(P)lanets - the life of normalcy has ended!

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Re: (P)lanets - the life of normalcy has ended!

#286 Post by therealrose »

I really love this game! I finshed with all the endings except the fifth one.

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Re: (P)lanets - the life of normalcy has ended!

#287 Post by Kokoro Hane »

This looks fun! *is downloading now*
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Re: (P)lanets - the life of normalcy has ended!

#288 Post by lonewolf1 »

i downloaded the windows version, is anyone else getting errors? is there a way to prevent the errors showing up? i love the plot of this game alot and i would hate not being abl to finish it b/c of the errors popping up =[

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Re: (P)lanets - the life of normalcy has ended!

#289 Post by teacup »

Thanks for the comments everyone~!
Please post your error report or tell me what's happened? I can't help you otherwise...

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Re: (P)lanets - the life of normalcy has ended!

#290 Post by Pixelen »

I really love this game! I've been trying to get all the endings, so far I've managed to get all 3 of the guys but only 1 perfect ending with Ryuu! Kaius is definitely my favourite, but his perfect ending is proving tricky... grr! Anyway, great game, thanks so much for sharing it with us!

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Re: (P)lanets - the life of normalcy has ended!

#291 Post by teacup »

Thank you!! I'm glad you are enjoying the game! (*゚ω゚*)☆
Good luck getting the perfect ends~ There's a walkthrough at my blog if needed~!

Ah, the pictures on the first page got deleted!
I-I think I deleted them off my computer too... damn...! ;A;
Um, I'll replace those ASAP >A>;;

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Re: (P)lanets - the life of normalcy has ended!

#292 Post by SorikaMosai »

[/thumbs up] I enjoyed this game, I really did. The gameplay was interesting, but it didn't really... let's see. It should have been more involved with the interactions between them? I dunno. I don't understand coding (and whatnot) so never mind me. I should play it a few more times to see... another time, I guess.

[/cough/rubsbackofneck] Anyway, I really liked Kaius. Wait- I liked all of them. (I just liked Kaius a bit more... or maybe that's just me and favoring unpleasant personalities?) Er, so, keep up the good work, yo! >wob

One of these days I'll provide a useful review. OTL

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Re: (P)lanets - the life of normalcy has ended!

#293 Post by teacup »

Thanks!! ^-^
Mm, do you mean there isn't enough interactivity/choices in the game?
It's true, I didn't put too much choices because I'm bad at coding. When I had more choices, it caused a lot of bugs. =w=;
Sorry about that. ;w;"

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Re: (P)lanets - the life of normalcy has ended!

#294 Post by kingjing »

Well this looks spiffy! :D
Downloading now.

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Re: (P)lanets - the life of normalcy has ended!

#295 Post by LizBeth »

Hey, I played a while ago but since I just got an account, I thought I'd pop in and let you know how much I enjoyed (P)lanets. I'm happy to say it was one of the first visual novels I've ever played! Like Sorika, Kaius was my absolute favorite (cracking through a character's shell is the best), but I enjoyed Luncan and Ryuu's paths too (although, I have to admit, I didn't pin him as a romanceable character at the start...) simply for the new perspective each offered. It was great to go from Kaius' view of Ryuu to his own, and even Lucan added a new demension. I played it Kaius, Ryuu, Lucan and it turned out to be a pretty good ordering to keep everyone's twists in tack. Roomate who I forgot the name of (I'm sorry R-something!) was a wonderful addition too.

The only thing that really bothered me was the pacing at certain points. Um... I'll spoiler tag this next bit. It's pretty vague, but I wouldn't want to chance revealing things for anyone.
At the very beginning, Kaius whisks you off to Planets in just a day. Similarly, the end of Lucan's plot line and your eventual departure seemed rather rushed. Heading off to planets in a day, I can get past, but I really feel like something as simple as a "one week later" screen could've resolved the issue in Lucan's case. I know it's a small element of a great VN, but it still took me out of the story. Realizing that I'm reading a story while I'm reading it makes me sad :(.
That aside, (P)lanets is one of my absolute favorite virtual novels and I really can't wait for (P)lanets 2 and Circum[N]avigate! Thank you for this story teacup! (And now I'll quake in fear of the possibility that I may've offended you... Please don't let me offend you teacup!)

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Re: (P)lanets - the life of normalcy has ended!

#296 Post by RainingRipples »

That was amazing. I seriously died in happiness, one of the best otome games I have ever been lucky enough to find.

I did Kaius' path first, and after that... i disliked Ryuu, HOW COULD HE BE SO MEAAAAAANNNNN. D;

Sorry, I'm just a little too happy with this game. ♥

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Re: (P)lanets - the life of normalcy has ended!

#297 Post by xXcybeleXx »

Is this really your first game? It's impressive IMHO :o Congratulations!

My thoughts (and I'm going to ramble unsystematically, sorry)

I really like that the music changes according to the tone of the storyline and the art is gorgeous (actually because I can't draw to save my own life!) Art and character designs definitely win brownie points even before I start playing.

Everyone here is raving about Kaius, but the "cool mysterious angsty" type doesn't do for me at first glance. (I'll decide how I like him after finishing his path!) However I fell in love with Ryuu immediately. At first I thought he was a kind, happy go-lucky stereotype, but then later on he was introduced as being "the bad boy and reckless" type, which I didn't expect. He's like a smooth operator! I like the cute and witty interaction between Marin, Ryuu and Lucan. Oh and nice touch on the "blah blah blah" screen made me go LOL!

I've just finished Ryuu's path only (and very entertained throughout) so I can't really comment on how well the all the other characters develop.
Marin is a likeable character. Her reaction when Ryuu confessed to her was also believable. Since Marin's monologue had emphasized that she did not know whether he was being serious or joking, a sudden confession would probably leave her incoherent(?) :lol: I would have smacked my forehead if she immediately replied, "YES! I'll be yours!" - like there was no buildup to the climax of the plot - and totally cliched. I found myself guessing whether she really fell for him as well. When Marin found out about Ryuu's illness, I found myself wishing, "Please don't let this be a sad ending!", was so afraid that the next screen was Ryuu on his deathbed. :cry: Thank goodness for the happy ending! :D :D :D
I'll need to chase the other pretty boys to see how the whole plot glues up together. But so far, it's fairly consistent except for the part where
Marin invited Kaius into the group of five during the holidays. It makes me feel as if she wants to annoy Ryuu by having Kaius nearby (the rationale that she just wants to be friends makes sense, but she does know that they both can't keep their fists off each other!)
This was also mentioned previously, about Marin's parents
suddenly having a change of attitude towards her due to Haruhi's influence.
I have to say that I was shocked that her parents could actually want Marin out of the house. It's probably me, but I feel that hardly any parents that raise their kids up till their teens would actually wish them "good riddance!" (albeit secretly). Marin didn't even seem like a disobedient or difficult child. But I guess there's always such people in the world. :?

This is actually the first time I've written a feedback reply. :oops: So maybe the comments aren't very constructive...but I hope it's just good encouragement :) I play without really analyzing anything in particular, which is why.

Looking forward to your next project!

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Re: (P)lanets - the life of normalcy has ended!

#298 Post by eternalwishess »

Fabulouuuuuuuus~! I finished playing it last night and i LOVED it. ^____^ The concept of the story is very original, and the story line itself is long (could be longer *wink wink*) and interesting. I skipped doing homework for a day just to play it! Everything about the game is so cute, i love the star cursor~
Maybe you could add the images in the part where we get to choose what place to go, but that's optional. ;D (i understand how lazy all of us can get at times).

This is amazing. ^___^ Btw, I chose Ryuu~
Call me αίкσ, hehe. C:

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Re: (P)lanets - the life of normalcy has ended!

#299 Post by Kokoro Hane »

Okay, so I finally finished it for the first time. I ended up being with Ryuu <333 I thouroughly enjoyed the game. I found it to be really fun and sometimes felt like I was experiencing an anime instead of playing a visual novel. I actually think this would make a wonderful anime, actually! Good job ^.^
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Re: (P)lanets - the life of normalcy has ended!

#300 Post by blitzysixx »

I have played a lot of games (and most of the games on this forum) and this one was by far my favorite. The art was lovely, the music was nice, the story was fantastic, the characters were wonderful, and it was just plain engaging. At times it was laugh out loud funny.

I played all night and could not stop, at 5:00 am I was still awake barely able to hold my eyes open with a splitting headache but still playing, desperate to find out how the story ends. This is one of the very few games I've played yet that I am actually going to play through again to get ALL of the endings.

My only concrit would be that at times it was a little text-heavy, meaning there was a lot of reading versus not that many choices I could make. But that didn't make it less fun, I'm just saying more choices would have made it even more fun. It's just something to consider for future game making.

All in all, you did a great job with this. Thank you for creating this entertaining gem.

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