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Re: Memoirs of an Angel [GxB] [Fantasy RPG]

Posted: Sun Mar 18, 2012 8:59 am
by broken_angel
Thanks for the offer, I'll keep that in mind. (:

But yeah... no team means that whenever a new game comes out (i.e. Mass Effect 3 *o*), all progress stops dead in its tracks, haha.

And sorry, I'm afraid I might not have the original anymore. ): I'll look around for it next time I'm on the right computer, though.

Re: Memoirs of an Angel [GxB] [Fantasy RPG]

Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2012 2:30 pm
by briannavon
Any updates? I know alot of people making games have been busy lately so its not a big deal to me if there are no updates.

Re: Memoirs of an Angel [GxB] [Fantasy RPG]

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2012 4:29 pm
by broken_angel
Sorry, but no updates.

It's the last stretch of the semester, so school is busy as heck. Unfortunately, that means that I haven't had the time or motivation to work on my game.

As soon as I have something new, I'll post here and on my blog. C:

Re: Memoirs of an Angel [GxB] [Fantasy RPG]

Posted: Thu May 03, 2012 7:08 am
by aya001
Wow, I remember playing this game, and when you decided to do a re-write or redo the game or how you want to call it never expected this improvement. WOW, just played the demo and... well I don't know if it's offensive (I hope not) but the previos MoaA was like.... (can't find the word XDDD) compared to this one. I really hope you end it, and even if you turn it into commercial if it's as good as the demo pictures be sure I'll buy it. Can't wait to get my hands in this one. Maybe in the future I'll make a donation, but right now with Loren the Amazon princess, my laptop broken (I'm saving money to buy a new one T_T) and life itself I can't really give that much (little by little, in the future I'll try to make another donation, when I don't have so many things to do and buy XD, becuase I really always like to support works like this ^_^).

Anyway I hope that you continue working hard in the game and see the end of it ^_^ Meanwhile with the demo and waiting for future update :-)

Re: Memoirs of an Angel [GxB] [Fantasy RPG]

Posted: Thu May 03, 2012 12:31 pm
by broken_angel
Thank you so much! Seriously, every little bit helps.

And I'm glad to hear that it's such a big improvement over the original. That means it's worth it to be doing all this work. :lol:
It definitely won't be commercial, though, haha. I still don't feel that I'm "professional" enough for that.

Anyway, next week is finals week, so after that, I'll finally have some time to work on the game again... at least for a couple weeks, until I run off to France.
Look for updates soon. C:

Re: Memoirs of an Angel [GxB] [Fantasy RPG]

Posted: Fri May 04, 2012 9:51 pm
by applegirl
Have to chime in, it is definitely commercial worthy in my eyes. Demo was very impressive and I must say--you do amazing work. Can't wait for the next update :)

Re: Memoirs of an Angel [GxB] [Fantasy RPG]

Posted: Thu May 31, 2012 1:23 pm
by broken_angel
So... I'm in France, with practically non-existant Internet.

I was expecting to have a decent connection to work with, so I could work on my game in my spare time (since I spent my couple free weeks goofing off and playing Skyward Sword), but since that isn't the case, it may be a while yet before I make any substantial updates. >.<

Sorry about that.

P.S.: People are so funny when they get angry. They stop making sense and just spout off as many insults as they can get away with while trying to sound like they're taking the high road. Drama like that isn't fun to be a part of, but it sure is fun to watch.

Re: Memoirs of an Angel [GxB] [Fantasy RPG]

Posted: Thu May 31, 2012 11:10 pm
by LadyLylalie
I just have to say: go you! From what I've read of your traveling and combat systems they sound really awesome (and complicated to make). The art, of course, is gorgeous, I don't think that even needs to be said. I don't want to be spoiled so I didn't look at your character descriptions, sorry.

I see no problem with the pacing of the demo. I wish there were more save spots per "page", but I see nothing horrible with the menus.

The villain's rant about chess was kind of nonsensical. I mean I see how your trying to keep with the "smart villain who loves chess" thing, but the game truly starts when the kings dead? That's kind of stretching it. I hope I'm not being too picky, cause I'm really excited for this game :)

Re: Memoirs of an Angel [GxB] [Fantasy RPG]

Posted: Sat Jun 23, 2012 2:22 pm
by briannavon
So...Since it's summer, do you have any updates?

Re: Memoirs of an Angel [GxB] [Fantasy RPG]

Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2012 2:00 am
by DeepObsession
One word: WOW (even if it's not really considered a word xD)
Thank you *p*

Re: Memoirs of an Angel [GxB] [Fantasy RPG]

Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2012 3:57 pm
by broken_angel
LadyLylalie - Thank you!

I know, I don't offer too many save spots per page, haha (though if you keep clicking on the "next" arrow, there are actually infinite slots, which I find kind of funny)... but it was so difficult to make that stupid menu, so I was just copying off of the example in the Wiki. Maybe one day, I'll get confident enough to add some more slots, but for now, three is as good a number as any.

As for the chess rant, I was kind of using names of chess pieces, but wasn't actually considering the way chess works or comparing it to chess outside of the piece names. But I'll look over it again, now that I've had some time away from it, and see if it could be worded better.

Briannavon - Sorry, but I just got back from a busy month in France, so no, no updates as of yet. But I'm starting to get the inklings of wanting to get back to work, so hopefully I'll have an update soon. C:

DeepObsession - "Wow" is definitely a word. ;) And thank you.

Re: Memoirs of an Angel [GxB] [Fantasy RPG]

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2012 1:05 pm
by briannavon
Question about this game : What's the age rating? :D

Re: Memoirs of an Angel [GxB] [Fantasy RPG]

Posted: Fri Jul 13, 2012 7:16 pm
by Ordog
It's written in the first post, +17
I played the Demo, and I want more !!
What I really loved is that you can choose between being the bloodthirsty kind or good tempered one.
The pace was just right, in the demo everything seemed right. I didn't read the details about the characters (I don't want any spoilers) But I don't think it will be bothersome if the characters all have a tragic past, since it will be different paths.
As for the romance, you can add why she falls for each one. But if the scenario's good, the player will find and read the reasons in the dialogues and situations (What I mean is that it doesn't have to be explicit, and let instead of explaining why love this one, you should make the player fall for each one) Of course, we might not love all of them, but you can introduce different types, and topos of guys.

That's all I remember for now... (BTW will it be free ?)

Re: Memoirs of an Angel [GxB] [Fantasy RPG]

Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2012 7:00 am
by broken_angel
Briannavon - As Ordog said, it's 17+.

Ordog - Thank you! I'm glad that you thought the pacing was okay. Unfortunately, I've been having trouble with everything past the demo... I'm not confident in my writing at all. -.- Ah well, I'll get through it somehow.

And I wasn't planning on making the reasons for the romances explicit, but it's probably good to at least have it in mind as I write. Thank you for the suggestions. C:

Finally, yes, it will be free...assuming I ever finish it, haha.

Re: Memoirs of an Angel [GxB] [Fantasy RPG]

Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2012 7:22 am
by Victoria Jennings
Just dropped by to say the art is GORGEOUS. *0* <3

And it looks like people are saying a lot of good things about the demo, so I'll check that out as well. Looking forward to it~!