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Re: MorningStar

Posted: Wed Apr 24, 2013 6:15 pm
by squark
It works. You frigging genius.
Why does this exe work and not the packaged one though? That's kind of weird.

Re: MorningStar

Posted: Thu Apr 25, 2013 3:07 am
by ficedula
That's very bizarre, because it shouldn't work - all it does is run exactly the same code as normal, but with extra error logging :/ So I have no idea why it would work when the packaging version doesn't...

Still, at least you can start it I guess.

Re: MorningStar

Posted: Mon Apr 29, 2013 12:49 pm
by squark
I spoke too soon, it seems. I got as far as the Welcoming Party scene (which somehow fell on Day 19...) and it vomited an error log all over me.

The battle system does seem more balanced, though. Miyako has stopped praising you for living three or more rounds in the first training session (y'know: "I'm impressed, Hikari-San, I never expected you to live this long!")
But if you play on Easy and survive the first battle, the game continues as normal as though you'd lost.
Also, if you pass the first exams (which I know you really shouldn't), even if you get a letter saying "Passed, good effort" (which is a grade C, if I'm not mistaken), Sachiko acts as though you failed.

Every time the Welcoming Party rolls around and I see "Slut Akemi" on the wall I laugh. It makes me wonder what the rest of that poster is.

Slight thing: The quick options (including the Faster Text) are missing.

Otherwise, thanks for making this game playable without needing compatibility options!

Oh, Edit:
The battle status window is too hard to read. White text on a pale background is kind of awkward.

Re: MorningStar

Posted: Mon Apr 29, 2013 2:31 pm
by ficedula
Thanks for the report :/ Do you happen to remember how far into the welcoming party scene you'd got, when the error occurred?

And/or do you have a savegame from just beforehand, by any chance?
Every time the Welcoming Party rolls around and I see "Slut Akemi" on the wall I laugh. It makes me wonder what the rest of that poster is.
Oh ... that's still in there? :lol:

FWIW, the text on the poster is;

"FIX ME to use one of:

Also: Quit hanging out with that slut Akemi!"

...which was rather obviously meant as a reminder to us to replace the placeholder with a correct background. And rather obviously that didn't happen! - at least in that event.

Re: MorningStar

Posted: Sat May 04, 2013 1:05 pm
by squark
It wasn't that far in. Just about when Kasumi goes off to make the tea, I think. Anyway, here's the savegame.

* I had to use a zip because I can't upload .sav files here.

Re: MorningStar

Posted: Sat Mar 15, 2014 1:02 pm
by starfang42
Hi. Don't know if this is still being supported at all, but figured I'd post the problems I'm having.

First, I'm getting the same issue with the main version not working, but MorningStarRE is. Running on an Asus N53SV laptop, windows 7 64 bit, microsoft .Net 4.5. I've tried with both the Intel and Nvidia graphics. Interestingly enough, I managed to get the main executable working in linux using Mono after installing some libraries. Make of that what you will.

Second, I'm getting the exact same issue with the welcome party that was posted earlier. Not a huge deal since I can avoid it.

The third issue I'm having is with
the first battle with the puppets on day 30. Crashes almost immediately, same error every time. Seems to happen whenever one of the puppets executes a basic attack. Top error is "Error loading texture battle"

I've attached a zip with the dump and the closest save to the third issue. Probably going to move on to Zwei, though I would like to see the ending at least once, so I'm hoping for a fix or workaround at some point.

Re: MorningStar

Posted: Sat Mar 15, 2014 2:18 pm
by ficedula

Thanks for the error report! Unfortunately (well - hopefully it's not too unfortunate) we're in the middle of making a new MorningStar game for NaNoRenO so we're a little (lot) busy already this month :/ That being the case, I intend to look into your bug report (and thanks for providing repro steps / savegame) but it probably isn't going to be straight away, I'm afraid.

Re: MorningStar

Posted: Sat Mar 15, 2014 6:55 pm
by starfang42
Not unfortunate at all. Liked what I could see of the first one, and now that I've played through the second once, I'll definitely be interested in seeing what the third one is like.

Re: MorningStar

Posted: Mon May 11, 2015 1:19 pm
by BLC
I know it may seem late and you're probably busy, but is there any way to get a new link to get Morning Star with the rebalanced battle system? the ones posted on in this topic don't seem to work for me..

Re: MorningStar

Posted: Tue May 12, 2015 5:14 am
by Mikaren
Ah sorry but it seem i can't open that new link you provided
could you upload it in mediafire or dropbox?

Re: MorningStar

Posted: Wed May 27, 2015 11:08 am
by Bohoy
I tried on the MorningStar Zwei topic to no avail so I'll try it here.

I just found out about the Morning Star games and they sound very interesting.
However I can't find a working link for either of them anywhere.
Does anyone have a working download for me?

I am aware of the link on Renpy Games list. However that one is a buggy mess and I hope there is a more recent, patched version.
Bugs I have include, but aren't limited to:
-Sprites staying on the screen longer than they should.
-Game ALWAYS crashes after some choices seemingly related to asking someone to partner up.
-Inconsistencies (Miyako complaining I didn't meet her after classes even though I did. Same with Akemi.)

Zwei seems nonexistent.
Help would be much appreciated.

Re: MorningStar

Posted: Thu May 28, 2015 3:59 pm
by ficedula
I've uploaded the games again. I don't know what versions the Renpy list has, but these may be newer.

MorningStar (Windows):
Patch, if required: ...

MorningStar Zwei (Windows): ...
Patch to latest version: ...

MorningStar Zwei (OSX): ... arZwei.dmg
MorningStar (OSX): ...

Re: MorningStar

Posted: Fri May 29, 2015 5:08 am
by Bohoy
Thanks for the reply.
Unfortunately I can't seem to be able to access any of these links :(
I get DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN for all of them.

Re: MorningStar

Posted: Fri May 29, 2015 5:24 am
by Jake
Bohoy wrote:Thanks for the reply.
Unfortunately I can't seem to be able to access any of these links :(
I get DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN for all of them.
I've mentioned to Ficedula that it's not working. As a temporary workaround - if you know what you're doing - putting the following in your hosts file will allow you to use those links just fine:

Code: Select all
(You can't really do any damage with the hosts file, but if you don't know what that means, I'd still recommend not messing around with system files just in case!)

Re: MorningStar

Posted: Fri May 29, 2015 6:41 am
by Bohoy
Thanks for the workaround. I was able to successfully download the games.
Zwei works fine as far as I can tell with my brief testing.
However, I must sound really whiny by now.

I'm having trouble with the first game.
I can run MorningStarRE.exe and the game launches. There's an uncomfortably long black screen which eventually leads to the MorningStar title image for a few seconds and then to a permanent black screen.
Pressing ESC seems to allow me to do 3 things by clicking around blindly:
-save the game (which is useless before I even start the game)
-load a save file
However I can't start a new game. I tried a lot of clicking and nothing worked.
I also tried loading a save file from the Renpy List version but the files are apparently incompatible.
So I'm stuck again.