Doppelganger Dawn of the Inverted Soul-Demo [Reupload]

Post demo and beta versions of your game here for testing.
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Doppelganger Dawn of the Inverted Soul-Demo [Reupload]

#1 Post by azureXtwilight »

For the mediafire links not working, here's a reupload:

Demo's out guys!

- This doesn't contain the violence-gore-censor yet, still don't know how I am going to implement it
- Bonus is under the name of "test screen". I wrote them up while testing the sizes of sprites :P
- No preview of upcoming scenes, I'd like to keep it a secret.
- All the options are unlocked, but in the real game some are unavailable in the beginning


The game contains 2,108 screens of dialogue.
These screens contain a total of 20,967 words,
for an average of 9.9 words per screen.
The game contains 15 menus.

While I'm releasing these final designs, I'm also recruiting beta-tester. Beta-testing is approximately on the end of november or early december, so if you're free, why not~?
If anyone is interested to beta-test, please do so by:

- In the beginning of the review, write : Interested to BETA!
- Give your review! It might be easier to use the points:
a. Error report
b. Typo/ grammatical mistakes report
c. Comments on the story/characters --> If something doesn't make sense, or just general comments are highly appreciated. Favorite character, suspect, anything...
d. Comparison with old demo in terms of... anything! Story-wise, art, GUI, new scenes, anything. (only if you have played it)

Even if you don't want to beta-test, please at least give me your review. Any format is all right~ :) Thank you!

Due to my connection that cannot upload files more than 100 MBs in one time:
Download them both and out both files in the same folder!

How to extract:

Download WinRAR from the RAR Lab website :
Double-click on the downloaded file to open the WinRAR installation window. Press "Install."
Select "RAR" in the Associate WinRAR With menu.
Click "OK" and choose "Done" to complete the installation.
Place all of your RAR files into one folder.
Double-click on the RAR file with the smallest number. In most cases this will be filename0.rar or filename1.rar. All of the RAR files will merge in the extraction into a single file.
Another option is to right-click the RAR file and choose either "Extract Here," which will extract the file to the folder containing the RARs or "Extract to (filename)," which will extract the merged file to a separate folder inside the folder containing the RARs.

How to play in other OS:

Install renpy 6.14
Put the extracted game folder in your renpy folder
Launch game using renpy
Last edited by azureXtwilight on Fri Nov 09, 2012 9:30 pm, edited 4 times in total.

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Re: Doppelganger Dawn of the Inverted Soul-Demo+Beta Recruit

#2 Post by nancie »

I've been waiting for this one for a while downloading now! let you know what I think in a few :D

Ok here's what I've come up with so far:
I am interested in future beta testing

A quick note about text speed the default is set way too fast(for me). You can adjust it once you are at the menu screen but the opening sequence flew by and it was not click to continue so I missed most of it. You would have to close the game and reopen it after you adjust the speed to see it.

A. Errors - I didn't have any game errors but I found a few inconsistencies:
1. After the scene with Ignatius and Yuri, Lucia goes shopping and forgets her bag. She goes home to get it and leaves her brother waiting for her. She doesn't even remember that he is waiting?(no mention of it) Then it jumps to the next day when she gets a call from Jun and decides to go help her.
2. Friday after the cafe if leave alone and turn right - Lucia says she is home and starts talking with Arthur but the background shows the park for a few lines.
3. Friday after the cafe if you leave with Lee - He asks you about what you saw (clifford) Lucia says he had blond hair and purpleish eyes. (You changed his eye color.)
4. Friday even if you come to the cafe with Lee -when getting ready to leave he says I already feel bad for letting you come here alone, let me take you home.
B. Typo/Grammatical mistakes report: Do you want a whole proof read posted here or should I upload it and post a link for you? When I went through I copied the original statement and its location and gave an example of better wording (a couple different ones in some cases) and I tried to be very thorough so the report is somewhat long. Let me know how you'd like it.
C. Comments on story/characters: The story is very riveting, leaves me wanting more. I have loved all your game titles so far, so its no surprise that this one has my brain trying to figure out "who dunnit" so to speak. I'm happy to get to help out.
Some things I really liked were :
-Love how you displayed the picture when a call comes in very nicely done -I love the lecture scene, your portrayal was perfect of how most people hear an endless rant. - Like how Blake reverses the names Luke for Lucia and Leia for Lee very cute. - I really loved how the choices were not always obvious on how to get the desired result
- Characters: - Lucia - So far I really like her and her personality. Good girl with spunk - I can immerse myself in her character with no problem.
--I think my favorite so far is Lee (smart guy with glasses, super nice, childhood bestfriend what's not to like?) I can't wait to uncover his secret on how he knows so much.
--Second would have to be Yuri (Bad boys for the win! Who can resist?) I an intrigued by his story too, and I love conquering the I hate everyone persona.
--Clifford - I like the dark, mysterious and even dangerous types so I'll certainly follow his story/path I like his mocking sense of humor. And he's incredibly cute!
--Blake - Not usually my thing but I'm sure I'll like him once I get past all the silly arrogance and indifference. I really liked his answers in the bonus skit, he does have a sense of humor.
--Rico - Meh could take him or leave him. I'm probably a bit bias since I like Yuri and loath Anastasia so maybe once I see a bit more of his story.
--Raphael - Not a big fan of the jock but he seems to break the (I have to be a jerk so people will like me) mold, so I'll give him a fair shake. Lucia seem a bit smitten with him so he can't be all bad right?
--Ignatius - He seems nice enough nothing spectacular stands out about him, he would be like the friend I thought of like a little brother so I would not pursue him. (Is his upcoming invention what gets him stuck in fantasia? I wonder)
--Jun - So cute I just adore her, I would've totally had her as a best friend in school.
--Shuang - also cute and lovable, Love how she likes to embarrass Lee. I have some thoughts on the new scene relieved in this version, that she may have a secret too.
--Chunxiang - mysterious, and possibly not as cute as she makes herself out to be? But I'm just speculating here so... I like what I have seen of her story so far.
--Last but certainly not least ??? mystery man (I always love the mystery man) I like where his story seems to be going. I love the mystery and finding out. I have my suspicions of who he really is but I'll reserve my comments for now. I'm quite sure I won't be disappointed
I think that's all of them (sorry if I left any of them out.)
D. Comparison between this demo and the old one - over all I'd have to say that this one has quite a bit more polish I did notice some subtle changes to the story, but all for the better I think.
-Art - I have to say kudos to both of your artists. The GUI is beautiful (in a dark sort of way) it really complements the plot nicely good job! The sprites, I have to say wow! I'm really glad you found some one that could stick with your art style (it is something that I've come to love in your previous games) everyone looks so nice my only nitpick would be Raphael - his neck (I'm not an artist so I cant really complain) it just looks odd?
-new scenes - I'm really glad I got to see a bit more of the story the new couple scenes are great just enough to make the replay of this demo (after playing all the choices in the old one) feel rewarding. I love the river - lover scene, really makes you think.(Who can they be?)
Over all I have really enjoyed going through the new version and I can't wait for the final release!
Last edited by nancie on Wed Sep 26, 2012 5:10 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Doppelganger Dawn of the Inverted Soul-Demo+Beta Recruit

#3 Post by Daistarir »

I am. testing it . i will review it to you soon.

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Re: Doppelganger Dawn of the Inverted Soul-Demo+Beta Recruit

#4 Post by kcookiie »

definitely testing! (: just curious but how many words was the last demo? more or less?

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Re: Doppelganger Dawn of the Inverted Soul-Demo+Beta Recruit

#5 Post by azureXtwilight »

kcookiie wrote:definitely testing! (: just curious but how many words was the last demo? more or less?
The demo before this? Definitely less. A lot less. :mrgreen:

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Re: Doppelganger Dawn of the Inverted Soul-Demo+Beta Recruit

#6 Post by jghibiki »

Testing :D

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Re: Doppelganger Dawn of the Inverted Soul-Demo+Beta Recruit

#7 Post by kersplode »

I'd like to be a beta tester, since not many people here besides me have linux, so I can find tons of bugs~
here's a huge one right away: it flat-out won't open.
./Doppelganger - line 62: exec: /home/kcda/Games/Doppelganger - Demo-1.0-all/lib/linux-x86_64/python: cannot execute: Permission denied
I tried what I do when making a linux boot for a windows-only renpy game, by taking a working game's .sh file and adding their 'linux-x86' and 'python' files into /lib, and that got me this error
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "./Doppelganger -", line 144, in <module>
File "./Doppelganger -", line 141, in main
File "/home/kcda/Games/Doppelganger - Demo-1.0-all/renpy/", line 215, in bootstrap
File "/home/kcda/Games/Doppelganger - Demo-1.0-all/renpy/", line 148, in import_all
import renpy.text.ftfont #@UnresolvedImport
ImportError: No module named ftfont
so I replaced it with the working game's and .pyo files, which led me to this
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "./Doppelganger -", line 144, in <module>
File "./Doppelganger -", line 141, in main
File "/home/kcda/Games/Doppelganger - Demo-1.0-all/renpy/", line 185, in bootstrap
if and not 'SDL_VIDEODRIVER' in os.environ:
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'windows'
and then replaced a number of things and got similar errors until I eventually gave up. do you think you could try doing a linux-only so we can see if the error persists? unless someone knows what's wrong, that is~

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Megane Procrastinator
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Re: Doppelganger Dawn of the Inverted Soul-Demo+Beta Recruit

#8 Post by azureXtwilight »

kersplode wrote:I'd like to be a beta tester, since not many people here besides me have linux, so I can find tons of bugs~
here's a huge one right away: it flat-out won't open.
./Doppelganger - line 62: exec: /home/kcda/Games/Doppelganger - Demo-1.0-all/lib/linux-x86_64/python: cannot execute: Permission denied
I tried what I do when making a linux boot for a windows-only renpy game, by taking a working game's .sh file and adding their 'linux-x86' and 'python' files into /lib, and that got me this error
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "./Doppelganger -", line 144, in <module>
File "./Doppelganger -", line 141, in main
File "/home/kcda/Games/Doppelganger - Demo-1.0-all/renpy/", line 215, in bootstrap
File "/home/kcda/Games/Doppelganger - Demo-1.0-all/renpy/", line 148, in import_all
import renpy.text.ftfont #@UnresolvedImport
ImportError: No module named ftfont
so I replaced it with the working game's and .pyo files, which led me to this
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "./Doppelganger -", line 144, in <module>
File "./Doppelganger -", line 141, in main
File "/home/kcda/Games/Doppelganger - Demo-1.0-all/renpy/", line 185, in bootstrap
if and not 'SDL_VIDEODRIVER' in os.environ:
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'windows'
and then replaced a number of things and got similar errors until I eventually gave up. do you think you could try doing a linux-only so we can see if the error persists? unless someone knows what's wrong, that is~
*sob* I'm sorry I don't know how to fix it because I'm not an excellent programmer. The problem with me is that I have such a terrible connection that uploading a big file at once is a no-no. I am unable to unpack the linux standalone version on windows and turn it into parts. Have you tried playing it using your renpy?

@nancie :
B. Typo/Grammatical mistakes report: Do you want a whole proof read posted here or should I upload it and post a link for you? When I went through I copied the original statement and its location and gave an example of better wording (a couple different ones in some cases) and I tried to be very thorough so the report is somewhat long. Let me know how you'd like it
Sure, can you send it to me via PM? I really like how you're thorough so you can be a beta-tester~
-Art - I have to say kudos to both of your artists. The GUI is beautiful (in a dark sort of way) it really complements the plot nicely good job! The sprites, I have to say wow! I'm really glad you found some one that could stick with your art style (it is something that I've come to love in your previous games) everyone looks so nice my only nitpick would be Raphael - his neck (I'm not an artist so I cant really complain) it just looks odd?
The art is made entirely by me, except the GUI :P The old artist dropped out~

Thank you for the long comments, love long comments! *off to fix the ones you told me*
To everyone who wanted to beta-test, the hell isn't broken loose yet! XD

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Re: Doppelganger Dawn of the Inverted Soul-Demo+Beta Recruit

#9 Post by nancie »

Should be in your mailbox. As for the art it looks like you didn't need another one anyway, I love all the improvements you've implemented.

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Re: Doppelganger Dawn of the Inverted Soul-Demo+Beta Recruit

#10 Post by Tawneeboyd15 »

Alright. So is it alright if I start with certain things I found interesting and I might have clicked together? If it isn't, you may delete this review.
During the demo, when it came to the black and white couple, I saw that the girl looked exactly like Chunxiang. The clothing and everything matched her to a T. While the man, I know this is a shot in the dark, but he looks like the mystery man that jumped from the window at the school. Just taking a guess here. I have an idea why they do, but I don't know really.
Lucia- She's interesting. I'm liking her character. For one, unlike most main characters, she has personality. Spunk and sassy. Even though a bit clueless. I'm conflicted about if she is snobby, or if she just wants to please her parents. I have a feeling she isn't being snobby on purpose, though. I really enjoy her new design, against her older one. She looks more polished and attractive. Even though her older one, was still attractive.

Raphael- Even though he wasn't shown too much in the demo. I like his cheerful exterior. He seems very kind for a senior. Which makes me wonder, if there is something darker to him. I don't have very much to say about him, because there isn't much shown. But, he is very much tanner than in the previous demo.

Blake- I enjoyed Blake. For some reason or another, his character interested me. Even though on the outside he seems like any snobby popular guy that doesn't take the time to remember anyone's name. But, he does genuinely look as if he is a good person. Especially when Lucia called him up and asked *Cough* Demanded *Cough* that he help work on the project. But then again, he acts like a snotty popular. So I don't know. He conflicts my interest. You made his character very well in that subject.

Rico- Okay, for starters, he's tongue wagging gorgeous. His eyes are to die for. His newer design is so much better than his older one. His eyes pop out more and give off this glow. Very nice art work, by the way. Stunning. Anyway....His character. He seems like a jerk, gives off the vibe of a jerk, but yet, he really does seem to care about his girlfriend. Which makes me believe he might actually have a heart. Maybe. I wonder about him....Can Lucia really save him? What's going on with that? Is his body somewhere and he's just wandering as a soul? I'm clueless, but I think that's the idea.

Lee- He's mysterious in more ways than one. For starters, what does he know about what's going on with Lucia? I have a feeling he's more than meets the eye. He's so adorable, yet, so mysterious. You can't help but be drawn in. His personality is protective and knight and shining armor. But, maybe there is something darker going on there? He seems to have more secrets than he's letting on.

Clifford- He's the big mystery in this! I feel like I'm talking to Albus Dumbledore, when he comes along. He gives you answers, and yet, you feel like you learned little to nothing. Hints here and there. Trying to help you, yet, you still have to figure all of it out on your own. It's confusing. But, addicting. He's the mystery I want to solve.

Anastasia- The girl you want to hate, yet you can't. In a twisted way, she is easy to feel sorry for. She did seem to have a horrible past. As if she was one of the girls, she now bullies. Which makes me wonder if she was. But, on the other hand. She is villain-ish. Burning Lucia, is the main reason. So it's hard to tell. Oh! In the last demo it wasn't shown what was done to her, was it? I don't think it did, but I'm not sure. In this one it did though, and thank goodness you couldn't see her eyes! I was hoping that wasn't shown. But, I do like how nicely the gory scenes were done.

Ignatius- Not much to say other than he's adorable! And he looks very grown up compared to the last demo. He was sort of childish. Looking as if he was ten, and not fourteen? Fifteen? So this was a big improvement in his design. Makes him more grown up.

Yuri- I saved the best for last! Yes, I have fallen for Yuri. I had to play the demo a few times until I really got interested in his character. For one, love his eyes now. They are so devilish but yet, humorous. His character is something else. At first I wanted to hate him, how could you not? He did beat the hell out of Rico. And then he went off on Lucia about how snobbish the people are and she is. But, than he tries be friends with her! Which confuses me, but enlightens me also. But, later on, he shows a more deeper side. When it comes to his family. He did let Lucia in on some things, but I got a lot more out of his character when his brother and him fought. If only Jun didn't show up!

All in all. The art work is even more stunning and polished. The characters are more interesting and addicting. And the music is like nothing I've ever heard in an VN. I mean it in a good way. ;) Sorry if I offended you in anyway, I never meant to. Thank you for the wonderful demo and for taking so much time in making these wonderful games. It's admirable. I would love to beta test. If you let me. But if you don't, I still love this game. And admire you. I cannot wait to play the full version.

Until then. :)
Find The Beauty, In The Darkest Places. It's More Rewarding.

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Re: Doppelganger Dawn of the Inverted Soul-Demo+Beta Recruit

#11 Post by azureXtwilight »

Tawneeboyd15 wrote:Alright. So is it alright if I start with certain things I found interesting and I might have clicked together? If it isn't, you may delete this review.
During the demo, when it came to the black and white couple, I saw that the girl looked exactly like Chunxiang. The clothing and everything matched her to a T. While the man, I know this is a shot in the dark, but he looks like the mystery man that jumped from the window at the school. Just taking a guess here. I have an idea why they do, but I don't know really.
The only thing I can confirm is that
she is obviously Chunxiang.
Thank you for the long review! Unfortunately I can't actually answer everything since I don't know how I do it without spoiling, all I can say is that not everyone have any path, and not every path has luciaxguy romance since this is a heavy-mystery story, in which I never put a tag "otome" or "romance" since I just wanted to make sure no one's protesting XD But yes, some people are romanceable~

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Re: Doppelganger Dawn of the Inverted Soul-Demo+Beta Recruit

#12 Post by Tawneeboyd15 »

I knew it!!!!! :D I'm so excited! Well, I really cannot wait now! But, I do know making these games take time, and go as slow as you need. Take your time. :)

You're welcome! It's alright. I can wait to find out. It leaves surprises. Which are enjoyable. Thank you for the wonderful demo. And the beautiful art work. I would love to beta test. Mystery is the best kind. It's fun to find clues and the dramatic effect is really drawing me in. But, romance is a plus too. ^-^
Find The Beauty, In The Darkest Places. It's More Rewarding.

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Re: Doppelganger Dawn of the Inverted Soul-Demo+Beta Recruit

#13 Post by azureXtwilight »

Thanks! If you'd like to beta-test, then please send me the one based on the checklist I gave to review so I can compare the thoroughness to the reviews the other people :) I don't want to miss anything.

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Re: Doppelganger Dawn of the Inverted Soul-Demo+Beta Recruit

#14 Post by Tawneeboyd15 »

Interested In Beta!:


So during the beginning of the demo. It says the man was living in an apartment. Example: "Oh, shit. It actually slide into that haunted apartment. Such luck..." But, in the later part when Lucia and her father were talking about the screaming from the man. Lucia says: "Actually, I did. It sounded like it was coming from the mansion eh, dad?" I don't know if it was meant to be like that or whatever. But that's one thing I found. Oh, and slide, should be "Slid".

When Lucia's mother was talking about the trouble makers. I found this. "Please, you two must avoid those types of people at all cost. You can't..." When it should've been. "Those type of people." I don't know. Small things. Sorry to pick.

I know, I know, you must dislike me right now. But....Another. When Lucia's mother was talking about the danger in the town. "Other people are mysteriously disappearing, while others are entering into comas suddenly..." When it could be easier and more fluent. "All the while, others are entering into comas suddenly..." Sorry...-.-

And I don't understand why, when Lucia was talking to Yuri, she all of a sudden thought. "His hair color is weird...Wait, did he dye it?" I mean. What in the world? @.@ When it would've sounded more easy at the lips. To say "His hair color sure is weird.....Wait, did he dye it?" It's just a little out there. But, I just want to help.

Don't hate me! Alright, another grammar slip I found. Is when Lucia was speaking to Lee at the beginning of the demo. When Lucia was going into Lee's introduction, She put. "Unlike me, Lee's family is one of the richest ones around these parts." When it could've been. "Unlike my family, Lee's family is one of the richest ones around these parts." I now sound annoying. But, as a writer, I find these things. Oh, and it should say. "Rumor has it that his family works for the mafia, although my father assures me that's not true." At the ending of that paragraph. Sorry....

Oh, during the demo, when it came to the part of Raphael's introduction, Raphael happened to say. "All right! The national tournament is right around the corner! I'm going to do my best!" He could've said. "Alright! The national tournament is right around the corner! I'm going to do my best!" Just a thought. And when Lucia was talking about Raphael's father' passing. She could've said "But, he passed away a year ago." Instead of "He passed away one year ago."

One thing I found conflicting, is when it became lunchtime, that all of a sudden Lucia says "Eh? It's from Lee." What is from Lee? A text message? A Note? What? There wasn't any explanation of what was from Lee. So that was something that is confusing.

Also....Anywhoo. This isn't really important but it's true with gangs. When Yuri was speaking to Rico. Instead of "Base" You could use "Turf". Just, that's what gangs usually call their own parts of the neighborhoods. Just saying.

Oh, and when Lucia came home and her mother started talking about the fight. It should've been "I heard a fight break out at your school!" It should've been. "I heard a fight broke out at your school!" Sorry, for picking.

Also....During the part when Raphael and Lucia were running late and got caught by one of the teachers. When Lucia was panting, she stated " *Pant* *Pant* I-I need a moment to catch my breathe..." When it should've been. "I-I need a moment to catch my breath..."

Also, um, Lucia's name turned from red to green when she spoke to Jun about going with Anastasia. Example: "I'll be back soon." Lucia's name went to an mossy green color. Just saying. Nothing important. Also, when one of Anastasia's group member's was talking, she said "Hey, hey! Let's show us what we usually do to people who disobey us!" It should've been "Hey, hey! Let's show her what we usually do to people who disobey us!". Another thing, it should've be "Has never felt that pain" not "Had never felt that pain". When that same girl was talking to Anastasia. Then, When during the end of the confrontation with the Anastasia group, Anastasia stated "Don't ever try to run away." When maybe it should've been. "Don't even try to run away." Maybe?

This is minor, but when Lucia was first speaking to Raphael, during the student council, Raphael questioned her by saying "Or maybe....I didn't reply your love letter? That's it, huh?" When it should be. "Or maybe...I didn't reply to your love letter? That's it, huh?".

One more thing! Because I have to get off the computer. But, I can keep going later. If you need more for the beta-tester comparison, that is. But, I can't do it right now. -.-

But here it is, When Lucia was talking to the mysterious person in the bathroom at school. She stated this "And then...I want something like this won't happen again!" When it should be. "I want something like this to never happen again!".

Alright. I think I made an horrible person out of myself. But, I just want to help. Everything is really stunning and beautiful. Really. :) I hope I did well, and if I did the wrong thing again, please explain to me. I'm a bit dizzy. ^-^
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Re: Doppelganger Dawn of the Inverted Soul-Demo+Beta Recruit

#15 Post by azureXtwilight »

No, no, you don't come off as annoying or anything, I need those who are brutally honest so that the game will be good in the end. Thank you very much, if you find more mistakes do tell and I'll have you as a tester :)

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