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Re: Good Writing Software?

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2021 4:44 am
by HEXdidnt
I've been trying out Twine over the last few days, and it seems to be precisely what I've been after for a while.

One of my projects already had a beginning, middle and end, then decided I wanted to flesh out the beginning/middle a little further with some additional branching paths. The 'creative' part of that is still a bit of a struggle, but the technical angle is thoroughly covered by Twine. I'd previously tried creating flowcharts on, but it was fairly clumsy and I ended up tying myself in knots rather than clarifying anything. Twine is very helpful for preparing the structure, allowing me to (hopefully) fit the writing in as and when I get the dialogue straight in my head.

Scrivener/Manuskript seem like they could be useful, too. I have a nasty habit of keeping all my worldbuilding in my head, which isn't the most useful plan considering the positively geological pace of most of my writing... Luddite that I am sometimes, I once tried starting a card file to keep track of characters, situations, etc., but filling it out by hand was ponderous, and my handwriting is awful.

Re: Good Writing Software?

Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2021 1:06 pm
by Neeka
I use Google Docs to write the actual script, but to organize everything more I like to use World Anvil

There are 25+ Worldbuilding templates that include:

Wars & Conflicts
Important Documents
Geographic Locations
Myths & Legends
Natural & Supernatural Laws
Towns & Cities
Science & Technology

As well as: (These are listed on the home page, some come with a basic free account but 'full' versions exist with a paid membership)

Design interactive maps

Link and Cross Reference Everything


Family Tree + Bloodlines

Organization Charts

Diplomacy Webs


Upload Images + Files

Example of the dashboard:


And here's how your "World" will look with nothing in it:


I do feel obligated to say that your World will be PUBLIC in a free account. To make it private, you need to upgrade to the cheapest membership 'Become A Guild Member' at Journeyman level ($5/mo).

Anyway, I really enjoy World Anvil (even with a free account) and all of its features and hope that it can help you and your projects!

Re: Good Writing Software?

Posted: Sun Oct 31, 2021 5:33 pm
by Cereal Guy
I strongly recommend downloading Visual Studio Code and then get the python and renpy addons. This way, you'll have one single program for writing your python code (which includes autocomplete and preview of usable methods on objects you're working on), support for markdown files if you need to write documentation for your visual novel, and the renpy addon should help too with its syntax highlighting of your rpy scripts.

I don't think you need fancy-looking programs for planning your game. You're creating a visual novel, not the next Game of Thrones.

Re: Good Writing Software?

Posted: Fri Nov 05, 2021 11:24 pm
by havvki
honestly, this program isn't the best for managing branching dialog options; however, i will scream until the end of time about this program and i will take this opportunity to do so!

i use a program called Focus Writer for all of my writing needs. it's perfect for writing random notes to yourself, scribbling ideas for scenes, and other cool acts of literary discovery! it also has a built-in timer for if you want to set a limit for yourself, as well as the option to set daily goals for yourself (and is also keeps up with your streaks, perfect for if you want to get better at writing consistently), and also customizable workspaces. it's seriously the best application for writing. it's not too fancy so there's minimal distractions--emphasized by the truly life-changing full-screen mode that makes it impossible to access distractions without the conscious decision to do so.

and the best part? it's free! you can download it here!

as far as software that helps manage branching story plots, everyone else mentioned the good ones already! Twine is super cool, i use it myself, and OneNote is an absolute godsend for helping me keep up with tasks and whatnot. hope this helps, and good luck!

Re: Good Writing Software?

Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2021 10:23 am
by Lochana
I mainly use just pen and paper for all my writing. Simple and gets the work done without distracting or tempting you to waste time.

If you're having trouble focusing on your writing perhaps give it a shot. It might help you. According to my friends who I asked to critique my work the quality.of writing when using pen and papers is higher than when I type it out.

Give it a shot, it might surprise you, and is probably better for your eyes in the long run.

Re: Good Writing Software?

Posted: Sun Nov 28, 2021 8:59 am
by Senroc
Just thought I'd come back here with another tool I absolutely LOVE. If you are a visual-minded planner, Scapple is an excellent piece of software for freeform brainstorming and mapping out your story. It's by the same creator as Scrivener and only costs about $20.

If you're after a free alternative, serves the same purpose, but has a lot more options (it's designed for diagram-making first and foremost) so isn't quite as quick to use. Still a great tool though!