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Re: Favourite Final Fantasy?

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2014 10:54 pm
by LinovaA
Final Fantasy X for me. All day, every day.

Re: Favourite Final Fantasy?

Posted: Sun Dec 28, 2014 11:00 am
by Rinima
LinovaA wrote:Final Fantasy X for me. All day, every day.

Re: Favourite Final Fantasy?

Posted: Sun Dec 28, 2014 9:57 pm
by truefaiterman
I'll say IX, it has the charisma, the humour, the epic story, lots of references, I love its gameplay...

Re: Favourite Final Fantasy?

Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2015 10:10 pm
by champignonkinoko
I started with FF7 (which got a sibling of mine very grumpy because I accidentally saved over his files).
Maybe because I started with FF7, I still find the scenes very magical. It was the first FF with drastic improvement in graphics, maybe that's why too.

I've played the earlier FFs as well, and watched cutscenes for later FFs (for some reason, I couldn't get immersed in the other FFs)....
Which FF do you think has the highest replay value? I know I've replayed some ><

Re: Favourite Final Fantasy?

Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2015 10:35 pm
by netravelr
8 or 10. Triple Triad/Blitzball for the win!

Re: Favourite Final Fantasy?

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2015 8:41 pm
by WizzyGameMaster
8 would probably be number 1 for me. Even though it pisses me off more than every other game I have ever played in my lifetime added together. Which happens to be a lot. Which reminds me that I still have to finish that one. Almost had it once, then I accidentally saved over my game and had to start over from the very begining. You can imagine how badly I was swearing after that (and I hardly ever swear)
Triple Triad is especially effective when it comes to making me lose my temper... Even though I love it.
X and X-2 would be tied for second. X-2 was the first one that I actually managed to beat. Even though few others seem to like it, it is still a favorite.
But then again, I have yet to play 7 & 13, which I hear are two of the best.

Re: Favourite Final Fantasy?

Posted: Sat Mar 07, 2015 12:46 am
by ImmaDeker
9 is a masterpiece, through and through. It's the best one in terms of story, gameplay, aesthetic, etc.
WizzyGameMaster wrote: But then again, I have yet to play 7 & 13, which I hear are two of the best.
Those people are filthy liars.

Re: Favourite Final Fantasy?

Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2015 12:27 pm
by Selwyn
Final Fantasy IX is hands down my favorite Final Fantasy games I've ever played. From the character design, the story, the music; everything about FF9 is appealing to me. I've written a bit of short fanfiction about FF9 that I've considered making into doujinshi. (Check it out here, if you'd like: ... uary/works)
LRH wrote:I'm going with the unpopular opinion here... I adored 8. The graphics, for its time, on a console, were amazing, and it was my first exposure to JRPGs. Sure, Rinoa was irritating at best, and I got kind of sick of hot-headed Zell, and Seifer really needed to cut it out with the chicken-wuss insults, but in hindsight, I think that means I probably had a pretty good understanding of how Squall felt through the whole game.
I still have a fondness for FF8, it's been so long since I've played it though. Perhaps one day I'll have to live stream a play through and see if I'm remembering it through nostalgia tinted glasses.

Re: Favourite Final Fantasy?

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2015 4:31 am
by haipro2001
X has the best story.
VII most popular in the US/EU
IV better gameplay
but ff6 is my favorite.

Re: Favourite Final Fantasy?

Posted: Tue May 19, 2015 1:48 pm
by hadaly_habal
FFVII was my first. I was extremely hyped and it didn't disappoint. Midgar had such an interesting and unique atmosphere. FFIX also has a special place in my heart (Vivi was awesome!), although I didn't really play it that much. Most of the time I watched my sister play it (the only RPG she ever got into).
But my favourite FF would be X. I loved the battle system, the story and all the emotions it made me feel!

Re: Favourite Final Fantasy?

Posted: Wed May 20, 2015 3:10 am
by noctos
I'll always be an FFX person. It's part nostalgia from watching my sister play when I was little, but it's also an interest that continued to grow when I got older and managed to play on my own. I enjoyed FFXIII-2 as well ;;

Re: Favourite Final Fantasy?

Posted: Fri May 22, 2015 11:17 pm
by Enigma
I like FF6 the best, I didn't really like the ones beyond that besides XII. 7 didn't hold my interest beyond Midgar, 8 was okay but I didn't like the Junctioning too much, 9's battles felt kinda slow to me, 10's story was horrible, never played 11, and 13 is...13. 14 was kinda fun but my guild sucked so I didn't ever have company when playing.

Re: Favourite Final Fantasy?

Posted: Mon May 25, 2015 12:57 am
by dott.Piergiorgio
how I have missed this debate ??

Anyway, my favorite FF remains VIII (8)

Best regards from Italy,
dott. Piergiorgio.

Re: Favourite Final Fantasy?

Posted: Tue May 26, 2015 11:04 pm
by Laluune
FFVIII was my favourite, I loved the characters and the backstory and the fact I couldn't finish the castle so I haven't actually finished the game haha. My favourite character was Seifer and I had a soft spot for Quistis, no idea why. I enjoyed just running around exploring, I over levelled alot in that game, level 15 to fight Ifrit haha.

I also enjoyed FF... 12 I think it was. It was different and I liked the characters.

I couldn't get into FF10 because I didn't like Tidus and Yuna, I loooooved Wakka though, favourite character hands down.

FF9 was my first FF and I have a soft spot for it. FF7 is the only one I've actually finished.

I didn't like FF13 because it was so linear, I really wanted to like it but it wasn't for me.

Re: Favourite Final Fantasy?

Posted: Sat May 30, 2015 4:55 pm
by Electromancer
Final Fantasy IV, with VI close behind.

IV just had something really unique about all the characters, that I can't quite get behind. Cecil's journey from being a Dark Night to becoming a Paladin, Kain's struggle with jealousy and redemption, it was all really great.