Page 3 of 8

Posted: Fri Jul 23, 2004 5:10 pm
by Taleweaver
wow... I'm impressed. The story seems to be much more... diverse than that of "Black Pencil", and most choices really make a difference. Nice! So far, I've only seen two endings, but I'm working at more.

Posted: Fri Jul 23, 2004 5:37 pm
by Jerails
Heh...Uhh...I can't find the download button...

Posted: Fri Jul 23, 2004 6:07 pm
by Sai
The download links are on the left, it's split into 8 parts to make it easier to download for people with slow connections. Just download them all and when you're done, run the .exe file for Part 1. It'll pull the parts together into one file for running the game.

I haven't had chance to play it yet (just so you know I'm not ignoring to offer my feedback ^^; )

Posted: Fri Jul 23, 2004 6:10 pm
by Jerails
Uhh...Nope, don't see it anywhere on the left...Just the wallpapers...

Posted: Fri Jul 23, 2004 7:17 pm
by Guest

Posted: Fri Jul 23, 2004 7:27 pm
by Trinity Riot

Posted: Fri Jul 23, 2004 8:32 pm
by Jerails
Many thanks for the two of you for offering those downloads! I've got them now, but I don't really feel like playing the game at the moment, so I'll indulge myself in the music instead!

Those songs are BEAUTIFUL!!!

Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 2:11 am
by Blue Lemma
Haven't played the game yet, but from what people are saying, it sounds like you have another winner! :D

I'm gonna force myself to wrap up this next game release before I play your game (as extra incentive for me to hurry up :wink: )

Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 9:07 am
by Taleweaver
Just found the last of the eight endings, and I guess it's time for a little constructive critizism.

First of all, the plot is truly gripping. A little romance, lots of drama and a pinch of mystery make for a remarkable story. While none of the endings explains much, you can draw your own conclusions about the yellow "flashes" and what truly happened to Shizuka. The changing POV, normally a dangerous thing, adds to the experience.

Graphics and sound are surprisingly good for a non-professional game. I loved the special effects like the blurring, or the different tint of the artwork depending on who was speaking at the moment. A striking artistic detail and a neat idea.

Unfortunately, the story doesn't flow as smoothly as it could. There's plenty of talk and no development in mid-game right between those two save points where you don't get to make any decisions. There's the Akemi flashback, then there's more Akemi flashback, then a flashback to the time where Akemi and Shizuka met, then there's some musings, then you get to save the game again, and THEN the plot continues. There should have been a better place for that "holiday camp flashback" in the game. The entire second save point in the above sequence is irrelevant, or rather, the entire FIRST save point right before that sequence would be irrelevant if the sequence weren't that long.

Also, while I said that "River Trap" has more variation in the plot, unfortunately I was wrong on that. There is no variation whatsoever until the very final decision, at least in the text. There is no way of knowing where you are headed until the "bridge scene". Couldn't at least the dialogue have reflected a bit of the tension between our three protagonists depending on who our hero is closer to?

Finally, while I have all the endings, I don't have all the save game letters and thus cannot see the omake. That means I'm going to have to play the game eight more times without seeing anything new. It should be possible to unlock the extras once you have all the endings. That, or give the plot more variation so I will not see the same things again and again.

Good game, really. Gripping plot. But not good enough to play over and over again until you have taken every possible path.

*edit* Just figured out the password for the Extras section, and "River Trap" just went up one mark for a) the password itself and b) the extras. Neat stuff - I especially like the "blooper reel" and the interviews with the main characters.

Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 2:16 pm
by mikey
Wow! Thanks for all the response. I am really happy that the game seems to work okay for everyone, it's a big relief.

Sai>> I'll wait for it ;)

Jerails>> This sometimes happens when your browser cache does something - I have no idea, I just know that you probably have the old page stored somewhere and it keeps appearing instead of the updated page. Unfortunately I don't know how to fix it :( But there's the links now anyway, so it should be ok.

Trinity Riot>> No prob'! Thanks for spreading it around.

Blue Lemma>> Wish I had that kind of discipline...

Thank you for the positive feedback, and also for the well-put criticism about the story. It really comes from the fact, that RT was never intented to have multiple paths and side-stories, only endings. More than anything this is just a reflection of our technical possibilities, and we tried to make the best of it by varying as much as possible. But you are right, we could make different paths, it would probably make the game better, more appealing, but also, this would take much more time than half a year. It was a decision and I made it. I don't mean this as an excuse, just an explanation. Really thank you for the comments. Actually, it is the feedback on BP we built on in RT, so more comments are welcome. The omake is a kind of a reward for those interested enough to bear with RT's linearity. I'm glad it worked out.

Now if all this keeps up I will have to invite my team for a drink! OMG!

Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 3:46 pm
by Sai
I just finished one run through. Got ending 4 of 8, the "Bike Ending"
I like how your stories are very unique and unusual. I really wasn't expecting what happened in this story, it was a surprise, and I couldn't understand it at all at first, but then as they explain further, you begin to realize. Although I think I still don't understand it all completely but I will probably find out more on one of the other paths... The music is great. The music for particular tense or spooky parts with the thumping is scary! It really gives a certain edgy atmosphere that makes you expect that something really dramatic or scary is gonna happen.... =s The character art is nice too. The characters are pretty.
I guess the only down point I would give is flashbacks dragging on for awhile, maybe somehow things could be broken up more. But I know it's difficult if you have a lot to explain, it's hard to avoid having a lot of backplot to display.
But overall the game is really atmospheric and well done.

Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 4:37 pm
by Jerails
Ah...My browser cache, eh? I think I know how to remedy that...I think...I hope...

Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 4:43 pm
by Sai
Well if doing Ctrl+F5 whilst on the page doesn't work then you should be able to just go:
Tools > Internet Options > Delete Files
Then reload the page when it's done.

Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 4:51 pm
by Jerails
Hey! There it is! I see it now! *Does a little jig* Didn't need to do anything! Just had to check up on it!

Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 5:06 pm
by Taleweaver
I need to add one more point: Keyboard support! Clicking the mouse for the umpteenth time was REALLY grating on my nerves, especially when I was watching those scenes for the I-don't-know-how-manyth time. It should be possible to skip text with the space bar.