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Re: Invasion of the Panty Snatchers

Posted: Sun Aug 12, 2007 2:34 pm
by DaFool
That is cool, though I'd have to echoe themocaw...

It sounds like Counterstrike rather than Unreal Tournament. (i.e. sneaking / stealth / headshots rather than fragfests)

Re: Invasion of the Panty Snatchers

Posted: Sun Aug 12, 2007 8:47 pm
by rocket
themocaw wrote:Hmmmm. . . perhaps something like. . .


J "I went on a three month journey in France just to find the monestary! I had to fight the wombat warlords of Lourdes to get there! I had to pass the three trials of the seven-eyed yak herder of Normandie to earn enough mandrake roots to pay for them, but it was worth it! The silk is so smooth it feels like butter. . . go on, touch it!"


After that, we could have the conversation about union wages and such. . . hmmm. Maybe I'm painting with too broad strokes here.

Re: Invasion of the Panty Snatchers

Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2007 7:14 am
by Alessio
themocaw wrote:Quick note: depending on how you want the battle paced (fast or slow) it might do with a little more driving percussion and maybe a nice bass line.
This decision I'll leave to PyTom, since I don't know what the battle minigame will look like. If needed, I can spice up percussion a bit more. The bass line is nice as is, IMHO...

The loop itself I would not speed up more. The theremin is not a good instrument for fast-paced music because it slowly slides into notes (a bit like when whistling). Thus, fast riffs/licks with a theremin would not sound very natural. (Uh... can the sound of a theremin be called "natural"...?)

Re: Invasion of the Panty Snatchers

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2007 2:06 pm
by DaFool
*Jailbait Alert*!

Revision 3 of Jenny, 16 years old.

Jenny is your next door neighbor and childhood friend. Her grin is her trademark. She is spunky and loves to flirt, although she feels safe around you since you've known each other for a long time. You, however, are trying your best to hold back your manly urges, since you don't want to break that trust.

Did I get it right this time?

Re: Invasion of the Panty Snatchers

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2007 4:09 pm
by PyTom
It's pretty close. I think it's important that the curves of her body are right, and that the panties follow them. Also, think MoƩ.

To be honest, I haven't been doing anything with IPS (or Ren'Py for that matter). I've been sick for most of last week.

Re: Invasion of the Panty Snatchers

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2007 4:12 pm
by Ren
Wowee!Do you use reference pictures or are you naturally good at anatomyO_O???
T^T So the other one is discarded?I feel so bad for her, being used and then rejected like that...

Re: Invasion of the Panty Snatchers

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2007 7:26 pm
by DaFool
Jenny Version 3 Revision 2

- fixed the obvious flaw in panty structure

DaFool's interpretation of moe:
- bigger, shinier eyes, so cute that they make you want to cough up sugar
- smaller, more feminine nose

Jenny's usual wardrobe is a small top and jeans / jean-shorts, which I think is standard for the average American girl clothes (Well it was in the 90s anyway, please tell me if its outdated today).

She may wear a maid uniform and / or glasses if the scenario calls for it.

I use photographic references. Before I thought I should work totally from the mind, but then I realized that using photo references improved my backgrounds, so why couldn't they do the same for character art? :wink:

When penning the lines in photoshop, sometimes when a perspective is off it also makes sense to adjust the positions, rotation, etc of individual lines and patch them up afterwards, regardless of the lines in the original image. Also, I often redo curvatures on a separate layer, erase the original curves, then merge the layers for better patching.

Re: Invasion of the Panty Snatchers

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2007 7:13 am
by Ren
Thank you for your reply^_^I tend to bother other people to investigate their methods a lot, sorry!
I think she's really cute, it kinda looks like she's grinning though, I don't know if that was intentional...
Wah, I was looking for a definition of Moe on Wikipedia...I would have never thought Kyoko Otonashi was considered as such being in her twenties, I should update my vision of moeO_O

Re: Invasion of the Panty Snatchers

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2007 4:41 pm
by monele
Muuuhaaa~... *sizzle* ^.^... Her smile/grin is a bit strange (it doesn't look happy to me) but uh, that's the only complaint ^^

(and you *do* keep her mature version for some future project right?.... right?!)

Re: Invasion of the Panty Snatchers

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2007 8:45 pm
by DaFool
So is it okay to start on production sprites using this design? And with this sprite size and layout? (I don't think I will be drawing Jenny's legs since she might get too small and won't fit backgrounds since they'll have to be cropped to match the perspectives; we'll just have to hide the textbox during the panty scenes. I think this is the default player POV.)

Which reminds me, I still owe the Araiah script (just a few more lines to go, but it's the very ending of the story, so I'm very hesitant around it.) -- I'll do it today!

Yes, it is a somewhat-forced grin. It would have been easier to convey in a full frontal view of her face. Other scenes she will be genuinely grinning.

The previous styles I have already hardwired into my system, so while you won't see the green-dress woman and maido characters exactly in future projects, you will see uncanny resemblance / similarity to them.

I decided to stick with these too styles, so I will have three styles under my belt:
1.) Soft simple - i.e. Starlit Sky, the little Geomancer Chronicles demo. Useable for all-ages Ghibli-style works with simple yet heartwarming, meaningful stories. This style is achieved by sketching straight from the mind; it's my old style so I can probably do this anytime.
2.) Mature - i.e. Nettestadt Troll and any future serious games and all future ero-games. Useable for any PG+ works that include sex, violence, politics, drama. This style can be only achieved by using reference photographs (from pornography, nude sites, etc.)
3.) Moe - i.e. as seen here. Useable for any PG+ works that rely heavily on anime and otaku themes. I have a feeling this is what I'll need to switch to for Gothloli Fashion Academy (Thank goodness I put it on hold; otherwise I would have drawn character templates in the wrong Mature style and wasted a lot of time!). I think this style may require some reference photographs as well. I have not hardwired it into my system yet, pending PyTom's greenlight on the design for IPS.

The designs used for Tomorrow was a transition phase while I was trying out a more mature and moe design at the same time and ended up with things that more resemble American cartoons (see the stout man with Dracula-cloak). And like I mentioned elsewhere, I am not high-output, so I don't have any galleries or deviantart account or anything. In fact, I still consider myself a newbie, despite thinking I can do better than a few random deviantartists already. My drawings have improved mainly thanks to my getting into visual novels. Something to think about for all those who think that they can't draw.

(dammit, why do I treat all my posts like I was doing a VN-making blog :? )

Re: Invasion of the Panty Snatchers

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2007 9:11 pm
by PyTom
To be honest, I'd hold off on production for the time being. I'm still not feeling all that well, and I don't want to make decisions about IPS until I can devote it my full attention.

Re: Invasion of the Panty Snatchers

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2007 8:09 am
by DaFool
I should learn my lesson to not embark on too many projects. Since real life is getting to be hectic (setting up a corporation -- unrelated to VNs or anime. I just received a text that meant I would be working weekends as well.) the most I can offer would be a Jenny template. All other resources (sprites for the minigame, backgrounds), will have to be done by others, which shouldn't really take much effort (The art level in the old Moonlight Walks should suffice, which is to say it was decent).

Really sorry, hope that's okay.

Re: Invasion of the Panty Snatchers

Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2022 1:54 am
by Andredron
:D :D :D :D cool!