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Writer for Hire! :U

Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2012 2:27 pm
by lillyisawesomeee
Maybe you've seen me around before, but uhm. So.
I'm Lilly! C:

I'm looking for a project to participate in as a writer. I have been taken up as a writer on two projects, however; neither of the two really took off. So that's why I'm looking for something to do while I wait for both to start up again. In terms of work, I would prefer shorter projects. It's mostly due to the fact that I am still currently attending high school so I don't have all that much free time on my hands. It is also because I really would like to see how good I am in writing for visual novels before I take anything large and ruin it, orz.

I'm most likely to be online more often on weekends. I really want to participate in the production of a Ren'py game considering how many I've played... haha! Among genres, I prefer it to be an otome or possibly a horror game. I'm not about to be particularly picky about it though.

I also apologize ahead of time if my writing skills aren't what you were going for and if I end up getting swamped with school/life/etc. Thank you for taking your time to read this!

Re: Writer for Hire! :U

Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2012 2:36 pm
by lillyisawesomeee
Writing Example:
"Are you proud of me yet, mother?"

Emerald eyes focused on the weather-worn headstone. The name on it had long since worn away. The humans that took care of the cemetery rarely cleaned the graves of the mutants that had lost their lives in the process of the war. But they were even less careful with the mothers and fathers that brought these mutants into the world. His mother had no name now, he thought. He had never known her name and he had never cared to learn it even now as an adult. He spoke no more words, instead he only stared quietly at the grave. His hands were in his pockets. The Egyptian man took another long drag of his cigarette, quiet. Was she mad at him? Or was she happy that he, like she had, was suffering too? Was she looking at his father now? Fearful for their child's future? Or perhaps, they resented him more and more for being the cause of their deaths. He didn't know. He didn't particularly want to know either.

He wasn't particularly sad that the woman had died. And even less sad because he had killed her. He had killed her. The edges of his lips curved upward in a small smile as he took another drag. He had killed her. He hadn't regretted a second of it. Not even now. He was the lowest of the low because of it, he knew. He was dirt. A cheap lay. A soldier. A spy. He was so many things and more, though the man reminded himself. He was nothing special. "Are you finally proud of me?" He said again, kicking up the dried leaves that gathered on the smooth stone. "Probably, huh?" He replied, a slight grin playing on his lips. "I became just like you." He took the cigarette out of his mouth, tapping the edge of it. Ashes fell off and onto the stone tablet. He dropped it on the tablet, crushing the cigarette beneath his foot.

"They say I look just like you." Anubis crossed his arms over his chest. He bent down on one knee, pulling out a hand and brushing his thumb over the etched letters. His lips moved to form the letters, but no names came. He could not recognize his last name either. He did not know this woman. She was as good as a stranger. "Was that why you hated me?" He received no answers. Storm clouds gathered overhead in the sky as the man clenched his fists. "Tell me." His next words were as soft as the rain. The rain fell at a gentle pitter patter. His bangs clung to his face. He only stood there, unmoving. He wasn't crying. He wasn't crying. He wasn't crying.

The leaves rustled softly and the man turned around for a moment. Tears brimmed at the edges of his emerald eyes as he stared at the other. He was thankful it had begun to rain. He wished it would storm, but. For that to happen, he surely would have collapsed beneath his weight. "What?" His voice was barely louder than a whisper now. He wasn't crying. He wasn't crying over her. He wouldn't.
I apologize for it being in the third person. I am fairly capable of writing in the first. This just happened to be one of the writing examples I liked.

Re: Writer for Hire! :U

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2012 4:19 am
by Kuro Hime
would u be interested to help in this ... 38&t=13266

Re: Writer for Hire! :U

Posted: Sat Mar 24, 2012 6:52 pm
by vitum
Hey lillyisawesomeee

Are you still looking for a project? I like your writing and I have an idea but its not a otome or horror game. But if you're still looking for a project I'll give you more details.

Re: Writer for Hire! :U

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 8:47 pm
by KisekiNoMajo
Your writing is beautiful! :3 I really enjoyed your sample. If you ever need a project to work on I've got a few lined up. I do hope to see more of your work in the future~

Re: Writer for Hire! :U

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2012 11:58 am
by Gear
If you're interested in writing a short "TV show" for a collaborative project, you're more than welcome to join us. You seem like an excellent writer.