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Re: Get Dumped ☆

Posted: Mon May 20, 2013 10:59 pm
by arachni42
I played this today. I only skimmed the summary and waited until after to read this thread. Based on the title I thought it was going to be a parody (just like you said in your creator's notes, hehe), maybe where you try to get dumped and can't. It was obvious pretty quickly it wasn't like that. It took a little while for the story to get going -- I felt the introduction had things that didn't contribute much to the story or characters and could be cut. (In fact, I felt the true end went on a little long as well.)
It was cute, and I liked the main character (as a character), especially once past the intro. It captured her POV very well, reminding me of Ramona Quimby. Then again, I often used to feel Ramona Quimby captured the POV a little *too* well, and you could feel her frustration! Same here, but I took it in stride. ;) I didn't personally care for the girly pastels, but they were very fitting, and the sprites were cute.
Still, I felt a little bit of, "Uh-oh, I'm not sure if I like where this is going..." Clearly, Michi was hoping to "improve herself" or otherwise do something that would result in Arashi not breaking up with her after all. And you started getting point-based choices... obviously with the goal of, well, avoid the breakup. So I was worried that in the true ending, that would actually be the case.

I was very happy to be wrong. ^_^ It worked well to have that ending automatically after going through the other endings. It felt like a good payoff -- although I admit I peaked at the walkthrough after getting 4 of the endings, having gone through all the choices at least once, and wondering which combinations would actually trigger endings I hadn't gotten. It was tricky in that regard.

Anyway, I liked the true ending, and it finally answered the question I would've asked Arashi two seconds after he broke up with me -- Why. It was a good reason and the overall message is good. I'm glad they didn't start dating again at the end. I did think Arashi's character was a bit over-the-top in terms of perfection. Not his good looks or anything, but he is so extremely nice. So nice, that the fact that he didn't tell her why earlier or break up with her earlier feels "out of character" rather than a flaw. In the true end, we find out why he broke up with her (awww), but the conversation that ensues is full of incredibly selfless thoughts on his end. I have mixed feelings about this -- because there IS that parody element where the shoujo manga prince is only a hair less altruistic than this guy is. So, it is fitting that it is over-the-top. The only problem was that it made it difficult to reconcile (a) why he didn't break up with her earlier, and (b) what exactly are all these "flaws" he claims he has? He doesn't give us any examples (not even the example of not trying to talk to her about this earlier), and we don't see any in the story. And, as over-the-top as it is, it may have been played a little too straight; it was at its core a serious conversation with a serious message, so it seems that Arashi should be taken seriously... and yet he can't be, not quite. That's why I have mixed feelings about it.
Overall, though, I liked the direction it took and enjoyed playing it.

Re: Get Dumped ☆

Posted: Fri May 24, 2013 7:33 pm
by Dawnfire
I LOVE THIS GAME TO DEATH. The art is absolutely wonderful and exactly my ideal art. The writing was hilarious and had me in stitches. But in the end, the character development for both of them made it heartfelt and realistic. I think this little otome parody actually produced one of my favorite couples (and ha ha ha, look what happens...) This was a very smart, very fun, and very well-done game. I'm sure you need no help writing but if EVER in the future you want anyone to write/proofread, I will beg to sign up. And at the least, I'll be following your future games avidly!

Re: Get Dumped ☆

Posted: Tue Jun 18, 2013 10:56 am
by DatingSimFiggy
I have come to the conclusion that I dislike Arashi.

Re: Get Dumped ☆

Posted: Tue Jun 18, 2013 11:49 am
by lemonscent
Lol this was super fun ~ My favorite ending was the fashionista ending - the look on Arashi's face was golden. That jerk totally deserved it, ya know?

Re: Get Dumped ☆

Posted: Sun Jun 23, 2013 3:57 pm
by macuyo
Wahh I had exams over the last two months, so sorry for not getting to these earlier! ;___;

@SHiNKiROU: I've never taken psychology before, so I'm not familiar with it haha;; Or Murphy's Law for the matter (had to google it orz). What you stated is a coincidence, I'd think. But well, I used my own experiences for the game, so if the dream psychology works like that in real life (on me) then perhaps it is geared towards that. Not sure if you'll get my blabbering, I'm not too good at articulating my thoughts properly. ;__;

@arachni42: Wow I sort of like that trying to get dumped idea. *-*)!! I wrote the introduction and endings at different times, where I was more motivated about the project for the intro. (Bad habit haha...) Glad you liked her as a character! Her popularity was... unexpected for me... as well as Arashi's lack of popularity. I'm starting to think they work on an inverse relationship LOL.
People avoided my game initially because of that, which I was angry at. But I guess with a premise like that, there's nothing I could do about it if I didn't want to spoil the ending. So then I got over it haha As a result, I'm very thankful for the people that gave this game a try!

I didn't intend it to be tricky, but I guess it's not a good guess for a creator. My friend who beta'd it got it all with the guidelines that I posted on my blog, so I thought it was enough. Guess my friend just had talent in visual novels ^^;;

In the actual world, Arashi was never that nice and only until the end, do we see some of his selfish characteristics. Because the story was from Michi's perspective, who was in love with him, the vision was all covered by flowers. You don't get to see his flaws because Michi doesn't. She sort of filters out all the bad things and towards the end, when her feelings for him is more controlled, you start to see how inconsiderate he actually is. Evidence is that he was a coward that didn't want to hurt feelings, and unnecessarily dragged it out. He usually thinks of his feelings first, and on top of that, tries to keep his good guy image. So he'd rather leave everything as is than confront her about it. He breaks up out of nowhere because he wants to cut ties cleanly (though it was Michi's fault he did it in public). At this point, he is arguably tired of her attitude and just wants to get away from it. (i.e. his well being > hers) It was just that by doing so, it conveniently also solved her problem so he really thought it was for the better (and it probably was for both of them). You're right in that there's not much evidence, so I see how you'd get those feelings. ^^ Thank you for the input, I'm really happy to see someone analyze my characters so much.///

Also, as an irrelevant side point, it's surprisingly possible to filter out flaws of your favourite people haha. Recently, there was a character I liked, and my mind subconsciously just took out every part of the story where he was being a manipulative jerk. Even though I've read those parts, I didn't remember them that well and kind of forgot about them. I hit a huge realization on how bad he was only after rereading the parts that my friend pointed out LOL. (I don't like him as much now but I still like him///)
So that's pretty much all I have to say on that matter haha Thanks for playing! ^^

@Dawnfire: AWW THANK YOU ;__;! <3 It means so much to me to be someone's "ideal art" ahh I'm ridiculously happy right now hehe. I'm really honored to hear all this, thanks so much! I will keep your offer in mind~ It might be awhile, but I hope you'll stick around for my next release. ^^

@DatingSimFiggy: Haha, as did many others.

@lemonscent: LOL glad you had fun!

Re: Get Dumped ☆

Posted: Sun Jun 23, 2013 4:30 pm
by Lire
Here is my official reviews~ sorry for double post :( 8)
Have a nice day. :mrgreen:

Re: Get Dumped ☆

Posted: Mon Jul 22, 2013 11:33 am
by Pilot

Re: Get Dumped ☆

Posted: Wed Jul 31, 2013 5:27 pm
by macuyo
Aww thank you for both your reviews! ;-; It makes me happy people take the time to write about my game///

@Lire: Haha thankfully you forgave him~ (I think a lot of people didn't) :lol:
@Pilot: I read it a while ago since it was posted on tumblr since I'm probably the biggest stalker of my own games haha. Ahh to be honest, I was about to give up making VNs and when you mentioned you were looking forward to SoCo it gave me back my motivation. It prompted me to make my SoCo dev blog post afterwards too. So I'm very thankful!

It's almost too late now but I sort of wished I compiled all the reviews and linked them on my wordpress.;; Maybe I will do it next time for my next game.

Re: Get Dumped ☆

Posted: Fri Aug 02, 2013 2:03 am
by Minari Cipher
I played this game and had fun. The bad endings were really funny :lol:.
At first I thought Arashi was a jerk until the true ending, it turns that Arashi was not that of a bad guy after all actually he is very nice. The true ending was really lovely and heart touching.
The art is really awesome I love it. :wink:

Re: Get Dumped ☆

Posted: Sun Aug 11, 2013 12:29 pm
by hikaa212
played it~ It was awesoooooooooome! :D My favourite is either the neon clothes and bento xD At first I thought Arashi was a jerk then the true endd ;~;
I've also wrote a full review :D

Re: Get Dumped ☆

Posted: Thu Aug 15, 2013 10:16 am
by nefferinthia
You know, I didn't expect this visual novel to turn out the way it did. Especially with the first 5 endings, I really expected the last one to be just them making up again. But surprisingly, the message was very deep and touching and I honestly believe I learned something haha. Somehow it seems like you at least based this partially off of personal experience. In any case, thank you. This was a delight to play.

Re: Get Dumped ☆

Posted: Mon Aug 19, 2013 8:05 am
by chronicle-visuals
Okay, so I got each wrong end-- rolled my eyes at both main characters a few times, laughed at them, smiled, had faith, and then... I got the true end.
Damn you to hell, Macuyo! That ending made me tear up and I felt my heart swell! It was so bittersweet, and... even for something so short, I'm kind of going to miss it. It's the type of game that makes you think; 'well, what next? what happens afterwards!? what will I do with my life now that this is gone!?' I think... Arashi's words hit home a bit too much. Sometimes, I restrain myself around certain people because I fear they wouldn't like me more if I let my true colors show. This game was very touching and spoke a very important message. I loved how you talked about how sometimes love can put people on a pedestal, and that sometimes you love this fictional expectation of a person rather than the person as a whole. Usually, I get sincerely disappointed when they end up getting together in the end. However, this made me feel as if I was in a constant state of 'Why, Arashi, why!' Though, I am overjoyed you took a step back from the cliche, and took a moment to convey an important message and tell everyone that while not everything ends as planned, that doesn't mean it ends in disappointment. The spelling and grammar mistakes bugged me at times, but the overall story telling? Magnificent.
So, thank you. I liked this a lot more than I imagined I would. Congratulations.

Re: Get Dumped ☆

Posted: Thu Aug 22, 2013 6:39 pm
by Akuni
I played it, I finished it, omg I'm so frustrated xD But thankfully
all those other butt arashis were in her dreams xD or I'd be really pressed

Anyway~ ahem, stuff I can talk about. I like the game pay and the design, it was simple, neat and cute. I didn't feel bored once, more frustrated than anything [like 'WTHELL SENPAI Y U NO WANT MY BODY ; A;) ].

I wish the best friend got more screen time though :C and in the author notes you said you wanted the MC to be an unlikable character, I kind of found her to be, in some choices in that she really was too obsessed with him and some of the options like...the one about Ara and the manager the choices would've led you all over the place that there was nothing in her thought process to be like 'Let me just ignore it I don't care.'

But I sympathized with her a lot :C And the true ending was sweet~ <3 I still think Arashi's a butt, but he was a nice butt compared to the other endings. I'd definitely recommend this game. ^^

Re: Get Dumped ☆

Posted: Wed Aug 28, 2013 7:25 pm
by macuyo
Thanks for all your comments! I'm sorry I'm behind on replying for the forum. T_T

@D`Angel18: Thanks for playing it through~

@hikaa212: Thank you for the review! I'm happy you liked most of the characters and those particular endings. xD

@Harumi Fujyoshi: Haha partially is not wrong, but I think it's minimal. It's not *personal*, but more like the amount of shoujo manga I read and those thoughts in my head thinking about how unrealistic they are. It was made as a parody of typical cliched shoujo because I was getting sick of them. I had my crushes though, so I guess you can also say I amplified my feelings x1000 into Michi.

@chronicle-visuals: Wow, thanks for writing down your thoughts! ;-; Yes, I need to work on my grammar, although I did my best with spelling...;; (Maybe it's the difference between color and colour?) LOL In my own way, I tried to fill the gap for those stories I've read where the girl just totally ignores the other parts of the guy. Makes me think, "they're going to have problems for sure"...
Ahh I'm at a loss for words for your commentary, since I feel really honoured. I'm smiling so much/// Thanks!

@Akuni: LMAO thank you///
I usually dislike choices that lead you to the same place too but as a writer, it's a different story. orz. Yeah, overall I thought people would dislike her since she pretty much has no life of her own but I was proven wrong haha

Re: Get Dumped ☆

Posted: Sat Sep 07, 2013 9:26 pm
by Asterisk
I just played this and I wanna say, I loved it!

The true ending was kinda sad but it was still nice, I wasn't expecting it.
Some other endings were so funny, and you can kinda see Arashi's other personality coming out haha;
I really liked your art too, I think it suits the game nicely.