Halloween otome [GxB] - Tyler's OP EP mp3 + walthrough added

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Re: Halloween otome [GxB] - Tyler's OP EP mp3 + walthrough a

#61 Post by FjärilPrincess »

I just wanted to say that Tyler's a singing God and ,like,I love his voice.I get invisible nosebleeds every time I listen to his songs.Such a sexy voice.MMMMMM <3. Thank you for the songs! And tell Tyler that I say 'thanks' for making the songs and allowing you guys to post it :'D.
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Re: Halloween otome [GxB] - Tyler's OP EP mp3 + walthrough a

#62 Post by Hazel-Bun »

Downloading now, can't wait to see my lovely mummy man in action haha!
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Re: Halloween otome [GxB] - Tyler's OP EP mp3 + walthrough a

#63 Post by Victoria »

So, I kind of have a problem with the Extra section.
I think I've got every possible ending by now, but this problem has been occuring for a longer time.
Whenever I click "Extra", the game kind of freezes. I can see everything and the music keeps playing, but if I try to click "Next" or "Endings" or any other option, it simply won't react and the only option I have is to shut it down forcibly. A few times the game did it for me on its own and I got this message:
I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.

While running game code:
File "renpy/common/00start.rpy", line 157, in script
File "renpy/common/00start.rpy", line 159, in python
File "renpy/common/_layout/screen_main_menu.rpym", line 11, in script
Exception: Could not set video mode.

-- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------

Full traceback:
File "C:\Users\Korisnik\Desktop\Games\Halloween-Otome-1.0-all\Halloween-Otome-1.0-all\renpy\bootstrap.py", line 265, in bootstrap
File "C:\Users\Korisnik\Desktop\Games\Halloween-Otome-1.0-all\Halloween-Otome-1.0-all\renpy\main.py", line 327, in main
File "C:\Users\Korisnik\Desktop\Games\Halloween-Otome-1.0-all\Halloween-Otome-1.0-all\renpy\main.py", line 78, in run
File "C:\Users\Korisnik\Desktop\Games\Halloween-Otome-1.0-all\Halloween-Otome-1.0-all\renpy\execution.py", line 509, in run_context
File "C:\Users\Korisnik\Desktop\Games\Halloween-Otome-1.0-all\Halloween-Otome-1.0-all\renpy\execution.py", line 288, in run
File "C:\Users\Korisnik\Desktop\Games\Halloween-Otome-1.0-all\Halloween-Otome-1.0-all\renpy\ast.py", line 720, in execute
renpy.python.py_exec_bytecode(self.code.bytecode, self.hide, store=self.store)
File "C:\Users\Korisnik\Desktop\Games\Halloween-Otome-1.0-all\Halloween-Otome-1.0-all\renpy\python.py", line 1308, in py_exec_bytecode
exec bytecode in globals, locals
File "renpy/common/00start.rpy", line 159, in <module>
File "C:\Users\Korisnik\Desktop\Games\Halloween-Otome-1.0-all\Halloween-Otome-1.0-all\renpy\game.py", line 279, in call_in_new_context
return renpy.execution.run_context(False)
File "C:\Users\Korisnik\Desktop\Games\Halloween-Otome-1.0-all\Halloween-Otome-1.0-all\renpy\execution.py", line 509, in run_context
File "C:\Users\Korisnik\Desktop\Games\Halloween-Otome-1.0-all\Halloween-Otome-1.0-all\renpy\execution.py", line 288, in run
File "C:\Users\Korisnik\Desktop\Games\Halloween-Otome-1.0-all\Halloween-Otome-1.0-all\renpy\ast.py", line 720, in execute
renpy.python.py_exec_bytecode(self.code.bytecode, self.hide, store=self.store)
File "C:\Users\Korisnik\Desktop\Games\Halloween-Otome-1.0-all\Halloween-Otome-1.0-all\renpy\python.py", line 1308, in py_exec_bytecode
exec bytecode in globals, locals
File "renpy/common/_layout/screen_main_menu.rpym", line 11, in <module>
$ ui.interact()
File "C:\Users\Korisnik\Desktop\Games\Halloween-Otome-1.0-all\Halloween-Otome-1.0-all\renpy\ui.py", line 237, in interact
rv = renpy.game.interface.interact(roll_forward=roll_forward, **kwargs)
File "C:\Users\Korisnik\Desktop\Games\Halloween-Otome-1.0-all\Halloween-Otome-1.0-all\renpy\display\core.py", line 1853, in interact
repeat, rv = self.interact_core(preloads=preloads, **kwargs)
File "C:\Users\Korisnik\Desktop\Games\Halloween-Otome-1.0-all\Halloween-Otome-1.0-all\renpy\display\core.py", line 2371, in interact_core
File "C:\Users\Korisnik\Desktop\Games\Halloween-Otome-1.0-all\Halloween-Otome-1.0-all\renpy\display\core.py", line 1796, in restored
File "C:\Users\Korisnik\Desktop\Games\Halloween-Otome-1.0-all\Halloween-Otome-1.0-all\renpy\display\core.py", line 1391, in set_mode
raise Exception("Could not set video mode.")
Exception: Could not set video mode.

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Re: Halloween otome [GxB] - Tyler's OP EP mp3 + walthrough a

#64 Post by Mystyk »

Very lovely game! I only played one route so far, but I enjoyed it! The only thing I could say was that when
there was the puzzle with the broken plate
the game somewhat "froze", so I couldn't move the pieces, so then I tried to close the game (but I didn't choose leave) so after that it was fixed, so I wonder if it was my computer's fault or the game's fault o.o but anyway, I wish I could draw like you, and make such an interesting story. Great job!

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Re: Halloween otome [GxB] - Tyler's OP EP mp3 + walthrough a

#65 Post by Doomzilla »

I loved your game! All of the characters were so entertaining (including the very charming MC) that it's difficult to pick a favorite. I think I have to go with Mr Bandages, if only because his route made me laugh the most. The whole doctor's office scene with him was pure gold. Even just thinking about it is making me giggle. I also loved how everyone interacted with each other and felt like friends. This is one of the few games that didn't make me feel guilty when I picked another guy's route.

I really enjoyed most of the mini games, and I'd like to see more VNs do something similar. They were simple enough to be an amusing diversion, rather than a frustrating one... with one exception. I'm still not sure if I was just missing something, but the spot the differences kippy statue gave me issues. I'm pretty sure I found them all, but if I didn't double click in a certain spot it didn't seem to progress. Maybe there's a difference there I couldn't see, but I thought I'd say something in case it's a bug. I also liked that you gave the option to skip them both at the beginning and in game. I haven't skipped any yet, but I'm sure I will if I go back to get the bad end CGs.

Great job, and I hope to see more from you guys in the future!

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Re: Halloween otome [GxB] - Tyler's OP EP mp3 + walthrough a

#66 Post by KittyKatStar »

I only finished two endings, but I enjoyed Mr. Wolf and The Count's routes. <3 (I really love the shy, sweet, characters.)

Thanks so much for this game, and congrats on getting it done. ^_^v

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Re: Halloween otome [GxB] - Tyler's OP EP mp3 + walthrough a

#67 Post by .usa »

I just finished playing it right now and I loved it!

Yesterday when I started playing it seemed kind of boring, but, as I thought, it was just when I started (the beginning of everything is boring to me actually, I need a bit of time to get into it :lol: ).
The characters were really well done and their conversations were fluid, like if it was real people talking! I personally liked most Mr. Wolf, so shy and... So red xD. The worst of them for me was Mr. Bandages, he was the rudest of rudest, but I have to congratulate you, I don't think I could never do a character like that, is out of my reach orz.
Ah, and the MC was funny, I'm glad she wasn't like so many otome's heroines (they're all really dumb!).

The minigames were, as the name indicates, simple minigames, but entertaining (couldn't finish the first one, I guess I'm so bad at puzzles).

Ah, and when you reach that certain scene where everything really looks like Halloween, god, it really scared me! (the music and sound effects -mirror/glass broking specially- were what made it look like a scary scene the most), I'm sensitive after all xD.

I got the general ending, but I will definitely go for the other ones!

Congratulations for finishing and releasing your game, it was really good and I really entertained it ^-^.

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Re: Halloween otome [GxB]

#68 Post by Mad Harlequin »

15385bic wrote:if we ever do another vn -you may or may not see more on the history/bg/development of the characters
writing issues we will make note of and hopefully put out a patch later on.
In regards to nauseous; Count is human and as it is a common mistake that people use, so much that the Merriam-Webster has taken as becoming correct - we will leave it as is. Not all of the things that our characters say are grammatically correct and we want to put some of those flaws in there. To remove those flaws is to remove part of their personality.
Oh, don't worry. I understand that the grammar isn't going to be immaculate. I just wasn't sure if you actually intended for him to use "nauseous" as opposed to nauseated. In any case, I'm glad you're aware of that issue! (I take writing very, very seriously, so it makes me happy to know that you do too. :))
Osiria? - was named after a pretty rose which i favoured (the only rose i've ever been interested in)
We also wanted her name to start with an O because Ojou-sama(young lady) ... or Oujo-sama(princess)
Her initials are OJS >_> <-- what can I say - we have our quirks - and believe me when I say - that character development is a LOT more than what appears in the game as we were always sidetracked (while writing it ) with random scenarios that readers would never see :P
After looking up a picture of those roses, I can see why you chose to name her after them. If you do make another VN, I hope to see more of her (and that butler of hers---I'm intrigued by their potential history).
Also Halloween otome started off as a 2 month project to see what we could spew out in a limited time. The deadline was literally Halloween (in which we finished the demo) and thus it was named "Halloween Otome" <-- since obviously we were making an otome.
We were not expecting to make something as long as it currently is.
Ah, I thought this might be the case. No worries. I wanted to be honest in my review, so I mentioned my thoughts regarding the title, but of all my concerns, this was the least pressing. Thank you for your response!
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Re: Halloween otome [GxB] - Tyler's OP EP mp3 + walthrough a

#69 Post by Starshine »

Just finished playing through this whole game and loved it. What i noticed when loading the game was that you used your fox character for the icon when loading the game. Let's just say the wolf character really called out to me (As said before), you put so much time and effort into the game and the music is modern let's say that will be a + with people. Let's just say it's a game that i will keep and see how many endings i get, i just kept looking for the wolf character and agreeing with him. I kinda wish i was as creative when writing a story, but my mind is kinda blank... i won't add any dead-on spoilers lets just say this is a game you definitely want to play if your looking for some male-anime characters that stand out.

Confused: (When playing i got all mixed up)
When starting the game i kinda got a little confused when it stated "Lucky Lady" and i thought to myself what about the male gamers who are playing? But then i realised that the main character is "Miss Archer" to be honest i got mixed up who was who.
Lucky Lady.PNG
Lucky Lady.PNG (20.52 KiB) Viewed 5314 times
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Re: Halloween otome [GxB] - Tyler's OP EP mp3 + walthrough a

#70 Post by lemonokashi »

It was so good! If you sold those cute dolls they turned into from the final trial I would buy one!

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Re: Halloween otome [GxB] - Tyler's OP EP mp3 + walthrough a

#71 Post by sayu_k »

I started playing and couldn't stop! The game was so beautiful and I loved the story and the characters!!
I played two days in a row without stopping!
I got 4 endings: Mr. Wolf good end - lose and win, Mr. Count good end and Mr. Bandages good end.
I don't seem able to get the bad ends! :(
Could you provide a walkthrough to it?!

I loved every ending!! It was a marvelous game! :)

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Re: Halloween otome [GxB] - Tyler's OP EP mp3 + walthrough a

#72 Post by Kyra10 »

I just finished a route, and I have to say that I really enjoyed this game! :)
I went after Mr. Wolf first and got his good end. He's really cute, especially when he blushes.
Thanks for making such an awesome game! I'm off to get the other endings~ ^v^

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Re: Halloween otome [GxB] - Tyler's OP EP mp3 + walthrough a

#73 Post by AntiquedFae »

jhgkshslutl It's done?!!!? HOW DID I MISS THIS?!?! -downloads immediately- HOW?!
Must. Play. Now.
...I will report back once I have calmed down. -___-
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Re: Halloween otome [GxB] - Tyler's OP EP mp3 + walthrough a

#74 Post by Chibichann »

i am going to download an play an comment k.LOOK SOOO KAWIII<"

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Re: Halloween otome [GxB] - Tyler's OP EP mp3 + walthrough a

#75 Post by curseofmight »

FjärilPrincess wrote:I just wanted to say that Tyler's a singing God and ,like,I love his voice.I get invisible nosebleeds every time I listen to his songs.Such a sexy voice.MMMMMM <3. Thank you for the songs! And tell Tyler that I say 'thanks' for making the songs and allowing you guys to post it :'D.

hi :)

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