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Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2007 8:25 am
by mikey
Yurika Good Ending! ^_^

Okay, so it's a fact that I'm not into fantasy. And yes, the bits when the elven culture was explained were moving slow for me, but little did that matter, because I found that at heart this was a romantic game. And after a while (in the last third of the game) I even accepted the surroundings and I guess the old rule came into effect that it doesn't matter where you are but who you are with. And so on my first playthrough, I got the good ending with Yurika and couldn't be happier.

Uff, but where are my manners. First of all, congratulations on finishing - and shame on you for finishing, you've completed a project that was 4 years in development, now our wisecrack words that long-time-in-dev projects are doomed are useless! ^_^ Well, myths are made to be broken, and congrats on having the willpower and motivation to pick this project up and see it finished - I can only imagine how great that must feel. And maybe our days will be wonderful some time as well ^_^.

This was a long game, too. Worked very well with the character graphics, their variety and also the CGs (a lot of them, actually). I appreciated the effort that was put into even kind of embed them into the photographs and scenes to make them more naturally connected to the game, that worked well. The music had varied sound quality, but it worked for me perfectly. The only thing that took me getting used to was the nature of the BGs - not because they combined photos and 3D and at times it felt a little inconsistent in style, not because at times the surroundings were described so vividly, that I wished there was an extra background to show how it looks, but because at times the perspective wasn't all that spot-on. It's actually relatively easy to adjust to it, since the perspective isn't terribly wrong, but I'm personally very sensitive to it.

Nevermind, the game got me hooked from start to finish and that felt great, I haven't been so immersed for a very, very long time, and if I'd have to highlight just one thing besides the wonderful childhood memory picture, it would be the unveiling and slowly progressing romantic development. It just fitted my taste perfectly, and thank you again for bringing this game to us, it was really great. You really kept us waiting so long, and it was such a surprise for me to see the name Elven Relations on the completed games list, I thought you were working on something completely different and I felt like one of the very old chapters of this community's history was pulled out and closed (ah, the memories). Send regards to SunKitten, her style has changed, but it still has the warmth that was so nice to see in Selena.

Congratulations again. I'm not very keen on having a RPG-ish battle sequence in there, but you do as you like ;) For me, this VN-only version will most probably stay the memorable one.

As for including it in the RAA, I assume the permission is given since I saw it in the readme. :P

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2007 6:18 pm
by chronoluminaire
Thanks so much for the kind words! :oops:
mikey wrote:And so on my first playthrough, I got the good ending with Yurika and couldn't be happier.
Yay! I'm so glad you enjoyed it ! (I'm also impressed: several people have told me Yurika is the hardest to get, although I didn't intentionally write it that way. But, hey, I guess I shouldn't be surprised when mikey does things unconventionally ^.~ Interestingly, this may mean you're better positioned than some to find Ending 1, if you decide to go looking...)
Uff, but where are my manners. First of all, congratulations on finishing - and shame on you for finishing, you've completed a project that was 4 years in development, now our wisecrack words that long-time-in-dev projects are doomed are useless! ^_^

But make no mistake: this game would never have happened without NaNoRenO. On 28th Feb, it was still in almost the same state it had been in two years ago: script about 60% done, no music or character art, none of the special effects coded, and only the 3D background art. It was the IntRenAiMo deadline that let the game happen. And SunKitten created ALL the character art you see in the game within the one month.
Well, myths are made to be broken, and congrats on having the willpower and motivation to pick this project up and see it finished - I can only imagine how great that must feel.
Heehee. You're so right. It is an astonishing feeling of release and completion. It'll be better when I get 1.1 released (should be within a few days), but... yeah, it's amazing. Thanks for empathising :)
And maybe our days will be beautiful some time as well ^_^.
Hmmm... it's certainly possible ;) That was actually a possiblity I considered for NaNoRenO 2005, but I'm glad I went with When I Rule The World instead. But yes, it's entirely possible that sometime, that might happen... :)

It would be odd, though. Because I found when working on Elven Relations that my tastes have changed a bit since I conceived the game four years ago, and certain bits of the game feel a bit too stereotypically "dating game"y. My wife commented on that when she was playing it: mostly she got really into the romantic storyline, but there were occasions when she said it suddenly reminded her (in her words): "Eww, I'm playing a *dating game*" :P

And so I suspect that if I were to go back and look at Beautiful Days again, I'd find more stuff that I planned back then, but wouldn't really want to do that way now...

But yes. That game's plot is still sitting in my brain, wanting to be written. Most especially the characters. I don't know if you remember me mentioning, but Tohko, Yurika, Kei and Takuya were borrowed from Beautiful Days, originally. And I've got another couple of characters who really want their stories to be told - most notably Keika, Yurika's extrovert little sister, who I mentioned here :)
This was a long game, too. Worked very well with the character graphics, their variety and also the CGs (a lot of them, actually).
Yeah, I was surprised how many CGs SunKitten wanted to draw. And there's two more coming in the 1.1 release, too :)
at times the surroundings were described so vividly, that I wished there was an extra background to show how it looks
Heh. The difficulties of a NaNoRenO game :) Yep, there were meant to be a number more 3D backgrounds from Tsunami, but he got busy three years ago, and only had time to do me one in the month of March. I did feel bad when I had to set the scene black when describing the sights in the elven city, but there was just no way I was going to find and edit two more images that could fit into an elven city, each one only appearing for two lines of dialogue.
but because at times the perspective wasn't all that spot-on. It's actually relatively easy to adjust to it, since the perspective isn't terribly wrong, but I'm personally very sensitive to it.
Hmm. I'd love to correct these for 1.1, if you're able to send me (perhaps in a PM) some more descriptions of what you mean. I might not be able to, but I'd like to try.
Nevermind, the game got me hooked from start to finish and that felt great, I haven't been so immersed for a very, very long time, and if I'd have to highlight just one thing besides the wonderful childhood memory picture, it would be the unveiling and slowly progressing romantic development.
I'm so glad! That's precisely the feel I was hoping for people to have :oops:
I'm not very keen on having a RPG-ish battle sequence in there, but you do as you like ;) For me, this VN-only version will most probably stay the memorable one.
Heh. I appreciate the sentiment. Hopefully v1.1 ought to be lacking nothing compared to 1.0, because the plan is to have a preference that the user can set in preferences (and gets asked first time if they haven't set it) to decide between narrated mode (which is what you got in 1.0) and the RPG-style combat minigame. That's what I was asking about in this thread :) SunKitten and a number of other people are really looking forward to the RPG combats, but my wife and several others aren't that keen, so I definitely want to allow the user to switch them off.
As for including it in the RAA, I assume the permission is given since I saw it in the readme. :P
Oops, I may have included that a bit prematurely :? But I mentioned on this thread's first post that I'd love to have the game in the RAA, yes :)

Thanks for playing!

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2007 7:24 pm
by mikey
chronoluminaire wrote:SunKitten and a number of other people are really looking forward to the RPG combats, but my wife and several others aren't that keen,
Great decision to allow selecting it then. Because what I liked was the let's say... pacifist nature of the game, the narrated combat kind of only implied there was something going on - and it's so tiring to see every game with a fantasy setting pitching you against some monster and you having to kill it. ER is one of the rare examples of fantasy where there are no evil dwarves or killer ogres or whatever there usually is - and no sense of that stereotypical "Good Kingdom + Dark Lord = Epic Battle" idiocy that's in some way everywhere. Why shouldn't you be able to just LIVE in a fantasy world, why do games insist on SAVING it? (this is IMO also the reason why some may have felt that there was "more to tell", probably - I can't blame them for it - expecting that heroic thing, that something extraordinary, because we are just so used to spectacular elements, that we feel fantasy isn't complete without them). But this is exactly the thing that makes ER accessible to me - a non-spectacular plot, where just making friends and finding about their culture is enough. And I could actually feel that the game wasn't going to stab me with some murderous plot twist, so I could just enjoy it as the good-natured adventure that it is.

The perspective, I found two examples, on the left it's original, on the right would be my suggestion. That would about cover it, all others looked fine to me.

Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2007 1:49 am
by teankun
Hey, great game. Very little to complain about.

I first tried for Tohko (ala childhood sweetheart--seemed pretty realistic) but I kept geting "Bad ending" until I discovered the primary (and subtle) turning point. But it was worth it, especially--
with all the angst and the hurt. Even as a guy, I am a sucker for angst
BTW --
The expressions on both Takuya and her when he catches her
is priceless and so far my favorite CG. Okay, if I capture it?

I then tried for Asilana with much more ease. Guess, I will go for Yurika now, although I wonder what the other four endings are like. Loose love triangles as in GSK?

Ask for the fight scenes, I thought that "Protect Makoto" should have been an option. No, not for that reason (sorry, Sammy), but for a more logical one. As the ambassador, his safety would be critical to the success of the mission. So, instead of a chiverous love saving a dasmel in distress, protecting him would show a sense of duty (which actually may impress a superiour officer) :wink: :wink: .

On a final note, this game is pretty much begging for a sequal. As to handle the "true ending" problem, may a new version could have passwords for at least some endings that would determing which beginning the sequal would start with. That or an expantion of the game with more episodes after some "endings." But I know long this one took, so maybe just some omake --
or are the areadly some?

Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2007 5:41 am
by chronoluminaire
mikey wrote:ER is one of the rare examples of fantasy where there are no evil dwarves or killer ogres or whatever there usually is - and no sense of that stereotypical "Good Kingdom + Dark Lord = Epic Battle" idiocy that's in some way everywhere. Why shouldn't you be able to just LIVE in a fantasy world, why do games insist on SAVING it? (this is IMO also the reason why some may have felt that there was "more to tell", probably - I can't blame them for it - expecting that heroic thing, that something extraordinary, because we are just so used to spectacular elements, that we feel fantasy isn't complete without them). But this is exactly the thing that makes ER accessible to me - a non-spectacular plot, where just making friends and finding about their culture is enough. And I could actually feel that the game wasn't going to stab me with some murderous plot twist, so I could just enjoy it as the good-natured adventure that it is.
Fascinating. I do know what you mean, but I think there are two related but different issues here.

The first issue is the need for conflict or challenges. A short story with just the plot of (say) Elven Relations' Asilana route would probably be a bit unsatisfying, as it's basically boy meets girl, boy and girl like each other, boy and girl get together. There's no obstacles. Being a visual novel rather helps this aspect, because there is challenge in making the right choices, challenge in the game rather than in the plot. But the plot on its own is a bit lacking from certain points of view, because there's no opposition, no issues to overcome, no challenges to rise to.

(I'm simplifying: romance itself can be a challenge, particularly between different races; and there are threats in the story, but nothing big. I'd say Yurika's and Tohko's plots have more issues to overcome, and the stories of those routes are more satisfying as a result.)

The second issue, which can get mixed up with the first, is the common fantasy stereotype of having to Save The World(TM). This is stereotypical because it often does make a good thrilling story with lots of challenges, but it is very stereotyped and clichéd, and one can tell wonderful fantasy stories without the world itself needing saving.

The first issue is something I'm concerned about; the second much less so. As long as my characters are given the opportunity to do their thing, have their adventure, demonstrate their character, and grow through some kind of personal challenge, then that's fine; no danger to the entire world need be involved.

Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2007 5:58 am
by chronoluminaire
Thanks for playing and enjoying, teankun!
teankun wrote:I first tried for Tohko (ala childhood sweetheart--seemed pretty realistic) but I kept geting "Bad ending" until I discovered the primary (and subtle) turning point. But it was worth it, especially--
with all the angst and the hurt. Even as a guy, I am a sucker for angst
I'm glad you enjoyed it! I'd always planned that Tohko would have her reasons for acting the way she does, but a lot of the details I only figured out during the month of March.
BTW --
The expressions on both Takuya and her when he catches her
is priceless and so far my favorite CG. Okay, if I capture it?
Heehee, yay, glad you enjoyed that one. You can certainly screengrab and save it if you want, for your own private use; I'll be adding an auto-unlocking CG gallery in the 1.1 release.
I then tried for Asilana with much more ease.
Yes, she does seem to have ended up rather the easiest character to get together with, which wasn't really intentional. Hopefully that was still fun :)
Guess, I will go for Yurika now, although I wonder what the other four endings are like. Loose love triangles as in GSK?
The following spoiler-block contains vague descriptions of what the 8 endings are, without giving much away about how to find them:
Ending 8 is the bad end, as I'm sure you all know ;)
Endings 2-7 are two endings for each girl, with the better ending having a lower number. If you got Tohko's good ending (5) before, you ought to have another go and see if you can get Tohko's even-better ending (2), as it kinda completes the story.
Ending 1 is a semi-secret ending. If you pay attention watching endings 2-7, you ought to be able to figure out who it's with. If you pay attention all through those playthroughs, you ought to be able to figure out how to get it. I'd love to hear from anyone who does :)
Ask for the fight scenes, I thought that "Protect Makoto" should have been an option. No, not for that reason (sorry, Sammy), but for a more logical one. As the ambassador, his safety would be critical to the success of the mission. So, instead of a chiverous love saving a dasmel in distress, protecting him would show a sense of duty (which actually may impress a superiour officer) :wink: :wink: .
That makes quite a bit of sense. However, fortunately for the mission, Makoto runs and hides gibbering behind a tree whenever a combat happens, keeping himself nice and safe ;)
On a final note, this game is pretty much begging for a sequal. As to handle the "true ending" problem, may a new version could have passwords for at least some endings that would determing which beginning the sequal would start with. That or an expantion of the game with more episodes after some "endings." But I know long this one took, so maybe just some omake --
or are the areadly some?
I've been doing lots of wondering about what to do about any potential sequel. If you play 1.1 it'll use so-called MultiPersistent data to store which endings you got, so that future games can know which endings to allow you to start from, or some such: it's still all rather undefined as yet. There's no omake in 1.0, sadly; I don't know whether I'll add one for 1.1, but if so it'll be easily accessible after any good ending.

Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2007 3:56 pm
by teankun
chronoluminaire wrote: However, fortunately for the mission, Makoto runs and hides gibbering behind a tree whenever a combat happens, keeping himself nice and safe ;)
Unless something else gets him from behind (heh heh)
I've been doing lots of wondering about what to do about any potential sequel. If you play 1.1 it'll use so-called MultiPersistent data to store which endings you got, so that future games can know which endings to allow you to start from, or some such: it's still all rather undefined as yet.
I actually thought about something like that simulat to the old school RPG of Ultima (back in the old days of 5-1/4 floppies). Ultima V had the option of loading up your stats from the disk of Ultima IV (but only if you had completed the previous game). Would that work with Ren'py?

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2007 7:53 am
by Otaku Dash
Hiya all! Otaku Dash here after... yet another hiatus. Unis has been taking most of my time and... well I had messed up problems that led me near to madness (wich if I worte would end on a tragic Ren'Ai game...*smiles bitterly and sadly*). In a few words it's basicly hat the woman I lvoe more than anything dumped me for something artificial and physically.. and having probs at home, that should sufice for explaining lol ^^

ANYYYYWAYS!!! Enough for offtopicness! A lot to catch up and even though I have littel time due to my exam season I already played elven relations... First ending was asilana good ending, going to check the others later.

The game is fairly well done, I'm pleased you managed to finally finish your long awaited project Chronoluminarie ^^ The music fits the mood of the game perfectly, including the tense and happy moments... the part where asilana sings got me a bit intrigued cause the bacground music seemed a bit far off from a harp (but I'm very picky on musical senses of mine lol) but nothing to worry about. I'm definetely intrigued about the "childhood Sweetheart" deal... but as I tryed to get closer I figured it would be kinda hard, and I didn't want to get depressed with a bad ending (I'm enough depressed as It is lol!). Still going to take aim and test it foward... if there is anything else to add I'll be sure to put here, but I can't give a good review withough playing the back foward and backward to see all its pros and cons. But I'll give you this:

So far it was well worth the wait *grins broadly and winks* Keep it up! I'll be sure to get version 1.1 when it gets out :)


Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2007 7:52 pm
by PrettySammy09
So, as you know, I couldn't help but keep on playing trying to get all the endings. X3

I have yet to get ending 1, but I think I have an idea about who it's with. >:3
I noticed that Yurika has two "good" endings but no "best" ending. Is it with Yurika perhaps? Now how to get it...that eludes me. XD
Anyway, gotta keep trying. X3 Thanks again for the great entertainment!

Posted: Sat Apr 21, 2007 3:16 pm
by Blue Lemma
Yay, I finally played it, and ER is very impressive! 8) I remember years ago when we would talk online and you were telling me about this project... We would role play our chars sometimes for story and personality and I think I peeked under Tohko's robe ;p
Um, anyway, the game is put together very well. I can't think of any area it's noticeably deficient in. I played through twice and got the bad ending and then... the bad ending again :cry: Maybe Tohko still has something against me from when I peeked under her robe :P

I liked the use of the various Ren'Py features, like the zooming in on the king and the sparks. The number of drawn characters, even minor ones was also really impressive 8) I think a few more special event pics would be good. I also think pics for the "next episode" skits would be a nice touch (I'm doing next ep. stuff for Hanafuda Club - you beat me to it! :shock: ) One thing that stood out to me was Yurika's mouth... it seems harsh compared to the rest of the chars' art. Like it was drawn in thick later and not with antialiasing or something.

Most importantly though...
Where's my fanservice? :lol: :wink:

Great job!

Posted: Sat Apr 21, 2007 4:42 pm
by Wushu Mastermind
Dag! I haven't gotten all of the endings yet, but I've gotten most of them. I couldn't really stop! Of course, the first time I played through, I got the bad ending - bleh. So of course I had to play it again and again. Anyway, out of all the Ren'Ai games I've played, this is definitely my favorite as of yet. I hope it stays that way, as well. I really joined these forums just so I could compliment this! Of course, now I plan to do more, but this was the catalyst.

I would also have to agree with teankun's second spoiler. I stopped at that point and even after I went on, I went back to look at it again. It was so cute. Also, right after getting a couple of endings, I just really wanted a sequel. I'd play it! Heck, I'd pay for it. I thought the plot was amazing, as well, and unlike some games I played, it was actually something that I would have enjoyed reading if it had been a book. As I just read about the merpeople and dwarves, I so wanted to see them, and the sea! My favorite endings were probably the ones with Tohko. She was probably my favorite. That's it. I think I'm gonna go play it again.

Posted: Sat Apr 21, 2007 6:01 pm
by Herzeleid
Wow, I remember looking forward to this like two years ago, well done for getting it finished! I'll post my thoughts after I've played it.

Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2007 1:56 am
by teankun
I first thought there was a bug in the game when it skipped choices at the baquet, until I noticed it did not do that when I declined the drink. On that note, excuse me for asking for these spoiliers, but does declining or accepting the drink have an effect on the outcome (since it seems declining offended some people) or does it just put an ramomizing element in the game? BTW, I was able to more or less control the ramdomness by saving before the random decison was made and just reloaded the save if I did not get a choice I wanted. :)

On a simular note, for the first sequence of the banquet eventually Takuya talks everybody. I assume that whoever he tells Kei he is interested in may affect the outcome, but otherwise, does the sequence of the people you decide to talk to (wether drunk or sober) affect the outcome?

Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2007 3:01 pm
by Blue Lemma
Yay, Asilana good ending, Tohko good ending, and 2 Yurika good endings 8) It seems like all the endings aren't available on the first playthrough :(

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2007 5:44 am
by chronoluminaire
Yay, loads of people are playing Elven Relations! But darn, you would all have to do it just a few days before the v1.1 release, wouldn't you? :P
PrettySammy09 wrote:So, as you know, I couldn't help but keep on playing trying to get all the endings. X3

I have yet to get ending 1, but I think I have an idea about who it's with. >:3
I noticed that Yurika has two "good" endings but no "best" ending. Is it with Yurika perhaps? Now how to get it...that eludes me. XD
Spoiler for slight hints about Ending 1 compared with other endings:
Yes, that's right! And Yurika's best ending is obtained in a slightly different way to the best endings for the other two. The other two you just need to pursue especially strongly to get their best ending. But as you know, on Yurika's path there's a significant obstacle to the two of you being happy together, and you need to find a solution to that.
Blue Lemma wrote:Yay, I finally played it, and ER is very impressive! 8) I remember years ago when we would talk online and you were telling me about this project... We would role play our chars sometimes for story and personality
Yes, I remember those times :)
and I think I peeked under Tohko's robe ;p
You're Blue Lemma. There's no "think" about it :P
I think a few more special event pics would be good.
As the v1.1 CG Gallery will show, there are 12 event CGs. It's just that most of them you have to earn :) (There may be a 13th or 14th in v1.1 as well, as SunKitten decided that more of the endings should have their own CG.)
I also think pics for the "next episode" skits would be a nice touch (I'm doing next ep. stuff for Hanafuda Club - you beat me to it! :shock: )
Well, I tried displaying the speaking character at that point, but it looked wrong. I could have had some kind of stage or something with the speaking character pointing at what's going on on-stage, I suppose.
One thing that stood out to me was Yurika's mouth... it seems harsh compared to the rest of the chars' art. Like it was drawn in thick later and not with antialiasing or something.
Interesting. I think we did have to rework that a couple of times, because getting a truly neutral expression is immensely difficult. It certainly is antialiased, though. (There are actually two versions of Yurika's fairly-neutral expression - in one of them she's truly neutral, in the other she's softly smiling.)
Most importantly though...
Where's my fanservice? :lol: :wink:
Hmm, the closest you'll get is in Tohko's best ending, and even that's pretty mild, I'm afraid :P
Blue Lemma wrote:Yay, Asilana good ending, Tohko good ending, and 2 Yurika good endings 8)
Yay, well done! :D
...Now you just have the
best endings for each girl
to look for...
It seems like all the endings aren't available on the first playthrough :(
That's not true. It certainly is possible to get any one of the eight endings on your first playthru, although getting ending 1 would be extremely unlikely unless you knew what you were doing. But there's no "unlocking" or anything like that. There's just enough accumulated decisions that it's tricky.
Otaku Dash wrote:The game is fairly well done, I'm pleased you managed to finally finish your long awaited project Chronoluminarie ^^
Yay, thankyou!
The music fits the mood of the game perfectly, including the tense and happy moments... the part where asilana sings got me a bit intrigued cause the bacground music seemed a bit far off from a harp (but I'm very picky on musical senses of mine lol) but nothing to worry about.
Hehehe. Yeah, it's played on a plucked instrument that sounds a little harplike, but isn't actually a harp. :?
I'm definetely intrigued about the "childhood Sweetheart" deal... but as I tryed to get closer I figured it would be kinda hard, and I didn't want to get depressed with a bad ending (I'm enough depressed as It is lol!).
Well, it doesn't get much worse than the standard bad ending, unless you happen to pursue Tohko just the wrong amount - enough to get her to open up to you a little, but not enough to let her trust you... that's the worst the game can offer.
So far it was well worth the wait *grins broadly and winks* Keep it up! I'll be sure to get version 1.1 when it gets out :)
Thankyou for the kind words! :oops:
teankun wrote:
I first thought there was a bug in the game when it skipped choices at the baquet, until I noticed it did not do that when I declined the drink. On that note, excuse me for asking for these spoiliers, but does declining or accepting the drink have an effect on the outcome (since it seems declining offended some people) or does it just put an ramomizing element in the game?
Yeah, the drunkenness is the single biggest reason after RPG-style combats why I wanted to do a 1.1 release. It needs reworking. But to answer your question,
no, it doesn't affect what any girl thinks of you, it just removes your ability to choose for the rest of the evening.
BTW, I was able to more or less control the ramdomness by saving before the random decison was made and just reloaded the save if I did not get a choice I wanted. :)
Eek! I was using renpy.random, and I thought that was preserved across rollback and savegames. I'll have to chase Py'Tom about that... I'm probably doing something wrong :?
On a simular note, for the first sequence of the banquet eventually Takuya talks everybody. I assume that whoever he tells Kei he is interested in may affect the outcome, but otherwise, does the sequence of the people you decide to talk to (wether drunk or sober) affect the outcome?
You should watch to see if any of the text varies.
Yes, it does, but in a relatively obvious fashion.
Wushu Mastermind wrote:...Anyway, out of all the Ren'Ai games I've played, this is definitely my favorite as of yet. I hope it stays that way, as well. I really joined these forums just so I could compliment this! Of course, now I plan to do more, but this was the catalyst.
Wow... I feel very humbled :oops::oops: I'm glad to have made a game you enjoyed!
I would also have to agree with teankun's second spoiler. I stopped at that point and even after I went on, I went back to look at it again. It was so cute. Also, right after getting a couple of endings, I just really wanted a sequel. I'd play it! Heck, I'd pay for it. I thought the plot was amazing, as well, and unlike some games I played, it was actually something that I would have enjoyed reading if it had been a book. As I just read about the merpeople and dwarves, I so wanted to see them, and the sea!
Heh. One of the reasons I want to do a sequel is to explore more of the world I created here. The whole point was to feel like these were just two nations in a world of many, and it looks like that succeeded; but that does mean there's so much more in the world that I haven't explored!

...Although I'd love to see your reaction to Ending 1 :)
My favorite endings were probably the ones with Tohko. She was probably my favorite. That's it. I think I'm gonna go play it again.
Yay, thanks for playing! And best of luck with Tohko... she's a great girl, so you'd better treat her right :P