Writer looking to Write

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Writer looking to Write

#1 Post by Wyldstrife »

Hey there everyone. I'm new here, so I'll get straight to the point.

I'm a writer and I'm looking to get started in working with Visual Novels. I haven't any previous experience working with Ren'Py or Novelty, however, I do have experience with writing, primarily short stories. I should put in a footnote here, that I do have previous experience working with video games and drawing up design documents, geared largely towards console and mobile market.

I'm interested in getting into writing in the Visual Novel medium because it allows the 'reader/player' to interact with the story. A notion that in particular intrigues me, since it encourages the viewer to contemplate on what's going on in the story as well as the choices one might be required to make, making for a much more immersive experience, in my honest opinion.

I know that I am green as can be here, and that's exactly why I am writing this; I know that I want to write for a Visual Novel, but I realize, that it would be too cumbersome a task to take up alone. That's why , if your in need of a seasoned writer or looking for a writer to collaborate with on a project, please drop a line here in this thread or shoot me a PM. I excel at out of the box thinking, character-driven narratives and well-thought out storylines.

Here's to hoping for a warm welcome and that I hear from someone!

Thanks for your time in advance.


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Re: Writer looking to Write

#2 Post by Abeiramar »

Hello <3 ,
could you post samples of your work? It helps to get people interested ;) !

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Re: Writer looking to Write

#3 Post by fleet »

It might also be useful to know if you are willing to work for free, and if not, what rates you charge.
Some of my visual novels are at http://www.the-new-lagoon.com. They are NSFW
Poorly done hand-drawn art is still poorly done art. Be a Poser (or better yet, use DAZ Studio 3D) - dare to be different.

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Re: Writer looking to Write

#4 Post by Wyldstrife »

I am willing to work for free, something I had forgotten to include in my initial post. I seek no monetary gain, only a creative and artistic outlet, as well as collaborating with other talented individuals.

And as for samples of my work, here's a few excerpts from a story I wrote a while back, set in the Forgotten Realms universe, called "The Call For the Return" - the story follows several different characters, and I have attached 4 different excerpts from the story, I hope that isn't too confusing.
As the large sea vessel entered into the Calimport's Dock Ward, shouting from one end of The Old Sea Dog to the other end, hastily given commands could be heard being given by it's Captain to it's crew. After a long and turbulent journey, The Old Sea Dog with it's unusual voyagers aboard, had made it to Calimport. The city shone with vibrant colours in almost every direction, a stark contrast to the sandy colours of their otherwise majestic buildings. As the ship slowly made it's way toward reaching the actual docks, it was not hard to see for anyone who was aboard The Old Sea Dog that Calimport was as true to it's fame as it had been rumored to be. The city was so very alive with a marketplace so large that it seemed to overshadow the fact that this was the actual Dock Ward of the city.

Shaath stood on the port side of the vessel, he hadn't spoken with anyone on the entire journey but had merely shown the letter he had received and had boarded the ship in his respective city. The crew buzzed about it, his serious demeanor did not bode well for the voyage, but Shaath had done nothing and kept to himself throughout the entire journey, leaving him to be an even greater mystery for them.

Nessa had in turn spoken only with the ship's captain once, and briefly at that, at the beginning of their voyage. She had informed him that she wished to be left to her own affairs and if she was to be bothered in any way, she would have the male responsible made a eunuch, personally. The captain and her did not have another talk, and the ship's crew had been wary of her presence as well ever since.

However, the men of The Old Sea Dog could not help but feel their spirits brighten as they had finally reached home, Calimport. The joy could be heard in their voices and chatter along the ship, while the captain still yelled his orders from one end to the other. They had not yet docked, but preparations were hastily underway as the ship neared the dock, as was clear to every of the unusual passengers aboard.
Shaath stood in deep contemplation, alone near an isolated part of the port side of the ship, his eyes fixated on the water. His thoughts were unknown to the other passengers. Yet, his face told a cryptic tale, none could really decipher. His tongue was likewise unknown to them, as he had not spoken a single word to anyone on the whole trip. The captain had thought this strange, but no stranger than the other passengers he had been paid to pick up, as they had given similar greetings upon their boarding. Shaath had continued ignoring everyone and everything up until now, to which he heard a human pose a question, which made him turn his head in the humans direction but merely turned it back, fixating once again on the water that moved alongside the ship.

Nessa stood near the aft part of the ship, close to the stair that led to where the Captain stood with the helm, guiding the ship safely into the Dock. She was leaning up against the wooden wall behind her, minding her own thoughts, knowing they would soon be able to depart from this vessel and to the real matters at hand. Her thoughts were however interrupted, by a man who she could care less about, and as such her dreamy eyes turned open-wide, her emerald green gems resembling the sharp eyes of a snake. She snapped at him quickly in Elvish, leaving no air unused.

"Pai byr vaeresti o cali si eirysoria sai aelael mael sai ti, cestal. O'bi shaeraes jhaes sai shar sar sylia jhaer o shyr shal sai jhyri air..."
(Translation: "Do not presume you have the authority to even speak to me, human. You've better learn to watch that tongue lest you would want to lose it...")

And with the sentence completed, she arose from her leaning position and took stride towards the door that led down to the lower decks. One could only assume she would want to get her things as they were soon in Calimport, but this Elven female seemed to be in no mood for conversation, which was easy to tell merely by observing the way she had spoken the Elvish words.

The ship was moving very slowly now, in comparison to the speeds it had reached at open sea. The passengers seemed even more uneasy about the ships slowing speed, as it marked that this was the end of their journey, but they had not yet docked. However just then, a splash could be heard overboard, and someone at the bow of the ship yelling, even louder than the Captain was doing so with his commands and at that moment the Captain yelled out loudly "Haaaaaaaalt the ship!".
As Vaxus neared the part of the bow, where there was a ships crewman looking out over the railing, he would be able to see that the crewman in question was also laughing at something besides the ship. As the crewman noticed one of the unusual passengers nearing, he stood up and yelled in the Captain's direction:

"Don't be worryin' 'bout it Cap'n, just Silas that slipped an' fell" to which he continued laughing afterwards.

"Well, fish him up then! Bloody hell, got me worried there.. Thought something really bad might had happened.."

Shaath had witnessed the entire ordeal, but hadn't said or done anything. He would rather just remain gazing at the seemingly bottomless water. But then, suddenly, a faint voiced shout could be heard to those whom stood near the bow, or the port of the ship:

"Just ye be glad I be knowin' how to swim, Aaren! Now get me up, I be soakin' wet down here!"

The ship had now slowed to a halt, due to this unexpected delay. However, seeing as the crew and it's Captain were already so close to Calimports dock, none of the crew members seemed bothered by this little mishap. Instead their spirits seemed to heighten at this, feeling right at home, with good laughter following at Silas' expense. However, Shaath remained unphased by seemingly everything that happened around him.
"Yeah yeah yeah, e'erbodys got a joke to tell! Bugger off will ye" Silas yelled as he tried to hold on to the ship whilst his ship mate Aaren who had initially laughed at him, was in the process of lowering down a rope for him to grab a hold of. It seemed the delay that had occured on the bow of the ship, was finally about to be resolved and they might be able to finally proceed into dock.

However, on the aft of the ship, the Captain remained wary, having one of the unusual passengers walking around where he stood, at the helm. He didn't say anything and minded his own business, but he could not help but feel a certain degree of discomfort around these suspicious characters. But then again, so were he and his crew... However, these people seemed so dangerous and anger filled, one would not have to say much to provoke a fight, he thought to himself.

In the lower decks, Nessa had returned to the room to which she had been assigned and were in the process of collecting her things. Her room was relatively small, but then again, Avariel were Elven and Elves weren't that large., so it suited her fine, although the company and the food left something to be wanted.

Shaath still stood gazing out at the sea on the port side. A few of the other crew men had begun talking to one and other on the other side of the ship, pointing and staring at Shaath, discussing how long it would take him to snap out of it and if the Dragonborn had been dropped as a child. Someone who stood near the bow of the ship might have heard this.

With Silas now up from the cold water, and up on deck, the Captain quickly grabbed the opportunity to yell out yet another command: "Now that we're all together... To Calimport men, and on the double!"

And so the sails were quickly set yet again, as the ship slowly began to move again. On the docks, a man dressed in heavy armour with shoulder length brown hair and with long moustache looked out beyond the docks in the direction of the ship that set sail towards the docks again, and said to himself:

"About time. It won't be long before the sun sets.. It won't be long now." And with that, the middle aged man walked out to the vacant pier, and awaited the ships arrival.

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Re: Writer looking to Write

#5 Post by Taleweaver »

Not bad. Not bad at all. A little on the wordy side, a few slightly awkward expressions (the use of "quickly" and "slowly" in the second-to-last paragraph of the last sample text, for instance), and some trouble with "its" and "it's", but these are all technicalities. Stylistically, your writing is pleasant to read, and it shows that you like flowery, lively language. If you have the same skill at actually putting entire stories together, there's no reason why people here shouldn't be working with you.
Scriptwriter and producer of Metropolitan Blues
Creator of The Loyal Kinsman
Scriptwriter and director of Daemonophilia
Scriptwriter and director of The Dreaming
Scriptwriter of Zenith Chronicles
Scriptwriter and director of The Thirteenth Year
Scriptwriter and director of Romance is Dead
Scriptwriter and producer of Adrift
More about me in my blog
"Adrift - Like Ever17, but without the Deus Ex Machina" - HigurashiKira

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Re: Writer looking to Write

#6 Post by leon »

Hi Wyldstrife, welcome to the community. There seems to be plenty of writers around here, but not many without their own project(s). :)

I'll send you a PM with details about a WIP we are working on.

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Re: Writer looking to Write

#7 Post by PrivateEyes »

Very nice. I definitely enjoy reading your posted works :)

Right now, I just finished my first KN (albeit need to debug and go over it). I'm not exactly sure what to do next, but if you are ever interested working with me, that would be awesome.

I do all the backgrounds, character art, story writing , and programming by myself right now. Lone wolf in other words XD
Why live if in the end, we all die? I guess to suffer? I really have no clue.....

Please visit my Youtube channel! :D http://www.youtube.com/user/YugiohGX913?feature=mhum

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Re: Writer looking to Write

#8 Post by jaypee_1 »

Hi if you are interested please check out my thread, thank you :3 .
http://lemmasoft.renai.us/forums/viewto ... 38&t=12609

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Re: Writer looking to Write

#9 Post by Wyldstrife »

Heidy ho neighbourinos. I realize now that it's been a while since I checked back on this thread.

First of all, thank you all for your inquiries, both those in this thread and those via PM.

I have however been attached to several projects as of writing this, so at the moment I am not available to take up any further writing duties for other projects.

However, feel free to inquire about future projects and availability via PM.

Once again, thank you all for your interest and I will post in this thread once again, when I become available to write for other VNs.
I just can’t sit any other way than this. If I sit the way other people do, my reasoning ability drops by 40%.

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