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Re: That Cheap and Sacred Thing - Drama/Sci-fi

Posted: Wed May 01, 2013 11:01 pm
by carnivorousbunny

Best vn story I've read in a long while DD:
I'm so happy!

SEQUEL! I demand it!
Please? :D

Re: That Cheap and Sacred Thing - Drama/Sci-fi

Posted: Fri May 03, 2013 2:43 am
by SimplyAly
WOW. I am absolutely speechless. Everything was breathtakingly amazing. The story was so so so good, I'm obsessed. I balled my eyes out, and a story doing that for me, is pretty hard. This is the best VN I've read. I also loved all the bonus stuff and how you came back to the story from the ESET logo, hehe. TY ESEN! The art was really cute, and Jude was hot ofc, mmf. But anyways, I just wanted to make an account on here and comment on this because you definitely deserve the praise. Lovely story, lovely everything! Thanks so much for all the work you put into this.


Can't wait for the other vn you're working on, too. :)

Re: That Cheap and Sacred Thing - Drama/Sci-fi

Posted: Fri May 03, 2013 3:48 am
by omgitstay
This is just such a promising VS. It really attracts my eyes. However, I have trouble downloading it :(

Re: That Cheap and Sacred Thing - Drama/Sci-fi

Posted: Mon May 13, 2013 9:25 am
by heavyblade
I played this game yesterday, and I really loved it.
I didn't mind that it was a KN at all.(Not a huge fan of KN) I loved the plot. Forbidden love always interests me *cough*

If you do make a sequel, I'd be very willing to read it ^^

Re: That Cheap and Sacred Thing - Drama/Sci-fi

Posted: Sun May 19, 2013 12:28 am
by helenleh
sequel pwetty please? QwQ
Towards the ending I started tearing up, lol was going like "whyyyy jude?"
Summary: this is one of the best vns I have ever read and my favorite.

Re: That Cheap and Sacred Thing - Drama/Sci-fi

Posted: Sun Jun 02, 2013 4:54 am
by cathsplat
It was short but I loved it so much ;A;
The impact on the ending was just alshdahdqidqjfqwfh ;A;
I'm going to read your other works! ^o^!

Re: That Cheap and Sacred Thing - Drama/Sci-fi

Posted: Mon Jun 03, 2013 11:54 am
by vicky patel
Hi... I just downloading the game. And i will finishing the game. and I want to say congratulations for this game.

Re: That Cheap and Sacred Thing - Drama/Sci-fi

Posted: Sat Jun 08, 2013 12:17 pm
by Lunacore
I just made an account to say how much i love this.. I played it much, much and much. At the first 3 times i always cried at some scenes..And beautyfull. I realy love you for making it.. ♥
It touched a point inside me.. Realy got me ^^ Its something i want to print pictures from and hang then in my room. I realy liked ALL characters in there. (Sorry for my bad english and grammar, i'm german.)

Re: That Cheap and Sacred Thing - Drama/Sci-fi

Posted: Tue Jun 11, 2013 1:30 am
by phoenixhymn
That was awesome, and I totally cried at the ending.
The most powerful moments for me were the flashback to Elly killing Tessa and the scene were Autumn took a baseball bat to Jude. Holy crap. So of course I was a mess for that last CG.
It has been a while since a story has ripped out my heart and stomped on it. Nicely done.

Re: That Cheap and Sacred Thing - Drama/Sci-fi

Posted: Sun Jun 30, 2013 11:51 am
by -Anna-
Oh my gosh. The experience was so amazing. Seriously, you guys are great for putting in so much effort.

Firstly, the story was very unique. I loved how there was so much already-established history in the world.
(Names for the types of androids, 'Tessa's Law' for example. )
Also the theme was refreshing from the school or magical theme found in so many VNs. c:

The storyline was heart-breaking, and the ending was just perfect.
Like, you wonder if this character has just begun a torturous cycle, or maybe hope that she will break away and destroy the software. ;_;
Just, omg. ;_;

Re: That Cheap and Sacred Thing - Drama/Sci-fi

Posted: Fri Jul 05, 2013 12:30 am
by Ota
OMG OMG. I can't hold it anymore. This story is awesome. Need more. I need to know what'll happen to the three of them. Autumn needs to see Jude and Elly again. SEQUEL PLEASE!!!

Re: That Cheap and Sacred Thing - Drama/Sci-fi

Posted: Fri Jul 05, 2013 5:08 pm
by RedOtter
Not gonna lie, at the end of the game I just sat staring at the screen for a few minutes, closed my laptop and cried. The plot was magnificent- really interesting

Re: That Cheap and Sacred Thing - Drama/Sci-fi

Posted: Tue Jul 23, 2013 11:03 pm
by VampAyano

Re: That Cheap and Sacred Thing - Drama/Sci-fi

Posted: Sat Jul 27, 2013 2:58 am
by Talann
I cried fountains of tears omg i am depressed now. why why why D:
why did he have to die?! im sorry, but, why. like srsly i hate it when i fall for a boy in a kn and he dies!!
he was omg, i actually have never ever cried that much before for a kn.
im still crying.
that was so touching and heartbreaking
full of emotions.
im sure that i wont get over this scene for more than two months now.
this kn made me feel empty and sad.
but just amazing. i loved it. even though it made my mood sad. ::::::::::::::::(

A sequel where Autumn turns 18 and marries Jude and has elly as her bestfriend forever OMG :''''(((( i cant stop crying

Re: That Cheap and Sacred Thing - Drama/Sci-fi

Posted: Sun Jul 28, 2013 12:25 am
by Fenrir34
Omg :( This was such a sad game ! :cry:
I love the characters and how you made the robots
What happened to Elly is so sad...."
Jude was a cool guy to and that final scene with him and Autumn blew me away
I really enjoyed this game
It was emotional, crippling and very sad
I take it that at the end Autumn will put their drives in other robots.
Anyway good job with this game. I look forward to anymore you make
Keep up the good work :)