Magical Boutique

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#76 Post by Blue Lemma »

I think it might be a good idea to just have another full distribution with all the patches implemented... It's getting confusing ^_^;

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#77 Post by monele »

Yes yes yes ^^ sorry... we just made an internal test yesterday and this time it seems the coast is clear. I'll post a whole new 1.1 version as soon as possible (either in 3 hours or 9 hours).

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#78 Post by DaFool »

It's been almost a week and I'm still high on release adrenaline :D

Yeah, instead of doing drugs, get high on game-making!

Many thanks to monele for putting up with my overbearing and slave-driving and makulit attitude. Monele's concept, idea, and story was just too good to remain in limbo, so a finished version just had to happen. Almost all of the talent is monele's. The story is no where near complete, since it's epic, and there are more characters to be introduced. After the more or less final version is released I will go on sabbatical to fulfill my other gamemaking obligations and allow monele time to develop 2.0 in his own pace. Maybe he wants other people to join up in this or other projects.

Thanks to everyone who posted comments in this or the Works in Progress thread, for your contributions and believing in us. This is for you, the Lemmasoft forum members, most especially.

In preparation for universal distro, I made another promo pic:

So we now present to you the most advanced Ren'Py game created yet...


LOL, where is it?

Just kidding, it's coming, it's coming... :D

(no pressure)

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#79 Post by monele »

I'm having the worst headache right now, so 1.1 will have to wait @_@...
In the mean time, here's the G patch, which is the most recent fixed version.

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#80 Post by DaFool »

*hands monele some aspirin

In summary, just to confirm...1.0C patch with G?

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#81 Post by musical74 »

Dafool: that's what I did, seems to have worked =)

I noticed something odd...and then it hit me what was odd. As in the demo, Fram shows the hero the recipe for Breath of the Just, and the new location, only...there's no demand for it. NONE. Every time I've played the game, there's no requests for Breath of the Just. Will this problem be fixed in later versions? As it is right now...there's no reason to send Fram off to the Forest of Sympathy, as there's no demand for Breath of the Just...also, a very minor spelling mistake that I caught, when Fram and the player are introduced to Pom, there's a spelling mistake...rythm should be rhythm.

I like the updated patch. It explains the backgrounds of everyone now =)
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#82 Post by monele »

*hands monele some aspirin
Gosh, thanks... but even that was not enough. I was stuck in bed for two hours, thinking it might pass, but it didn't... When I woke up, it was 4am... okay... and I hadn't had dinner.
So I did something weird this morning : I had dinner XD. Anyway, feeling better now ^^
In summary, just to confirm...1.0C patch with G?
Yep. Patch D was a bad idea (just one file). Now all patches contain *all* the files so you can patch any version with them and still get the same result.
Fram shows the hero the recipe for Breath of the Just, and the new location, only...there's no demand for it. NONE.
See, DaFool? XD... Maybe that's why I unconsciously had it with some reputation to begin with .... (or not XD).

Anyway, this is not a bug but a "fix". It seemed weird people would ask for something they didn't know. Now my error was to have the trigger for sales a bit too high. I'll fix that for 1.1.

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#83 Post by DaFool »

monele wrote:
Fram shows the hero the recipe for Breath of the Just, and the new location, only...there's no demand for it. NONE.
See, DaFool? XD... Maybe that's why I unconsciously had it with some reputation to begin with .... (or not XD).

Anyway, this is not a bug but a "fix". It seemed weird people would ask for something they didn't know. Now my error was to have the trigger for sales a bit too high. I'll fix that for 1.1.
Oh boy :? Okay, now that we've experienced both extremes in demand, hopefully the middle range value will work alright now.

Thanks, Musical74.
I usually stock at least 5 of each potion, that's why the Breath of the Just event triggered for me.

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#84 Post by dizzcity »

Well, I finally made time to sit down and play through it (even though I have deadlines pressing down on me!). Played the g-patch version, didn't have any problems at all. But perhaps it's because I've played the previous versions so many times I sort of know what to do.

Let me say this again: I have loved, and still love, this game. :)
Only played through it once, but it seems my strategy of rebuilding reputation after resting everyone to 100 morale and stocking up 500 ingredients still works. After the tax-collector arc I let it drop down to around 9.0 (overall) while I rested for about three whole weeks before resuming operations. Took a longer time to reach the end (I think I hit it around Day 125 or something), but the end quest was a piece of cake as a result. Completed it within one week, from start to finish. Ended the game with all people at 96 morale or higher, stocks totalling about 400 ingredients, shelves at around 178 (whew, luckily there was enough space!) potions, chariot for Pom, and about 700 gold left.

I like the writing. It's whimsical, funny, and very engaging. Although you can tell it's not written by a native English speaker (there are some phrases which are just structured differently), I actually think that adds to the effect instead of taking away from it. It's just different enough to seem like a faraway land and not 'modern' English, yet close enough to understand perfectly well. Your Frenchiness is showing, monele. :P :D

I also loved the new backgrounds for the shop! :D They're awesome. And Framboise's dress is lovely, too. In fact, Framboise looks a whole lot prettier than when I last saw her. Actually, during the second prototype release, when the character of Framboise changed from the short-haired cute girl to the long-haired one, I didn't think I would like her as much, but now I definitely approve of this long-haired Framboise more! (Maybe it's just seeing her in colour... or the dress, or something.)

One minor flaw is that the punctuation marks in the opening sequence are set rather far apart from the end of the sentence. Things like Framboise saying "I will take extra care of it, sir_!" And I think there was another sentence like that which ended in a question mark, but I can't find it right now.
In any case, congratulations! And a very well done! I remember promising to help write some quests for MagBou, and would still love to do so, but first I need to get rid of my other commitments. In the meantime, I'll wait and see where your story goes! :)

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#85 Post by mikey »

:( :( :(

I finally made some time alone, just me and the screen, downloaded 1.0c, updated it with the g-patch and played - and then, after giving Framboise a weak cure, the game crashed when I moved the mousewheel up. And I haven't saved and I'm so bad in these RPG-ish games and I was so happy that I've gotten that far - but it's just not meant to be - the game hates me, I've been spoiled and who knows what's next :cry:

I'll wait for a very final version and I'm not going to take anything else, I so wanted to play and like the game, because ever since I saw the first topic name "Magical Boutique", I KNEW that when it's finished, it would be a great game, just from that title alone.

It's very frustrating.

And I'm sorry to say this, but I have to - all those patches and glitches, this shouldn't really be here as "finished" yet. Just rename it to "betatesting" or something, because it's really not finished. And it's such a shame with a great game that I want to play and like so much.



Code: Select all

I'm sorry, but an exception occured while executing your Ren'Py

ValueError: list.remove(x): x not in list

While executing game script on line 303 of D:\Jeux\MagicalBoutique\magbou/game/custom.rpy.
While executing python code on line 303 of D:\Jeux\MagicalBoutique\magbou/game/custom.rpy.
While executing python code on line 16 of D:\Jeux\MagicalBoutique\magbou/game/quests.rpy.

-- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------

  File "S:\MagicalBoutique\magbou1.0c\renpy\", line 166, in bootstrap
  File "S:\MagicalBoutique\magbou1.0c\renpy\", line 275, in main
  File "S:\MagicalBoutique\magbou1.0c\renpy\", line 92, in run
  File "S:\MagicalBoutique\magbou1.0c\renpy\", line 97, in run
  File "S:\MagicalBoutique\magbou1.0c\renpy\", line 375, in execute
  File "S:\MagicalBoutique\magbou1.0c\renpy\", line 851, in py_exec_bytecode
  File "D:\Jeux\MagicalBoutique\magbou/game/custom.rpy", line 303, in <module>
  File "D:\Jeux\MagicalBoutique\magbou/game/quests.rpy", line 16, in clearquest
  File "S:\MagicalBoutique\magbou1.0c\renpy\", line 217, in do_mutation
ValueError: list.remove(x): x not in list

While executing game script on line 303 of D:\Jeux\MagicalBoutique\magbou/game/custom.rpy.
While executing python code on line 303 of D:\Jeux\MagicalBoutique\magbou/game/custom.rpy.
While executing python code on line 16 of D:\Jeux\MagicalBoutique\magbou/game/quests.rpy.

Ren'Py Version: Ren'Py 6.1.0c

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#86 Post by monele »

It's just different enough to seem like a faraway land and not 'modern' English
Eh ^^... I'm glad the clumsiness actually results in some exotism :).
Also glad you like the new Framb ;)
Good spot on the punctuation. I thought I had fixed them all ^^;
I'm really eager to see people try their hand at quests like Jake did before ^^. I wouldn't mind a "fan-extended" version :).

mikey : Aagh ;o;... I'm so sorry... But you're right, I guess we were too eager and proud while this isn't really *release* material.
Also, this rollback thing is really hellish :|... I don't really know the internals so I tend to skip over these bugs, thinking "erm... no one will get this, right?...". But of course people will :/...
For your specific bug, I think I see what happened : you rolled back right after the quest was done, right? If so, it seems it first cleared the quest... and when you rolled back, it didn't put it back. Then, when it tried to clear it again, it failed and crashed.
Um, PyTom? I think I'll need your help here ^^;... How can I make my objects work with rollback? I thought they did but this proves they don't :/.

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#87 Post by PyTom »

The key is that the object needs to be reachable from a variable that is changed after the game start. (That is, not in the init code.) If you do this, then the object will be saved, and will participate in rollback. For example, if we have:

Code: Select all

init python:
    class C(object):
          def __init__(self):
              self.count = 0
    c1 = C()

label start:
    $ c2 = C()

    "Point A."

    $ c1.count += 1
    $ c2.count += 1

    $ c1_count = c1.count
    $ c2_count = c2.count

    "Point b: c1.count = %(c1_count)d, c2.count = %(c2_count)d"
And you roll back and forth between the two says, you'll see c1.count increasing while c2.count stays the same. This is because c2 is changed (in this case, initialized) after the game has started, while c1 is not.

Hope this clarifies things.
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#88 Post by monele »

Hmmrr... that's how I thought it worked... Gah, I'll have to look into this :/... Thanks!

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#89 Post by DaFool »

mikey wrote: And I'm sorry to say this, but I have to - all those patches and glitches, this shouldn't really be here as "finished" yet. Just rename it to "betatesting" or something, because it's really not finished.
Thanks for your input.

Perhaps we need another subforum for 'Betatesting' as games get more and more complicated. That way people will think twice before releasing something immediately, opting for further polish instead. Although, having more professional expectations might discourage some who think their projects will never be polished enough.

Specifically here, the thing is, there is only so much bugs that can be discovered within a 2-man team, we still need as many players to report their experiences. So sorry that we get this report at the expense of your ruined experience. At least we have comfort that, being a more gameplay-oriented system, it *usually* has more replayability, than for example, a kinetic novel.

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#90 Post by monele »

PyTom :

Code: Select all

This seems to be the function not picked up by rollback for some reason. If you roll back after it, it won't add anything back. (magasin.quests is a simple list of Quest objects).
I'll try to add this :

Code: Select all

magasin.quests = magasin.quests
after the remove and see if it helps. Will keep you updated.

EDIT : ... it doesn't work ;o;...

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