Ren'Py Roadmap

In this forum we discuss the future of Ren'Py, both bug fixes and longer-term development. Pre-releases are announced and discussed here.
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Re: Ren'Py Roadmap

#76 Post by Jake »

EwanG wrote: Suppose someone could take Python and some of the alternate ideas around here and make just what you'd like to see if they wanted to. However, I can't say I've seen any evidence of anyone wanting to take on that challenge. :mrgreen:
If one were interested in developing a VN engine with a scripting language which - say - doesn't use significant whitespace, why would one necessarily start with Python?

And personally, I've seen several alternative attempts mentioned recently on this very forum. Sin came up with Novelty, which went for the entirely-UI-driven approach (although, IMO, still fell at the "trying to be far too generic to be usable" hurdle), there was someone whose name I forget offhand (sorry) writing an online-only engine which I seem to recall was called 'Fire' and had a much-reduced scripting featureset, and I know Fice is keen to continue active development of Sylph, which has a scripting language designed from the ground up to write VNs with, and he's expressed an interest in developing a fully-GUI designer tool.

If you've not seen any evidence of people taking on that challenge, it's only because you're not looking.
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Re: Ren'Py Roadmap

#77 Post by Counter Arts »

I would say that not only has ren'py been the major english visual novel engine on the block, but it also has maturity since people give feedback.

Of course we should also look towards improvement all the time but we also gotta prioritize a bit of what we want to do. Like iPhone ren'py! Oh man... that's going to be so awesome.

Although making an "intelliense" ren'py editor does sound good. Maybe it could intellisense the images as well.

*Dreams of that feature in the editor*
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Re: Ren'Py Roadmap

#78 Post by Jake »

Counter Arts wrote:I would say that not only has ren'py been the major english visual novel engine on the block, but it also has maturity since people give feedback.
Seriously - as Delta said earlier: it's not so much that it's "the major" English-language VN engine, it's that up until very very recently it's been pretty much "the only" English-language VN engine. ONScripter exists, but last time I checked the documentation either didn't exist or included large examples written in Japanese; Blade seems to have passed in the night, and for that matter seemed to have gone out of its way to have a near-unusable syntax. (I get that impression about [O]NScripter as well, but having never got through the docs to the point I could create anything in it I can't really comment fairly.)

It's true that Ren'Py is mature, in that it's core functionality is mostly stable and PyTom doesn't get carried away adding billions of barely-tested unnecessary features. It's also true that it's a pretty good bit of software in a lot of ways, I wouldn't try to dispute it. But it's frankly daft to use the fact that a lot of people use it to suggest that it must be the best way of doing things, because there just haven't been any other real ways of doing things until recently.

(And honestly, I still don't get this must-be-on-iPhone fad. The only people I've seen with iPhones have been the kind of pretentious tossers you'd never see stooping to trying a VN...)
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Re: Ren'Py Roadmap

#79 Post by jack_norton »

Jake wrote: (And honestly, I still don't get this must-be-on-iPhone fad. The only people I've seen with iPhones have been the kind of pretentious tossers you'd never see stooping to trying a VN...)
Well because there have been several posts on blogs with insane sales figures for iphone. Though I'm not sure if a VN would be a hit on iphone too. But if Pytom ports the whole python language, I could write any kind of game (RPGs, simulations, etc). So that might get interesting :)
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Re: Ren'Py Roadmap

#80 Post by Counter Arts »

Jake wrote:
Counter Arts wrote:I would say that not only has ren'py been the major english visual novel engine on the block, but it also has maturity since people give feedback.
It's true that Ren'Py is mature, in that it's core functionality is mostly stable and PyTom doesn't get carried away adding billions of barely-tested unnecessary features. It's also true that it's a pretty good bit of software in a lot of ways, I wouldn't try to dispute it. But it's frankly daft to use the fact that a lot of people use it to suggest that it must be the best way of doing things, because there just haven't been any other real ways of doing things until recently.
I think it's not about best way. I think it's about the access to other people who are knowledgeable about ren'py. There are more people who can advise others on how to use ren'py. Also, there are already people who are already making ren'py doing things beyond what the creator originally imagined.
(And honestly, I still don't get this must-be-on-iPhone fad. The only people I've seen with iPhones have been the kind of pretentious tossers you'd never see stooping to trying a VN...)
1.) Investors are interested in iPhone and mobile apps. (I live in an incubator dorm that focuses on mobile and see investors "encourage" me to consider mobile)

2.) Mobile visual novels are known in Japan (VP of Rogers (Canadian telecommunications giant) also knows about them and I didn't have to explain it to him)

3.) Makes the argument of "Books vs Visual Novels" more favoured towards Visual Novels. Books are portable and you don't have to sit down in front of your computer.
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Re: Ren'Py Roadmap

#81 Post by papillon »

Last I heard about Blade was them running that promotion where people submitting new projects might have a chance to win a free copy of the blade engine... which seemed pretty baffling, given that the people who really want to make games would probably have needed to already find another tool in order to make products and enter said contest in the first place.

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Re: Ren'Py Roadmap

#82 Post by DaFool »

I'd love to see a fully-translated kirikiri toolkit. Until then, I use positive psychological reinforcement. "Ren'Py is awesome." Repeat many times and it'll eventually approach absolute truth. I don't really care for the technical details... PyTom can do whatever the hell he wants (it's his program), and I'll just adapt. His opening up for discussion on features with people who have different recommendations is already a gesture. I had no other choices until very recently. And by this time using the renpy system has become second nature.

Even if Ren'Py is the shittiest piece of software out there (and it's not), in the hands of skilled people the results would be impressive. I aim to be that driver who pushes a Yugo or a Daewoo to perform remarkably, as opposed to a douchebag hiding in his Ferrari.

And for the record, I'm not PyTom's bitch. In fact, The Question was partially the result of his rejection of the artwork for the demo game he's always wanted. It just so happened that mikey thought "Shit, we can release this." Without The Question, there won't be any The Answer, nor will there be The Fucking Question. See, things always start small and shitty, then eventually snowball into awesomeness.

This will be the first and last time I will post in a butthurt manner.

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Re: Ren'Py Roadmap

#83 Post by PyTom »

Jake wrote:It's true that Ren'Py is mature, in that it's core functionality is mostly stable and PyTom doesn't get carried away adding billions of barely-tested unnecessary features. It's also true that it's a pretty good bit of software in a lot of ways, I wouldn't try to dispute it. But it's frankly daft to use the fact that a lot of people use it to suggest that it must be the best way of doing things, because there just haven't been any other real ways of doing things until recently.
I will argue that Ren'Py is a local optimum. I made several decisions relatively early in the process, and Ren'Py reflects those decisions:

- Ren'Py is textual.

I believe people are more productive in a textual environment than a graphical one, especially when writing dialogue and control structures. The textual environment also makes things like positioning images very repeatable:

show eileen happy at left

will always show Eileen at the same place, whereas a more graphical environment might make it easier to position her a few pixels off. (This could be solved by snapping as well, but perhaps with a loss of flexibility.)

Finally, a textual language lets us leverage existing tools, like text editors, spell checkers, and source control systems. This means that we don't have to reinvent these tools from scratch each time.

- Ren'Py includes Python

Every program grows until it includes a scripting language. This is especially true of visual novel engines, since visual novels and dating sims are fundamentally programs. The alternative view would be to see them as documents. But once you start getting control flow that branches based on variables, I think it's incorrect to think of them as documents.

Once you decide to include a scripting language, there's a choice between writing your own and using an existing language. Reusing an existing one has a lot of advantages, as it means that you can leverage quite a bit of existing work.

For example, Python ships with a very nice sort algorithm. That's something that people probably wouldn't include in a VN-specific scripting language, but there are cases where it can be used with VNs. (For example, one can sort a list of characters to find the one with the highest affection score.)

What's more, existing scripting languages tend to be thoroughly debugged, which can help.

Finally, there was the choice of language. I like Python, which is why I picked it. Ren'Py could have easily been Ren'Perl, Ren'Ruby, Ren'Lisp, Ren'Scheme, or Ren'Javascript... although I probably would have picked a different name in those cases. Javascript (which I understand KiriKiri uses) would have been an interesting choice, in retrospect.

(I'm not going to claim that I thought very hard about language choice back when I made Ren'Py. Python was certainly good enough, and I had been using it enough that I didn't run through other choices.)

I think it makes sense to have some unity between the scripting language choice and the script language. So Ren'Py naturally took on a Python-like syntax.

Now, that doesn't mean that Ren'Py is perfect... far from it. And there will be quite a few language changes in the next few months, to make things like image positioning and movement easier. But I do think the core language is basically sound, and so I don't think it needs to be redone from scratch, but rather carefully evolved.
(And honestly, I still don't get this must-be-on-iPhone fad. The only people I've seen with iPhones have been the kind of pretentious tossers you'd never see stooping to trying a VN...)
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Re: Ren'Py Roadmap

#84 Post by chronoluminaire »

For what it's worth, I'm happy with Ren'Py, and the design choices that went into it. I didn't know Python when I started using Ren'Py, and the whitespace tripped me up once or twice, but I found the language very usable, both simple to make simple games and powerful enough to do more powerful things.
(I know I'm a programmer, so I'm not in the "non-programmer" section of the target audience. But I don't think the target audience is entirely non-programmers.)

I learned Python in the course of writing Elven Relations and the Tile and Unit Engines, and was surprised to discover how much I liked it as a language. You get over whitespace-sensitivity - I wouldn't say I actively think it's a good thing, but I don't think it's a bad thing compared to "end" or braces - and many other aspects of Python make it a real pleasure to use compared to pretty much every other language I've used. (The only one I like comparably much to Python is MATLAB, which I get paid to use in my day job. So I'm pretty sorted really.)

There are many enhancements that could be made to Ren'Py. Some of them I can't see much point in, like monologue mode, but I'm not going to object to them. Some of them I can see some people would use, just not me.

There are only a small number of potential enhancements that I'd actively like to see in Ren'Py. One would be a way to avoid the need for quotes around every line of dialogue. (I can see that monologue mode achieves this, but only for the relatively small percentage of my scripts that have many lines spoken by the same character in succession.) Another would be a way to avoid Python lines for manipulating variables, just for elegance of being able to write a proper branching-and-recombining pure-VN in pure Ren'Py.

But overall, I'm very happy with the decisions PyTom made, and I hope none of us take for granted the amazing amount of effort he's put into maintaining Ren'Py and the associated resources, not to mention his very active presence here.
I released 3 VNs, many moons ago: Elven Relations (IntRenAiMo 2007), When I Rule The World (NaNoRenO 2005), and Cloud Fairy (the Cute Light & Fluffy Project, 2009).
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Re: Ren'Py Roadmap

#85 Post by jack_norton »

PyTom wrote: iPhone users buy software. (As opposed to pirating it.)
Ahem...that's what I was thinking too, before I read some recent news: ... 30310.html
iphone games can phone home and devs can track pirate usage, its estimated at 70->92% piracy.
any platform is good to make money as long as you make good stuff.
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Re: Ren'Py Roadmap

#86 Post by Jake »

PyTom wrote: I will argue that Ren'Py is a local optimum.
This is quite possibly true, and as I've said before it's certainly the best of it's rather small breed. And to be honest, I don't have many problems using it - but then, I'm a programmer, and have been for years. I don't think there's a huge problem with Ren'Py for people who are already competent programmers, I just think that it could be a lot better for people who aren't. And there are a lot more people who aren't.
PyTom wrote: I believe people are more productive in a textual environment than a graphical one, especially when writing dialogue and control structures.
Sure, and I'd agree - you only have to witness the lengthy discussion with Sin about GUI dialogue editing to see that.

But I'd also suggest that most people are less likely to start off using one, if there are graphical alternatives available. Witness the excitement around Novelty, for example. I quite honestly expect that there are people who download Ren'Py, discover that there's no graphical editor and immediately discard it without even trying to learn the scripting language. I wouldn't be at all surprised to find there are more people in this situation than there are competent Ren'Py scripters.
PyTom wrote: (This could be solved by snapping as well, but perhaps with a loss of flexibility.)
Frankly, it could be solved by any half-decent UI design, it's not an argument against graphical editors.

For example - by default, snap to pre-defined locations; hold Alt to fine-tune the position.
PyTom wrote: Finally, a textual language lets us leverage existing tools, like text editors
Did I miss the thread in which the JEdit/SciTE/decent text editor for all three platforms problem was solved? :3
PyTom wrote: Every program grows until it includes a scripting language. This is especially true of visual novel engines, since visual novels and dating sims are fundamentally programs. The alternative view would be to see them as documents. But once you start getting control flow that branches based on variables, I think it's incorrect to think of them as documents.

Once you decide to include a scripting language, there's a choice between writing your own and using an existing language. Reusing an existing one has a lot of advantages, as it means that you can leverage quite a bit of existing work.
Sure. But, as I've said before in this thread, I think Ren'Py goes about it the wrong way. You have your own syntax for your own commands, because otherwise it would still just be a Python API; you're always going to, to some extent. So why not make that a discrete language which is entirely sufficient for programming a simple VN with no 'special' bits, and then tighten the interface between Python and Ren'Py script? It doesn't matter what your scripting language is, it could even be a compiled language, just expose the entire Ren'Py scope to it in some form, allow it to modify it and give it some way to call Ren'Py-command methods.

I can happily agree that a VN engine needs a scripting language rather than just a set of rigid structures for all the basic VN things. I just don't see that this needs to go so far as in-line Python statements.

However, I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for not choosing Perl.
PyTom wrote: iPhone users buy software. (As opposed to pirating it.)
iPhone users have been shown to buy some software, piracy notwithstanding. But it seems very much to me like people are seeing early sales of a puzzle game in the genre (and play time) of Tetris and assuming that by extension they can make their first million selling a stat-heavy cow-farming sim to iPhone users. Or anything to iPhone users. Launching an iPhone app is not an automatic recipe for success!
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Re: Ren'Py Roadmap

#87 Post by Preludian »

RenJa (for Java) would have been cool too ;) with the benefit of having two great RAD's. But what I especially like is the bundling of Python with the game with no extra installation, simply unzip it anywhere, this is my most beloved feature. BTW, with notepad++ it's not so difficult to have autocomplete.

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Re: Ren'Py Roadmap

#88 Post by Jo'ogn »

I am using Ren'Py to make a point'n'click adventure atm. OMGlolzrotfl I sayed an sekrit. This is certainly quite off the normal VN road. But much of it is also dialogue.

I mentioned already - I am a programmer, C64 BASIC, Atari ST 16Bit BASIC, C, PHP, and a bunch of machine codes (6502, 68k, ATmega, Z80...). The first time I read space indented blocks I was like WTF?! And I got used to it, big obstracle? No.

I don't expect Ren'Py to be perfect. I tried Flash and dropped it. I played Jack_Norton's Flash version of "Trip to Bavaria". The first thing I missed was rollback.

I do not need my Ren'Py game(s) in a web-browser.

What are the specs of a iphone? How much sense does it make anyway? I am not going to make my games in 320x200 or sth, because it's some mobile hardware requirement...

The thing I like in Ren'Py is - from the point of a sound designer - how easily I can jump anywhere in the game I want to... Do that in Flash, or C(++), the whole compiling and publishing, can take a lot of time.

I am sound designer for the project Da Fool mentioned. I was presented with several 1000 lines of code/dialogue to make sound atmos for. It's rediculously easy to throw in a label and step back and forth in the code with roll back to check if my sounds fade in and out the way I want them too.

Hell, I worked with someone a few years ago who used the older version of Blitz Basic, it couldn't even loop a sound without creating a delay or click...

I just DL'ed 6.9.0 still have to test the sound panning - thanky PyTom!

I am also in another project that makes a PC 3D game (in c++ I suppose). Even though it's below PS2 niveau, its need to eat up all my dual core's resources and 1GB of RAM is almost frightening. Not to mention how long I need to wait till I get to the locations where I want to place my SFX for shots and explosions etc. If sth doesn't work I need to wait for the programer to re-programm and compile sth new for me... It's far from intuitive work for me.

As for 'improvements':

The moment you try to stuff everything into one solution it is bound to fail - you cannot please every one on this planet and you do not have to. I can choose to use Ren'Py or not. I do use Ren'Py because it fits my direction of making dialogue based (2D) games.

For those who want to make a simple VN, renpy is certainly easy enough. If you want to do more than just that, you have to learn a thing or two about programming, that's the way it is - even with Flash afaik. If you want to make an 'easy game development kit' for those who are mostly resistant to learning, it might be a totally different SDK.

My main issue is/was documentation of the functions with much OOP background, because for me those are difficult to see through. What sort of argument does a function (or method) accept? An int, a float, list, an array, a tupel? I had to understand what a tupel is first too. Because I didn't come across those in any language I used before.

PyTom already admitted that he suffers from a usual programmer's syndrom: "dislike to document". But this forum does make up a lot for it! This is why I am slightly concerned about those 'serious business' intentions of some, which might eventually lead to become too secretive and protective instead of cooperative and helpful as it is atm.
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Re: Ren'Py Roadmap

#89 Post by Ren »

PyTom wrote: - Ren'Py is textual.

I believe people are more productive in a textual environment than a graphical one, especially when writing dialogue and control structures. The textual environment also makes things like positioning images very repeatable
It depends on who you're talking about, really. Myself, I remember I thought I had done something wrong the first time
I downloaded Ren'Py and didn't get an interface.
I was very surprised, and it took me quite some time to understand that you could have a program with no interface like, say, Photoshop.

Granted, I know nothing about programming (and also I'm taken by other more pressing things - so I don't have the time to sit there and learn it, at the moment), and probably the thing isn't aimed at people like me, but I get the idea all the people posting here have at least some experience with programming, even if they don't work as programmers for a living.

On the other hand, there are a couple of things about this thread that bothers me; one is precisely that only people who aren't novices are posting, which is a bit weird for a engine that, if I recall correctly, was made specifically for people who would have had problems getting started with programming.
DaFool wrote:PyTom can do whatever the hell he wants (it's his program), and I'll just adapt. His opening up for discussion on features with people who have different recommendations is already a gesture.
The other is that I disagree with this. Let me say that I do agree that this program is his, and he's developing it without asking for anything in exchange, but I didn't get the impression this discussion is going anywhere. Apparently there are some complaints about the engine and the answer until now seemed to be "it's always been that way, so it's going to stay that way". Making a gesture when you apparently have already made up your mind is a bit pointless, and also a bit of a waste of time.

I would like to point out that I didn't just give up after three minutes of trying to learn, nor did I start flooding the forums with very basic questions on just about everything that came to my mind. I did my research on the wiki (which seemed not so well organised to me, to be honest, taking for granted things someone who is starting anew wouldn't know) and Python language sites.

Again, I could totally be misunderstanding: probably someone with my level of understanding of programming isn't actually the main target audience for the program. But these things have been floating my head for quite some time now and I felt like it was at least honest to voice my opinion.

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Re: Ren'Py Roadmap

#90 Post by DaFool »

There is the other sentiment that because Ren'Py is so easy, unskilled people are able to release unskilled games. (So the recommendation would be to keep it less user-friendly.)

I don't really see why this discussion has become more desperate than it needs be. It isn't like the state of the anime industry suffering from a crisis because of a flawed 'business model'. In fact there's just a year to go and all the awesome projects built upon its foundation would be released upon the world.

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