory Saturday working on graphics for REC/REW. And since I really love the way certain things came out this release (ver. 1.4, "M1-Bonola" for those of you who live in Milan and know what this does actually mean!) also includes a "rework" of the very first part of M1 route. It's not much, bear that in mind, still... yeah I somehow managed to put TWO love-letters to an equal number of Visual Novels I hold dearly.

The first reference is a bit subtle, and revolves around a gory detail I added in the beloved memory of poor Saburo. Keep your eyes open, and that's two hints in a row!!!

The second reference comes as a rather obvious sepia-toned picture of a group of friends running - this one's ridiculously simple and I think you should get it even if you're not a big fan of Key's Visual Novels like me... whops! Two hints in a row again! This however is so easy I'm sure you'll get it in a matter of seconds!

As a reward, he who gives me the right answer are going to get... uhm... yeah! A nice pat on the back =P!

Anyhow REC/REW ver. 1.4 has been officially released. You can get it here as usual.
Once again I'll be very grateful if you give my game a chance and tell me your earnest opinion... yeah, don't worry about your blades being rusty and blunt, stab me as many times as you like! As long as you put some constructive feedback in-between the stabs I can take pretty much everything!

Next steps in the roadmap:

- finalize the graphic update (at least two scenes to be reworked, four more might follow if I decide I can take on the challenge);

- as Pris said in the silly teaser video I put on YT, the second chapter is alive and well. I've got a few ideas to explore in order to finalize it... and I'm honestly thinking about adding something more than the infamous "rape scene" which I mentioned in the previous video... it's something my mind is still working on, so no promises!

- graphics optimization for the web - based version (this point is going to be REC/REW's equivalent to Milan's Fabbrica del Duomo - meaning it's something that's never going to see the light because of the sheer size of the endeavour and the relative lack of proactivity by the people who should undertake it...)

Plenty of time to sleep when I die! Now into the breach!

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Re: REC/REW [Mystery][Slice of life][Supernatural]

#8 Post by JustAnotherNick »

Well, this took me a bit more than I expected.
Target release date: last Sunday Jan 22nd
Actual release date: today - Thursday Jan 26th
Yeah, I'm late.

In my defense I might say that my problem was, the more stuff I added, the more stuff I wanted to add. They say, one thing led to another...

Painfully true.

Anyways, it's out. And you can find it here if you want to give it a try. I'll be grateful for every comment/remark/even just a "hello" you'll give me.

Now I've still got a bunch of ideas on how the first chapter of my Visual Novel could be improved. Certain scene would benefit from dedicate pics rather than the present "generic bg + random sprites" combo. Still, I had to set a goal for myself otherwise I would still be working on this "graphics update" of mine.
So yeah, I just picked a few scenes where - I believe - a rework would dramatically improve the overall feel of my Visual Novel, and focused on them. That's how we got to REC/REW version M1.5 "Uruguay" (ver. 0.1.5, or M1.5, for those unfamiliar with Milan's subway - by the way "Uruguay" is not referring to the actual South-American nation but rather to a subway station, as usual - and yeah, there's a subway station called "Uruguay" in Milan).

I must say, I'm particulary satisfied by how the "date" in Parco Sempione turned out; the final fight also was a lot of fun to improve - I think it now looks a bit more "gross", as I honestly feel it should be.
Changing subject, I'm going to join yet another jam. Ubik game jam. I just hope I'll get some valuable feedback from this new jam. The ones I've joined so far helped with my lack of self - confidence, and I also had a few nice ideas worth further development.
For those of you who don't know what "Ubik" is, it's a novel by Philiph Dick. And it's definitely worth a try. Lately I've been noticing that my love for Philiph K. Dick has started seeping into my Visual Novel. Right now is little more than a wink, however if I consider the bunch of material I've written for the next chapters, well... yeah, pshychosis and the inability to tell what's real from what's not is definitely going to be a background theme for the entire project.

As for the usual roadmap: right now my target for next update is to finally put a "M2" on the version's tag. Seeing I'm actually starting to release chunks of the second chapter of my VN would be a nice boost to my morale. In the meantime there's a couple things I'd love to try out. If they work out the way I want, I'm going to have a LOT of work to do.
But - hey, it's going to be fun!

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Re: REC/REW [Mystery][Slice of life][Supernatural]

#9 Post by JustAnotherNick »

​So, here we go. Again. Nearly 40 days later ​than my self-imposed deadline, still... well, one of the good points of having no fanbase at all is, nobody is going to complain if I'm late =P!

The game's here as usual, by the way.
Give it a try and don't forget to leave a feedback!

A bit of a warning: my game now includes some adult content. So if you're not into that... well my game is likely not going to be on your top ten list.

As for the rest... well I made A LOT of changes to my visual novel. It's not just a mere matter of improved (well, let's call it "I-did-my-best-to-improve") graphics and some 5k words of brand new content! Many things are moving under the hood, and I hope they will make working on this project a much more streamlined and rational experience. So yeah I expect these 40 days to be an investment for the future of the project.

... Oh, and before I forget: happy Easter.

ps. it's late here and I'm quite tired - your son waking you up before 6AM even on Saturday is not helping. So please bear with the lack of grammar & spelling check. I'm a bit too sleepy for that!

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Re: REC/REW [Mystery][Slice of life][Supernatural]

#10 Post by JustAnotherNick »

REC/REW version 0.2.2 is now out. "Dedicated" to Famagosta station on Milan's M2 subway line this update marks the first milestone for chapter two: what I regard as its "first part" just got a nice "DONE" next to it on my visual management board. We now have a new way the protagonist can die, coming in two slightly different flavors (you basically get to choose where Anna will break your neck and who you're going to die with =P).
At nearly 64k words my Visual Novel should be now worth 3.5 to 7 hours gameplay time if I did the math right.

The visual novel can be played in a broswer (or downloaded) here. A PDF walkthrough (vaguely resembling a subway map and if you ever tried out my stuff you'll know why) is now available directly from the project's page.

A (slightly) more in-depth review of the project's current status can be found in the silly video I uploaded on YouTube a couple days ago.

Comments and opinions on my work and the way this project is coming along are welcome as usual!

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Re: REC/REW [Mystery][Slice of life][Supernatural]

#11 Post by JustAnotherNick »

REC/REW ver. 0.2.3 has been uploaded earlier this morning (CEST time, that is). A verbose version of this announcement can be found here in case you're curious.
My main goals for itch's ImproveMyGameJam #27 were met, with my Visual Novel now beyond 100k words and a first implementation of a "somewhat meaningful" way to visually portray the main character's stream of consciousness (and the fact he tends to focus more on his own thoughts than what's going on around him). Should you not like what you see then I recommend filing a complaint to Leaf, as the idea came to me while playing White Album 2 (and they say that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, uh...).

The "not-so-good" news is, I'm currently working on the stand-alone version of my visual novel only. has a limit to the number of files a web version can include, and... yeah, I'm past that limit. Since however (a) I'm currently working on chapter 2, and (b) my plan is to eventually use the web version as sort of a "demo" including the first two chapters only, the roadmap I've set for myself is to release the full chapter first, and then I'll devise a way to overcome that nasty restriction.
Ironic how I've encountered this issue now that Ren'Py 8 too allows me to build a web-based application of my game =\...

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Re: REC/REW [Mystery][Slice of life][Supernatural]

#12 Post by JustAnotherNick »

A new update to my visual novel is available here.
REC/REW, ver. 0.2.4.

I made use of the (few, unfortunately) suggestions I got during the last GameJam I joined ,and once again tried tweaking the GUI... yeah, making an interface which at the same time feels neat and is not distracting likely is the hardest part in the whole "make-your-own-game" thingy, duh. As it already was the case for previous updates I'm currently focusing on the downloadable version of the game. The "web based" version is going to require some clever solution to fit within the files number limit poses to users.

Next on my roadmap is, seize the momentum and keep rolling out content form chapter 2 (and work to chapter 3 in parallel).

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Re: REC/REW [Mystery][Slice of life][Supernatural]

#13 Post by JustAnotherNick »

A new update to my project has been released here.
Not much new content to share in this update actually, just a small idea that has been obsessively scratching at the edge of my mind for a couple weeks. A bit too DDLC-esque, that's for sure, still... well, I think it *might* fit the general sense of my visual novel, and the occasional breaking of the fourth wall occurring every now and then. Plus, someone once said that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery so I rest assure there's no ill intent in this.
The big thing is, I finally rolled up my sleeves and tackled the sorely needed update to the web-based version, which is now perfectly (?) aligned to the downloadable edition.
Other than that, I tried my best using this time to also tackle bugs and typos (the latter being sort of an arch-nemesis for a non-native English speaker) but as everyone here will know, once you go through your work for the umpteenth time you start to get a big headache, vision blurs and your brain starts begging for mercy. That's especially true when you have to deal with a relatively big script (right now I'm around 152k words) and you've got to do all this by yourself.
So... yeah, this verbose rant is just to ask you, do inform me should you ever find a bug or a typo! Try giving me the line coming immediately before it and I will look into that ^_^!

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Re: REC/REW [Mystery][Slice of life][Supernatural]

#14 Post by JustAnotherNick »

It's been a while... okay, a LONG while. However, here we go. REC/REW's finally got updated. It's available here as usual.

Aaand as usual I'm working on the downloadable version first. The web version, with all the limitations itch puts in place to it, will be reworked once I finally complete chapter 2.

REC/REW now sports a 265k words script (roughly.. Lint says I'm somewhere around 264 thousand-and-something words). By no means "big" equals to "good" (I'll repeat that as long as I have a mouth), still that's just a measure of the effort (blood, sweat and whatever) put into this project... Anyways! That cold, impersonal number translates to 14-22 hours worth reading (should you ever try getting every single line, that is... which is actually impossible because of - well, reasons). So... a lot of stuff, yeah.
And the game twisted mechanics, as well as the framework behind the whole story, is starting to become apparent. Characters behaving differently across playthroughs, choices leading to results which are not those you expected... dejavus, nightmares, precognitions... when one of the character says, "everything is happening at the same time"... well, suffice to say she really means it. So do not expect that something has *not yet* happened just because you've yet to read about it =P!

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Re: REC/REW [Mystery][Slice of life][Supernatural]

#15 Post by JustAnotherNick »

So... today the complete chapter two is now online (downloadable version only). It's a great milestone and I am proud and blah blah blah - that's pretty much all the good news I've got for today.

I must confess I am not quite satisfied with the way things turned out. Especially considering how much important this last part of the story arc is from the point of view of the entire game "economy". Its (supposed) scope would be to basically wrap the entire first arc of the story, setting up the stage for the next one and… well, I feel it does not work the way it should.

Incidentally that's one of the reasons why releasing this final part of M2 chapter took so long: I was torn between the desire to work on it - taking the basic ideas already there and expand them the way the deserve to - or publish everything as it is, for the sake of coming to a point where I can say "OK, I've done… something."

Well… looks like I opted for the latter, in the end. Which leads to the first line of this post: the second chapter of REC/REW is officially online. And, I am not satisfied - simply because I am not at all sure I took the right decision. In a nutshell... I feel as if I had walked a long way only to ultimately sit in a strange purgatory where everything feels "understandable, but the author could have been done better". Like when you hear a teacher saying of his student, "the kid's smart but needs to apply himself." Ugh…

Well… that's enough self-pity for today. Tomorrow's a new day and this project still requires me to work on it. After all nothing is finished until it's finished!

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