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Re: (P)lanets!

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2011 3:32 pm
by Hayzel
WOAH! When did this finish!?

Re: (P)lanets!

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2011 4:00 pm
by Stripe
Aaaah best birthday present ever ;___; this is wonderful! I love it! You used 'site' where it should be 'sight' a couple of times, though~ :3

Ryuu is my favourite oh mannnn ;__; I want to be friends with him

Re: (P)lanets!

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2011 4:26 pm
by Melinoe
Just played Kaius's and Haruhi's paths. And I think Lucan's normal path. (I got it by accident, trying to get the Ruiko ending... there is one, right?) There's a glitch: when you get Lucan's normal ending, after the credits roll, it moves on to the Kaius Perfect Ending epilogue.
(I was pursuing Kaius at the start, but I said I was thinking of someone else when Kaius's dad asked me not to give up on him.)
Very good game, if Kaius's backstory was a little cliched.
At least, with his mother being accidentally killed by him.
Kaius actually really reminded me of Kyo from Fruits Basket... (what with the "stay away from me, you don't know about my dark secret") They're both totally tsundere, so it makes sense.

I loved Haruhi's ending! I was sad there was no epilogue... or does he have a perfect ending? But I guess you said it was a half ending, so... yeah.

Going to play Ryuu's ending next!

Re: (P)lanets!

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2011 4:32 pm
by Taleweaver
I originally had decided to give this title a try as it's probably one of the most complex otome titles on the LSF, with a very long development period and some very nice production values. The art style reminded me of Fruits Basket, which is a good thing because I love the manga very much. But after playtesting this a little, I must apologize: this is another game I cannot bear to play.
First of all, the side characters. Not even five minutes into the game, and there's already a thirteen-year-old crossdresser, and even though this story is supposed to play in Japan with its "fit in or we'll make you fit in society", nobody gives a damn about that and the protagonist even thinks wearing girl's clothing suits the poor guy. Then the parents - totally self-absorbed and not a single sympathetic thought for their daughter who just fell so hard that she knocked herself unconscious. And yet they also don't seem to care about that thirteen-year-old crossdresser who's apparently their daughter's BFF - with their mindset, they should be like "gee, I with that little faggot would just leave; if somebody sees my daughter hanging around with such a weirdo, they probably think our family is dysfunctional or something". The family life of the Saotomes and Tendos in Ranma 1/2 is more realistic than that, and that's in a screwball comedy!
I'm not even fifteen minutes into the story, I haven't yet hit even one decision branch, and I already hate this plot. Sorry, I can't play that even though you put a ton of effort into art, music and presentation. This is just not for me.

Re: (P)lanets!

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2011 5:49 pm
by Luki-Hime
YAY! I've been following this (secretly) for a while...but...I love it so muct, that I had to be sure to leave a comment! I love all your artwork, and it's just a really fun game to play! Ha-ha....ha...^__^

Re: (P)lanets!

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2011 6:15 pm
by FoxyYoko
Hm , I must say when I saw the game is out I went all like - "Ok , other things can wait" and downloaded the game XD
First I went after Kaius , because I liked him the best from the demo version and I was really enthusiastic to see his path. Then I tried Lucan's path , and the last Ryuu . I'm still struggling to get Haruhi's path but I somehow end up on some other guy's path and it drives me insane *sweatdrop*
As for each guy...
Everyone had something that took me off guard
I didn't expect Kaius's path to be that tragic . I expected him to act like that because of a reason but didn't see that coming. Though, Kaius was my favorite , I found him simply cute and most of his path let me either "aww , so cute" either got me laughting loud .

As for Lucan .. i expected him to be the cute caring guy , and the responsible one. When I heard about him imprinting people I was ..shocked ... It took me off guard because I somehow expected his path to be the ...most normal one? ... Not a chance. But I enjoyed it, his path was adorable .

Ryuu.. I knew a energetic guy like him had to hide something , maybe that is why I played his path the last , because I knew at some point I'll get somehow worried. He was adorable , his energetic personality was simply cute . He's the kind of person I'd hug all day because of that hyperactive personality.I always liked hyper guys. When I saw he had heart problems, I wasn't THAT surprised but I was praying to get a good ending because I'd get worried he is going to die every second.

....To put it in an order of my fav paths : 1.Kaius , 2.Ryuu , 3.Lucan
I'm still killing my nerves to get Haruhi's path but I keep failing.

Re: (P)lanets!

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2011 6:37 pm
by DreamInk
Hi Teacup!
I was secretly folowing your game, and i made an acount here just to coment xD
I did not finished to play it yet, but its very lovely <3 Really! I'm in love with your game <3
Thanks for the cute game <3 ^.^~
(Sry my bad english, its because my birth language is portuguese >.<')
Oh, and could u make a walkthrough? It would help dummy people like me xD
Thx again <3

Re: (P)lanets!

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2011 6:46 pm
by ixWishing
Melinoe wrote:
Just played Kaius's and Haruhi's paths.
I loved Haruhi's ending! I was sad there was no epilogue... or does he have a perfect ending? But I guess you said it was a half ending, so... yeah.

How did you get it? o: . I keep getting Lucan T_____T .
(Sorry for spamming your forum / topic / whatever , Teacup! o; )

Re: (P)lanets!

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2011 7:21 pm
by teacup
Thanks for the comments everyone ^^

The funny thing is I actually finished the story for this game *before* Starry Sky was translated. Then I played Starry Sky, and thought, omg, it's really similar D:
I think that may be because they both use really common plot devices (yes, I'll admit to that) and are more character games than games with a big 'story'.
Ruiko doesn't have an ending, and also Haruhi doesn't have an epilogue (so yes, he was the 'half route' i mentioned before)
Also, I'm sorry for the error... I thought I got rid of that (sigh). I'll go back and try to fix it.
Well I'm sorry that you hate it so much. It's definitely not a game for everyone, of course not.
But I will say, that if the thing bothering you the most is Haruhi/Marin's parents, they are (as you said) side characters and don't show up often. So I'm a bit sad that characters who hardly are part of the story made you quit.
And I would never use a word like 'faggot'. It's supposed to be a light, fun game. Not a game to hurt other's feelings or offend someone.

This is how you get the ending + epilogue for the guys (It shouldn't be too hard though so please only use this if you really need it! ^^)
Kaius -
Go to classroom 4-B
Eat lunch in the courtyard
Stay there
Mysterious and cool
Eat lunch in the cafeteria
Ask Kaius for help
Say you want to be close with Kaius to Oginuma-sensei
(To get Haruhi's end, say you have someone else in mind to Oginuma. Then on the summer vacation, let Haruhi sleep in your bed)

Ryuu -
Don't remember your classroom
Eat lunch on the roof
Happy and energetic
Eat lunch on the roof
Teasingly wake him up
Help Ryuu
Say 'do you really feel that way' when he confesses his feelings

Lucan -
Go to room 4-A
Eat lunch in the classroom
Sweet and cute
Eat lunch in the courtyard
Say yes when he asks you to eat lunch with him again
Help Lucan
Say 'you're not pathetic'
For those who like it- I'm glad you are enjoying it ^^ I apologize for any errors and inconsistencies. I didn't realize it would be that much of a problem.

Re: (P)lanets!

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2011 8:04 pm
by bubblegumsmile
I`ve played your game and I just want to let you know that I really enjoyed it and congratulate you on finishing it!
Also, I think people are being overly harsh and that they need to remember that this is a FREE game that someone worked very hard on. I doubt anyone has ever made something and have it been completely perfect, so don`t get too upset over the comments
I think it`s great that you were able to create a game!

Re: (P)lanets!

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2011 9:34 pm
by HigurashiKira
bubblegumsmile wrote:I`ve played your game and I just want to let you know that I really enjoyed it and congratulate you on finishing it!
Also, I think people are being overly harsh and that they need to remember that this is a FREE game that someone worked very hard on. I doubt anyone has ever made something and have it been completely perfect, so don`t get too upset over the comments
I think it`s great that you were able to create a game!
Free =/= Insta-fave
The only way someone can improve their work for a second project is through critiques. If they don't get any flak over anything, they will think what they did was perfect and possibly carry it over into their next projects.

And some of the harsh critiqes actually have some valid points. The Pre-Planets part of the story is rather questionable.
Haruhi was one of the things that bugged me. When I first saw him, I though "Oh, so this must be the game's female best friend" but when I read that he was a boy...</brix>

Also, the characters are quite jerks :\ Especially in the beginning. Based on what I've read so far, psychologists would have a field day with the cast.
I'm not done yet, I'll make sure to post a full review when I'm done.

Re: (P)lanets!

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2011 9:52 pm
by Aleema
^ Yes, but also this. Harsh critique =/= always useful. Since this is a completed game, you should probably consider most of what you say here as a review rather than a critique. She had this game up with demos in WIP and you were welcome to give your input back then. I've already mentioned the so-called problems with the beginning, and so have others, so it was clearly her choice to keep her game this way. Since it is her game, and since it is free (indicating that she is doing this as a hobby for her own enjoyment), there's really no need to get so worked up as to tell her you hate it. If it's not for you, then move on. This isn't YouTube. :P

You guys should probably also watch what slurs you spit out, since the last time a negative connotation was given to a demographic in a review, all hell broke loose. Let's learn from our mistakes, mmkay?

Re: (P)lanets!

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2011 10:31 pm
by MaiMai
Oho, this is finished. Congrats on finishing your game, I have good memories of when the WIP thread came up. I'll see if I can find some time to play it and give my thoughts.

Re: (P)lanets!

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2011 10:36 pm
by bubblegumsmile
HigurashiKira wrote:Free =/= Insta-fave
The only way someone can improve their work for a second project is through critiques. If they don't get any flak over anything, they will think what they did was perfect and possibly carry it over into their next projects.
I get that a free game doesn't mean an automatic favourite all I'm saying is you can't compare all noncommercial items to commercial ones. And I wasn't saying don't review or critique her game, you're misunderstanding me, all I'm saying is I'm sure you wouldn't feel great if someone completely tore apart something you worked so hard on, try to find at least some positive and use a little nicer wording

Re: (P)lanets!

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2011 11:52 pm
by Blane Doyle
I always love free games myself, it is always a huge plus since I don't really lose anything except time when I play them. But I have gotten hold of free games that were... really really bad. Free does not always equal favorite to me, just "yay, I don't have to worry!"

I just finished the game myself (except the Haruhi thing, I am a tad lost on how to get it but I have yet to give up on it!). Personally, I LOVED it. One of the key elements for me is enjoyment in a game, and if I can enjoy it to any extent it is well worth my time and effort put into it. The story really picked up after the prologue and aside from the parents... who I think should NEVER have been able to have kids... I loved the characters as well. Marin started out as not quite my cup of tea, but I grew to like her more as the story progressed. I think that the music, the enjoyable story, and the characters and the humor are what made the game for me, though I can see where it might not for some. Especially the music, as I have stated I really do love it for some reason.

I did have some trouble suspending disbelief with Haruhi... but then I decided, you know what, I'm going to run on anime logic. And that worked perfectly for me, weirder things have happened in anime and commercial VNs after all.

There are some weak points, however. I wish you would have gone to find some better Background images, as they really distracted me at the beginning. But I did manage to overlook them in the long run. And the art style, while rather good, did show obvious changes (this is why I think you should NEVER make CGs and sprites at a different time and not until after the script is more than past the half way mark, I believe it would prevent this sort of thing from happening as they would all be drawn at once instead of over time). And there was the small thing with the auto skip, but I don't know if that was my computer or not.

All in all though, it IS a good game, and an enjoyable one for me. There are some small problems that take away from it, but you did make this as a hobby and for free, so I cannot bring myself to be as harsh as I would be if you charged us to play. I wish I had come back to the forum in time to get the demo sooner so I could have given this proper feedback instead of an after the fact review. I didn't think 4 or 5 days would have been nearly enough time to work on any game, no matter how small or short, so I apologize for that.

I find this to be a thoroughly good and enjoyable read.