Dungeon Crawl RPG Framework

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Re: Dungeon Crawl RPG Framework 2.0

#76 Post by Eiliya »

Quick question, am I allowed to use this for commersial projects?

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Re: Dungeon Crawl RPG Framework 2.0

#77 Post by Donmai »

Eiliya wrote:Quick question, am I allowed to use this for commersial projects?
Quick answer :wink:
nyaatrap wrote:This framework is in the public domain.
No, sorry! You must be mistaking me for someone else.
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Re: Dungeon Crawl RPG Framework 2.0

#78 Post by Eiliya »

I will assume that means yes :-)

Never mind the spoiler, I got it to work after playing around abit with it.
Here's another question, then.

I've created my dungeon (using placeholder images cause I suck at drawing) and I'd very much like to combine this with Jakes Battle Engine. More specifically, I would like the random encounters in my dungeon (which has been created from this framework) to connect with the Active Time Gauge type of battle from Jakes Engine.

Here's my coding. The first one is basically just the original script from this thread, with a remade map and the battle-tag calling a different label. I want it to generate random encounters of dwarves, but I get no encounters at all T_T.

Code: Select all

label start:

        attack = Skill("Attack", "attack", 70, 20)
        escape = Skill("Escape", "escape")

        hero = Actor("Hero",100, [attack,escape])
        goblin = Actor("Goblin",40, [attack])

    $ here=Coordinate(woods,8,10,1,0) 
    call dungeon
    call random_woods_battle
Here's the code for the random encounter generator, incase something is wrong here.

Code: Select all

label random_woods_battle:
    $ d100 = renpy.random.randint(1, 100)
    if d100 >= 15:
        call woods_dwarf1
    elif d100 =< 70:
        call woods_dwarf3
        call woods_dwarf2
label woods_dwarf1:
    # I know these work and I have all the relevant engine-scripts, so I cut this out to save space in my post.

label woods_dwarf2:
    # I know these work and I have all the relevant engine-scripts, so I cut this out to save space in my post.

label woods_dwarf3:
    # I know these work and I have all the relevant engine-scripts, so I cut this out to save space in my post.

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Re: Dungeon Crawl RPG Framework 2.0

#79 Post by nyaatrap »

in the dungeon.rpy,

Code: Select all

        # Check events. If it happens, call a label or jump out to a label.
        if here.stage.enemy is not None and renpy.random.random()< .2:
            call battle(player=hero, enemy=here.stage.enemy)
is the lines where a battle label is called inside of dungeon crawling. Rewrite this statements.

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Re: Dungeon Crawl RPG Framework 2.0

#80 Post by Eiliya »

Thanks, Nyaatrap :-)

Can I ask something else? Let's say I wanted a tile in the dungeon to lead out of the dungeon, or maybe have a special event on it. How do I code that?

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Re: Dungeon Crawl RPG Framework 2.0

#81 Post by nyaatrap »

There are several ways to do it.
One simple example is layout "x" instead of "0" on the map, then add a following line on the dungeon.rpy:

Code: Select all

if here.stage.map[here.y][here.x] == "x":
    jump label_x_event

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Re: Dungeon Crawl RPG Framework 2.0

#82 Post by Eiliya »

nyaatrap wrote:There are several ways to do it.
One simple example is layout "x" instead of "0" on the map, then add a following line on the dungeon.rpy:

Code: Select all

if here.stage.map[here.y][here.x] == "x":
    jump label_x_event
It's really late here right now, but I will take a look at this tomorrow and see if I can get it to work. Thanks alot for the feedback :-)

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Re: Dungeon Crawl RPG Framework 2.0

#83 Post by JaxxyLupei »

Is there a way to use the battle system minus the dungeon crawler aspect? I'm working on a date sim where there are fighting scenes during some bits.

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Re: Dungeon Crawl RPG Framework

#84 Post by DaFool »

I was able to add more depth to the dungeon by using right3, left3, front3 since I felt the dungeon kinda felt wonky without being able to see more than two corridors down.

Code: Select all

label dungeon:
    # To start exploring, call or jump to this label
    # To exit, create an event which has return or jump statement.
    while True:
        # Calculate relative coordinates
            turnright=Coordinate(here.stage, here.y,here.x, here.dx,-here.dy)
            turnleft=Coordinate(here.stage, here.y, here.x, -here.dx,here.dy)
            turnback=Coordinate(here.stage, here.y,here.x, -here.dy,-here.dx)
            right0=Coordinate(here.stage, here.y+here.dx,here.x-here.dy, here.dy,here.dx)
            left0=Coordinate(here.stage, here.y-here.dx,here.x+here.dy, here.dy,here.dx)
            front1=Coordinate(here.stage, here.y+here.dy,here.x+here.dx, here.dy,here.dx)
            right1=Coordinate(here.stage, front1.y+front1.dx,front1.x-front1.dy, here.dy,here.dx)
            left1=Coordinate(here.stage, front1.y-front1.dx,front1.x+front1.dy, here.dy,here.dx)
            front2=Coordinate(here.stage, front1.y+front1.dy,front1.x+front1.dx, here.dy,here.dx)
            right2=Coordinate(here.stage, front2.y+front2.dx,front2.x-front2.dy, here.dy,here.dx)
            left2=Coordinate(here.stage, front2.y-front2.dx,front2.x+front2.dy, here.dy,here.dx)    
            front3=Coordinate(here.stage, front2.y+front2.dy,front2.x+front2.dx, here.dy,here.dx)
            right3=Coordinate(here.stage, front3.y+front3.dx,front3.x-front3.dy, here.dy,here.dx)
            left3=Coordinate(here.stage, front3.y-front3.dx,front3.x+front3.dy, here.dy,here.dx)  
        # Composite background images. Try-except clauses are used to prevent the List Out of Index Error
        show floor
            for i in ["left3", "right3", "front3", "left2", "right2", "front2", "left1", "right1", "front1", "left0", "right0"]:
                    if j.stage.map[j.y][j.x]=="1":
I even got strafing to work

Code: Select all

        if right0.stage.map[right0.y][right0.x] is not "1":        
            textbutton ">" action Return(value=right0) xcenter .8 ycenter .5
        if left0.stage.map[left0.y][left0.x] is not "1":        
            textbutton "<" action Return(value=left0) xcenter .2 ycenter .5
though it turns out the JP PC dungeon crawlers just use 4 keys unintuitively.

Now, this code is simply brilliant and I only got to use it now but it's just so nice and simple.

EDIT: Got keymap to work, it's so simple!

Code: Select all

#don't forget to disable screenshot using     $ config.keymap['screenshot'].remove('s')

screen move:
    # Screen which shows move buttons and a minimap 
    fixed style_group "move":
        if front1.stage.map[front1.y][front1.x] is not "1":
            textbutton "↑" action Return(value=front1)  xcenter .5 ycenter .4
        textbutton "→" action Return(value=turnright) xcenter .6 ycenter .5
        textbutton "↓" action Return(value=turnback) xcenter .5 ycenter .6
        textbutton "←" action Return(value=turnleft) xcenter .4 ycenter .5

        if front1.stage.map[front1.y][front1.x] is not "1":
            key "w" action Return(value=front1)
        key "d" action Return(value=turnright)
        key "s" action Return(value=turnback)
        key "a" action Return(value=turnleft)
I would really, really like to be able to use alternate wall tiles and have the dungeon remember them. Just purely aesthetics. But the dungeon remembers only whole blocks, not individual wall panels.

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Re: Dungeon Crawl RPG Framework

#85 Post by Jamiefox234 »

Hi im new to renpy, I just wanted to know how to would create multiple enemies in one area, like final fantasy for example, or just encounter different enemies besides a goblin. Also can you explain in full detail how to set up the events in the dungeon, because I set x in the map, and used the same code you gave in the other post, but the event still does not occur. I just want something like a boss battle to happen in a particular area of the map.

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Re: Dungeon Crawl RPG Framework

#86 Post by Sehaf »

So, regarding the "is it allowed to use in commercial game" question is still not really that answered as not everyone knows the exact extent of 'public domain'.
(Nor did a google search really answer my question either other then that is is free to use. but not outside the scope of for own use.)

Though my real question is a bit more topic related, as I try to use the code, I only get an error saying:

While running game code:
File "game/script.rpy", line 6, in script
File "game/script.rpy", line 26, in <module>
TypeError: __init__() got an unexpected keyword argument 'enemy'[/code]

After looking around a bit I have found that this is a compability issue with another skript of phyton that I use, though I do not know how to work around it as I do not know of where exactly the issue lie.

ignore the tiny text, found the problem and fixed it.
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Re: Dungeon Crawl RPG Framework

#87 Post by era27 »

Hi, thanks for this. I am having fun playing around with it.

However, I am having an issue with it. I want to copy the "dungeon" and "battle" scripts into my came so that I can incorporate them into my visual novel. For example, the player chooses to enter a cave, and then dungeon is called.

The dungeon loads just fine, but as I walk through the dungeon, the battle script never gets called. I have copied the relevent code from script.rpy into my script.rpy and moved dungeon.rpy and battle.rpy into my folder. Is there something I am missing that enables the battle.rpy to be called at random?


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Re: Dungeon Crawl RPG Framework

#88 Post by Matala »

I'm trying to make something of a visible exit with this code and was wondering what might be the best way of getting that to work.

What I've currently got:

for i in ["front3","left3","right3", "left2", "right2", "front2", "left1", "right1", "front1", "left0", "right0"]:
if j.stage.map[j.y][j.x]=="1":
elif j.stage.map[j.y][j.x]=="2":

And the map is setup up as such:


The x and the w are just event markers. x is a treasure and w is the trigger to get players out of the dungeon.
I feel like I'm missing something simple here but I just can't quite seem to get what I'm missing, haha.

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Re: Dungeon Crawl RPG Framework

#89 Post by BinaryLion »

Thank you very much ! With your framework I started to make RPG, inspired by old Might and Magic and Shin Megami Tensei games. But sorry, currently it is so short and text only in Russian - but I want to make version in English language in future.

To Matala: "exit2", even if you named it like this, is just one picture, so you will get same look of that exit from near or far distances. Try to make different pictures of exit or use Transform to be sure that exit will be look as it should be from different PoVs.
Screenshot of crawler
Screenshot of crawler
Screenshot of battle
Screenshot of battle

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Re: Dungeon Crawl RPG Framework

#90 Post by Luxliev »

Wonderful framework.

There is one bug in Ren'py version 6.99.12.
You can get wall hack (you can move through walls and all arrows are available even though you're facing a wall). I don't know what triggers it.
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