(P)lanets - the life of normalcy has ended!

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Re: (P)lanets!

#91 Post by Maverynthia »

I'm still playing the game, but I wish there was a MAJOR trigger warning for the scene with the delinquents and the victim blaming that goes on afterwards. Considering this game has about every other sexist Japanese trope in it, I should have seen it coming, however it totally killed the positive mood I had when playing it.
That scene could seriously trigger some people to have panic attacks and the like.

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Re: (P)lanets!

#92 Post by Shioriemei »

The art was cute and the chibis = epic *-* My fav guy was Kaius ;D I loved
that carrying like princess scene and when he treated er *-* sho sweet
I haven't finished playing the other routes tho DX

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Re: (P)lanets!

#93 Post by Snow Blossom »

First of all, I have to say that I really liked this game! Sure, I had some "wut" moments when playing it, but the story was cute and funny. It was a bit cliche at times, but not too much, so it actually made the game cuter for me X3

So first, the things that I didn't like very much:
The only thing that truly annoyed me was the fact that Marin would address the guys with "-kun." For some reason, I just absolutely despise that suffix. D:< It's just a pet peeve though, so it didn't affect my enjoyment of the game too much. It would have also been nice to find out why Marin's powers suddenly appeared and disappeared; I think it could have made the story more complicated and interesting.
Then, comments on the paths:
My original favorite was Lucan, but after playing the game, somehow, he dropped to 3rd place. XP
I think it was because his path wasn't as funny as the others.... But even though I got kind of bored after a while, the whole reverse imprinting thing made it more interesting, so it wasn't unenjoyable.
Ryuu being one of my favorites was completely unexpected. I thought he would just be one of those annoying sunny guys, but turns out I was way off the bat.
I just love things that deal with death and illness... and the fact that he's putting on a brave front just makes him so much more endearing. X3 I like that his illness never gets cured; it ends the story on a bit of a tragic, yet very romantic note.
As for Caius, well...
he was just adorable. What else can I say? CATS!!! XD Although I was a bit surprised when he revealed that he actually killed his mom... O_O
So overall, I think this was a good game, especially since you did a lot of the work!! Nothing less than what I expected, really! :)

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Re: (P)lanets!

#94 Post by Riviera »

Eh, I decided to just make a new post. I was actually a tad worried from some of the critique, I admit. Mostly because I played the demo and I didn't remember anything like horrible backgrounds jumping out at me.

I haven't finished a path yet, but all this jumped out at me.

The Good:

The Music: It all fit the scenes very well, really added to the mood, and I especially liked the tiny detail that if you saved before certain scenes you could still trigger the music again. A few games I've played don't restart the music if you reload on the dialogue that previously started the music. I'm not sure why that is, but I noticed it.

The Shaking Stairs: I thought that was kinda cool! I'd worried because I thought it would be hard to read the text, but the dialogue didn't shake at all, which was excellent! Nicely pulled off. You don't see these little effects often in VNs, and they're nice.

The Stars!: I liked the little spinning star in the dialogue box, it added a nice touch. Went well with the cursor one.

The Heroine: She's spunky and can pull off some nice lines. It's fun to play her.

Ryuu's sprites: He has some adorable ones. Especially the one where he looks like he's about to shake his booty and dance. I keep wanting to giggle every time I see it.

Snappy Dialogue: The characters have great banter with each other, and the dialogue has those witty sparks that you see in shows like Buffy. I can't say how much I love witty dialogue.

Marin's BlahBlahBlah CG: Cute. As. Heck.

The Bad:

Some typos and grammar issues: These should be easy to fix, but there were a noticeable amount.

Ryuu is named in the dialogue (he looks over at her) before he's actually introduced to the player: Again, not a big issue, but easy to fix. Although I'm actually not sure how many noticed this, lol.

The Neutral

Haruhi's hips (don't lie....lol): People have mentioned it, and I can kinda see what they're getting at. I've always figured it was the way he was standing that made it look like he had a rounder hip. He seems to act kind of girly, so it wouldn't surprise me if something like that was the case. The other issue with his cross-dressing... well, I figure his parents already shun him for it (as most japanese parents would), and the rest of it seems to be a sort of nod to Fruits Basket's Momiji (who is awesome).

Backgrounds: They do clash slightly with the rest of the art's style. However, they are not bad at all for a free game, and are all appropriate for the scene they show up in. So I'm cool with them.


I might post up my thoughts after I actually finish. :)
Will edit/proofread for cookies.

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Re: (P)lanets!

#95 Post by Shioriemei »

Riviera wrote:and the rest of it seems to be a sort of nod to Fruits Basket's Momiji (who is awesome).

You forgot to mention kyo = Kaius :3 (he iz awesome)

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Re: (P)lanets!

#96 Post by Riviera »

Shioriemei wrote:
Riviera wrote:and the rest of it seems to be a sort of nod to Fruits Basket's Momiji (who is awesome).

You forgot to mention kyo = Kaius :3 (he iz awesome)
Lol, you're right. Ahhhh, Kyo. What a grouchy kitty.
Will edit/proofread for cookies.

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Re: (P)lanets!

#97 Post by TsukiShima »

Shioriemei wrote:
Riviera wrote:and the rest of it seems to be a sort of nod to Fruits Basket's Momiji (who is awesome).

You forgot to mention kyo = Kaius :3 (he iz awesome)

Agrees with everything. But I guess Ryuu reminds me of Shigure, while Lucan reminds me of Yuki. Ah, such a joy those days.

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Re: (P)lanets!

#98 Post by Taleweaver »

Yeah, the art is very much Furuba-style; it's one of the reasons I took a closer look at that game. No wonder that other aspects may feel like tributes to the original manga/anime as well.
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Re: (P)lanets!

#99 Post by IanaBri »

I FINISHED EVERY SINGLE ROUTE... and boy am I excited to tell you what I thought of your game!

I really thought that based off of the demo, Kaius was going to be my favorite. BUT THERE IS A TIE between Kaius and and Ryuu. Oh gosh did I LOVE Ryuu...and Kaius.
The reasons they fought were put on display eventually. Their semi-rivaly was a good addend in my opinion. But Ryuu's path was unexpected to me. I kinda of think I should of realized he was...sick or going to possibly die or something....
It was probably obvious to other people.

I know I'm putting a lot of emphasis on Kaius and Ryuu, but I really liked all of the other characters in the game too :D. This all turned out just as I thought it would, well worth the wait! I enjoyed this so much. They were so KAwAAAAIII! Just totally charming...
Kaius' reasons for be the way he was was so understandable and then the fact that he was trying to scare her away...*heavenly sigh*

The way Ryuu was so energetic and happy-acting, but hurting inside...*heavenly fucking sigh*
I was so more than satisfied with this game. It was warming...and exciting. Thank you so much Mrs. Creator of (P)lantes! I owe you one...or a few!
Last edited by IanaBri on Sat Sep 10, 2011 1:09 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: (P)lanets!

#100 Post by Aquane »

Can anyone tell me how to get Haruhi's end? xD I'm having a bit of trouble..

Anyway! I finished all of the perfect endings :3 I loved the game~

My favorite character was Kaius (As I predicted from the start xD)
Ryuu came in second, his story really pulled on some heart strings for me X3

Kaius though..
Cats! I'm a hardcore cat lover and finding out that my favorite character loves them too, I could have fainted. :3 He was so cuute whenever there was cats, or the cat headband involved xD Oh gosh, his dad too, could not stop laughing at his comments about Kaius and Marin's relationship. The scene where they were alone in his room too xD LOL! All funny scenes aside, I thought his path was rather touching too, I quite like how Marin acts in his route, compared to the others. I feel that she grew up a bit? Maybe thats just me. The last scene was adorable too, Kaius glomping her like that, adorable :3
Anyway I had a lot of fun playing this! This is probably on my top 5 of favorite GxB games now~ Along with Starry Sky, X Note, and Fantasia >:3

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Re: (P)lanets!

#101 Post by teacup »

@Bane Reiko
Ahaha, that's great XD I'm so glad you enjoyed it.
Thank you so much :)
It would actually be helpful if you would tell me all of the grammar errors/awkward sentences you found. I'm willing to learn what sounds right and what doesn't when it comes to writing in English. :) You are welcome to point out things that confused you or things you didn't like, it's just that some people were being pretty rude/negative and not constructive at all.
And I was really surprised to see he had a growth spurt. When they finish talking about it, I half-expected Oginuma-sensei to arrive and tell the two of them that he has to take Haru to (P)lanets because he had a high energy level or something like that.
That would have been an interesting twist... I wonder what Haruhi's psych would be XD

Thank you for leaving such a great comment! :D You guys have given me enough confidence to continue making games!!

There's no ending like that, unfortunately XD Thanks for playing!

I totally thought (it sounded like it) that they were secret childhood friends, especially after the memory erasing part of the story, but I guess that wasn't the case.
But playing Kaius's path is absolute moedeath. Some guys have their moeblobs, and so do I.
I guess because he was such a ...well, for a lack of better term, a major tsun for half the game and then the kittens showed up and the dere side just kept coming afterward.
It was absolutely adorable.
Nah, Haruhi takes the place of the token childhood friend :D And if Kaius was Marin's childhood friend, Haruhi would've recognized him when they first met (when Kaius came to take Marin to Planets) since Haru and Marin were inseparable back in the day. I'm glad Kaius grew on you! He's definitely the most loved character so far.
But that rapist scene kind of through me off a bit when he used his psyche. It was giving me flashbacks to a certain pyro character from a certain fantasy GxB. Not that I was really mad or anything.
I'm... not sure what character you're talking about ^^;; The purpose of that scene was to show how dangerous Kaius really was.

About the cherry blossoms in summer thing, that was kinda a derp moment for me XD since you played the demo, you might have noticed that the demo actually took place in spring. But I changed the full version to take place in summer, and it totally didn't cross my mind that the cherry blossoms are now out of place. OTL;
And yeah, I had no luck in finding a destroyed forest bg that would fit the rest of the game. I rendered it to the best of my ability (which isn't that good) hence why that image was shown VERY BRIEFLY =w=;;
Weakest area would probably be the plot, but it's more of a story about the characters, right?
It's definitely a chara-ge (character game).
Thank you for leaving such a long comment, I love hearing your thoughts and I hope you play Ryuu's route as well, hopefully he surprises you (in a good way) :)

Happy to hear it didn't disappoint! ^-^
I guess this is a bit off, but I was curious about how Marin got her power. Is it because she's smart? And did she lost her power because she lost interest in studying? She did spend a lot of time with the boys a lot more in Planet than studying.
I decided to leave that up to the player's interpretation. Your theory is very good, though. I like hearing everyone's different thoughts! There's not really a clear reason on how she got or how she lost her powers. Although, remember that there's a psych called energy-manipulation (the one that Kaius has) and that high energy levels are required to use psychs. It could be possible that someone manipulated her energy and took away her ability to use her powers... Though that's just my theory (Even though I created the story, I still have theories too XD)
Thank you for sharing your thoughts with me and I'm glad you enjoyed it!

I don't really understand your comment.
The game is rated 15+ for a reason, so you should expect there might be something in it that might be inappropriate to you. I did not make this game all ages for that reason. If you're referring to the scene I think you are (I could be wrong) pretty much nothing happens in it that would warrant a 'warning'. Sure if Marin actually got hurt or raped I would rate the game higher (probably 17+) but that didn't happen. Also I don't see how it's sexist, but that's your opinion.

I just love things that deal with death and illness... and the fact that he's putting on a brave front just makes him so much more endearing. X3 I like that his illness never gets cured; it ends the story on a bit of a tragic, yet very romantic note.
Right, that's why Ryuu is my favorite as well ^^
He'll die from his illness someday, but until then, he'll keep smiling. I'm glad you mentioned that, you're the only one so far. :)
Thank you so much!

I honestly never noticed the similarities to Furuba (which I haven't read in years) though I see them now!
There's a famous trap named Jun who looks like this:
http://www.nekomagic.com/figure_news/20 ... _jun08.jpg
Yes, it's a guy. Jun also looks 100% girl, so I figured that looking totally girly was acceptable for trap characters. Maybe not, though.
I hope you have fun playing the rest of the game and I'm glad there's more good than bad so far :)

Can you please add spoiler tags to your post? :)
Anyway, I'm so happy with this comment! XD It's great to hear so many positives. Thank you so much!!

To get Haruhi: You have to be on Kaius' path. Then when Oginuma-sensei asks you to get close to Kaius, say 'I have someone else in mind'. Then let Haruhi sleep in your bed during summer vacation.
Heh, more love for Kaius! I'm gonna have to draw a thank-you pic of Kaius for everyone. His path was supposed to be a mixture of funny and touching, so I'm really glad to hear that it worked!! :) Thank you!!
Woot, I'm happy I made it to your top 5, lol XD

@Everyone Else
Thank you all for such nice comments!!

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Re: (P)lanets!

#102 Post by k_arashi »

Congratulations on finishing! I noticed there were a lot of negativity going around (not so much anymore thankfully...) But anyways, I wanted to jump in and give you some positive feedback. Sure... there may have been some grammar, typos and anatomy mistakes... But it was 'clearly' obvious to me you tried your best, and spent ALOT of time writing, drawing and planning out the whole thing. And I very much enjoyed reading it. I love how you portrayed Lucan, yes... he may seem plain, ordinary, boring at first glance but I probably liked his dialogue the most out of the guys... it just made me go 'aww' so many times.

I haven't played all the routes yet, but so far I'm liking everything I'm seeing... Another thing I liked was how you balanced out the happy, humorous feeling and then had this darker, more angsty side to the story. Haha, I absolutely enjoyed going through Kaius route though (seriously who doesn't?! :D) it had it's sweet, fuzzy moments and I noticed a lot of character depth and develop happening as the story progressed. I liked all the mystery surrounding Kaius, and I'm pretty sure I wasn't the the only one who had a huge curiosity to figure out what kind of psychic power he had.

I have been keeping tabs on the "work in progress" forum for ages and have been patiently waiting to play the full version and I most definitely wasn't disappointed! I feel like I could thank you a million times. Seriously though, thanks so much for making an highly enjoyable game! I am loving every minute of it!

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Re: (P)lanets!

#103 Post by lunanight »

It's amazing how people notice grammer mistakes and other problems with this game, I havent noticed such a thing been too focussed playing and on the story to even notice. Great game!!!! I love it so far! XD
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Re: (P)lanets!

#104 Post by Mytoastlovesyou »

I absolutely love this game! I'm so happee that it's finally finished! :D But I do have one problem. I keep encountering an error while playing Kaius's path. When Haruhi asks who Marin is in love with, the screen says

File "game/script.rpy", line 11401, in script
File "game/script.rpy", line 11401, in python
NameError: name 'ilove' is not defined

and if I click ignore for all of them (similar errors pop up from then on during Kaius's path) then I eventually get Lucan's good ending even though I didn't pursue him at all. Did this happen to anyone else? I read through this thread and it seems like a lot of people got Kaius's ending already. Is there a way for me to fix the problem? I reeeeeaaaaalllllly want to get his ending because Kaius is my favourite <3

Ps. I just want to thank you for making such an amazing game, I love playing it.

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Re: (P)lanets!

#105 Post by blueeyes1345 »

Looks interesting. I will give it a swing.

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