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Autistic Love (自閉症の愛) (wk'ing ttl.) [BxG/Friendship/Romance]

Posted: Thu Feb 14, 2013 11:10 am
by LG65

A young high-functioning autistic man down on his luck on love and friendship... People easily misunderstand him, despite his good intentions of making friends and hopefully getting a girlfriend. But a chance encounter with seven girls at a food court in Toronto makes his confidence grow and he is willing to extend his friendship with these four girls from Japan. Fully immersed in Toronto, it will feature photos of Toronto as "BG's".

Sample assets:

Photos (to serve as BG's):

MC's Home:


Streetcar Stop near George Brown College:


Main Lobby of George Brown College:


Conceptual Artwork (done by Angela Hu):


Progress (of working demo):

Storywriting: 75%
Scripting: 30%
Photos: 75%
Artwork: 5%

Total Complete: 46.25%

My biggest questions:

1) I'm trying to figure out a good title screen for this... What would suffice?
2) As with the above question, what would make a good title design?

Re: Autistic Love (自閉症の愛) (wk'ing ttl.) [BxG/Friendship/Roma

Posted: Thu Feb 14, 2013 9:10 pm
by WickedRaccoon
Well,this is something new! It would be nice though if you could provide a little more info about the MC,cause the story plot left me with a few unanswered questions. But it still remains interesting. Will be checking this thread.
As for your questions: I don't know, Autistic Love sounds ok to me. As for the title desing,maybe you want to ask some artist's opinions here on LSF for a nice result,or maybe ask someone if he/she could help you desing the title logo.
Wish you luck! :)

Re: Autistic Love (自閉症の愛) (wk'ing ttl.) [BxG/Friendship/Roma

Posted: Thu Feb 14, 2013 10:02 pm
by icecheetah
Hmm...I somehow think the best title screen would show a little of how your character thinks of the world, probably something lightly coloured, not overbearing for the senses. Maybe with something that would interest him standing out?

Now I just want to make sure: have you done/are you doing your research, both on Autism itself and on Japanese attitudes to people with Autism?

Re: Autistic Love (自閉症の愛) (wk'ing ttl.) [BxG/Friendship/Roma

Posted: Thu Feb 14, 2013 10:39 pm
by gekiganwing
LG65, please let us know how different this is from the Untitled VN that you discussed in January 2013. How much has carried over from what you originally wrote? Have you made any major changes to your characters, premise, setting, and so on since then?

Re: Autistic Love (自閉症の愛) (wk'ing ttl.) [BxG/Friendship/Roma

Posted: Thu Feb 14, 2013 11:46 pm
by LG65
gekiganwing wrote:LG65, please let us know how different this is from the Untitled VN that you discussed in January 2013. How much has carried over from what you originally wrote? Have you made any major changes to your characters, premise, setting, and so on since then?
Yup. A lot has changed after looking over my editing friend's recommendations. She noted realism being key to many VN's, and also asked me to cut down on the heroines being drilled into the opening piece, which I have done. From 7 to 4 to begin with, I think I can make it work.

I'm hoping the working demo will look a WHOLE lot better thanks to the assistance I've been getting.

Re: Autistic Love (自閉症の愛) (wk'ing ttl.) [BxG/Friendship/Roma

Posted: Fri Feb 15, 2013 1:55 am
by erinism
Tough subject matter, but I look forward to it - and I agree with icecheetah; I think if you look into autism a good main screen will work itself out.

But then again, with 90% of the script written some themes should start to stand out - maybe there are some funny in-jokes or a reoccurring setting that you can incorporate into a title screen? Themes are better when they're arrived at organically.

Good luck!

Re: Autistic Love (自閉症の愛) (wk'ing ttl.) [BxG/Friendship/Roma

Posted: Fri Feb 15, 2013 10:08 am
by icecheetah
Well thanks to the link to your previous project I can rest assured you know what you are doing! I look forwards to seeing this!

Re: Autistic Love (自閉症の愛) (wk'ing ttl.) [BxG/Friendship/Roma

Posted: Thu Feb 21, 2013 9:39 am
by LG65
All right... Sample photos are up to show what kind of BG's are expected.

Re: Autistic Love (自閉症の愛) (wk'ing ttl.) [BxG/Friendship/Roma

Posted: Thu Feb 21, 2013 11:36 am
by Cadenza
Speaking as a high-functioning autistic person, I don't really like the idea of the VN being called "Autistic Love". I don't think an autistic person's love is Autistic Love, it's just love. Being defined by your place on the autism spectrum is kind of dehumanising.

It's your choice though, and I know it's a working title, I just thought I'd weigh in.

Re: Autistic Love (自閉症の愛) (wk'ing ttl.) [BxG/Friendship/Roma

Posted: Thu Feb 21, 2013 12:55 pm
by CSJ
Cadenza wrote:Speaking as a high-functioning autistic person, I don't really like the idea of the VN being called "Autistic Love". I don't think an autistic person's love is Autistic Love, it's just love. Being defined by your place on the autism spectrum is kind of dehumanising.

It's your choice though, and I know it's a working title, I just thought I'd weigh in.
I agree that the title is awkward, though I don't know if that is a good or bad thing. It reminds me of a certain VN developed by 4chaners in that regard - for good or ill.

I'll keep an eye out for this.

Re: Autistic Love (自閉症の愛) (wk'ing ttl.) [BxG/Friendship/Roma

Posted: Thu Feb 21, 2013 2:53 pm
by Noctelle
Um, my thought on the title is that you really should change it. :/ I'll be really honest here when I say that as soon as I seen the title I got a little offended, love isn't a different type of love just because you have a form of mental disorder or handicap. My brother is autistic, but that doesn't mean his ability to feel emotion is any less than anyone else's. I mean its not like if hes happy he would be "autistic-happy" or if he's sad he's "autistic-sad", so calling it "autistic-love" is just really awkward and kinda a tiny bit rage inducing.

You may potentially end up driving people away from even wanting to read your V.N, with that title.While I'm sure that's not what you are trying to do, I'm just pointing out that some if not most people will find the title either really awkward or quite degrading and offensive..

Also I hope you realize I'm not trying to be offensive here I'm just simply explaining that you will come to bumps in the road if you stick with that sort of title. :/ Also I get that its just a working title, and sorry for ranting but I figured I might point this out just in case you maybe didn't realize that people may take it the wrong way.. Also you obviously don't have to listen to what I have to say if you don't want to but yeah.. Anyway good luck on you V.N.

Re: Autistic Love (自閉症の愛) (wk'ing ttl.) [BxG/Friendship/Roma

Posted: Thu Mar 07, 2013 9:08 am
by LG65
Well... This is going to suck, but I lost the darn USB that contains much of what I've edited and/or worked on! Which means I might be in for extra work to get it all back again...

Oh well... it's back to work for me and at least I kept you guys up to speed.

Re: Autistic Love (自閉症の愛) (wk'ing ttl.) [BxG/Friendship/Roma

Posted: Thu Mar 14, 2013 9:47 am
by LG65
Hey, guys! I've got conceptual artwork here for 3 of 4 heroines and the supporting cast! It is done by Angela Hu.

Re: Autistic Love (自閉症の愛) (wk'ing ttl.) [BxG/Friendship/Roma

Posted: Thu Mar 14, 2013 10:28 am
by falsedelusion
First thoughts after seeing the images: "That's toronto isnt it..? it is right? it? looks too familiar. hm."
Then i realized i should probably read the words lol

are you going to use the photos straight up? or are you going to edit it so it'd fit the character drawings more?

Re: Autistic Love (自閉症の愛) (wk'ing ttl.) [BxG/Friendship/Roma

Posted: Thu Mar 14, 2013 10:36 am
by LG65
falsedelusion wrote:First thoughts after seeing the images: "That's toronto isnt it..? it is right? it? looks too familiar. hm."
Then i realized i should probably read the words lol

are you going to use the photos straight up? or are you going to edit it so it'd fit the character drawings more?
Hmm... Good question. Pending the character drawings, I can intersperse them into the photos. My idea is to draw a bit of realism into both the photos and the characters. But, we'll see, right?