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Witch Spell

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2011 6:30 am
by mapletaffy
[Project pulled out]

Re: Witch Spell

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2011 6:37 am
by droopy
Aww it seems really nice but I only have a Mac computer. :'(

Re: Witch Spell

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2011 8:27 am
by Lovely Explosions
Nooooo.... I wanna play too... But alas, I only have a mac.

Re: Witch Spell

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2011 9:54 am
by mapletaffy
@Droopy and Lovely Explosions
Oh I'm sorry~~~I will make a mac version soon~~~~~~

Re: Witch Spell

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2011 9:58 am
by Elze
Aaaaah windows only. OTL
/waits for mac version too

Re: Witch Spell

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2011 10:27 am
by Alera
Wow, so many Mac users. O.o

I'm with Windows and downloading it now. :3 The art is from the sample's you've shown is fairly nice!

Re: Witch Spell

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2011 11:09 am
by Alera
I'll comment on this while playing~

First- I liked that loading thingie at the beginning!!! :'D How did you make it?!

Next thing I checked were the options before starting. And...might look nice, but it's actually hard to understand. The buttons clash too much with the BG image and it's texture. The rest of the GUI though looks so nice! ^^

Later: AMG, I really like that jumping pumpkin!!! >w< So cute!

Hm...the menus are a lil bit hard to read too.

And lol- some expressions are priceless. XD Lil cutscenes too! And the music is very well fitted~

*Finished* ~ Very amusing story!!! I liked and enjoyed playing it! :'D Even if it's not my type of stuff. XD

Re: Witch Spell

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2011 11:33 am
by babyfish
I like this VN. Short and simple, but very sweet! The artwork and background are well-made, and the story is both hilarious and cute XD

Re: Witch Spell

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2011 11:49 am
by poppyrocks
im dling!!! XD

Re: Witch Spell

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2011 12:11 pm
by poppyrocks
I just finished it and I LOVED IT!!!

everything was perfectt!! I really love your drawings XD

Re: Witch Spell

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2011 3:38 pm
by Lovely Explosions
@ mapletaffy: yay! Thank you so much. I'm really looking forward to playing it; it looks adorable. :)

Re: Witch Spell

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2011 3:48 pm
by Taleweaver
Which spell? Which witch is which?

Re: Witch Spell

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2011 4:07 pm
by cosmo
me has Linux, sorry…

Re: Witch Spell

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2011 4:46 pm
by salis
You definitely don’t need to cast a love spell on me to love Witch Spell! Such a great debut visual novel! Your hard work and efforts really paid off, mapletaffy. Now for my full review for Witch Spell, which I’m rather excited to give my thoughts on. :D

Story: Charming and adorable idea! The story was smooth and well-paced and very entertaining. All three characters were cute, funny, full of personality, and really likable. Best of all, both endings were strong and satisfying! (Something not easy to achieve, believe me!) Short, sweet, and well played, I say!

Writing: Although you have a decent writing style, there were multiple spelling mistakes and grammar problems in Witch Spell, and some few awkward sentences too. Such as, “Do you have problem?” “I guess you’re inlove!” “I am not telling you any!” “Please keep focused!” “I feel giddy. (T.T)” As a writer, just beginning or experienced, it’s always a smart move to get a proofreader for your script. There are plenty of talented and friendly people here on the Lemma Soft Forums that I’m sure would be more than willing to help you with that, so don’t be afraid to ask!
And having emoticons in your dialogue seemed a little redundant since this is a visual novel. When Akari thinks, “What should I say now (O_O)” and “I don’t know what to say (T.T),” it would have had more feeling and impact if we could actually see Akari’s own face with these expressions.
As for the questions and answers presented to the player, they also needed a bit of work. Choosing between “If I knew who it was, I’ll break his neck!” or “I will never forgive the dullhead!” hardly feels like a different choice at all, and both lead to the same response with Jin saying he’s already forgiven them. It might be better to make your story answers and paths a bit more varied next time.
These are just a few things I thought you might want to work on to help improve your writing skills for your next visual novel, and I really do hope you will write another one!

Visuals: Beautiful sprites, detailed backgrounds, great logo, CG’s that were anime screen-shot quality, and a super cute pumpkin to boot! All of the visual elements of this game were great and meshed perfectly. There were a few too many bright and busy patterns worked into the interface and some of the buttons and bars were too light, making it difficult to see. But the cut-ins were a nice touch and I thought the way you presented them really utilized many of Ren’Py’s functions. And the ending illustration was really cute, too!

Sound: The music was well chosen and brought atmosphere to every scene! Although I would have preferred to have heard more sound effects than just the harp sound after exiting a menu or making a choice. It was a little too repetitive and didn’t appear to signify much.

Again, I really enjoyed Witch Spell! I hope you make it available for all platforms, mapletaffy, so others can enjoy it too! And I sincerely hope you create another visual novel!

Re: Witch Spell

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2011 5:51 pm
by Victoria
Omg, I love your artwork... If I wasn't such a lazy ass with my project (which is actually on hold), I would beg you to be an artist for it.
I'm going to try it now. =D

Edit: I've just finished it and it was really fluffy, short and easy-going, just what I needed right now =D I even laughed at some scenes. ^^