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Who/What influenced your style of drawing?

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2011 12:07 pm
by TsukiShima
I'm sure everyone feels the same. I couldn't start drawing without any references when we were younger, right? While I was reading this topic, something else came out from my mind.

When browsing back my old artworks and current ones, I realized that my style of drawing is heavily influenced by Fate/Stay Night (Nishiwaki Datto).
I tried hard (and actually still trying) to follow of how the way the characters are drawn and how the colors are placed. The illustrations are just beautiful for the eyes to see.
*A comparison, but... Still not reaching that level of coolness*
But now as I'm doing that, I am also in a stage where they call 'experimenting stage'. I'm trying to find my own style, by copying some various artist's styles. I'm active in dA so I keep on lurking there. This will go on until I'm finally comfortable with the style I'm with.

What about you? What or who were your drawings influenced by?

Re: Who/What influenced your style of drawing?

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2011 12:25 pm
by Weakjounin
I was influenced to start drawing by dragon ball z
then brought along for a while by yugioh
and then I stopped drawing for a while
then Death Note inspired me to draw and I did that for half a year and stopped
and I recently picked up drawing again because of (endless list of manga and anime)
so yeah if you add up the times that I've been actively drawing, around 2-3 years
:D I have no examples of old work because I throw out crap drawings, which means as I improve old drawings get thrown out. The drawings I have now will probably disappear by next year this time xD

Re: Who/What influenced your style of drawing?

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2011 12:26 pm
by Dharma Fish
Jaime Hernandez's ink work in Love and Rockets has been a huge influence on me. More recently Tony Moore's work in The Walking Dead and Ryan Kelly's beautiful brushed ink in Local have been influences. I also look at a lot of photography books. Henri Cartier-Bresson has a very unique way of capturing a scene and catching the action at it's most dramatic.

Re: Who/What influenced your style of drawing?

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2011 12:43 pm
by Arcanum
A lot of DA's artists, one at a time… (Jumei, Emily Carroll, Yuni, Algenpfleger, Doubleleaf, Gobeur…) I'm still trying to figure out my particular style and like to experiment with their ways of coloring, specially, to see if something "clicks" with me.

Re: Who/What influenced your style of drawing?

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2011 12:49 pm
by Chorvaqueen
Newspaper comics. No really.

The "anime-style", politically correct I may, started from pokemon then it eventually evolved. Pun not intended.

Re: Who/What influenced your style of drawing?

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2011 12:54 pm
by JustAnotherMe
Sailor Moon!!! OmiGod... Those days... While I'm still drawing stick people...

Re: Who/What influenced your style of drawing?

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2011 5:22 pm
by Snow Blossom
... Archie comics... -_-

Re: Who/What influenced your style of drawing?

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2011 5:58 pm
by Tsundere Lightning
Rumiko Takahashi. Oh, god, Rumiko Takahashi. I started drawing seriously by making Ranma 1/2 fancomics and drawing in the same style and with a similar sense of humor.

Re: Who/What influenced your style of drawing?

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2011 6:08 pm
by Death_HUG
Probably Arina Tenamura.... but my drawings used to look a lot like Sailor Moon XD

Re: Who/What influenced your style of drawing?

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2011 6:17 pm
by Omnificent
Early Final Fantasy (the sprites, not the Amano art), Megaman (original + X), Fire Emblem art circa FE 6/7, FMA, Takeuchi Takashi (or at least his stuff circa Fate/zero). Early Final Fantasy is where I first learned how to design character outfits (lol), Megaman-style eyes were the first kind I really learned how to draw, and I like how distinct characters look from each other in the latter three, as well as how different male and female characters look from each other while still looking very appealing.

That being said, I don't think my art usually resembles any of that lol

Re: Who/What influenced your style of drawing?

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2011 6:34 pm
by HigurashiKira
My style was mainly inspired by 己即是空 (Onsoku Zekuu) and his work with FLAT. That was where I started off from, trying to mimic his style.
I think with these two images, people can see where I get my somewhat cute style from Despite my attempts to make it more serious ;_;

Re: Who/What influenced your style of drawing?

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2011 7:19 pm
by VenusEclipse
Spiderman (the one where Falisha Hardly is the first female character.)
Magic Knight Rayearth
Angel Sanctuary

After that, there's too much to count.

Re: Who/What influenced your style of drawing?

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2011 7:58 pm
by Lennonhead
Image (link because biiig)


A fellow called Prio.

I can't stress how important he was to me finding my style.

His site is here: Use the green bar at the side to navigate. (WARNING: His art can get really weird sometimes, so be on guard for gore, a bit of sexual situations, and generally completely deranged images.)

Other influences:

Mizmaru: Japanese artist, you might recognise him as the artist for the video of Gyakuzai Koushinkyoku by Vocaloid producer Machigerita-P.
Andrew Hussie: As you probably know, author of MS Paint Adventures, as well as a lot of other things. I love how dynamic his art is, with (usually) minimal detail.
Suehiro Maruo: Realistic style, violent subject matter.
Old cartoons and comics: Both Japanese and American.

Isn't it funny how my influences are mainly violent but I don't draw that kind of stuff too much?

Re: Who/What influenced your style of drawing?

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2011 8:30 pm
by Auro-Cyanide
I've taken on so many references I just don't remember them anymore -.- Lots and lots of random DA artists, comic artists, painters, graphic designers, you name it and I have probably stolen at least one thing.

I can tell you what did start me seriously starting to draw and that was the artwork for Jak and Daxter. I absolutly feel in love with game design and character design after that and it started me on the road I am on now. Currently I pick up inspiration depending on what I am doing. When I was doing digital painting I looked into digital painiters like Loish and Marta. I usually pick out people that are doing work that feels the same way I want my work to feel and go from there.

Re: Who/What influenced your style of drawing?

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2011 9:34 pm
by emovampire1
Yoshiki Nakamura (author of Skip Beat!) and Yuna Kagesaki (author of Chibi Vampire). =] theyre so good...