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Re: Princess Battles [GxB] [card battles] [commercial]

Posted: Wed Aug 28, 2013 1:42 am
by Mini_Moshi
rinrin wrote:
Mini_Moshi wrote:I preordered the game and used the email link to download the game again but for some reason it gave me the preorder version again. I don't understand why this has happened. Am I doing something wrong?
1) Could you please check the date on the file you used to install the game this time? Maybe the old file is still in your download folder and got installed again.
2) Please check the icon you're clicking on to run the game. It might be pointing to the old version.
I think I might have accidentally clicked on the wrong version. I downloaded it again and installed. After installing, when it starts automatically I get the following:

I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.

While loading the script.
ScriptError: Name (u'/home/tom/ab/renpy/common/00compat.rpy', 1340847329, 3) is defined twice: at renpy/common/00compat.rpy:85 and common/00compat.rpy:72.

-- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------

Full traceback:
File "E:\Otome\renpy\", line 265, in bootstrap
File "E:\Otome\renpy\", line 207, in main # sets
File "E:\Otome\renpy\", line 177, in load_script
self.load_appropriate_file(".rpyc", ".rpy", dir, fn, initcode)
File "E:\Otome\renpy\", line 436, in load_appropriate_file
if self.load_file(dir, fn + compiled, initcode):
File "E:\Otome\renpy\", line 320, in load_file
self.finish_load(stmts, initcode)
File "E:\Otome\renpy\", line 392, in finish_load
node.filename, node.linenumber))
ScriptError: Name (u'/home/tom/ab/renpy/common/00compat.rpy', 1340847329, 3) is defined twice: at renpy/common/00compat.rpy:85 and common/00compat.rpy:72.


Re: Princess Battles [GxB] [card battles] [commercial]

Posted: Wed Aug 28, 2013 1:54 am
by rinrin
Oh, I remember a similar problem in the past.

It seems the cause of the problem was having several Ren'Py games installed in the same directory, causing different versions of Ren'Py to clash. Uninstalling and reinstalling the game in its own folder fixed the problem.

I'm guessing from

Code: Select all

File "E:\Otome\renpy\
that this might be what's causing it.
Please try uninstalling the game and installing it in the default directory the installer suggests.

Re: Princess Battles [GxB] [card battles] [commercial]

Posted: Wed Aug 28, 2013 2:34 am
by Mini_Moshi
rinrin wrote:Oh, I remember a similar problem in the past.

It seems the cause of the problem was having several Ren'Py games installed in the same directory, causing different versions of Ren'Py to clash. Uninstalling and reinstalling the game in its own folder fixed the problem.

I'm guessing from

Code: Select all

File "E:\Otome\renpy\
that this might be what's causing it.
Please try uninstalling the game and installing it in the default directory the installer suggests.
That seems to have fixed the problem. Thank you so much!

Re: Princess Battles [GxB] [card battles] [commercial]

Posted: Fri Aug 30, 2013 2:17 am
by Reina-chan
I've bought it and played through one time. It's a fun game, pretty unique with card battles and all, but the main problem seems like the card battles are just used to increase the game's length and it's like the whole game is about cards (I'd say the whole game is quite short). If only there have been more story and character development...It's just my opinion.
Anyways, it was refreshing to play something new... The art is pleasant to look at and the overall appearance is nice.

Re: Princess Battles [GxB] [card battles] [commercial]

Posted: Fri Aug 30, 2013 2:55 am
by rinrin
Thank you for your opinion!
Could you please tell me how many achievements and CGs got unlocked on your first playthrough?
(That's a real question, not some kind of cloaked accusation. I'm trying to collect some data on this because it will help with future design decisions.)

Re: Princess Battles [GxB] [card battles] [commercial]

Posted: Fri Aug 30, 2013 3:52 am
by Reina-chan
Well, let's see, I got 12 achievements and 8 CGs :) I played Lucian's route first.
Actually, I saved when asked to choose to be a queen or a card battler. I chose to be queen first, then went back to my save game and chose the card battler. By the way, I must say I really really like the CG when the Princess teaches in the school, her outfit looks really...simple and pleasant, it's not colorful like all her other clothes but the brown color makes it seem so nice. I like seeing her like that rather than being all princess-like around the first part of the game (well she IS a princess)... :D Anyway, like I said, it was fun, playing card battles like that can be entertaining, but a deeper story and character developments will make it a perfect game! (For example, when the Princess married Lucian, I was like "...Yeah....right....duh.." 'cuz they didn't show enough interaction ><)
That's all for my silly comment, LOL, think I'm saying too much, I'll shut up for now >< :oops:

Re: Princess Battles [GxB] [card battles] [commercial]

Posted: Fri Aug 30, 2013 4:03 am
by rinrin
Thank you for the feedback! That was actually very useful :)

Re: Princess Battles [GxB] [card battles] [commercial]

Posted: Sun Sep 01, 2013 3:46 am
by Mimi_Melody
Um, I've managed to finish the game :D
But I'm still missing 4 achievements and 4 CGs. Is there anyway to get all of them? I don't even know what I'm missing :|
Anyway, can I meet Ignatius again after getting his ending one time already?
How many CGs and endings does he have, exactly?...

Re: Princess Battles [GxB] [card battles] [commercial]

Posted: Sun Sep 01, 2013 4:17 am
by Googaboga
^Tell us the number of the achievements (like I still need achievement 10, 4, and 6. Something like that) and the location of the CGs you need (like I am missing the first CG on the lowest row, and the middle CG on the second row, whatever) and people will be able to tell you how to get them. Although if you really can't list the specifics I could list how to get everything and you could go through that to find what you are missing. It'd be easier if people knew exactly which ones you needed though.

As for Ignatius:
He has one CG and one Ending.
I'm not sure if you can see him again though.

Re: Princess Battles [GxB] [card battles] [commercial]

Posted: Sun Sep 01, 2013 6:17 am
by Mimi_Melody
Ah, sorry, should've made it clear, I'm missing the 9th achievement in both pages, the last one in page 1 and the...semi last one (LOL I mean the 10th one) in page 2.
As for CGs, I miss the last one in row 2, 2nd and 4th in row 3, 1st one in row 4.
I think I can't meet him again... Maybe I did something wrong but... I always save before the last choice in the game (so I could stay single and then meet Ignatius), it worked for the first time, after using the save file again, I went to town square in free mode for like... about more than 20 times or something, he still didn't show up :oops: Maybe it's just me. But I did meet a woman named Cyran (or Cyan :| ) 2 times. She seemed like a hunter and kept saying she wanted to catch the criminal (I think she was talking about Gerald, who knows...)

Re: Princess Battles [GxB] [card battles] [commercial]

Posted: Sun Sep 01, 2013 6:44 am
by Googaboga
Okay here are the achievements:
-Fight the bounty hunter as your first opponent in the tournament. The first girl you are up against is randomly selected so you just have to keep playing til you go up against that specific girl. That is the ninth achievement on the first page.

-Fight a general's daughter as your first opponent in the tournament. Again the first girl you are up against is randomly selected so you just have to keep playing til you go up against that specific girl. That is the final achievement on the first page.

-You need to have high intelligence and refinement and then choose to focus on becoming queen. So throughout the game never increase charm. Just increase int and ref and try to keep them at about the same amount. That is the ninth achievement on the second page.

-Go to the free play mode and choose to trade cards with Gerald. There is a glitch in older versions of the game that causes that achievement to not be unlocked even if you meet the requirements. That achievement is the 10th one on the second page.
And CGs:
-Get on Lucian's path, pick answers that make him happy, say you want to find a way to be with him, kiss him before the final battle, all that stuff. But in the end you need to lose the final match to Olivia. That is the last CG on the second row.

-Get on Edmon's path and do everything right. Then like Lucian lose the final battle. That is the 2nd CG on the third row.

-Same as the other two above but be on Gerald's path. That is the fourth CG on the third row.

-Lose to the princess girl with long blonde pigtails (I don't remember how to spell her name ^^;) when you are defending your honor after you get accused of cheating. That is the first CG on the fourth row.
Good luck unlocking everything :].

Re: Princess Battles [GxB] [card battles] [commercial]

Posted: Sun Sep 08, 2013 9:16 pm
by rinrin
I won't name any names, but you know who you are:
I didn't upload it myself, but it works, if you can't download, I'll upload the game to another link.
Don't. Sending DMCA notifications wastes lots of my time - time I could be spending making more games.

Re: Princess Battles [GxB] [card battles] [commercial]

Posted: Sun Feb 22, 2015 3:23 am
by rinrin
Princess Battles has been greenlit and will be released on Steam soon.
We intend to add some additional content to the Steam version. 

So, here's a question for everyone who bough the game: 
What additional content would you like to see in Princess Battles?

Re: Princess Battles [GxB] [card battles] [commercial]

Posted: Sun Feb 22, 2015 1:13 pm
by sake-bento
The two major things I've seen people ask for (that I also wouldn't mind) are:
-Customize deck during story mode
-Online gameplay against other people

The first seems significantly more feasible than the second. For deck customization, I feel like the story implied that you could trade or buy cards from "mysterious young man" at some point. Maybe something along those lines? Perhaps exclusive new cards based on building relationships with other characters.

More outfits would be fun. Maybe even outfits that afford stat boosts, like a princess dress starts you with more money, but a cute little girl dress starts you with more energy.

Expanded backstory for some of the other characters. It seemed like there might be something going on between Cyra and Gerald, and that would be cool to see play out. Leonine and Audrey also seemed interesting, so more on them too.

Re: Princess Battles [GxB] [card battles] [commercial]

Posted: Sun Feb 22, 2015 2:26 pm
by Doomzilla
Yay, congrats!

I think you should consider expanding the story, particularly the relationships between characters. That's something I've seen people wishing for. I LOVE the card game, but I think some folks weren't expecting a VN so focused on gameplay.

Also I second everything sake-bento said. (Except online play, but that's just me.)

I'm so excited!