Baby Making Time [Puzzle/Dating][BxG][BxB][GxG]

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Re: Baby Making Time [Puzzle/Dating][BxG][BxB][GxG]

#31 Post by kano »

Nice game! I've played half of it and it's good already! But I can't solve some of the puzzles so I'll wait for the walkthrouhg (scream)

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Re: Baby Making Time [Puzzle/Dating][BxG][BxB][GxG]

#32 Post by csky »

Hi, I played the game and it's fun. I see what you mean about the puzzles being easy once you figure them out the first time. I got really stuck on them at first, but after I figured them out they were really easy to replicate in other play throughs.
(You need to be careful not to feed the food to the wrong dogs)
A little comment about the game is that the English grammar was really off at some points. Sure it sometimes made the cupid look cute, but for all the other people it just seemed like an unchecked translation. You should get a good native English speaker to just go over it and correct it for you. Most of it is just a case of misued prepositions, so it's just a very small word that needs to be changed. For example:
When the guy with the mask says "I'm worried of that chicken" it should be "I'm worried for that chicken"
Other than that, it was a really cute and fun game, well done and looks well polished. I enjoyed it very much.

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Re: Baby Making Time [Puzzle/Dating][BxG][BxB][GxG]

#33 Post by sapiboonggames »

csky wrote:Hi, I played the game and it's fun. I see what you mean about the puzzles being easy once you figure them out the first time. I got really stuck on them at first, but after I figured them out they were really easy to replicate in other play throughs.
(You need to be careful not to feed the food to the wrong dogs)
A little comment about the game is that the English grammar was really off at some points. Sure it sometimes made the cupid look cute, but for all the other people it just seemed like an unchecked translation. You should get a good native English speaker to just go over it and correct it for you. Most of it is just a case of misued prepositions, so it's just a very small word that needs to be changed. For example:
When the guy with the mask says "I'm worried of that chicken" it should be "I'm worried for that chicken"
Other than that, it was a really cute and fun game, well done and looks well polished. I enjoyed it very much.
I'm not a native, so I guess there are some grammatical errors and I didn't have time to find a proof-reader due to lack of development time :cry:
But I'll try to do it later~
(If you find some grammatical errors, feel free to post it here and I'll repair it xD )
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Re: Baby Making Time [Puzzle/Dating][BxG][BxB][GxG]

#34 Post by kano »

Alright, so apparently I figured out how the puzzle works-- I can't believe it was so easy but I was too dumb to notice gkdhgdkgj. But I really liked the characters, they're all so cute! Nice job on the game, I'm voting for you when I've done making my account! Though actually I really thought Will and Robin could get married but apparently they had no chemistry and I'm like-- sobsinthecorner this is fine. Oh well, I guess I'll only make fanarts of them or stuffs. Good job again!

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Re: Baby Making Time [Puzzle/Dating][BxG][BxB][GxG]

#35 Post by sapiboonggames »

kano wrote:Alright, so apparently I figured out how the puzzle works-- I can't believe it was so easy but I was too dumb to notice gkdhgdkgj. But I really liked the characters, they're all so cute! Nice job on the game, I'm voting for you when I've done making my account! Though actually I really thought Will and Robin could get married but apparently they had no chemistry and I'm like-- sobsinthecorner this is fine. Oh well, I guess I'll only make fanarts of them or stuffs. Good job again!
Will only thinks of Robin as a little brother and Robin kinda looks up to him. Maybe there will be a bromance between them~
Also, please let me know if you make fanarts, I dig them :twisted: :twisted:
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Re: Baby Making Time [Puzzle/Dating][BxG][BxB][GxG]

#36 Post by timestoodstillxx »

I really like the idea of the game but I'm way too dumb for the puzzles. I'm able to solve a few like the guy who lost his teeth or the dog infront of the hotel but that's it. Because then I run out of food. And then I get frustrated because I can't find more food. T_T
So I just wait for the walkthrough and while I'm waiting for it I'll keep trying and fight my frustration.

e. Sorry, forgot something! It kinda sucks that you can't load a game without closing the whole game...
Last edited by timestoodstillxx on Thu Aug 13, 2015 3:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Baby Making Time [Puzzle/Dating][BxG][BxB][GxG]

#37 Post by Snatsch »

timestoodstillxx wrote:I really like the idea of the game but I'm way too dumb for the puzzles. I'm able to solve a few like the guy who lost his teeth or the dog infront of the hotel but that's it. Because then I run out of food. And then I get frustrated because I can't find more food. T_T
So I just wait for the walkthrough and while I'm waiting for it I'll keep trying and fight my frustration.
Kinda had the same experience ._.

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Re: Baby Making Time [Puzzle/Dating][BxG][BxB][GxG]

#38 Post by ipepeytsu10 »

Hey hey! :D I love your game even though I haven't played it haha but I'm downloading now XD
BTW, I want to ask, RPG Maker what you use? Free or paid? Because i want to try making the RPG game but I'm confused what RPG Maker I use to make it :? Maybe you can recommend it :) Thank you for making this game free XD

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Re: Baby Making Time [Puzzle/Dating][BxG][BxB][GxG]

#39 Post by Coren »

Ohmygosh, this game looks hilarious. I'm going to try it.
Last edited by Coren on Fri Aug 14, 2015 1:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Baby Making Time [Puzzle/Dating][BxG][BxB][GxG]

#40 Post by shutupalice »

This was really cute! I took it as a personal challenge to ship everybody while having as much GxG as I possibly could, and I ended up with
Clara and Sharon, Kiyoko and Hannah, and John and Robin (I needed Clara free, or else I couldn't make a second yuri pair since I don't think Beatrice can match up with any of the other girls - which is a pity, since she was my favorite). To pair up everybody, I would have needed a second BxB pair, along with a lone GxB ship, but I ran out of terms after spending too long experimenting with matches, and none of the remaining characters were willing to date Douglas. I should probably try again and put him with John, but for now, I'm taking a break.
One thing I didn't like was that
making only same-sex matches railroads you into a failure state. I'm not sure if it's still a failure state if I can have my one heterosexual couple be the insanely productive one, but it's still a little uncomfortable. I know it's funny that the Cupid doesn't understand how sex works, but people in same-sex couples can still absolutely have children? Adoption doesn't increase the total number of babies in the world, but people in same-sex couples have children via sperm donation or surrogacy all the time, and people who want babies tend to have them, even if it's a little more of a complicated process than they might have expected. I'm sure there would have been a way to keep the joke without having it lead to a failure state?
I also would have appreciated some more time with each character and each pairing. But it looks like you did this on a deadline, and you've done an incredible amount of work for something like that. Keep it up!

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Re: Baby Making Time [Puzzle/Dating][BxG][BxB][GxG]

#41 Post by sapiboonggames »

shutupalice wrote:One thing I didn't like was that
making only same-sex matches railroads you into a failure state. I'm not sure if it's still a failure state if I can have my one heterosexual couple be the insanely productive one, but it's still a little uncomfortable. I know it's funny that the Cupid doesn't understand how sex works, but people in same-sex couples can still absolutely have children? Adoption doesn't increase the total number of babies in the world, but people in same-sex couples have children via sperm donation or surrogacy all the time, and people who want babies tend to have them, even if it's a little more of a complicated process than they might have expected. I'm sure there would have been a way to keep the joke without having it lead to a failure state?
Thanks for the input, I totally didn't count for that :mrgreen:
Perhaps I should make it that a trip to the hospital might increase 1 baby for each same-sex couple (so, more work for that, but it's still possible), for future expansion of the game, but I don't know if I'll even make it lol.

I didn't want to make each couple too complicated because there are 45 combination of couple that needs to be made, it's a lot of work :wink: And I made 2 games for the IGMC, so this game could only be made in 2 weeks, woots!

Thanks for playing and the input!
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Re: Baby Making Time [Puzzle/Dating][BxG][BxB][GxG]

#42 Post by sapiboonggames »

ipepeytsu10 wrote:Hey hey! :D I love your game even though I haven't played it haha but I'm downloading now XD
BTW, I want to ask, RPG Maker what you use? Free or paid? Because i want to try making the RPG game but I'm confused what RPG Maker I use to make it :? Maybe you can recommend it :) Thank you for making this game free XD
It's RPG Maker VX Ace, the newest version of the maker.
Also, it's paid (none of the RPG Maker series have been free, lol :p )
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Re: Baby Making Time [Puzzle/Dating][BxG][BxB][GxG]

#43 Post by sapiboonggames »

Several questions for everyone:
1. Do you prefer to have only 1 big stage for the game (like it is currently. A big town, with 10 people to be match-made), or multi-stage with smaller number of single people? (For example, only 2 guys and 2 girls, smaller town, maybe even in different time settings -> fantasy, urban, etcetra)

2. If this game is made longer, would you guys be willing to pay for it? (I have another game on-progress, that I "believe" will have more prospective customers, but it doesn't hurt to know if this game is good enough to be sold, since I think this is unique and I personally love the experience of making it.)
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Re: Baby Making Time [Puzzle/Dating][BxG][BxB][GxG]

#44 Post by TsukiShima »

I was hooked up with this game the whole night, so I would say, congratulations on this! It is really undoubtedly unique, with so much more potential. I like the fact that we can have more than one potential relationship for each character, but it's a bit sad that I couldn't get certain characters to be together. The puzzles were not that hard but can be confusing to some people (including myself for my first and second try, I figured it out for my third), so perhaps it's better to lessen the items and some unnecessary sprites. Also it's better to give a few chances for the player to reset instead of giving a complete dead end (I'm referring to the situation where we would perhaps fed the wrong dogs).

Answering your questions;

1. I prefer a big stage like the current style personally because to me, it's unique. I would take it as this is the style that this game is going to be, and only this game will use this system. So in a way, this game has its own identity. However if you are planning to make a bigger project for this, perhaps you can give about 5 boys and 5 girls for every stage? 2 seems more limited, because what I love the most about this game is how the characters interact with each other.

2. I believe it is worth it to be paid for. :D

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Re: Baby Making Time [Puzzle/Dating][BxG][BxB][GxG]

#45 Post by fae_of_the_rose »

Multiple stages with fewer pairs to make would probably be more fun for a bigger project! The puzzles could be a bit more straightforward with smaller stages and it'd be harder to dead end yourself. I'm not sure about putting this game up for sale, however. It's a unique game, sure, but it's also kind of niche and not very easy to actually get into at first, not to mention it's missing things like a loading from in game and a settings menu for sound and such. A bigger, more polished version might be sellable, though!

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