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Re: Hierofanía

Posted: Sun Jun 26, 2016 2:21 pm
by Tempus
ludeshka wrote:You got the true ending on the first try! (some people had lots of trouble with it^^)
It was also my favourite of the seven endings! I liked how ambiguous it was at the very end. In fact, I think one thing that makes the writing of Hierofania so nice is that you don't go out of your way to explain certain things or draw attention to them, such as when Crocket says Murphy "never, ever" sits on the throne. Even after talking to Murphy and finding out more about him you still don't really have an exact explanation. Which is good, in my opinion.

I had a few nit-picky things to say after finishing but I think all of them have already been mentioned. Though after reading this thread I will say that the art is actually what drew me in. That, and the vague memory of a review by anonl.
ludeshka wrote:Holy cow, fanmusic! I didn't even know that was a thing, but this is so cool!
It I don't know, it makes one think of ruins, forgotten battlefields or something. Sad, but...sweeping?
Your Locked Souls music is really cool too, you know. Like really good rpg music. (please take it as a compliment, my writing playlists are 99% rpg music, chrono trigger/saga frontier/older final fantasies and such)
Thanks! Though the Locked Souls music isn't by me -- for some reason Soundcloud plays someone else's music after mine...! But I have written music similar to that haha. And I'm a big fan of the Chrono Trigger/Cross and Final Fantasy soundtracks too :D

Looking forward to trying out Hierofania 2.

Re: Hierofanía

Posted: Fri Aug 05, 2016 5:03 am
by DJaimon
SO I finally managed to play Hierofania after wrestling with the startup glitch and I have to sAY THAT IT'S WORTH IT DANG
The writing, the characters, the art and the setting is so well done, I can hardly find anything I dislike at all. Stranger and Murphy are baes you managed to blend cheerfulness in such a bleak setting that it's really hard not to be impressed by your writing and art design! 10/10 will recommend playing Hierofania
in my first playthrough i got the seventh ending which was bittersweet so naturally i thought i got the bad ending and played through it again....... and realized NOPE THAT'S THE TRUE ENDING GODAMMIT STRANGER. WHY. I like it though, the ambiguity is there and it shines brightly in this unusual world of Hierofania.
and i love the character interaction between Crocket and everybody really; Murphy as her father figure, Douglas unintentionally sorting out her life goals and Stranger being a massive tsundere to her lmao
since im still riding high on the enthusiasm for this game, i drew fanart of Crocket, if you don't mind sorry if she doesnt look like herself i suck at hair fml ;u;
Now im off to play Hierofania 2 and Rhyme or Reason~

Re: Hierofanía

Posted: Wed Apr 19, 2017 1:43 pm
by suoby
The setting in this game is amazing and the art is gorgeous, definitely one of my favourites. I can't get Ending 6 for some reason though, any help? Nevermind, I dug into the game's files and found it. What a great game, moving unto Hierofania 2 now.

Re: Hierofanía

Posted: Fri May 12, 2017 8:58 am
by ludeshka
Thank you SO much.
It makes me so happy when I see a message for one of my games.
I hope you enjoyed the sequel, if you tried it. :)

Re: Hierofanía

Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2021 10:59 am
by PKDonut617
DJaimon wrote: Sun Jan 03, 2016 4:46 am hi! after seeing so many good reviews here I decided to play your game but i always get a black screen upon start up D: the music still plays however. (btw you have two heirofania.exe in the zip file so i just run the second .exe file instead)
Sorry I'm 4 years late, but I've found a solution that works for me at least. I opened my NVIDIA control panel, added hierofania.exe (the smaller file size) to the program list, and selected the NVIDIA processor as the preferred processor instead of Intel integrated. Basically just make sure you manually select your PC's higher-end graphics processor for the game as it seems to only give a black screen with the Intel integrated processor.

Re: Hierofanía

Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2021 1:38 pm
by PKDonut617
Necrobumping (again) to say that I love this VN. First played it years ago and just replayed it now, can't wait to see what the sequel has to offer. Just wanna ask if the sequel reveals more about The Stranger and his motivations. He was very well-written and complex despite the constant emo face-covering pose, probably my favorite character. But I love all the characters anyway lol

Re: Hierofanía

Posted: Thu Jan 14, 2021 7:16 pm
by DrSchizo
For people that experience the same issue, you can also play Hierofania 1 and 2 on Sandbox Adventure.
It's online, browser-based, so it should work on any computer.

Here are the links: