Your Stereotypes

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Re: Your Stereotypes

#31 Post by Jake »

kantocan1 wrote: Atheist so i'm some godless heathen
Sorry, but if you're an atheist you are a godless heathen, pretty much by definition. It's just that you disagree with the kind of people who use the word 'heathen' on whether or not it's necessarily a bad thing. :P
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Re: Your Stereotypes

#32 Post by kantocan1 »

Jake wrote:
kantocan1 wrote: Atheist so i'm some godless heathen
Sorry, but if you're an atheist you are a godless heathen, pretty much by definition. It's just that you disagree with the kind of people who use the word 'heathen' on whether or not it's necessarily a bad thing. :P
Oh right sorry didnt make that bit clear hehe (people use it in a bad way as an insult)
I love GxB/Otome games! (Same thing really).

Anyone here like Bleach?

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Re: Your Stereotypes

#33 Post by Aoyama Ryuu »

I have my hair straight and over my face so I MUST be emo - No, sorry, I have a strong character and I'm usually cheerful.
I'm a writer, thus I MUST be lonely, have no friends and sick with my life - Untrue, I have many friends and I'm very content with my life. Of course I want to get more out of it, but doesn't everyone aim for a higher purpose?
I have medium length hair so I'm surely a satanist - Usually it's either this one or the first. Needless to say it's incorrect, I'm actually a Christian and normally as a fellow Christian one should know better than to judge by appearance; however stupid people are stupid regardless of religion.
If someone finds out I'm a Christian the this one ensues -> I'm a Christian, thus I must want to burn all "pagans". First of all, those were Catholics and I'm Orthodox; second, I do not judge anyone, I believe everyone is free to make their own decisions and I respect them... as long as they respect mine.
I practice Kenjutsu, thus I'll kick your ass - First of all, I can't do it unless I have a bokken/katana on me, which I usually don't as it's... kind of shady to walk around with those at hand. Second, I don't usually burst in cutting/beating people up for no reason. Another annoying thing is when people ask me if I could kill someone with a sword. If you really want to, you can probably kill someone with a screwdriver, you don't need a sword for that...

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Re: Your Stereotypes

#34 Post by Alphonse »

Actually, instead of going home and crying or something, I actually laugh at stereotypes. Mostly because they don't come from nowhere. They all have some truth to them. My friends and I like to laugh at the stereotypes associated with our own cultures. (So whenever I see a "I'm BLANK therefore I MUST blank" list, I like to go through them and see which ones actually apply to me.)

I'm black, and I do enjoy fried chicken/can't swim.
I'm American, and I am overweight.
I'm Christian, and I do think everyone else is going to hell/do think being gay is wrong/whatever.
I'm an anime fan, and I am (kind of) anti-social.
I wear glasses, and I am (technically?) smart.
I'm in gifted classes, and I do have a superiority complex.

As for some other ones, while I am Jamaican and don't smoke pot, my brothers do. They also think they're gangstas.

Y'all were expecting me to talk about how stereotypes are evil and untrue, weren't you?

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Re: Your Stereotypes

#35 Post by playswithtribbles »

Alphonse wrote:Actually, instead of going home and crying or something, I actually laugh at stereotypes. Mostly because they don't come from nowhere. They all have some truth to them. My friends and I like to laugh at the stereotypes associated with our own cultures. (So whenever I see a "I'm BLANK therefore I MUST blank" list, I like to go through them and see which ones actually apply to me.)
Good Idea...

Things that actually apply to me, (and those that don't):

I am intelligent:
THEREFORE: I AM a narcissist. I DO have a superiority complex over the vast majority of people. I DO think I know better then most people. I AM a sore winner, I will totally rub it in your face! Mwa ha. If people ask me a stupid question I WILL respond with an equally stupid answer.
--Example: 'In line at a movie theatre'
--Stupid question- "Are you here to see a movie?"
--Me- "No, I'm here taking a survey on how stupid people can be, would you like to participate?"
HOWEVER: I WILL listen to others opinions and admit when I am wrong. I AM NOT a sore loser. I WILL NOT put someone down for not knowing something, instead I will explain it to them respectfully. I WILL NOT intentionally be condensing or disrespectful (Unless your rude, or you p*ss me off, then woe be unto you. grr..)

I am a huge geek/otaku/reader:
THEREFORE: I DISLIKE being social most of the time. I ENJOY being alone. I AM pretty pale at the moment actually... I CAN fix your computer. I WISH I lived in Japan.
HOWEVER: I ENJOY sunlight, beaches, and sports. I DO NOT have communication problems.
-Dark Helmet-"And so you see Lonestar, that evil will always triumph! Because good is dumb."

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Re: Your Stereotypes

#36 Post by Sify »

Lol ^^.

I am Asian, and I am actually good at math, but I have never studied in my life - I also get the top marks in physics, chemistry, English, metalwork and French.
I am tall and skinny, and I actually don't exercise at all - yes I know that's bad for me. I also eat like my dog - there is never anything left on my plate.
I live in the country, and I knew how to drive when I was ten. I also have tonnes of animals, and I really don't know how to use public transport.

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Re: Your Stereotypes

#37 Post by Enigma »

I'm black living in the American south, aside from the obvious here are some other sterotypes

I'm a martial artist and back when I had my afro, people thought that made me


and you know what, I don't know how to use a katana, I'm a Jeet Kune Do user. I do have a friend whose dad teaches Iaido, so maybe one day I will become the Afro Samurai! People can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese martial arts, so I can actually get away with pretending to be Afro. In fact, there is a theory in my school that Afro Samurai is actually set in Kentucky (where I leved before I do now) and it's the story of my younger years (I actually do have a headband like that.......)


Neque porro quisquam est qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit am

#38 Post by Topagae »

Neque porro quisquam est qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet, consectetur, adipisci velit..."

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