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Re: Witching Hour -[BxB, BxG]- A Fantasy/Supernatural/Romanc

Posted: Fri Sep 18, 2015 9:27 pm
by Green Glasses Girl
I guess my main comment is that there is already a visual novel on this forum by the same name. Not sure if the title is pending or if you intend to add "The" ahead of it. Otherwise it's a bit confusing.

Anyway, it looks like you have a nicely developed cast! Looking forward to further development. :D

Re: Patchwork's Curse -[BxB, BxG]- A Supernatural/Romance VN

Posted: Sat Sep 19, 2015 2:54 am
by oujibird
Green Glasses Girl wrote:Not sure if the title is pending or if you intend to add "The" ahead of it.
HAHA, don't worry, it was just a placeholder! That I took no longer than three seconds to think of. I finally thought of something perfect for the story, now, though - so that's fixed now. HURRAY TO NO CONFUSION.
Green Glasses Girl wrote:Anyway, it looks like you have a nicely developed cast! Looking forward to further development. :D
You're too kind! :cry: I'll be sure to keep going! PROGRESS IS MY MIDDLE NAME. It's not, but pretend it is.

Re: Patchwork’s Curse -[BxB, BxG]- A Supernatural/Romance VN

Posted: Sat Sep 19, 2015 5:21 am
by Nayru774
The concept of this whole thing and the characters seem very interesting (I love the way you describe things, at that, haha)! :D
I'm definitely following this and eagerly waiting for any updates. Good luck with everything! c:

Re: Patchwork’s Curse -[BxB, BxG]- A Supernatural/Romance VN

Posted: Sun Sep 20, 2015 12:55 am
by oujibird
New update! There's a link to the chapter ideas now, where you can see vaguely what's planned for each. Ending ideas too! Watch your step. Spoilers. Specific route ideas will come later, though I already have things in mind... keep watching!

Re: Patchwork’s Curse -[BxB, BxG]- A Supernatural/Romance VN

Posted: Sun Sep 20, 2015 12:59 am
by oujibird
Nayru774 wrote:The concept of this whole thing and the characters seem very interesting (I love the way you describe things, at that, haha)! :D
Aw, thanks!
Nayru774 wrote:I'm definitely following this and eagerly waiting for any updates. Good luck with everything! c:
Much appreciated! I'll send some good vibes your way as well!

.......GOOD VIBES. (Vibes sent.)

Re: Patchwork’s Curse -[BxB, BxG]- A Supernatural/Romance VN

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2015 5:39 am
by Nayru774
@oujibird - The chapter ideas seem really intriguing, and I'm definitely looking forward to this project even more now! Good luck with working things out and putting everything together! c:

Mmm, good vibes... much appreciated! I shall use them wisely, as well. c: /sends some back at you, too~

Re: Patchwork’s Curse -[BxB, BxG]- A Supernatural/Romance VN

Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2015 2:33 am
by Laera-chan
One, love the chapter ideas.

Two... I'm so so so SO putting my name forward to be a proof-reader/beta-tester/guinea-pig/whatever the hell else you want!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: Anything to be able to play this sooner! :oops: :lol: I'm a writer, so I'm pretty good with proof-reading. If nothing else, you'd get a lot of excited eager fanatical feedback from me! :P :lol:

Three, there is no three.

Four, I can't wait for this! Can you tell I'm excited? //shot

Re: Patchwork’s Curse -[BxB, BxG]- A Supernatural/Romance VN

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2015 11:54 pm
by oujibird
HOO BOY, okay. Carpal tunnel issues are acting up again, so I'll have to calm down with drawing for now (...just gimme a couple months, and I'll get back to sprites!) For the time being, however... I GUESS THIS MEANS I'LL START PLANNING... Lucious's route.

It begins.

Time to crack open a program for branch planning! HUZZAH.

Re: Patchwork’s Curse -[BxB, BxG]- A Supernatural/Romance VN

Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2015 12:06 am
by Hazel-Bun
Looks awesome *^*b can't wait for more updates!

Re: Patchwork’s Curse -[BxB, BxG]- A Supernatural/Romance VN

Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2015 2:48 pm
by Nayru774
Take care of yourself and good luck! We'll always be here, patiently waiting for any further updates. c:

Re: Patchwork’s Curse -[BxB, BxG]- A Supernatural/Romance VN

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2016 7:46 am
by oujibird
Heya! Sorry for letting myself fall silent for a while... trying to live life, rest my hand, and also make a game can sure be a difficult juggle.

Anyways... since I haven't been able to draw much, I've been focusing on intensifying the plot and figuring out what exactly is the direction that I want to go with this project, as a whole... and I'm very happy to talk about that now!

Just remember - none of this is final. And it's still 16+ for language and some adult themes (thanks, my dear colorful cast!)

O-K. So.

When I first started this project, I had no clue - none at all - of what I wanted to have happen to Jade at the beginning of the story. Whether I'd immediately have him stumble into the city, or slowly but surely be guided in by a lone traveler... it was just completely up in the air. Yet, in the details above, I stated "Sure, he'll stumble in. Whatever! Why would I want to change that later?" Of course, this has now been changed! In the start of the story, I now have Jade sitting in a lonely cave, questioning the whole "suddenly being an amnesiac" situation... and, also why he's in a cave at all. After that, shenanigans happen, and then you get assigned to live in the spooky scary apartment. And then, day by day, you meet the characters you missed! And, hey, wow, what d'ya know? They all live near you! Enter more shenanigans.

After you talk to your chosen character(s) of choice for the next three days, then that's basically the demo!

...It'll be a lot more intense, and longer, than you might think. So intense.

Like, people almost dying intense. Or maybe just dying? Gelatinous beings that fade in from another reality once a night aren't exactly well-versed in sharing the secrets of their physiology. Like, did they just eat someone, or transport them across worlds? Or both? We just don't know. They can't speak to us.

Alright, I've had my fun. In conclusion, since I'm now better prepared for the work ahead, you can expect bi-weekly updates of my word count/progress from this point forward!

See you on the 17th!

Current word count: 3065, over the course of one full week of writing (...and after ridding myself of the former dialogue, which was subpar at best though hefty in length).

(*For a topic of discussion, a redesign of Jenny (in my natural style): ...Ain't she a doll? Should I continue to sketch in the style I'm more familiar with?)

Re: Patchwork’s Curse -[BxB, BxG]- A Supernatural/Romance VN

Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2016 11:14 pm
by oujibird
Heya! Nice to see y'all again.

I've had a pretty long couple weeks, to say the least... so many errors. So much fixing. But, at long last, I finally got the menu I was editing to work just fine! Sadly, since that meant less time actually writing what I wanted, I fell a bit short of my goal... but my word count is now at 5353! That's at least progress, right? And now that I can elaborate on the choices I've constructed, I assume the count will skyrocket by the 31st.

Before I leave, I will say that I have been giggling nonstop with how I write Lucious and Jade. Such an... eccentric duo. Here's a sneak peak of those two:
j "Who are you?"
lu "The man of your dreams."
j "Really? Because the man of my dreams is passive aggressive, curses people, and is generally just really disturbing."
lu "..."
lu "You know... "
extend "you should aim higher than that."
lu "I'm available!"
j "Wow, great! Guess I'll just go ahead and aim for you, now, then!"
j "Hope you like open palms."
lu "Oh, I do. Specifically when they're going down."
j "(...Did he not realize I suggested slapping him? Or did he choose to ignore it? Either way, I'm annoyed.)"
I'll do this with the other three as time goes on, then give up on sending lines! Don't want ALL of the fun spoiled, you know? Just enough to let you know what you're possibly in for at the beginning. Stay tuned!

Time to edit so many things.