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Re: Extreme Escape Adventure: Good People Die [999 Sequel!]

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2012 5:52 pm
by teacup
CheeryMoya wrote:A quick Google search has brought up nothing on a bonus item if you do order it early, but who cares? The game by itself is enough of a bonus for me :lol:
The bonus item has been confirmed by Aksys. It will be another replica of the in-game bracelets. Now I'm really excited, since I missed out on the watch last time! 8)
Here's your proof. BTW, the watch in that pic may not be the actual watch that comes with the game.

Re: Zero Escape: Virtue's Last Reward [999 Sequel!]

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2012 6:22 pm
by CheeryMoya
teacup wrote:
CheeryMoya wrote:A quick Google search has brought up nothing on a bonus item if you do order it early, but who cares? The game by itself is enough of a bonus for me :lol:
The bonus item has been confirmed by Aksys. It will be another replica of the in-game bracelets. Now I'm really excited, since I missed out on the watch last time! 8)
Here's your proof. BTW, the watch in that pic may not be the actual watch that comes with the game.
Another reason to scream silently as my dad buys yet another Nintendo game that we'll never get around to playing anytime soon. We have so many games that we haven't even opened... and the ones I want to play I don't have ;A;

And my sister didn't say anything when I showed her the bracelet, just said they had them the first time around. Excuse me as I cry some more.

Re: Zero Escape: Virtue's Last Reward [999 Sequel!]

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2012 8:31 pm
by nottiebutt
I,,, I'm just going to hide in a corner.
All you Americans can tell me how fun it is until they maybe maybe release a european version,,
(c'mon I'm a poor ass kid and I just brought a psp and a 3ds I ca't afford an imported 3ds or psvite as well)
(ninty you suck)
(yet I still love you,,,)

Re: Zero Escape: Virtue's Last Reward [999 Sequel!]

Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2012 11:48 pm
by TenshiEffect
You can get the preorder watch by ordering from Amazon. ... B009APQ9QU
nottiebutt wrote:I,,, I'm just going to hide in a corner.
All you Americans can tell me how fun it is until they maybe maybe release a european version
Actually, Rising Star Games is releasing it in Europe. :D
Zero Escape: Virtue’s Last Reward Headed To Europe Courtesy Of Rising Star

Re: Zero Escape: Virtue's Last Reward [999 Sequel!]

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2012 12:30 pm
by teacup
With the game being out now, does anyone have it yet?
Mine is scheduled to arrive from Amazon on Monday. Of course I get jealous when I see other people who have it already, and I'm forcing myself to avoid Gamestop so that I won't be tempted to buy it again, lol. Well, I managed to nab one of the watches so hopefully it will be worth the wait~
I'm planning to show you guys the watch and stuff when it arrives.
Until then, I'm interested in hearing what you guys think if you've played it yet! My friends who have played the Japanese version already say it's an excellent game, but I've avoided spoilers like the plague so that's all I know!

Re: Zero Escape: Virtue's Last Reward [999 Sequel!]

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2012 2:47 pm
by DeeKay
Urgh ! Gotta resist the urge ! I really want to get it !
I will ignore this impulse of mine for now ! Well... mainly because I have no 3DS or Vita (yet) so... yeah...
teacup wrote:Well, I managed to nab one of the watches so hopefully it will be worth the wait~
I'm planning to show you guys the watch and stuff when it arrives.
Oh, awesome !

Re: Zero Escape: Virtue's Last Reward [999 Sequel!]

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2012 3:05 pm
by Stripe
Ahhhhh it's not out for another three weeks here! ; v ; I can't waiiiit, I really want to play it *__*

Re: Zero Escape: Virtue's Last Reward [999 Sequel!]

Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2012 12:19 pm
by Amorphous
Wait, is this game out in America? I thought it was released earlier, but I haven't found it at any of the GameStops I've been to, and they keep saying that the release date is undetermined. :/

Re: Zero Escape: Virtue's Last Reward [999 Sequel!]

Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2012 12:44 pm
by teacup
It came out in North America last Wednesday. Unfortunately though, it's a very rare game already. Some of my friends said their local Gamestop only received one copy!
I would recommend you ask the people at your Gamestop if they have it, because I've also heard that the games are being kept in a box and not actually put out on display... or if they don't have it there, you might have to order it online. OR alternatively use Gamestop's handy game-locator online to see if any Gamestops in your area are carrying it.
Anyway, my game came early :D I have a lot of tests to study for so I didn't get to play it much yet, though...
Oh, and here's a picture of the watch. Mine has red LED display, just what I wanted ^_^


Re: Zero Escape: Virtue's Last Reward [999 Sequel!]

Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2012 1:19 pm
by DeeKay
teacup wrote:Oh, and here's a picture of the watch. Mine has red LED display, just what I wanted ^_^

Sweetness ! :)

Dang, makes me wish I'd gone through the trouble of getting it but oh well... ^^'

Re: Zero Escape: Virtue's Last Reward [999 Sequel!]

Posted: Sun Nov 11, 2012 12:22 pm
by DaFool
I've been playing this for research purposes (and also because, well, it's actually good -- considering I started multiple games on my new 3DS and this game was the one I ended up concentrating on).

The 3D models don't look too bad on the small 3D screen - the little animations help you forget you're playing a VN. I'm thinking even during the puzzle sequences with some fake 3D filmstrips it is entirely possible to recreate the core logic of this game with renpy and filmstrip animations.

For a game, it's very wordy, but for a VN, it's textcount is surprisingly short. I haven't finished all the endings yet (I've been trying to ace the puzzles in HARD mode without strategy guide), but AFAIK Adrift seems to have longer textcount than this. I was pleasantly surprised how short the scenes were. Most of the gametime has been consumed during the puzzle sequences.

Oh, and NEVER save during the puzzle sequences or your one and only save file will get corrupted. Especially in the annoyingly long 2-story PEC room. Only save during novel sequences, preferably when the conversation takes place outside of a puzzle room.

Re: Zero Escape: Virtue's Last Reward [999 Sequel!]

Posted: Mon Nov 12, 2012 3:55 am
by teacup
The save bug occurs on Vita as well, but from what I heard it doesn't cause save corruption there.
My game actually did crash in the PEC room. Thank goodness I saved just before it.
Anyway, this game was clearly made with a sequel in mind. On one hand, it's great to know there will be a third in the series. On the other, it makes the ambiguous ending of this one very unsatisfying :/
All in all I think 999 is the better game. Better story, better graphics (those 3D models look incredibly bland, especially in the stills), better tense atmosphere. But VLR is still worth playing. It's more of a 'game' than 999 was, in that you get to interact with it a lot more. And I loved the puzzles. Many of them were challenging :)

Re: Zero Escape: Virtue's Last Reward [999 Sequel!]

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2013 8:08 am
by 15385bic
my game hasnt crashed yet but there does seem to be some need for grammar and proofreading?!

this game is super hard - the passwords were a pain in the rear, although i did like the block puzzels

also agree with the fact that 2d sprites are so much better looking
999 was much better

still quite an interesting game though

Re: Zero Escape: Virtue's Last Reward [999 Sequel!]

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2013 3:59 pm
by DeeKay
Alright, finished it at last ! I didn't have any save issue on the Vita version. For some reason, the European version has no English voices, not that I mind though.

Anyway, it's pretty nice but I'll have to agree with Teacup-chan and 15385bic, 999 was better in that I had a better feeling of fulfillment than VLR. Don't get me wrong, it's still a very good story and the puzzles were great but I don't get same kind of feeling as its predecessor. It probably has to do with the fact that it paves the way to the third installment in the series.