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Re: (P)lanets - the life of normalcy has ended!

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2011 11:24 pm
by renpao
It took me a while to finish this because of uni biting my butt so I had to play it on my spare time, but rest assured that all those times I've spent trying to complete the routes were definitely worth it~! vv

Here are my thoughts (they're not in order; think of it as me as just rambling on whatever that comes to my head first. xD):
On Ryuu:
- Ryu. Ryu, Ryu, Ryu. Why are you so freaking adorkable?! ;w; While I'm personally opposed to him provoking Kaius every time (and his reason behind doing this), I can't help but love him the best, lol! I guess it's the SuzuKen vibes I get from him? Haha, all throughout Ryuu's route I kept thinking, "Ohhh, this is certainly one of those SuzuKen's roles!". I honestly think that if Planets was ever made into an anime, SuzuKen would be the perfect fit for Ryuu~ xD
- I guess part of his appeal to me is that he seems to have the smoothest lines. Like, I don't mean it as him being a total pimp or anything, but more on the fact that he speaks naturally. Most of what he said, I could easily imagine someone in real life would say, and I really like that, haha. I felt myself blush when Ryuu was like, "I'll give it a B+" after they kissed. It was just too cute...! Also when they hung out by the rooftop and he was all "can I have my good night kiss?" when they got back. vvv Just...awww! ;w;
- I'll probably sound repetitive, but I just have to say that that swing confession scene was so adorable! ;___;
- Hands down, I really think that Marin and Ryuu fit together the most. They just click, period. xD
- This is just a nerd moment: There was this one CG (I think when he fainted after his fight with Kaius) where I thought Ryuu looked so much like Snake from 999. xD I suddenly had flashbacks of Snake/Clover in the game, lol.
- Even now I'm still curious about what kind of book Ryuu was hiding from Marin because it was never addressed ever again. I want to know what that is? xD; /feels oblivious Is it porn lol

On Kaius:
- I think if there's one thing that you should know about me, it's my dislike for this type of character: you know, the rude/cold one. This is part of the reason why I played him last, but gosh darn it you made me love him in the end. ;____; I swear, that blushing face he makes...!! So adorable!! vvv ;w;
- The way he goes "so cute..." when he sees a cat and him mumbling the word "date" lololol = <333
- During that one time when it was raining and Kaius was going to go eat lunch somewhere, I honestly thought he was going to go out to do something with the kitties...I was sad when I realized that that wasn't the case at all, and it made me wonder what happened to them (because they weren't addressed ever again after Marin discovered them). ;__;
- His shyness when it comes to love/ actually so moe. ;w; Definitely my type, haha.
- Oginuma-sensei's way of conniving Marin into getting closer with Kaius to get a higher grade, awww, B> Oginuma-sensei to be my dad. ;__;
- The kissing scene was so cute I think I melted lol. And a huge LOL about the whole "thing" hahaha...! Oh gawd, lol.
- I named my cat Nyan Cat, by the way. Sorry, I couldn't resist, lol! xDD

On Lucan
- I played him first because kind guys is usually my type when it comes to games like this (Yes, I know, I'm weak ;__; ). I still love Lucan, but between his shyness and Kaius's...the latter was definitely more moe for me. I'm so sorry, Lucan! ;__;
- The date scene, gosh! "Of course...I want it to be a date..." ahhhh so adorable! <333
- I got the true ending first but went back to get the other ending, and I have to admit I got scared of Lucan when he brainwashed Marin in the end. I mean I kind of expected it to happen when I saw him approaching her the next morning with that neutral face, but what scared me was the fact that I knew it's going to happen and I can't do anything to prevent it. OTL;; I honestly thought that was a good ending--it was a good insight of Lucan's character (and his fear of rejection). I liked it.
- I was sad when he got expelled; while I understood the reason why he would be, I thought that he could have honed it/learned to control it by remaining in Planets, especially with someone with a dangerous psych like that, he might be manipulated/used by the government for their own good. But that's just me overthinking. ;__; I wonder though; did Ryuu ever find out what his best friend did after he got expelled? :,<
- Ahh, maybe I'm a little biased here because I have a feeling that Lucan is the most underappreciated among the cast, but I was really happy seeing that his ending (not the epilogue, just the ending of his route) was the most unique out of the main three (in which the others all ended up sleeping on Marin's bed). vvv Granted, Lucan has a reason for not being able to do that considering that he's already out of Planets anyway, but still, haha. Made me happy~
- It's kind of adorable because I could definitely see a parallel between his sisters and one of my characters' sisters. So cute, so cute! xDD

On Haruhi:
- I don't know if you ever mentioned the canon pairing (or if there's one to begin with), but Haruhi sort of gives me that vibes for some reason. xD I guess it's the the star bracelets and how you seem to use the stars as a motif in game, but that's just probably me reading too much in game. >.<;
- I like how you treated his confession to her realistically. I honestly think that if Marin flat out just accepted Haruhi's confession, I would have been very disappointed, but I'm glad you took realism > what otome gamers would want when they play otome games. When she has treated Haruhi like a kid/girl for all of her life, I'm pretty sure Marin would need some adjusting first in order to accept his feelings. But nonetheless it was so cute. vvv
- I have to note that your coloring on kid!Haruhi and kid!Marin was very, very nice! I really like how soft it is. vvv /artist nerd moment
-Oh, guy!Haruhi was boyishly cute...! I wanted to hug him. ;^;

That said, I think my minor gripe about this game is that scene before she leaves Planets. There was basically no difference whatsoever in their reaction (apart from Lucan's absence when you're in his route, of course). When I was in Ryuu's route, it almost seemed like he wasn't saying goodbye to his own girlfriend because he sounded very platonic throughout the exchange, and Kaius not being present during that time in his own route; it made me sad. ;__; Also, Rui asking Marin to go shopping with her but they never really got to do it (though I guess Rui got too occupied with Lucan/Ryuu there, lol).

Other than that (and the occasional typos), I didn't really have much problem with it! I'm not sure if anyone else already mentioned these because I didn't read the comments you got (out of fear of getting spoiled), but in case they already did forgive me for repeating them all over again! OTL;;
All in all I enjoyed playing the game! It was really fun while it last--I was sad when I realized that I completed all routes already. ;w; Thank you so much for making this game! Personally, it was a great de-stress for me when I'm constantly burdened by homework and such, haha. I'm looking forward to seeing more stuff from you! C:

Re: (P)lanets - the life of normalcy has ended!

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2011 12:28 am
Now you reminds me of
I'm trying to be mean to everyone, choosing a "no-one's" path (I'm trying to go for Haru at that time). But later, Marin met with Lucan fans girl (the one that have imprinting lift-off from her. Strange, considering Marin never met and argue with that girl...

Re: (P)lanets - the life of normalcy has ended!

Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2011 6:42 pm
by Roiya
i made an account so i can comment coz i love your game! i think it was really well made, i like how the marin has facial changes while she talks and so do the guys. the drawings are somewhat awkward sometimes and her parents are jerks but other than that i dont have much complaints because your game is awesome!

Re: (P)lanets - the life of normalcy has ended!

Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2011 10:35 am
by vikingspirit
Ohmigosh! This was an awesome game xD You did such a wonderful job. Thanks sooo much for making it :3

Re: (P)lanets - the life of normalcy has ended!

Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2011 11:09 am
by Elze
Hello o u o

Just here to drop a little fan art. I'd meant to draw Ryuu but ended up drawing Kaius. LOL. I wonder if I actually like Kaius better. I'll draw Ryuu next time when I have more time. Sorry that the colours look kinda washed out. I'm trying out this new drawing software and the foreign tools named in japanese are killing me. OTL

Will try to do a little advertising for the game as well <3

Re: (P)lanets - the life of normalcy has ended!

Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2011 11:53 am
by teacup
XD no reason to feel that way! I'm just glad it wasn't another bug, lol.
Haha, maybe I'll ask over in the help thread, sometimes though I'm too embarrassed to ask for help... I've used renpy over two years and I still suck at the most basic stuff, lol! That's not funny but I'm ashamed XD

Ahh okay. I'm not sure exactly what scene you're referring to but I know what you're saying now. ;w; Sorry about that, lots of people pointed out that there was inconsistensies in those 'common scenes' (in other words, the ones you see no matter whose route you're on). That was my bad for not being more careful.

I love this comment ;A;! Thank you so much!!
I guess it's the SuzuKen vibes I get from him? Haha, all throughout Ryuu's route I kept thinking, "Ohhh, this is certainly one of those SuzuKen's roles!". I honestly think that if Planets was ever made into an anime, SuzuKen would be the perfect fit for Ryuu~ xD
Suzuken is Hikaru in OHSHC, right? (I usually don't pay so much attention to seiyuu so I could be wrong) Haha, lots of people imagine voice actors for Ryuu, for some reason... someone also said they could imagine him in the voice of Kimura Ryohei! ^^
- This is just a nerd moment: There was this one CG (I think when he fainted after his fight with Kaius) where I thought Ryuu looked so much like Snake from 999. xD I suddenly had flashbacks of Snake/Clover in the game, lol.
Is it the CG where he hugged her in the nurse office?
I just have to say, OMG, I love Snake so I take that as a compliment <333 XD
- Even now I'm still curious about what kind of book Ryuu was hiding from Marin because it was never addressed ever again. I want to know what that is? xD; /feels obliviousIs it porn lol
LOL. Well, it was definitely something embarrassing, though Marin never found out since Ryuu hid it from her... but maybe you can guess what it was. He must get bored spending all that time on the roof by himself XD Ryuu is such a pervert
I named my cat Nyan Cat, by the way. Sorry, I couldn't resist, lol! xDD
Hahaha, you're the second person (who told me) that named it Nyan Cat XDD
- I was sad when he got expelled; while I understood the reason why he would be, I thought that he could have honed it/learned to control it by remaining in Planets, especially with someone with a dangerous psych like that, he might be manipulated/used by the government for their own good. But that's just me overthinking. ;__; I wonder though; did Ryuu ever find out what his best friend did after he got expelled? :,<
Well, Lucan already had full control over his psych. The first time he did it withotu realizing, but once he knew that he had the imprinting psych, he knew how to use it to his advantage.. That's why he got expelled.. because he was using it illegally, fully aware of what he was doing the whole time. ;w;" Also, I left some things up to the player, but in my mind Ryuu never would find out. Lucan left school so quickly and suddenly that he probably never talked to Ryuu again after that. ;w;"
But I'm glad you liked both of Lucan's endings! He definitely is the most underappreciated character!
- I don't know if you ever mentioned the canon pairing (or if there's one to begin with), but Haruhi sort of gives me that vibes for some reason. xD I guess it's the the star bracelets and how you seem to use the stars as a motif in game, but that's just probably me reading too much in game. >.<;
Ah, you're not overthinking at all. In fact, you're absolutely right! :) (I believe azurextwilight pointed this out too).
- I have to note that your coloring on kid!Haruhi and kid!Marin was very, very nice! I really like how soft it is. vvv /artist nerd moment
;A; thank you!! I love your art so I'm flattered lol. They were some of the last sprites I drew so they were probably an improvement over the rest of the sprites.
Thank you for leaving this comment!! I loved hearing your thoughts!

Hmm, yeah doing that would cause some error considering it's kind of impossible to be mean to everyone ^^; Even if you don't have lunch with anyone, you'll still end up on someone's route because of the point system... That's all part of my horrible programming ;w;"

@Roiya and vikingspirit
Thank you both so much! :D

(*´д`*)ハァハァ OMG! Can I hug you? I love it so much!! You made them look so awesome! /explodes
Thank you so much for taking the time to do that, will cherish it forever! 8'DD <333 I feel like I must repay you somehow, lol.

Re: (P)lanets - the life of normalcy has ended!

Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2011 12:57 pm
by Elze
Ahhh you're very welcome. I'm just glad you like it ; 7 ; LOL no you don't need to repay me or anything. The fan art is my way of showing thanks /appreciation for the game. If you thank me back we'll just be going around in circles lolol. Good luck on Circum[N]avigate! Will be looking forward to it <3

Re: (P)lanets - the life of normalcy has ended!

Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2011 12:57 pm
by lazykitsune
Oh hi, I just finished playing this game~

My favorite path was Ryuu's. I didn't like him so much at first because I thought he was the stereotypical flirt,
but his story was surprisingly touching! I think I really swooned when he revealed the truth about his condition.
I pursued Kaius first, because he was the most handsome for me~ While Ryuu's story was my favorite, I liked Kaius' ending the most. Lucan's story was interesting, and probably just as surprising as Ryuu's.
He didn't appeal to me as much as the other two though, heehee. >_>;
Oh, and I tried to play Haruhi's path, but I got an error message at the part when Marin was packing and Ryuu came to see her off. ;u; Other than that and the other stuff everyone else pointed out, I think it was a pretty entertaining game! I can tell the parts where your art style changed, haha~

I'd definitely play another game you come out with! ^^

Re: (P)lanets - the life of normalcy has ended!

Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2011 7:43 am
by Alinka909
I really like the game I had to save it because I had to go somewhere and when I got back and clicked on the "Continue" button all of the saved files were deleted....

Re: (P)lanets - the life of normalcy has ended!

Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2011 11:18 pm
by Kahtita
Teacup, now that you released version 1.3 i was finally able to get Haruhi's ending. :3 (I had the same trouble as some others here.)
And i liked your game so much that i had to create an account here to review it. ^^
So anyway, i got here because of Celianna, she is creating the game Tailor Tales and i always look her website for the game. One day, she said "hey, i played a nice game, it's called (P)lanets and here's the link" so i thought: "why not?". And i'm really glad i decided to try your game, it's lovely! It's also my first real Otome game, although since you released it and today, i've come to play a lot of other Otome games, because i loved this type of game. (how did i not know this gender before??) Still, yours remains as the best free Otome game i've seen. ^^ Also, since i really liked it, i went as far as downloading the demo to see how it was, and what i can say is: You improved A LOT! Specially the artwork and background. Oh, and the mom and Oginuma-sensei too. He really looks more like Kaius' father now, albeit a young father. :3

Now, for the review... Generally, i loved the idea, it's way better than the traditional Highschool because of the plot. (And specially because it's in Japan and not USA, USA highschools are totally stereotyped for me...)
The musics are also great, you managed to get a music to fit every kind of situation, which is good, specially if you composed them.
Personally, i think that the backgrounds fit the story AND the characters brilliantly. Both the artwork of the characters and the backgrounds have decent, vibrant colors and no too many shades. I think they mix well. Actually, i cannot say how much i LOVED the artwork. :3 Specially the guys, they are ~gorgeous~. It really got my attention when i came to see the game Celianna suggested. I decided to play specially because the drawings are so pretty. Seriously, you did clean traces and did not put many unnecessary shades on them. And they are japanese/anime/manga style as well. :3 They seriously look WAY better than on the demo. They look more mature now. (And so handsome <3) As for the girls, they were pretty before and now, but of course, since the guys's style changed, the girls's style had to change too... But it's a good thing, you improved a lot, like i said.
About the names, i liked them a lot, because they are short and easy. You made a great choice on them! Even if Lucan and Kaius are not japanese (they are latin, right?) they still fit the story. Of course, the other names are japanese and, as i said, short and easy (to remember, to write and saying them). It's also great that you decided to put the honorifics (i read the other thread too, the WIP one, i saw that you had doubts about it). They are indispensable since the story is supposed to be in Japan. Another good choice, in my opinion...

Haruhi's path was funny. It's obviously weird for Marin to suddenly start seeing him as a boy, since he is too young and till recently dressed like a girl, so it was better leaving it without an epilogue, i think. He's a very adorable character too.

Lucan was actually the first guy i got, i suppose he's the easiest, since Marin is such a nice girl, haha. He's nice and handsome and etc. He's so nice, that i find him a bit boring. But the ending was unexpected! I didn't get the clues about imprinting, so it was a nice turn of events. Specially the bad ending. That one was really cool, like an horror book/movie, in which the villain is always the less suspicious guy and i was like "OMG, run, Marin!! Nooo!". It actually surprised me how his normal face can pass as a sadistic/evil one at the end too. xD

As for Ryuu, well, i like Kaius better, so he's a meanie! I suppose that you could have told a bit more of his grudge against Kaius from his POV, it really seems like he just like to pick fights. He's a flirt, but also a very funny guy, it was fun to play his path, until i found out about his illness. Another unexpected turn of events! Nice done indeed! But it was so sad. *sob* I really think that his path is more tragic than Kaius, even with the happy epilogue.

And of course, i saved the best for last. For the review, at least, because i tried to go for Kaius first when playing. He's soooo handsome. <3 And adorable, and huggable and cute and etc, you get the idea, he really activated my fangirl mode. lol
And it's not that easy to activate it, i tell you! Although tsunderes are totally my type... But it's because you did a great job on him! The artwork, the plot, the script, everything was great! Ohh, and the details! Since you put the honorifics in the game... I can say that i observed that Kaius would always call her "Kazuoki" at first, "disrespectfully". Then after she confessed, he started calling her "Kazuoki-san", with the due respect, as if he was actually afraid to lose her or something if he didn't treat her well. Of course, later he started to call her "Marin", but that small detail of the honorifics made me love the game even more! <3
By the way, i think that you made a correct choice in killing Kaius' mom, it had to be something really dramatic, after all.
I have one small critic, tough. More like a doubt, actually. Kaius and Marin went on a date on Saturday. Then Marin lost her powers at Tuesday and had to go home. She arrives home Tuesday at the evening, but it the scene seems to suddenly jump to "a boring Friday night" in her bedroom. The Kaius appears. So what i have to say is that if the days are really supposed to those, then Kaius is a jerk for not visiting her earlier, or at least see her off, haha.
Anyway, it was a fun puth to play, and the best one for me. I really liked Oginuma-sensei too. He's such an embarrasing dad. xD And the kissing scene was pretty funny too.

I'm a bit sad because you said you shortened the script, i wouldn't mind if it was longer. But hey, you did the game yourself and it's free, nobody can complain! Specially since it's your first game, right?
But if you ever decide to make a sequel or work on it again... I'd say it would be nice if there was an alone ending and some endings where Marin would keep her powers. But that takes a lot of effort and time, of course, and, well, you have another project already, and it's plot has already caught my attention! I wish you luck with it!
Overall, this game seemed like a very professional work to me, albeit the few inconsistences here and there that other people pointed out. But that doesn't really make the game less enjoyable. The game flows nicely and you actually put a lot of choices, it's way better than raising status. That would be really boring. Anyway, congratulations on finishing it! :3

And one more thing, your game really inspired me and it has a lot of fanfic potential. I don't know how to draw really, or else i would do some fanart for you too. But i can write some fanfictions if you let me. :3 I hope you consider this. ^^

Well, i wrote a lot. ^^'
I really took my time writing it, because your game deserves it!
I hope you'll read my review entirely and consider what i asked at the end. ^^
So, congratulations again! I really loved this game and i hope to see more from you. :3

Re: (P)lanets - the life of normalcy has ended!

Posted: Sun Sep 25, 2011 3:38 pm
by Veniae
@Elze: Oh my, gorgeous fanart is gorgeous. *U*

Re: (P)lanets - the life of normalcy has ended!

Posted: Sun Sep 25, 2011 4:41 pm
by renpao
Suzuken is Hikaru in OHSHC, right? (I usually don't pay so much attention to seiyuu so I could be wrong) Haha, lots of people imagine voice actors for Ryuu, for some reason... someone also said they could imagine him in the voice of Kimura Ryohei! ^^
Yes, SuzuKen voiced Hikaru in Ouran, haha!
It's a just a habit of mine to think of what my favorite characters would sound like when they're voiced. xD
Is it the CG where he hugged her in the nurse office?
I just have to say, OMG, I love Snake so I take that as a compliment <333 XD
And yes, I was talking about that scene! vvv
Oh my goodness! You've played 999 too?! I think you just earned my love right there~! ;w; <-- loves Snake and Snake/Clover sibling love
-]Well, Lucan already had full control over his psych. The first time he did it withotu realizing, but once he knew that he had the imprinting psych, he knew how to use it to his advantage.. That's why he got expelled.. because he was using it illegally, fully aware of what he was doing the whole time. ;w;" Also, I left some things up to the player, but in my mind Ryuu never would find out. Lucan left school so quickly and suddenly that he probably never talked to Ryuu again after that. ;w;"
Oh! That does make sense. Thanks for clarifying it to me!
And oh my, for some reason that got me so sad. ;___; I really love Ryuu and Lucan's friendship in game, after all.
At least I'm glad Marin remains by his side~! <3
Also, on Haruhi:
Oh my goodness! So he is really the canon route?! xDDD This is the first time I've seen the hidden character/non-main romanceable character gets to be canon, so I'm rather impressed at how well you seamlessly pulled it! vvv
And thank you so much for the compliment by the way! I'm embarrassed. >///< Here's hoping we could do a collab together someday! <333 *gets shot*

A-Also, this might sound stalker-ish, b-but it says "(P)lanets - life of happiness has started" under your list of projects...
Could this be that Planets sequel that everyone's been asking/waiting for?! xD
Here's hoping it's like a fandisk of some sort of the characters in the original game, but seeing as the poll on your dev blog has more people wanting new characters instead that might not be the case. ;w; Either way I'll still play it! vvvv

Re: (P)lanets - the life of normalcy has ended!

Posted: Sun Sep 25, 2011 8:30 pm
by Onionchan
I finished playing (P)lanets today, so I guess you could say I was pretty hooked since I spent the whole day playing it LOLOL! In all honesty overall, I really enjoyed it and I had a lot of fun playing it. You definitely put a lot of work into the art, music and selection screen from what I can see - since when I first picked it up, that was what I noticed first : )

I really enjoyed the plot line, since it was different from the ones I played before - and the idea of having special powers created a nice twist on a "high school drama" story. The music matched the scenes perfectly, and I found myself growing fond of it as I progressed through the game. The characters also, each had their own redeeming qualities and all of them were fun to play.

You did well on the dialogue, making it not only humorous - but interesting to read. Some of the comebacks was just... LOL! The revelation scenes, or "confession" ones had me on edge thinking "omg, what's going to happen next?!"

I guess the only thing that I didn't like was some of the inconsistencies throughout. Some of the cg's were differently drawn than others, like colour and shading - and the contrast was definitely there. Perhaps you had completed them at two different times? Also, when you reused some of the scenes to save time, it didn't tie up with the plot/path you chose.

For example: if you chose Lucan/Ryuu path, she would still go to Kaius and offer him to be a part of their group, when she barely knows him. Or, when they're in town at the cafe and there's a confrontation between Ryuu and Kaius - it'd be natural to not stay with Kaius afterwards, if she's aiming for Ryuu/Lucan.

I think they're some important things to remember for any future works you may do (which I will look forward to, and play! : D)

As for the characters, then hands down Kaius was my favourite ; )

Out of the three, he caught my eye first since he was the best looking one, in my opinion *____* And I guess I'm a sucker for "tsundere" characters, since usually their plot lines or endings are the best. You did really well on the dialogue between the two, and the gradual growth of their relationship. Out of all the characters, Kaius developed so much in terms of personality and his story was the most enjoyable to play.

His cg's also, were my favourite since I felt they were more well drawn than the others. His special 'events' were also by far, the cutest. I love how deep down, underneath that cold exterior - is a sweet, little guy who just needs some love. When he carries her in the rain, their first kiss and the ending scene - I was swooning LOLOL! The anticipation of the kiss was just adorable <3

And I liked how out of all the characters, he was the one to notice her and jump in when she needed him. You could really see in this path how much the characters have grown to care/love one another. I guess the only thing was I didn't really like his "side-on pose" since it seemed a little... oddly drawn? But I guess it's good to experiment with new angles : )
I pursued him afterwards, since his gentle personality appealed to me - and I wondered what would happen. I found it boring in comparison to the other paths, even with the twist of "imprinting". I felt like she just liked him because he was kind to her, and that was all. And likewise on his behalf.

I also felt that their dialogue wasn't interesting, but I suppose it's just Lucan's character. It was mostly just them being embarrassed/lovey dovey over the other, or blushing. What I really liked was their date cg, it really was one of the best drawn ones throughout the visual novel.
I went for him last, since after seeing Kaius' path, I really didn't like him .. because he seemed to want to provoke the guy for no reason? His path didn't really answer what really happened between him and Kaius either from his perspective. So it didn't explain their "rivalry" from his eyes, and justify his actions. His happiness was contagious though, and was quite a fun path to follow. His flirtation, and cute banter between the two kept things interesting, and I liked the twist on his illness, and her willingness to stay with him.

I also liked the "philosophy of life" thing going on between the two, and how in the end - she redefines the meaning of the future and happiness for him. Being with her. : )
I wasn't really interested in him from the beginning, since his overbearing personality was a little too much for me LOLOL! But I decided, why not finish the game and see all the endings? His path really, feels more like an "alternate ending" that was tacked on - since it wasn't explored as much as the others.

I guess this was because Haruhi's feelings were always there? So it was just Marin's acceptance. Overall, it was pretty cute how he changes into a man for her.
All in all, I really had fun playing (P)lanets, and I thank you for taking the time and effort for us visual novel lovers <3 I look forward to any of your future works, and you'll be sure to hear again from me ! : )

Re: (P)lanets - the life of normalcy has ended!

Posted: Sun Sep 25, 2011 8:58 pm
by tuna_sushi
It was nicer than nice ^_^
There was an error when I was playing the Haruhi ending.
when Marin came home from school because she was expelled, there were lots of error, and if i ignore it, marin will go to Lucan's house and get Lucan's normal ending. so i just read the spoiler. T_T. Sounds cute,though.
I got Ryuu First!!! I don't usually like the badboy type, but he's so cute! ^_^

I got Kaius next. The ending was sooo adorable!
Oginuma didn't act and look like his wife was dead....
I kinda got haruhi next......

next was Lucan.... I was kinda lazy, but
OMG he imprinted more than 200 people?!?!?!!!! He was the nice guy...
My favourite ENDING was Kaius's so cute!!!! Marin x Kaius!!!
overall : nicer than nice!! >.< wait... i said that already....

Re: (P)lanets - the life of normalcy has ended!

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2011 2:37 am
by Deji
De-lurking just a bit to say I got around to play this this weekend and I had lots of fun with it (:

Congrats on your first game, and thanks for sharing it :D

I'll be looking forward to your next game ^^