Tera to Mura to Wasuremono

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Sailor Kitty
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Re: Tera to Mura to Wasuremono

#46 Post by Sailor Kitty »


Since I cannot express my happiness in words and since I like DN alot...
(And since I want that game so so so muchos)

Dies after completing, making and releasing deluxe version of Tera To Mura.

Oops! Better rub that out. Don't want anybody to know I'm Kira!

I'm really looking forward to it. I'm sure It'll be real good!´

Yes... The MEEP factor is strong in this one.
script is 85% done.
Title is now "Running through water"
and will hopefully stay that way.
Need a poem/lyric?
I'll write one for ya!

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Re: Tera to Mura to Wasuremono

#47 Post by Hime »

Thank you everyone... ;w; Ganbarimasu~!

...And chronoluminaire, I'm sorry, and fixed. ^^;

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Re: Tera to Mura to Wasuremono

#48 Post by Hime »

I'm so tired after drawing some fanserv- I mean promotional art that I feel like shamelessly promoting it and a new status report in the blog. I'd also like to hear your opinions on it, since most of the people here don't comment on my blog (I think)... What would you think if you'd see a game with graphics like that? Any specific things that I need to improve with?

Slowly progressing with the arcsplit...

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Re: Tera to Mura to Wasuremono

#49 Post by DaFool »

The kimono-skirt hybrid looks weird. It's like the kimono isn't long enough, or the skirt is a mini which was pulled too low.

Well, constructive criticism, but otherwise, it's good high-quality promotional art, like a poster.

I hope you are able to do the in-game sprites with decent detailed quality but taking much less time. Promo art usually is more detailed than production art in many cases.

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Re: Tera to Mura to Wasuremono

#50 Post by Ivlivs »

Impressed very much with the artwork you have up. I don't mind the kimono-skirt hybrid at all.

I eagerly anticipate this game!
Jitteh Dawn --- A VN by Ivlivs


Re: Tera to Mura to Wasuremono

#51 Post by Ren »

Great quality art thereO_O!!!
That kind of skirt reminds me of one of my favourite anime/manga of all time:Haikarasan ga tooru <3
Man I loved that one, I'll be waiting for this one, if the story is as good as the art it will be a great game!

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Re: Tera to Mura to Wasuremono

#52 Post by Otaku Dash »

*keeps waving flags with "GAMBATTE!!!" written on them while chanting "Can't wait for this game to come... ooooohhhh yeaaahhhh! GAMBATTE HIME GAMBATTE!!!"*
"Life is like a flower....take care of it and watch it bloom......only there will you see its true beauty" - Myself

"Emptiness....that is...true fear...."


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Re: Tera to Mura to Wasuremono

#53 Post by Hime »

Oh my god, I love you people! <3 Thanks for the feedback, it really motivates me a lot. Really. ^^

...So I wrote a lot today. I'm (finally) progressing with the two first arcs - yes, I ended up writing these simultaneously - with a commendable speed. I've been writing a lot more than usual lately, and I'm trying to keep it up. If I would write as much as I have written today everyday, I should be able to finish all the four arcs in less than a year! That's most likely impossible, though... So, here are the statistics~!

Linear storyline ~ 100% (Not yet corrected, the testing is still going on, but anyway!)
Tera question arc ~ 3%
Tera answer arc ~ 0%
Mura question arc ~ 3%
Mura answer arc ~ 0%
Character graphics ~ 0%
CGs ~ 0%
Backgrounds ~ 0%
Customization ~ ??%
Music ~ 0%
Extras ~ 0%
The colour codes so that I can remember them: 0%, 1-15%, 16-50%, 51-99%, 100%
Lint statistics wrote:The game contains 1339 screens of dialogue.
These screens contain a total of 23716 words.
For an average of 17.7 words per screen.
The game contains 14 menus.
It's a lot more fun writing the arcs, by the way. At least the beginning scenes have been nice to write this far. :)
I'm trying my best! ^^

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Re: Tera to Mura to Wasuremono

#54 Post by Ivlivs »

Glad to know you're still hanging in there. You look like you have a lot on your plate. I myself am contemplating a somewhat large project, but I'm not promising anything.

Still, I can't wait to see the end result.
Jitteh Dawn --- A VN by Ivlivs

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Re: Tera to Mura to Wasuremono

#55 Post by Hime »

Huhuh... It has been a really long time since the last update in this thread, hasn't it? I've been mostly updating the blog these days, so... But I thought that I should update this thread once in a forever too. Schoolwork has been reducing my possibilities to write, so you could say that the progress has slowed down a bit... But anyway, it's the time for lints and stuff.

Linear storyline ~ 100% (Not yet corrected, the testing is still going on, but anyway!)
Tera question arc ~ ?%
Tera answer arc ~ 0%
Mura question arc ~ ?% (I truly can't estimate it anymore...)
Mura answer arc ~ 0%
Character graphics ~ 0%
CGs ~ 0%
Backgrounds ~ 0%
Customization ~ ??%
Music ~ 0%
Extras ~ 0%
The colour codes so that I can remember them: 0%, 1-15%, 16-50%, 51-99%, 100%
Lint statistics wrote:The game contains 2004 screens of dialogue.
These screens contain a total of 35697 words.
For an average of 17.8 words per screen.
The game contains 15 menus.
The thing that I've been noticing these days, too, is that my current style of writing everything about Ryuu's life not depending on if it's essential or not might not be the most suitable one for the project. I've been wondering if I should change it to the Tsukihime-approach: For example, Shiki is invited for dinner, and then the game fades to the moment after the dinner, skipping the unneccessary content. There are some obstacles, though. To mention some, I've already written a lot with this style, so changing it would mean deleting and editing a lot of text, then some of the hinting parts might appear a bit too obvious (as this is a mystery genre game) if those would be shown whereas some other scenes are not. The latter thing wouldn't be really major though. But otherwise, it would be not only a lot more interesting for the player but much lighter for me to write as well. I think that unless I change the writing style, the arcs will get like 80000 words long and take years to write per piece... And I don't wish to finish this game as a 30-year-old, I doubt many of you would like to see that either. This is a really important matter concerning Tera to Mura to Wasuremono, so if any of you have any opinions, anything to say, anything to comment on this matter, please... I'd love to hear some.

Please. ;_;

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Re: Tera to Mura to Wasuremono

#56 Post by DaFool »

Hime wrote: The thing that I've been noticing these days, too, is that my current style of writing everything about Ryuu's life not depending on if it's essential or not might not be the most suitable one for the project. I've been wondering if I should change it to the Tsukihime-approach: For example, Shiki is invited for dinner, and then the game fades to the moment after the dinner, skipping the unneccessary content.
Don't change your style midway... stick through with what's familiar. That's the key to completing a project.

That being said, a lot of commercial VNs are needlessly wordy. But perhaps that's because they are life-simulators (see essay in rocket's blog). Very few are actually cinematic where they cut to the right scene (yes, even EF seems wordy from the demo). The only game that really felt efficient for me was Piece of Wonder, but that's probably because it's a doujin hybrid strategy game.

At least what visual novels can almost cut down on everytime is in describing settings and locations, since pictures take their place. That already trims out a lot of needless descriptive text.

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Re: Tera to Mura to Wasuremono

#57 Post by Hime »

DaFool wrote:
Hime wrote: The thing that I've been noticing these days, too, is that my current style of writing everything about Ryuu's life not depending on if it's essential or not might not be the most suitable one for the project. I've been wondering if I should change it to the Tsukihime-approach: For example, Shiki is invited for dinner, and then the game fades to the moment after the dinner, skipping the unneccessary content.
Don't change your style midway... stick through with what's familiar. That's the key to completing a project.

That being said, a lot of commercial VNs are needlessly wordy. But perhaps that's because they are life-simulators (see essay in rocket's blog). Very few are actually cinematic where they cut to the right scene (yes, even EF seems wordy from the demo). The only game that really felt efficient for me was Piece of Wonder, but that's probably because it's a doujin hybrid strategy game.

At least what visual novels can almost cut down on everytime is in describing settings and locations, since pictures take their place. That already trims out a lot of needless descriptive text.
I don't know which one would be more familiar to me in general of these two styles... And the thing is, the new writing style would be easier as some scenes that have no special content, such as the characters having dinner, can be suprisingly hard to make non-repetitive, thus making completing the project easier. After all, it could be estimated that the whole script is under 20%, if not even under 15% complete, so it might end up easier to change the style now and complete the whole thing with it. I'd just have to edit the previos text a bit, not completely rewrite it. What makes me hesitate this style the most, however, is that I'd have to delete scenes that I've already written, unless I wish to make the game in whole weird.

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Re: Tera to Mura to Wasuremono

#58 Post by monele »

Hmm... this is a tough one. On one hand, writing in a quicker style should ensure that what's read by the player should be the most interesting (and comparing to the filler-text filled commercial VNs, I'm thinking it might be a good thing)... And that the game is released faster... and that you have less chances to get bored of it. On the other hand, you'd have to cut already-written scenes and maybe take out flavor text that might enhance the way we feel about the characters.

.... If instead of immediately removing scenes, you just tried writing in this new style a bit, just to see if you enjoy it? Then you can make a choice about going that way or sticking to the original style.

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Re: Tera to Mura to Wasuremono

#59 Post by Hime »

Long time no updates!

First of all, as late as I am, the testing for TeraMura's linear part has been cancelled for now for various reasons, such as many testers not being able to test it after all.

...Progressing with the script, though~!
The first arc's completion (script) is scheduled to March 8th, International Woman's Day. Just because there were no other nice days in March. ^^; Well, perhaps woman's day suits a bishoujo game anyway... It's going to be a tough one and I cannot promise a 100% success possibility, but I'll be aiming for that date. I have to set some smaller goals, after all. :) I'm going to write like crazy! :D

Oh, and I changed the writing style too. I haven't edited the linear part yet, though, but I now consider this approach better.

Linear storyline ~ 100% (not edited)
Tera question arc ~ ~2%
Tera answer arc ~ 0%
Mura question arc ~ 43%
Mura answer arc ~ 0%
Character graphics ~ 0%
CGs ~ 0%
Backgrounds ~ 0%
Customization ~ ??%
Music ~ 0%
Extras ~ 0%
The colour codes so that I can remember them: 0%, 1-15%, 16-50%, 51-99%, 100%
Lint statistics wrote:The game contains 2454 screens of dialogue.
These screens contain a total of 43931 words.
For an average of 17.9 words per screen.
The game contains 17 menus.

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