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Re: Amount of realistic profanity in VNs

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2014 1:39 pm
by Le Hewitt
Profanity is absolutely fine by me, and one of my current writing projects actually contains a great deal of it. Not by design, but by necessity: When you're writing about a gang of highschool drop-outs who are regularly getting into real street fights with the intention of seriously harming other people, that's not something to be taken lightly. In the heat of the moment, they send out a slurry of curses and f-bombs everywhere. Of course, that isn't to say that they're always using profanity either, they're just characters that are predisposed to using them more often. If they didn't use such profanities, one may be inclined to believe thing about them that would be misleading, as tough as they are trying to make themselves seem, they use these words because they always feel under threat and they must use harshness as a defense. They function collectively like an dog backed into a corner, they'll bark and they'll bite. I believe that the contents of each of their characters, that is what lays beyond the curse words and gang-fights, would be much less meaningful if they didn't also possess the harsh exteriors that they hide behind out of defense. The use of profanity definitely helps to bring them across as both intimidating and a bit uncontrolled in their lives, as if they weren't so desperate they probably wouldn't find the need to be so incensed.