RE: Alistair++

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Re: RE: Alistair (Otome dating sim/stats raising visual nove

#46 Post by VenusEclipse »

Travis is my favorite from the very beginning. You could tell something is up with him. I must say Merui is funny, overreacting like that from the very beginning. It reminded me how people do get worked up by things like that in MMOs, and really take it to reality, and have it haunt their dreams.
Back to the scary mad scene for a moment: When I heard the music kick in for it and saw Travis's reaction to Merui telling him about Alistair--good grief! I was scared for Merui's safety for a minute there! I'm not kidding! I thought he was gonna kill her or something! Haha. XDDD
I loved this part. I love to see their reactions. XD

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Re: RE: Alistair (Otome dating sim/stats raising visual nove

#47 Post by ludeshka »

I had lots of fun playing this, the characters are really loveable (Travis!!!! <3) but I am a useless noob, and the best ending I've ever gotten was the -_-
I always get the evidence to confront
but I can't get any of them to like poor Merui. Even when I get her to date
, they still break up -_-
I got the walkthrough now, and plan to chase Travis till he has nowhere to run :D

The art is BEAUTIFUL.

I'm sure you heard it a lot of times, but it deserves to be said once more. Beautiful.

I encountered an error while playing...I'm attaching the traceback...
travis error?
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Re: RE: Alistair (Otome dating sim/stats raising visual nove

#48 Post by chensterrain »

I was holding off commenting on this until I'd managed to get all of the endings (damn you, Derek!), but damn, this game is amazing. Pretty much just repeating what everyone else has said here, but the artwork is beautiful, the interface is very slick and professional-looking and the writing is great, too! At first glance, I figured I'd like Derek best, but man, Travis is awesome.

Random observations:
Like Catoni15 said, I wasn't a huge fan of Shiro, though I probably liked his character design the most - the whole FionaWings thing seemed like it needed a little more discussion. Weirdly, I think it was the character's name that made me think the whole thing was strange - if it had been something more fantasy-ish, then fair enough, but if I had a crush on a guy and it turned out he roleplayed as a girl called Sally or Rebecca or something in his spare time, I think I'd have more to say on the subject than Merui did! :lol: (likewise, I haven't got his ending yet so I don't know whether it's Derek's middle name or something like that, but 'Alistair' sounds like an oddly realistic name to give a fantasy character you're playing - but maybe that's just me. :) )

I thought Travis needed to chill a little, too - surely something like being a GM isn't that difficult to hide? That CG was hot, though. *cough* :wink:

I didn't actually realise the clothes affected your relationships with all of the guys until I checked the walkthrough just now - it would be nice if they actually reacted in some way to that, especially as having the side image there makes it seem as if Merui is never actually wearing any of the clothes you buy, but that's just a nitpick, really. Oh, and an overlay showing the current date and possibly a quicker way of looking at your stats would be great, too.
At any rate, this is a brilliant game and I'm amazed you guys were able to create something so polished and professional in only two months! Plus, more otome is always a good thing. :wink:

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Re: RE: Alistair (Otome dating sim/stats raising visual nove

#49 Post by lepapillonrouge »

So I failed at life and I had to use the walkthrough to get a good ending. XD

But anyway...
For Travis:
Travis is so cool~! Owning some blonde boy's butt with his MOD powers :P T_T I was on tooaya's account and I really wanted to join the 'create Oda' contest, but I cannot draw too well. [sad considering I'm trying to make my own VN by myself...] I didn't think the track pants would be thing that Travis likes...I thought that was more of a Derek thing. XD; Oh well. I fail at fashion.
T_T C-Can I write a review once I get all the endings for everyone else?

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Re: RE: Alistair (Otome dating sim/stats raising visual nove

#50 Post by jack_norton »

There's a very nice review of the game from Jenni: ... mac-linux/

Congrats again to the whole team behind it! 8)
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Re: RE: Alistair (Otome dating sim/stats raising visual nove

#51 Post by LillyT »

I absolutely LOVED your game.
Trevis is definitely my fav=)
Waiting for the next novel.

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Re: RE: Alistair (Otome dating sim/stats raising visual nove

#52 Post by Glasskitten »

The Kitten has played it through once. She should have been working on her mega-essay. Actually, she should be working on it now. She's losing five percent of the grade for every day late it is, including this one. (She didn't get a super duper ending because of the same commitment issues that keep her first playthroughs of most games neutral. But still!)
The Kitten very much likes the game, and the boys, and the main character (whom she has inexplicably taken to calling "Mel").
The Kitten wishes to hug them.
The Kitten will probably attempt to hug them on her next playthroughs.
The Kitten is extremely impressed with the customization.
The Kitten is extremely impressed with the art in general. *throws away her own sketchpads and sets the trash bin on fire* OTL TT_TT
Grand list of things not officially canceled:
Salt -- the heartwarming story of brain-eating space worms
Tangent -- an epic poem and/or novel about a borderline-autistic Martian imp and her relationship with God
Kittens of the Darned -- a grimdark soap opera about sexy catgirls (Indefinitely postponed until I learn to draw and color realistically)
The Other Mary -- the most perfect fic about the most perfect Mary Sue EVER
Rockheart -- a short story about a monster who kills everyone
Corrupted -- a completely different short story about a monster who kills everyone (late Worst Visual Novel Ever)
Checkpoint 36a -- the transcription of a short multi-ending dream about time travel and undead schoolgirls
In Which the Princess is Kidnapped -- an entry in the "ordinary girl ends up in an alien universe and tries to save it" genre
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Re: RE: Alistair (Otome dating sim/stats raising visual nove

#53 Post by Ruruka-chan »

I LOVED your game.
Shiro is so sweet (^w^)

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Re: RE: Alistair (Otome dating sim/stats raising visual nove

#54 Post by celectis »

That...was a lot of fun. <333 I admit that I felt like Shiro's side of the story was a little weak compared to the other two but they were all very interesting and of course the wonderful art was a plus! XD Recognized it right off the bat too. I hope you guys end up making more games as a team.~ <3
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Re: RE: Alistair (Otome dating sim/stats raising visual nove

#55 Post by filsduloup »

Oh my gode ! its is a very very nice work !!

its commercial quality game !

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Re: RE: Alistair (Otome dating sim/stats raising visual nove

#56 Post by dizzcity »

This was a really great game! I thoroughly enjoyed it, even after several replays. The writing was spot on, and flowed quite logically. The foreshadowing was very well-executed and just enough for me to guess which one was Alistair from the first playthrough even when playing a neutral path (possibly because I've played a female healer who was also a GM in an MMO, so I identified Oda and Fiona pretty quickly). The choices too were pretty challenging and interesting, and for most of them the consequences appeared fairly soon after the choice, so that was good. Admittedly, I didn't see how the clothes affected people (except for Derek's slinky dress), so that was not obvious to me until I read through the walkthrough.

About the only complaint I would have is that the first scene (just before Alistair interrupts) should have shown the health indicator for Rui as fairly low, rather than maxed out. It was a bit weird to see Fiona and Alistair talking about how dangerous the battle would have been for Rui when she had full health and mana/energy. :)

Art was great. I was impressed by the sheer variety of sprites and dynamic poses - even of the game characters. (Rui's mad expression was hilarious the first time I saw it.) CGs were excellent... I was a bit put off by the first CG of Travis, but his ending pose was my favourite of all, whereas I was heavily impressed by Derek's first CG, especially the glance he flashed and the change of music. The music was very good at setting the mood.

Character-wise, it was consistent and thorough.
They're all interesting archetypes of a sort that would appeal to girls - Travis represents Responsiblity and Integrity (you may not always like him, but you know you can trust him), Derek represents Fun and Need-for-a-Saviour (there's some fun in the flirtatious pursuit or being the only one who shows care for the misunderstood bad boy), and Shiro represents Comfort and Security (he'll never hurt you, and always support you gently). Personally, I thought Shiro was actually the scariest of the three... inviting you into his room all alone? Going behind your back to threaten Derek secretly? I liked Travis the best, obviously, because I'm a sucker for responsibility. Anyway, they're all entertaining and with enough depth to make them all interesting.
It was great fun to play, and I'm looking forward to your next project!

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Re: RE: Alistair (Otome dating sim/stats raising visual nove

#57 Post by Wintermoon »

About the difficulty: figuring out the requirements for each character is basically guess-work. The game is easy if you guess right, and hard if you guess wrong. I ended up using the walkthrough, and even with the walkthrough I failed to get Derek on my first attempt because I missed one scene.

About the characters: I liked Travis from the beginning. I grew to like Shiro, especially after
I learned he was Fiona.
I disliked Derek from the beginning,
and grew to dislike him even more when I learned that he is Alistair. I actually thought that the "good" Derek ending was less satisfying than the normal ending. Who wants to date that jerk? I would have preferred a revenge ending. If he has really fallen for Merui, why can't I use that against him?

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Re: RE: Alistair (Otome dating sim/stats raising visual nove

#58 Post by sake-bento »

Wintermoon wrote:I disliked Derek from the beginning,
and grew to dislike him even more when I learned that he is Alistair. I actually thought that the "good" Derek ending was less satisfying than the normal ending. Who wants to date that jerk? I would have preferred a revenge ending. If he has really fallen for Merui, why can't I use that against him?
My sister mentioned that. She asked
"Why can't you just dump him and leave him with a broken heart? : )"

I guess I feel too mean doing that. D:

But it would make for an interesting ending. :: ponders ::

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Re: RE: Alistair (Otome dating sim/stats raising visual nove

#59 Post by sayuri »

I actually thought Shiro's story was really solid. By solid I mean it's the path I fangirled at the most :P. He had a good mix of nice, smart, and mystery. And that second CG was just... ridiculous :oops:.

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Re: RE: Alistair (Otome dating sim/stats raising visual nove

#60 Post by lepapillonrouge »

Concerning Derek's ending...
If you ever plan to re-release the game, I would totally approve the broken heart ending

But well...he's not really too bad. Kind of a spoiled coward, but he ...well, at least it was just a spur of the moment kind of anger.

Now that I've seen the rest of the endings...

XD I totally did not get that Shiro was Fiona 'til I saw someone post about it. XD; But it was still satisfying nonetheless. XD And I missed this CG for Travis that I got during Shiro's playthrough So I was happy XD;

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