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Re: Supersize My Heart! - The Fast Food Mascot Dating Simulator [GxB] [Comedy] [Otome]

Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2021 2:55 pm
by SupersizeMyHeart

News time! At long last, we're showing off some stuff. Check out our amazing soundtrack, composed by the ever-excellent Apolxcore, right here on SoundCloud: ... al_sharing

What else is new in the world of Flavor City? Besides adding a few new characters (including Patty and the Sorbae, pictured above) courtesy of our out-of-this-world-talented artist DahliaWilder, we also just finished a massive week-long undertaking to expand the expression libraries for each character, creating literally hundreds of new expressions that will only help immerse you all the more in the colorful culinary world of Supersize My Heart!.

It was a lot of work, but I have no doubt it was worth it. This gives me a lot more lee-way when scripting the scenes, really letting me fine-tune the visuals more than 10-14 sprites would have.

Re: Supersize My Heart! - The Fast Food Mascot Dating Simulator [GxB] [Comedy] [Otome]

Posted: Mon Aug 30, 2021 8:03 pm
by SupersizeMyHeart
Hope everyone is doing well in this year of our the Lord, 2021.

We recently switched to a new engine to allow us more customization, and I couldn't be happier about it, despite the learning curve. Now, while you're welcome to keep the base name "Henley", which will always be my head-cannon for the game's main character, you can name your character whatever you want. Which, y'know, is a super simple amenity. But for weak little non-programmer boys like Jeremy and I, that was quite the reach for a long time.

But it's in the game now! So if you want to name your character FrenchFryFan1991, then go right ahead. Just be aware, y'know, we didn't change to a blank slate protagonist. Our MC still has a set personality and appearance - you can just change her name now

Anyway, now we're just working on our next rewrite/trim, implementing stuff into the new engine and a boatload of new CGs. Exciting times!!

Re: Supersize My Heart! - The Fast Food Mascot Dating Simulator [GxB] [Comedy] [Otome]

Posted: Wed Dec 29, 2021 4:25 am
by SupersizeMyHeart

We know the line has been long, but our crew over here has been hard at work in the kitchen to bring the world something truly craveable. I wouldn't expect the game to be finished until about late-2022, that's just the facts of game development and asset creation - but I wanted to put out a message for all the fans and crew members that have been stopping by every now and then and maybe even shooting me a message once a blue moon:

The work goes on. We're gettin' there. Soon!

Order's up, 2022.

Re: Supersize My Heart! - The Fast Food Mascot Dating Simulator [GxB] [Comedy] [Otome]

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2022 4:33 am
by SupersizeMyHeart

Re: Supersize My Heart! - The Fast Food Mascot Dating Simulator [GxB] [Comedy] [Otome]

Posted: Sat Apr 09, 2022 4:24 am
by SupersizeMyHeart

Hey, folks! Elijah here. I'll keep this nice and sweet - Supersize My Heart! is moving towards a really good place right now. We've really been tightening up the writing in the separate routes, which have undergone a few rewrites over the last year a half as characterization for Kai, the General, Sovereign and Mackie has been continually refined. I'm pretty confident players are going to find a lot to love about these (increasingly complicated) fellas.

What have we been up to in the meantime?


So! Exciting times ahead. We're still slated for a 2022 release, though I'm steering away from announcing any specific date.

It's been really exciting hearing the feedback from people recently - a lot of folks are reaching out and really appreciating the work that's gone into this ridiculous game. Just as a reminder for the people following the project: first off, thank you! Really, thank you so much. Jeremy and I literally could never have got this far without the freakishly talented artists and musicians who did the genuinely difficult stuff. Even so, just a reminder that it's really just Jeremy and me doing the writing, funding and assembling of the game - so chances are, we're gonna make some missteps. Let's keep those expectation's nice and low, hahah

Anyway, can't wait for you to play it.


Re: Supersize My Heart! - The Fast Food Mascot Dating Simulator [GxB] [Comedy] [Otome]

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2022 3:18 am
by SupersizeMyHeart
Heyo! Time for an update!

I just wanted to keep folks that stop by from time to time in the loop, so here's what we've been up to since our last update:

Soundtrack Expansion/Rework: Maybe you felt like some of our soundtrack was a bit same-y, and wanted a bit more variety when it comes to tunes. To that end, we've removed a number of songs from our in-game soundtrack and commissioned eight new songs that will allow us to supply a variety of scenes with music that more specifically fit the mood - as a side effect, it's made the remaining songs feel so much more like they stand on their own two feet.

More CGs: Yes, our god-like artist DahliaWilder continues to dominate in the art department, bringing integral scenes in the game to life. We just tonight have started the final CG of all the romance arcs - have no doubt, there will be plenty to feast your eyes on when you get your hands on the finished product.

Animated main menu: Okay, so this one is a week or two out from being officially finished, but we'd love to welcome to the team the phenomenal artist and animator Lefty Lai, who is taking our main menu to the next level with some fantastic animation.

Expanded world map: This is a WIP, but with the new backgrounds our lovely background artist Ilafyu is bringing in, we're expanding the world (or "city") map to visually showcase the new locations players can visit.

Japanese anime theme song: Yeah, you read that right.

Anyway, that's it for now! What's next before Supersize is finished?

New backgrounds
Reworked and expanded sprite art for 2 characters
2 Revised CG
A handful of bonus CGs

And that's it! We're closer than ever to our full release of Supersize My Heart, and huuuuuge thanks to anyone that might have even accidentally stuck with us since the beginning. We're seriously devoted to making this dumb game the best as we possibly can before dropping it, even if it means postponing until next year. No current timetable, and we aren't putting any dates out there. Soon as I know for a fact the game is 100% ready and is the best it can be, that's when folks can buy it.

Thanks again! Love all y'all

Re: Supersize My Heart! - The Fast Food Mascot Dating Simulator [Comedy] [Otome]

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2022 2:07 am
by SupersizeMyHeart

No update today, as we're still hard at work on finalizing the last bits of art for the game and slotting everything into our new engine (which has just been updated). After that, we want to avoid a Cyberpunk situation and really get a strong QA pass (especially since I work quality assurance on the MMO New World; it would be embarrassing if I release a totally buggy game)

I just wanted to open up some dialogue to the community, since we get loads and loads of views on this page but very little interaction outside of a rare DM. I know for myself, I'd love to hear some feedback from folks, especially since I've recently learned there have been a few folks that have been following the project for a while (I'm lookin' at you, fellow Experis peeps)

A couple questions:

1) What character are you most interested in, and why?

2) Is there any additional info that might be lacking from our postings that you think is necessary for a player to know before buying the finished game?

3) What kind of choices do you like seeing in a visual novel game like this? (we already have choices in place, but we'd like to fine tune them to ones players feel are impactful and, importantly, interesting)

4) Once you have your hands on the game and (we're assuming here) you possibly enjoy it, is this the kind of thing you'd suggest to your friends to pick up?

5) Any additional feedback you'd provide about the game in general? We're all ears

Re: Supersize My Heart! - The Fast Food Mascot Dating Simulator [Comedy] [Otome]

Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2022 2:11 am
by SupersizeMyHeart

Hey everybody! August update time.

What's new since last time?

Several new CGs, and even more on the way!
A new character joins the game: Nummy! Brands spokesperson, Zoe!
A secondary outfit for Officer Kyle, everyone's favorite Flavor City law enforcement pro
Reworks on older CGs and backgrounds to reflect our modern direction

Lots of stuff has been going on for us behind the scenes on a personal level, so huge thanks to everyone for your patience and to everyone who's been with us through it all. We really appreciate all the support, and couldn't be more thankful.

Wish all y'all the best! Looking forward to the next update, where we're hoping to start showing off some gameplay for the first time.

See ya!

Re: Supersize My Heart! - The Fast Food Mascot Dating Simulator [Comedy] [Otome] AUGUST 2022 UPDATE!

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2022 6:02 am
by SupersizeMyHeart
Hey! Not an "official" update, as they say, but more of an update on the update, which -- wow, how confusing is that?

Sorry about the bait and switch - we'll definitely have lots to share with our next post, but this is just a regular post to announce we won't be having a November update, as some (including us) hoped, and will instead be pushing all of our progress into a December update. We've been hard at work on lots of new artwork for everybody, and can't wait for folks to get their hands on the finished game. We're currently working on more CGs to treat the players to, courtesy of the always amazing DahliaWilder and Looji! While the art for the character arcs are all finished up, we're doing some extra CGs for some secret routes we haven't talked about publicly yet. Also, thanks to our phenomenal background artist ilafyu, we're going back and replacing some earlier renditions of backgrounds with more polished, higher resolution ones, and throwing a few completely new backgrounds in there as well to vary the locations players can visit.

Also. Full disclosure -- looks like we are gonna owe some folks some French fries. God dang it. But it is what it is. 2022 should have been the year Supersize My Heart! dropped, but with lots of family health issues throwing us a curve ball and other accompanying setbacks, we were sorta shot in the foot on that front.

But we sure have had a great 2022, with new music, characters, outfits, backgrounds, facial expressions for lots of characters, and the huge change to implement the player character's expressions (and there are over 250!) during dialogue. The delay just means the game will hopefully come out all the better in the end. Thanks all for stickin' with us!

Re: Supersize My Heart! - The Fast Food Mascot Dating Simulator [Comedy] [Otome] AUGUST 2022 UPDATE!

Posted: Sat Dec 17, 2022 5:22 am
by SupersizeMyHeart
Heya, folks! Haven't reached out since November, so here's another shameful "update on the update" -- BUT!! HEAR ME OUT: this time I got something worthwhile:

A date for the official update.

Tune in on December 30th, we'll have our next big update with lots to showcase, including, as we hoped, extended in-engine gameplay of the entire prologue, audibly guided by yours truly. You'll have to put up with my nasally voice through the showcase, so prepare thyself!

Lots of new info incoming, so it'll be a super exciting time. Our phenomenal artists have been hard at work for months, as have Jeremy and me, so there's loads to talk about. You'll be able to check out all the cool extras we've snuck in there, the world map and how navigation works, the dialogue and choice systems, and of course just some good ol' fashioned dating sim gameplay. I will be doing silly voices for all the characters, so come prepared.

See ya then

Re: Supersize My Heart! - The Fast Food Mascot Dating Simulator [Comedy] [Otome] AUGUST 2022 UPDATE!

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2022 1:25 pm
by SupersizeMyHeart
Happy end of 2022 from the team at Supersize My Heart, everybody!

It's been an absolutely wild year, with the whole crew still chugging away at making Supersize the best game it can be. Unfortunately, 2022 had one more holiday surprise for us, and we're forced to delay the showcase from today to sometime in the near future. While the section we intend to demo is completely playable, an engine issue has arisen affecting audio, so we have decided to push out the showcase for a short ways so that the first gameplay preview for Supersize is as polished as possible. I apologize for the delay, and will be back with more information and the showcase as soon as we have this last issue ironed out.

A HUGE thanks to everyone for all the support this year, and we can't wait for you to get your hands on the game. See ya in 2023!

Re: Supersize My Heart! - The Fast Food Mascot Dating Simulator [Comedy] [Otome] AUGUST 2022 UPDATE!

Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2023 3:18 am
by SupersizeMyHeart
Happy 2023, everyone! It's only been a few days since we've spoken, but since we don't use social media on this project (besides that long defunct Twitter account), I figured I'd very quickly post an update: the wait for the in-engine showcase will be shorter than expected. We were able to get to the bottom of the audio issue today and should have the showcase out soon. Thank you so much for your patience!

Re: Supersize My Heart! - The Fast Food Mascot Dating Simulator [Comedy] [Otome] JANUARY 2023 UPDATE!

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2023 11:00 pm
by SupersizeMyHeart

Ho there, travelers! Hope you're ready for some great news!

What have we been up to since our last update? Lots!

2 New characters unique to a Secret Story Route
New backgrounds + Updated art for several previous backgrounds
Streamlined UI for quality of life improvements
6 New CGs
New locations added to the World Map
Minor expansion of the Common Route
Added Food and Item art to scenes
Added a Music Gallery

And that's just all the stuff we haven't already talked about in comments in the time since August. We have lots more in store for 2023 that's going to take Supersize My Heart to the levels of a real playable video game. Can't wait for you to get your hands on it this year for sure!

But I did promise we'd be showing off some gameplay, so enjoy our first gameplay preview! I am by no means a voice actor, so please pardon my, uh, -- I hesitate to calling them "acting skills", lol. Let's just say I completely understand if you decide to mute the video and read the text yourself. Which, come to think of it: if you'd prefer a version that doesn't have my voice over, all you need to do is say the word! Just let me know in the comments.

Thanks so much again, everyone, and hope your 2023 is off to a wonderful start!

Re: Supersize My Heart! - The Fast Food Mascot Dating Simulator [Comedy] [Otome] MARCH 2023 UPDATE!

Posted: Wed Mar 29, 2023 1:56 am
by SupersizeMyHeart
Heyo, everybody!

Wow, can you believe it's almost the end of March 2023? We definitely can't -- if you had asked us back in 2020 our game would still be in development, or be anywhere near as big as it is now back then, we wouldn't have believed you!

2023 is well underway, and Supersize My Heart! continues to grow! As we've announced before, we're focusing our efforts on more and more assets for the game, and it's really coming together there! We're bringing new CGs for the common and secret route, along with new backgrounds and new CGs to highlight important moments in our game's ridiculous storyline. Production has slowed down a bit lately, to be fair, but the work goes on, and we can't wait for you all to see what we've been working on!

Thanks again for our huge group of loyal folks regularly checking in. The game is very much coming together and we seriously can't wait for everyone to get a chance to play Supersize My Heart! later this year, either with a big brand publisher behind us or just on our own on the marketplace. We don't really care either way.

All the love! Your friends,

J + E

Re: Supersize My Heart! - The Fast Food Mascot Dating Simulator [Comedy] [Otome] AUGUST 2023 UPDATE!

Posted: Mon Aug 14, 2023 2:44 am
by SupersizeMyHeart

Hey, everybody! Been a hot minute since we've talked. Figured I'd let y'all know what's new in the world of Supersize My Heart!:

We're still working hard at finishing up the game. As you know, we're not sticking to any firm dates yet, in case anything crazy arises and we have to push dates back, but as a soft direction we're aiming for Gameplay Complete by the end of October 2023, and release-ready by the end of December for Holiday Season. Nearly all work currently ongoing are rewrites/editing and programming, with all necessary backgrounds, CGs and ancillary art finished 100%. Some of our artists are still developing assets, but they're completely extra and not necessary for the game to release - more like wish-list stuff, and we're so excited to see what players think of it when they get to see it in game.

As you're all undoubtedly aware, we are in a wild period of gaming - with Remnant II having recently released to critical acclaim, and now the absolute (and well-deserved) phenomenon that is Baldur's Gate 3 smashing across the industry by storm, not to mention Starfield and Cyberpunk: 2077: Phantom Liberty right around the corner. It's a super busy season for absolutely amazing video games, so I hope all of you have a chance to experience some of the amazing titles coming out of the next few months.

What that also means is that it's an extremely crowded market for a game like ours, which relies on word of mouth, to drop. Not that we are in any way similar to the aforementioned games - but obviously the gaming space will be dominated for a while to come by these awesome offerings. So for hopefully understandable reasons, we're going to continue plugging away at Supersize till it's finely polished, and drop it when the news is a bit less crowded.

Thanks so much to everyone who's been following Supersize My Heart!, through all the ups and downs. Can't wait for you all to get your hands on the finished product. Will post again when we've reached Gameplay Complete! All the best,

Elijah + Jeremy